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[OP-F2] Life Is Like A Dice Roll, You Never Know...

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Cinder was a taller man, reaching six feet tall, and wore thin light armor. He lived by the logic, "no damage is better than less damage", referring to the tanks that stack armor and resistances to mitigate as much damage as possible, and thief's and assassin's who worried more on agility and dodge chance to avoid damage completely. He wore leather armor mostly, preferably enchanted wears that brought his attack and movement speed up. His pants were a loose fitting black leather, black boots covering his feet underneath. His upper body consisted of a series of layers, a grey tunic that draped over his belt line, a leather breast plate that covered the upper chest, wrapping around the back, and a black leather jacket with a grey speckled fur around the collar and handcuffs, the fur covering the inside like a cushion. On the outside of his breastplate, covering the left pectoral, was his weapons sheath. He wasn't a fan of holding it on his lower back like the rest, it only made the lives of assassins and thieves even easier.

"What do you call a pointy eared idiot?" Cinder asked as a blade as tall as him crashed down beside him, knocking all the dust on the floor up into the air.

The <> was a humanoid creature, marked by pointy ears and leather armor combined with bone and feathers to give it a more menacing look. Red war paint covered its face as deep red eyes glowed from inside his head. The creature's varied in weight, but this particular one was fairly on the muscular side, hefting a large broadsword as a primary weapon. It was a little slow for Cinder's taste, and he intended to exploit that to his advantage.

Cinder toyed with him, he was only level three at this point, walking around on the second floor. He luckily knew his way around here, and the mechanics of the creatures he was fighting. It was simple really, as long as you knew their attacks you could dodge them, and then you could counter-attack with ease. To him, it was like fighting a mentally challenged individual on these floors, because he already knew all there moves. Now, he has seen some tricky ones where the patterns varied from the beta- hence the reason Cinder's <> was still withdrawn- so he was always prepared for a surprise, luckily for him, <>'s seemed exactly the same as the last forty-five that he's fought.

The <> went in for a thrust to Cinder's chest, but he stepped to the left, the blade slicing past him. Taking a step forward, he slashed the dagger blade into the side of the monster, it let out a howl as a digital tear appeared on its side, an orangish-red glow where blood and bone should have come pouring out. The creature turned on him, angered as it viciously swung its blade at Cinder's throat, but to no avail. Cinder ducked underneath it, the blade lifting some of the air off the top of his head as he went in for a double slash, creating an "X" on the rib cage of the creature. There was another deafening howl as more hit points dropped from the creature. Cinder leaped back, out of harms way, satisfied with the three consecutive hits. The creature, its health bar in the red, charged him out of anger. Cinder just cracked a smirk as the blade came piercing forward like a spear. Holding is weapon in a reverse grip, he smashed his blade into the creature's, knocking it to Cinder's right, parrying the blow as Cinder lunged forward, putting the blade through the creatures throat as the digital tear created a ring around it's neck. After a short pause, the creature glowed into a bright light, and then shattered in millions of floating pixels. A system's panel appeared in front of him, experience gained and loot received messages filling the empty space. The loot here is [censored], that's for sure, he thought to himself as he closed out of the panel with a finger tap, not receiving a single item.

Cinder looked around at the surrounding forest, taking in the scenery. I wonder what today will bring, I do enjoy a good challenge, he thought silently before moving down the trail once more, more <>'s in the distance.

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Haine was simply taking a walk like she always did.. on her favorite floor, floor 2! The mountainous and valley like foundations were an amazing sight to the bluenette. On the way she squeaked as she spotted some Elf Raiders on the way. Doggonit! They always were mood spoilers! MAJOR mood spoilers..

She saw a man walking in front of her. Foolishly she had decided to confront him.. so she did! The golden eyed teen tip-toed her way over to the rather tall man and reached up to tap his shoulder. "Um sir? Monsters. Wanna kill them with me? Or wanna do the boring thing and hide?" she smiled cheerfully as she drew out her sword.

She was somewhat messed up mentally, and she always was split.. with a hint of a twisted nature to everything she said and did.. She really wasn't afraid to confront strangers since she was really outgoing too.

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"Um sir? Monsters. Wanna kill them with me? Or wanna do the boring thing and hide?"

Cinder turned around, looking at the young girl behind him. It was when she put her hand on the hilt of her sword and withdrew it that caused him to take a step back. He didn't withdraw his <> just yet, he left it hidden, not wanting to instigate a fight with this little girl, and it'd only be half a second until he could have it out. Hopefully he'd have that kind of time if he needed it.

"You know, you should really work on your introductions," he said with a smirk. Cinder wasn't one to be afraid of anything. He was bound to die eventually, and it'd honestly be a little comical if it was at the hands of a blue-haired, little girl with a katana, "How old are you anyway? Twelve?" He watched her with his red eyes. There was no telling what level she was, or her intentions, and out here, no one was going to be able to come and save him. He just had to pray he was faster than her.

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"Haha whoopsies! Didn't mean to scare ya sir! My name's Haine! I'm actually 16 and it gets on my nerves when people call me kid! But do I look that youthful? NYAN-SAMA I OWEEE YOUU!!!" she giggled as she hopped up and down before gaining her attention span back.

