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[F1] [Alchemist] Magical Mixtures [Closed]

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Deep in the shopping district at the heart of the Starting City, nestled between attractive, lively, and welcoming shops lies a meager building with a simple wooden sign hanging above the door to display its name. 'Magical Mixtures', the alchemy shop looks more like an old shack. As if over-preparing to open her doors to the public, the shop owner has spent plenty of time making the space as presentable as possible. While it looks like the building was likely run-down and shown plenty of previous wear, it's completely spotless. Simple drapes are pulled back from the windows to allow in as much natural light as possible. Besides being in need of a general facelift, the interior feels a bit "cozy" once you get used to it. A small girl by the name of Aster spends most of her time holed up here, recently pushing herself to take care of the place and open her doors to other adventurers.

Upon entering, a most inquisitive orange fox is likely to either watch or investigate any new player to pass through the shop's doors. The familiar certainly isn't shy, and would eagerly accept attention players are willing to give him.

Alchemist Information

Rank 7 - Mentor Alchemist
EXP: 644/5120
Crafts Per Day: 9
Crafting Reset: 12:00:00 AM PST
Items Types Available:

Tools in Use:


Ranking Chart


Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)
Rank 2: 20 EXP (3 Crafts per day)
Rank 3: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)

Rank 4: 80 EXP (5 Crafts per day)

Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)

Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)
Rank 7: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day)
Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)
Rank 10: 5120 EXP (10 Crafts per day)

CD Result Chart


►Rank 7
    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2] = Fail (Lose materials)
    [3-5] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
    [6-8] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
    [9-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

    [1-12] = No additional items.
    [13-17] = Yields 1 additional item.
    [18-20] = Yields 2 additional items.

Potions on Hand:

Orders Working


Item Pricing


Tier 1 Potions

  • Uncommon: 400 col or 1 materials.
  • Rare: 800 col or 2 materials
  • Perfect: 1200 col or 4 materials

Tier 2 Potions

  • Uncommon: 600 col or 2 materials.
  • Rare: 1300 col or 4 materials
  • Perfect: 1800 col or 6 materials

Tier 1 Crystals

  • Uncommon: 700 col or 2 materials.
  • Rare: 1100 col or 4 materials
  • Perfect: 1500 col or 7 materials

Tier 2 Crystals

  • Uncommon: 800 col or 3 materials.
  • Rare: 1600 col or 6 materials
  • Perfect: 2100 col or 9 materials

Tier 3 Potions

  • Uncommon: 600 col or 2 materials.
  • Rare: 1300 col or 4 materials
  • Perfect: 1800 col or 6 materials

Tier 3 Crystals

  • Uncommon: 800 col or 3 materials.
  • Rare: 1600 col or 6 materials
  • Perfect: 2100 col or 9 materials


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Now that she had finally set-up her own shop, Aster was extremely eager to see what this game had to offer. Alchemy was basically magic, so for all she was concerned, becoming a master alchemist was the same as being a powerful wizard.

Aster took stock of the basic alchemist's equipment and didn't wait long before pushing menu buttons and tossing materials into a large black cauldron in front of her. She gave the system a moment to process the crafting attempt before she saw a large puff of black smoke. A system message displayed that read 'Fail', and Aster frowned in annoyance. Obviously she needed to take a moment to figure this out.

Sitting back in her chair, the girl looked through her inventory at the different types of materials she had accumulated. Tapping thoughtfully on her chin, she nodded to herself before carefully selecting which ingredients she thought went well together and placing them in the now bubbling cauldron. She gave the mixture a stir with a large wooden paddle, feeling for a moment like a very typical storybook witch, before another notification popped up indicating a successful craft.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/17/16

  • ID#: 56867
  • CD: 2 (Fail) (Lose Materials)
  • ID#: 56868
  • CD: 11 (Rare item)

Gains: +1 Rare item (Lesser Potion of Damage), +6 EXP
Losses: -2 Crafting Materials


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Waking up to another day, Aster let out a yawn and stretched her arms over her head. Her first night sleeping in the shop was a bit rough, but better than trying to find other comfortable shelter in town. Already eager to get to work for the day, she was hoping for an even better result than yesterday. Warming up, she took a few ingredients and dropped them into her large cauldron. Only a few seconds past before a massive flame rose up, burning brightly and startling the girl.

