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[PP-F2] Fly Swatting <<Long Live The Queen>> (Nikodemus_Blackwood & Seul) COMPLETED

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Seul shook his head. "Keep the item. You can pay us back by growing stronger and using your power to help other players once they're ready to start their own travels."  He replied before following after Nikodemus on the walk back to town. The field boss was dead and his task had been fulfilled. All things considered it had been a good run and surprisingly enough he did enjoy partying up with the two of them. It wasn't very often that he was able to use his tanking skills and the fight offered a nice change of pace from his usual DPS role. With a brief wave of his hand the menu HUD appeared before his eyes and after a few moments of fumbling around with the different buttons a message appeared before both of them.


Seul has sent you a friend request!


(O) Yes                 (X) No

"So we can keep in touch if either of you ever wanna party up again."

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Solaire sent the item to his inventory with a nod, making a silent promise to himself to do just that. He would live up to that whenever he was strong enough to help the meek. For now, though, he had to get a whole lot stronger and force himself to the front. Soon he would be the one charging in while the beginners sat behind and watched in amazement as he crushed large monsters with one or two strikes. Solaire turned and headed back towards Urbus with his party members and was shocked to see a small window pop up in front of him letting him know of a friend request. Without hesitation, Solaire hit the accept-button and he had a new addition to his social life in this world. With a sudden though he accessed his menus and headed to the social tab and sent a quick friend request over to Nikodemus, just to complete the triangle. He could easily see himself partying with one or both of them in the future, whether to help him or for frontline purposes.

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Seeing the message pop up, Nikodemus tapped a claw-tipped armored finger on the <<Yes>> symbol. Nodding to Seul, he continued on. Arriving in the safezone, he bowed to both men in turn. "I am always around to offer aid if it is needed. I shall see you both around." Turning, he made his way to the teleport gate and stood within the center. Shouting, "Teleport: Nimbus" Being enveloped in a bright light, Nikodemus vanished from Floor 2 and was greeted with the sight of Floor 7's bleak grey walls.

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