"And I just spotted some monsters... Don't you wanna join the fun and help me kill em'?" she sniffed as she shot him puppy dog eyes in an annoying manner. Most people would mistake her for being about 12 or 13.. But she was really 16. She was a little too.. youthful and joyous you could say?

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"Haha whoopsies! Didn't mean to scare ya sir! My name's Haine! I'm actually 16 and it gets on my nerves when people call me kid! But do I look that youthful? NYAN-SAMA I OWEEE YOUU!!!"

Cinder watched as the girl bounced up and down with enough excitement to fuel a dying village with energy for a year. Who the hell is this girl? he thought to himself as she began to lose herself in thought, but only for a second as she faced him again with a question, "And I just spotted some monsters... Don't you wanna join the fun and help me kill em'?", this time though, with adorable puppy dog eyes that would make anyone pick her up and hold her... too bad for her.

He looked over at the <>'s in the distance, and then back at her. The whole situation seemed fishy. First a random sixteen year-old girl approaches and just so happens to want to farm with a complete stranger, and the way she's asking. It's like I'm supposed to think she's this cute adorable little creature that's supposed to just do everything in my power to help... Several thoughts crossed his mind, the biggest one was getting ganked by a team of orange or red players that had a lying ambush somewhere. He's heard stories of players soaring ahead by locking down farming zones, killing other players who approached. It made him sick personally, but who's too say they weren't a significantly higher level than him?

Cinder didn't like this situation, but he didn't want to just leave. The experience was nice here; all the more reason for someone to gank him and take it for themselves.

"Why do you need my help to kill these things, not high enough level?" A simple harmless question, maybe he could get a reaction out of her that would warn him of a threat, preferably before his body was covered in digital tears.

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"Umm nope.. It appears that I'm five levels ahead of you sir! I simply wanted you to accompany me.. that's really all I wanted." she shrugged before stretching carelessly. She could see a couple Elf Raiders head her way, alarming her slightly.

"Oh welp they are MY kill unless you wanna help out!" she exclaimed before her eyes narrowed and she started to get a little serious.

[To prevent godmodding and to also add a little more life to our RP, would you like to use the battle dice strategy?)

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( I don't understand the system seeing as how I've never tried it. )

Cinder watched as the eyes on two <>'s sparkled, meaning they've pulled threat. They charged first, one heading towards the younger girl, and the other attacking him head on. Cinder grinned as he withdrew his <>, holding it up in front of him as the first attack slashed towards him, he dove to the left, rolling to avoid the attack. The creature didn't miss a beat as it corrected its swing back towards him, using the momentum from the last attack to carry it around, building speed. [censored]... he thought as he tossed a smile, enjoying the threat. Taking his weapon, he attacked the sword, slashing down against the blade managing to knock the blow from a fatal hit to his chest, and merely ended with a scratch on his arm, a digital tear appearing in his sleeve as the orangeish-red light glowed from the wound. He watched his hit points drop slightly, the green bar shrinking towards zero. Jumping back, he placed a gap between him and the <>, awaiting a follow on attack.

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An Elf Raider charged at Haine furiously. She growled as she attempted to move out of the way and to also stab him at the same time.

Haine: 25/25

Elf Raider (Lvl 1): 5/5

(You have 15 HP. The way you calculate is your level X two+ three. So you have 15 HP!!)

[1-2] Monster tackles the girl and stabs her arm. -1 HP

[3-5] Haine moved out of the way in time but was unable to swing at the Elf Raider. NO DAMAGE IS DONE

[6-8] Haine jumped back and ran to the other side of the Elf Raider. She stabbed his back from behind. MONSTER LOSES 1 HP.

[9-10] Haine moved out of the way and slashed the monsters side in the process critically. ELF RAIDER LOSES -2 HP.

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Cinder watched as the <> charged him, slashing down hard, but only to miss greatly, the heavy sword sticking into the grass. With a grin across his face, he took his <> to the creatures chest, slicing a deep digital tear into it's side as the creature reared back in pain. Taking the second moment, he spun and slashed again, his <> digging into its back heavily before jumping back, preparing for a counter attack.

Battle Dice Roll - 9!

Cinder: 15/15 Critical Counter!

Elf Raider: 5/5 -2 HP! 3/5

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"F*** you.." she winced in pain before pulling out the sword from her arm and shoving the monster off. A smirk formed on her face as she activated two sword dueling combat. The monster had razor sharp claws and also a scythe on its back anyways..

Haine - 1 HP.

She attempted to hit the monster once more as she charged at it with her sword ready to swing:

[1-2] She was knocked out of the way and the Elf Raider hit her. Haine loses -1 HP.

[3-5] She had to move out of the way because the Elf Raider charged at her also. NO DAMAGE IS DONE.

[6-8] Haine successfully hits the monster. Elf Raider - 1 HP.

[9-10] Haine critically hits the monster. ELF RAIDER - 2 HP.

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The <> took a slash, his blade coming down, but this time, with less force then last. It didn't want to make the same mistake twice. As it lunged forward, Cinder stepped to the left, the blade missing him by inches, a sly grin across his face as he held the dagger up, poised for an opening to take another fatal stab at the creature.

Battle Dice Roll - 3

Cinder: 15/15 Dodged!

Elf Raider: 3/5 No damage!

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