The fire died down as quickly as it had started, and Aster found herself leaning back against the counter in shock. Hesitantly, she took a few steps forward and craned her neck to look inside the cauldron. It went back to having its normal green glow, but the ingredients had likely turned to ash. With a sigh, she scratched her head and pulled up a combination of items, dropping them in and cautiously taking  step back. She was relieved when a Success! popped up before her, giving herself a light shrug after what was, in her opinion, a sub-par crafting day.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/18/16

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  • ID#: 56996
  • CD: 2 (Fail) (Lose Materials)
  • ID#: 56997
  • CD: 10 (Uncommon item)

Gains: +1 Uncommon item (Minor Potion of Healing), +4 EXP
Losses: -2 Crafting Materials

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The next day of experiments was mediocre all-around. Although she had crafted two "successful" potions, one attempt was so bad she threw the item out. The second attempt, as the pattern seemed to be going, was more fruitful, but this potion seemed just above being a failure. It didn't provide any stat bonuses, but she frowned in surprised acceptance at the quirky effect these "common" quality items seemed to give. She was amused that the game was more than just all numbers, although she had hoped for a more spectacular item.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/19/16

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  • ID#: 57113
  • CD: 5 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • ID#: 57114
  • CD: 8 (Good item)

Gains: 1 Good item, +3 EXP
Losses: -2 Crafting Materials

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A couple of days had past since Aster last experiment. She hadn't received the best results so far, so she wanted to give herself some rest away from the cauldron to come up with new ideas. She didn't have to wait long before inspiration struck her, and she found herself pulling up her inventory and surveying a couple of materials in thought. She carefully picked out the <<Dahlia>> that she had received from her first time out in the fields. A bit sad to finally see the flower go, she dropped it in the cauldron and began to work her magic.

The result was mixed, two bad items displayed in front of her, but before those was the most impressive item she could have hoped for. A sparkling Perfect item was awarded to her along with the message of <<Success!>>. Overjoyed, Aster grinned and started cleaning up for the day, happy with today's outcome.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/21/16

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  • ID#: 57357
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 57358
  • CD: 5 (Bad item, no salvage)

Rank Up! +1 Crafting Attempt

  • ID#: 57363
  • CD: 5 (Bad item, salvage success)
  • LD: 20

Gains: +1 Perfect item (Major Potion of Health), +10 EXP
Losses: -3 Crafting Materials

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Aster strolled back into her shop. She had taken a few days away, primarily in hopes of getting a custom item made that would help her out while she practiced her alchemy. Returning triumphant, she set down a heavy leather book on the dusty table. She flipped open the first few pages to see her own notes scribbled down. She excitedly flipped to a blank page, setting to work for the day.

The longer she crafted, the worse her results became, and after the third potion was added to her inventory, she let out a heavy breath and carefully folded her book shut, her mind already feeling tired from the excitement and long crafting session.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/25/16

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  • ID#: 57669
  • CD: 11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 57670
  • CD: 7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 57671
  • CD: 6 (Bad item, no salvage)

Gains: +1 Rare item (Lesser Potion of Mitigation), +1 Good item, +11 EXP
Losses: -3 Crafting Materials

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Flipping through her recipe book, Aster was slowly but surely making a dent in the number of blank pages it held. She scribbled something down before and after each of her crafting attempts. Luckily nothing had blown up so far, which was the least she could ask for. Unfortunately, today's attempts were all turning into mediocre vanity potions, or "items" that she was better off throwing away.

