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[SP-F17] Olympian Hunt 1: Nimean Lioness

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Letting the effects of Meditation wash over him, Oikawa continued to sit in silence as he stayed off the nimean lioness' radar. She stalked the room, suddenly getting closer and closer to where the blonde had been hiding. Trying to keep his focus, Oikawa remained quiet and kept his eyes closed. He just needed a bit longer before he could unleash the full effects of his abilities unto the beast. Peeking out from behind one of his eye lids, he spied on his energy bar, slowly but surely it rose per second, however, after thirty seconds of no combat it would completely refill.

ID: 61867 CD: 2 [Meditate]

Oikawa: 211/211 E: 24/50 (+1) [+0 Materials and 0 Col . Total Loot: 17 Materials and 5300 Col.] Concentration 4/5

Nimean Lioness: 850/850 D: 102

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As the seconds finally ticked away, Oikawa was able to completely regenerate his energy. Flicking his lids open, Oikawa rushed forward and drew Orochi. Launching straight for the Nimean from the shadows, the blonde felt the effects of <Charge> build up as he stepped into the pre-motion for <Over Radiation>. His blade to on the faint glow of teal as he set out to carve the blade into the chest of the lioness. Cutting and tearing into its massive HP bar, Oikawa stepped back and paced himself as he knew the lioness would be looking to retaliate soon enough.

ID: 61868 BD: 10 (7+3) [Over Radiation: 13 + 2 + 3 = 18 x 14 = 252]

Oikawa: 211/211 E: 36/50 (+26/-14) [+0 Materials and 0 Col . Total Loot: 17 Materials and 5300 Col.] Concentration 3/5

Nimean Lioness: 598/850 D: 102 (-252 HP)

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Sure enough, the lioness roared out in agony as the blonde ripped into her. Snapping at the air around her, she let out a guttural growl before baring her fangs and claws at the rapier wielder. A menacing glare pierced him as she started to charge. Her intent completely obvious as he raced for Oikawa. Seeing his chance, he waited for her to pounce before leaping over head and unleashing another Over Radiation right into the small of the lioness' back. Landing, he stepped back and watched for her next move.

ID: 61869 BD: 11 (8+3) MD: 1 (2-1) [Over Radiation: 13 + 2 = 15 x 14 = 252]

Oikawa: 211/211 E: 23/50 (+1/-14) [+0 Materials and 0 Col . Total Loot: 17 Materials and 5300 Col.] Concentration 2/5

Nimean Lioness: 388/850 D: 102 (-210 HP)

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With either only moments from being completely removed from the game, you could imagine the intense stare down between Oikawa and the lioness. Raising his blade once more, he engaged his shield and charged the Nimean. The lioness quickly responded with likewise brutality. Clawing at the blonde, her claws rendered his shield as he deflected most of the blow leaving the dungeon boss immobile for a few moments. Taking advantage of that, Oikawa tore into the creature once more. 

ID: 61870 BD: 6 (3+3) MD: 6 (7-1) [Over Radiation: 13 + 2 = 15 x 14 = 252]

Oikawa: 175/211 (-36) E: 10/50 (+1/-14) [+0 Materials and 0 Col . Total Loot: 17 Materials and 5300 Col.] Concentration 1/5

Nimean Lioness: 178/850 D: 102 (-210 HPPAR

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On its last legs and while simultaneously paralyzed, the Nimean lion looked at the blonde as he prepared to finish it off. Glancing right at the beast's chest, Oikawa plunged his blade right into the creature. Red HP flashed as the bar was nearly depleted. Laughing to himself, Oikawa couldn't believe he was as weak as he was. Too leave it within literal millimeters of laugh is completely laughable, thought the blonde. I suppose literally poking it will do the job. Cocking his arm back, Oikawa prepared to finally end it.

ID: 61872 BD: 6 (3+3) MD: 7 (8-1) [Flashing Penetrator: 13 + 2 = 15 x 11 = 165]

Oikawa: 175/211 E: 0/50 (+1/-11) [+0 Materials and 0 Col . Total Loot: 17 Materials and 5300 Col.] Concentration 0/5

Nimean Lioness: 13/850 D: 102 (-165 HPPAR

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Bringing his wrist down, he plunged his blade right into the Nimean Lioness body, instantly dissolving the beast and depleting the last of his energy. Heaving a sigh of relief, Oikawa sheathed his blade and placed it in his inventory. Turning on his heels, Oikawa filtered his way back to the exit. Having had enough of the dungeon for one day, he gladly stepped outside back out into the world. Covering his eyes as the sun kissed his gaze, the blonde stepped towards the forest. That would be the fastest way back he reasoned.


ID: 61872 BD: 9 LD: 15 (9+6) [Flashing Penetrator: 13 + 2 = 15 x 11 = 165]

Oikawa: 175/211 E: 0/50 (+1/-1) [+6 Materials and 3200 Col . Total Loot: 23 Materials and 8500 Col.]

Nimean Lioness: 13/850 D: 102 (-16 HP)

Topic Complete:

(4 SP, 8900 Col, and 23 Materials)

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