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[PP-F1] «Earning a Living» Well this was convenient. (Adhaerere, Verus) COMPLETED

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 Adhae nodded in confirmation of hearing these instructions. “Okay, we’re going to make a tart!” The NPC chirped. It went to the side of the room that housed the oven, cooking supplies, and various cabinets that Adhae could only imagine what they contained. It took out a few knives, a rolling pin, and a cutting board. “It is a simple recipe, and the mechanics of making it are very simple too! Simply put the ingredients on the cutting board,” the NPC did this, summoning an apple from somewhere along with a ball of dough and setting them in place, “and touch the cooking utensils to them! It’s super easy!” The NPC did just this, tapping the knife to the apple. It immediately turned blue, and then seemed to fall into a pile of apple slices. She took the rolling pin and touched it on the ball of dough, and it turned blue and then appeared as a thin, rolled out sheet of crust. It really was easy.

 Now, the NPC took the apple slices and dumped them on top of the crust. She pulled it up, and it turned blue and suddenly it was in a perfectly creased cup, with the apples in the center. “Then, you put it in the oven and turn the timer up. Each recipe needs a certain amount of time to cook properly. Don’t mess it up, or the value of the item is decreased!” And this was the last instruction the NPC gave.

 After the timer was up, it opened the oven and used an oven mitt to pull out the tart. It looked perfect, and steamed gently as it came into contact with the cool air. “That’s it! You’re done. Now you try.

 Adhae nodded, and started off on the recipe. She chopped the apple, using the same “technique” (if you could call it that) the NPC had used. She put the uncooked tart in the oven and waited the time, and then pulled it out.
She thought the shopkeeper might have had something to do with the good quality her first food item had resulted in. But she didn’t really care, as long as she learned how to do it. The NPC nodded in satisfaction, and then started walking towards the front of the shop. She led Adhae out, and that was it.

 She came up to Verus, and offered the tart out to him. “It isn’t cobbler, but it looks good. You try it,” she said as she smiled. Easy peasy.


Adhaerere: +2SP , + 3 Food Materials, Profession earned (cook), +200 Col

Verus: +1SP, + 200 Col

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