With a sharp inhale through her nose, the girl flipped back to an earlier recipe, eyeing it intently before throwing some ingredients into the cauldron. She made one adjustment, and promptly flipped back to her last page before taking down a note. Eagerly awaiting the result, she was granted another <<Perfect>> item, and her eyes shone as a new type of potion was added to her inventory.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/27/16

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  • ID#: 57765
  • CD: 6 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • ID#: 57766
  • CD: 7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 57767
  • CD: 4 (Bad item, no salvage)

Rank Up! +1 Crafting Attempt

  • ID#: 57768
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)

Gains: +1 Good item, +1 Perfect item (Potion of Safeguard), +16 EXP
Losses: -4 Crafting Materials

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Aster opened the door to her dark and dusting living space. An orange creature slipped its way inside through her ankles, and Aster gave the fox an exasperated smile as it immediately set to investigate everything she owned. "Reginald," She caught the creature's attention, and he looked back at her with an expectant gaze. She couldn't resist the look of curiosity in his eyes, giving him a defeated smile. "Just be careful, alright? Don't go near the cauldron." She warned him firmly, walking over to the large black instrument. She opened up her inventory, rushing through her crafts and getting sub-par results. One failure after another, Aster frowned in annoyance. As if on cue, Reginald trotted over to her and dropped something at her feet. "Hm?" She looked down to spot the herbs he had brought to her when they first met just a few days prior. She smiled, picking up the ingredient and looking it over. With a nod, she smiled back to the fox and thanked him, the companion swishing his tail back and forth in response. That seemed to do just the trick, rewarding her final craft with a surprising new result.

Daily Crafting Results: 4/30/16

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  • ID#: 58009
  • CD: 1 (Critical Fail)
  • ID#: 58010
  • CD: 4 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • ID#: 58011
  • CD: 5 (Bad item, salvage success)
  • LD: 18
  • ID#: 58012
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)

Gains: +1 Perfect item (Liquid Toxin), +15 EXP
Losses: -3 Crafting Materials

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Reginald napped lazily on an old wooden countertop while Aster got to work. She rolled her eyes at the fox that had very quickly grown accustomed to the place. Another day present neither spectacular nor terrible results, rewarding her efforts with a couple of basic potions. She girl let out a sigh; crafting was getting to be mundane. She pulled up her menus and took a look at her crafting ability stats. She was getting pretty close to leveling, so with a shrug she packed up her things for the day.

Daily Crafting Results: 5/1/16

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  • ID#: 58094
  • CD: 9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 58095
  • CD: 7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 58096
  • CD: 2 (Fail)
  • ID#: 58097
  • CD: 7 (Good item)

Gains: +1 Uncommon item (Minor Potion of Healing), +12 EXP
Losses: -4 Crafting Materials

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Ah!" Aster smiled as her otherwise depressing day of crafting was uplifted slightly by the rank up of her Alchemy skill. "I'm still far off making those..." She sighed, impatient to reach a level where she could make crystal items. She was excited to make one and try it out--teleport crystals seemed like a necessity, and being able to use one of those items in conjunction with another skill or while attacking sounded incredibly valuable.

The girl glanced over at the fox, who perked up as she did so, staring back at her. The familiar had been laying around on her counter, which seemed to be his new favorite place. Hopping down from his ledge, Reginald made his way over to her in no hurry. Aster gave a sigh with a light smile, shaking her head at the creature before mixing her last potion for the day.

Daily Crafting Results: 5/11/16

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  • ID#: 58796
  • CD: 7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 58797
  • CD: 3 (Fail)
  • ID#: 58798
  • CD: 8 (Good item)
  • ID#: 58799
  • CD: 2 (Fail)

Rank Up! +1 Crafting Attempt

  • ID#: 58800
  • CD: 10 (Uncommon item)

Gains: +1 Uncommon item (Minor Potion of Damage), +14 EXP
Losses: -5 Crafting Materials

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aster set to another day of work, this time only focusing on grinding her alchemy skill until she reached rank five. If she actually stuck to it and spent enough time each day it surely wouldn't take long. Taking a deep breath, she started experimenting, taking the new ingredients she'd obtained and writing things down as she went.

