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[F1-SP] I NEED MORE MATS! (Material gathering)

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As he blinked, the light vanished around him and he found himself once more in the cold grey world of Nimbus. He didn't mind it one bit. It gave him a form of peace and helped him keep his broken, insane mind more in check. His hallucinations were less of an issue here, and he seemed to be more accepted among the people when he wasn't rambling about rainbow colored birds or playing impormptu games of Hide and Seek or Tag with unsuspecting people. Making his way from the teleport gate towards his shop, Nikodemus stretched about and whistled a haunting tune. To anyone with musical talent or a taste in classical music, they could pick out the sounds of Chopin's Nocturne. He had listened to the song, among others of Chopins when he worked in his blacksmith shop back in the real world and it was one that stuck the most with him.


Upon entering his shop, 'The Cracked Crucible', Nikodemus ventured into the back and sorted the materials he had received in order into their respective spots. Counting them out aloud, Nikodemus smiled with the decent number he had gotten for his first time solo hunting. After taking care of them, Nikodemus retired to the small bed he had and fell asleep for a few hours counting off the things he needed to make in the morning.


Nikodemus: Lvl: 2 | 8/8 HP | Energy: 2/2 | MIT: 12 (3+9) | Thorns: 14 (7+7)


Thread complete


+ 19 Materials

+ 400 Col

+ 1 SP


Awaiting GM loot roll.


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