Her results were all over the place, from a max-rank item to small explosion that scared the wits out of her. Brushing the soot from her clothes, Aster half-smiled, deciding she needed to pack up for the day before she brought her store to the ground.

Daily Crafting Results: 5/25/16

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  • ID#: 59712
  • CD: 6 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59713
  • CD: 4 (Bad item, salvage success)
  • LD: 16+1=17
  • ID#: 59714
  • CD: 1 (Critical Fail)
  • ID#: 59715
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 59716
  • CD: 5 (Good item)

Gains: +1 Perfect item (Potion of Safeguard), +19 EXP
Losses: -4 Crafting Materials

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Teion wandered through the shopping district of the first floor, calmly scanning the area in search of one small, specific shop. Aster a bit of investigating she'd been able to trace the orange-haired alchemist back to what may be more appropriately called a hideout rather than a business. After all, it didn't look like her doors were open to the public. Setting her sights on the humble building, Teion let out a small sigh as a half-smile tugged at her lips. The woman hesitated a moment, deciding to open her inventory and materialize the new crafting tool she had made. Leaving the heavy cauldron just outside of the door, the violet-haired blacksmith gave a hard knock on the door before turning and continuing down the street out of sight.

Trade Confirmation



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Aster practically jumped in surprise when a sharp knocking sounded at the shop's door. The girl's brow furrowed in annoyance at the idea that someone had come to disturb her. 'I put up a sign and everything...' She gave an audible huff as tore herself away from her projects to investigate. She glanced at Reginald before walking over to the door, unlocking it and tugging at the heavy piece of wood.

The item sitting outside of her shop's door caused her to blink in surprise, both questioning how the item got there and what she should do with it. She frowned and inspected the item, seeing it was a tool that would improve Alchemy crafts. Looking up and down the road, the girl didn't spot anyone she could recognize, and while she felt incredibly awkward at the thought of a stranger leaving her gifts, her curiosity got the better of her and she picked up the item, bringing it inside so she could try it out.

Trade Confirmation

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Daily Crafting Results: 5/29/16

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  • ID#: 59907
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59908
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59909
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59910
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 59911
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Good item)

Gains: +2 Uncommon items (Minor Potion of Damage, Minor Potion of Mitigation), +1 Perfect item (Potion of Safeguard), +23 EXP
Losses: -5 Crafting Materials

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"Rrgh..." The alchemist let out a grumble of frustration. Her creations for the day were coming out terribly, either items with no bonuses whatsoever or complete garbage. This new item was feeling quite hit-or-miss, and causing the girl more frustration than benefit at the moment. Still, she wasn't going to give up that easily; with a sigh, Aster decided it was best to call it quits for the day and put her items away.

Daily Crafting Results: 6/1/16

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  • ID#: 60387
  • CD: 5+1=6 (Good item)
  • ID#: 60388
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Good item)
  • ID#: 60389
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Fail)
  • ID#: 60390
  • CD: 1+1=2 (Fail)
  • ID#: 60391
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Good item)

Gains: +27 EXP
Losses: -5 Crafting Materials

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Aster stretched her arms over her head as another day in Aincrad came around. She folded her arms in front of her, surveying her new workstation with skeptical eyes. Taking a deep breath in, she decided she'd scale back a bit for today to prevent herself from burning out.

Only working with half the materials she normally would, she was pleasantly surprised at the results by the time she was finished. The girl was tempted to continue working after having gotten a Perfect item, but frowned at herself and eventually decided against it.

Daily Crafting Results: 6/3/16

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  • ID#: 60583
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 60584
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 60585
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Rare item)

Gains: +1 Perfect item (Potion of Safeguard), +1 Rare item (Lesser Potion of Damage), +18 EXP
Losses: -3 Crafting Materials

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As if still too unfamiliar with the item, Reginald nosily inspected Aster's new work area, being careful to stay out of the girl's way as she hurried back and forth in the small area. She was lucky to have picked a profession that wasn't too space-dependent, being able to keep her wares lined simply on shelves and in display cases. Everything was relatively the same size and shape--not like armor crafters who needed much more room to display their items.

Aster had barely managed to finish the crafting she wanted to complete for the day. She had spent the rest of her time organizing and cleaning, as if she was preparing her room before expecting company.

Daily Crafting Results: 6/3/16

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  • ID#: 60622
  • CD: 3+1=4 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • LD: 10+1=11
  • ID#: 60623
  • CD: 10+1=11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 60624
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 60625
  • CD: 10+1=11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 60626
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60627
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon item)

Gains: +1 Perfect item (Potion of Safeguard), +2 Rare items (Lesser Potion of Healing, Lesser Potion of Healing), +2 Uncommon items (Minor Potion of Damage, Minor Potion of Mitigation), +31 EXP
Losses: -6 Crafting Materials

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Daily Crafting Results: 6/5/16

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  • ID#: 60723
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60724
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 60725
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60726
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 60727
  • CD: 5+1=6 (Good item)

Gains: +2 Rare items (,), +2 Uncommon items (,), +23 EXP
Losses: -5 Crafting Materials

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  • 4 weeks later...

Strutting into the shop the crimson devil smirked as she approached the counter directly. "Oh dearie~" calling for the alchemist she made herself comfortable and hopped her bottom on top of the counter, crossing one leg over the other and glancing over her shoulder. "I hear you are have trouble with my order of 'fun potions' ". Leaning forward Crimsa tipped the girl's chin up to her, connecting their gaze's by force. "See...I really need a rush on those love, plus a a strong damage mitigation potion." Without releasing the girl yet she swiped open her menu and dropped twenty materials beside her. "I do believe this should cover the costs of that and give you a little boost."

-20 Materials

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Aster was just about to reorganize some of her shelving--again--when the sound of the shop's wooden door creaking open caused her to perk up. Before she had time to wonder who could be stopping by, the girl was greeted both casually and roughly by the woman with long crimson hair. Ah, so this was the person who had placed that order for several Perfect potions. The girl froze up uncomfortably when she felt fingers wrapping under her chin. Her amber eyes stared back at the mischievous aqua ones directly in front of her. Immediately flustered, the girl had difficulty getting the words out as she realized the woman had just placed a stack of materials on the counter next to her. "Th-thank you," She started weakly, attempting to avert her gaze with an awkward expression. "I'm, erm. I'm sorry you've had to wait so long. I should have the rest ready very soon." At this point she was only hoping the redhead would release her soon.

Trade Confirmation

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  • +20 Crafting Materials (Received from Crimsa)

Daily Crafting Results: 6/29/16

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  • ID#: 62547
  • CD: 4+1=5 (Good item)
  • ID#: 62548
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 62549
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 62551
  • CD: 3+1=4 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • LD: 10+1=11
  • ID#: 62552
  • CD: 6+1=7  (Good item)
  • ID#: 62553
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)

Gains: +3 Perfect items (Major Potion of Damage, Major Potion of Damage, Major Potion of Damage), +35 EXP
Losses: -6 Crafting Materials

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Aster released a small sigh, getting back to work. There was plenty to be done, and without raising her Alchemy level there was no way she was going to finish in a timely manner. She'd gotten a generous amount of materials from the crimson-haired woman, which would certainly last her long enough to complete the order she had placed. Crossing her fingers that luck was on her side today, Aster flipped open the heavy leather-bound recipe book she kept on the counter. The game, unfortunately, wasn't an exact science, so even if she used the same number and type of ingredients twice in a row, she wasn't guaranteed the same result. It irked her, but luck would have its hand in just about everything in this world.

Daily Crafting Results: 7/2/16

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  • ID#: 62967
  • CD: 4+1=5 (Good item)
  • ID#: 62968
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 62969
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 62970
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 62971
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 62972
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)

Gains: +2 Perfect items (Major Potion of DamageMajor Potion of Damage), +2 Rare items (Lesser Potion of Healing, Lesser Potion of Mitigation), +36 EXP
Losses: -6 Crafting Materials

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