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[PP-F2] Bow Down, B*tches <<Long Live The Queen>>

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((OOC: @Kekoa, go ahead and spawn the beast. Rain or I will deal with it.


Seeing Rain finish the others off, Nikodemus sighed with relief. Rotating his shoulders, Nikodemus stood to his full height and looked about. He heard the faint rumblings of the <<Wind Wasp Queen>> as she was spawning. Not paying much attention, Nikodemus yawned and then looked to Kekoa. "You ok? You need to get some armor and a weapon. May wanna come see me at my shop." Patting the young man's shoulder, Nikodemus turned and crouched down, sitting on his legs as he waited for the beast to spawn.


+1 EN regen.


Nikodemus: Lvl: 27 | 108/108 HP | Energy: 23/27 | MIT: 74 (7+13+54) | Thorns: 28 (14+14) | DMG 9 (1+4+4)

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Kekoa only noticed at the last second that there was a wasp jumping his way, but by the time it had neared the <<WARNING>> zone, Rain was standing there, silhouetted by the sun. Kekoa fell to his knees to duck as Rain spun around and lashed out his fantastic sword art. It looked magical, seeing it up close. All of the <<Wind Wasps>> were destroyed in a flash of an instant. "Wow... Rainsai.. you're amazing.." Kekoa's eyes sparkled as he stared at the katana-user. He suddenly felt Nuiko's big hand on his shoulder, and an invitation to his shop. Kekoa felt the world light up. He nodded rapidly up at the man and smiled wider than ever (if that was even possible). "Yeah, definitely! I'll stop by!" Kekoa accepted. They didn't have much time to talk, however, as the wind suddenly started swirling around the group, and a buzzing even louder than before flooded their ears. Kekoa turned to see a much larger bee, the <<Wasp Queen>>. It was actually much bigger than he had anticipated. Its stinger alone was half the size of his body. Either way, they should take it down easily. Kekoa took the back, nodding at the two. "Go get 'em!" He shouted.


<<Wasp Queen>> 54/54 HP | DMG: 12 | MIT: 13

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OOC: @Kekoa, like beef up that queen so we can get that 100% loot drop xD Also I get the 3 SP from this too since the original thread i did this quest for still isn't done. x.x

The giant Wind Wasp Queen came zooming in through the air. As the field boss came closer, the wanderer took to his blade, Bakuzan. He was going to end this in one move. That in mind, the wanderer began to rush right at the queen. Once he felt close enough, the wanderer pushed himself off the ground and into the air. As he drew his blade, the wanderer dragged it's black steel katana across the body of the queen. Within a moment's notice, the queen had been cleaved into two.

As the wanderer fell back to the ground, the queen's body broke into pixel behind and slowly fell to the ground. "And that's over with."


ID# 62649 results: Battle: 6 Loot: 20 (18+2)
[Level 19] [HP (76/76)] [EN (11/19)] [DMG 8+2] [ACC 3] [EVA 0] [MIT 9]

 » [Zekkai] [DMG 8 + Potion 2] = DMG 10 * SA (1*7) = DMG 70 - MIT 12 = DMG 58
  » +1 EN; -7 EN

[Wind Wasp Queen] [HP (0/54)] [DMG 12] [MIT 13] DEAD

+2 Materials (100%; LD: 20)
+270 Col (LD: 20)

- Total Loot -
7 Materials
270 Col

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((OOC: Feel free to wrap the quest and collect rewards. I get 1 SP, Rain 3, you 3 + <<Matriarch Stinger>>.


Having not even bothered moving, Nikodemus watched the <<Wasp Queen> emerge. Still not moving, he glanced at Rain, knowing the man could deal with it. As he gazed on, he watched rain deal with the beast and smirked. The <<Wasp Queen>> burst to pixels and vanished after one hit. Standing up to his full height, Nikodemus returned his axe to the length of chain it normally hung from and leaned lightly on his tower shield. "Good job Rain. Well, Looks like that is one quest done Kekoa." Looking to Kekoa he smiled. "Go grab that <<Matriarch Stinger>>." Nikodemus pointed to the small item laying in the snow where the <<Wasp Queen>> had been.

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Kekoa smiled happily at both of the men. "Thank you both," Kekoa spoke gratefully. He hated having to be supported so heavily, but being around the men made him feel happier than he had been for the past few weeks. He hugged Nuiko and then started to hug Rain and figured he probably shouldn't. Kekoa followed Nuiko's pointed finger over to where the boss had dropped the item. He jogged over and picked up the stinger, its sharp point and odd coloring still posing some kind of threat. A small window popped up.

<<Matriarch Stinger>> : "This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle."

Kekoa nodded. "This could be useful in battle, I guess," Kekoa added it to his inventory and then turned back to the men. He smiled at the two. He couldn't have really progressed in this game so far without Nuiko, and now he had another kind of ally in Rain. He seemed kind of stand-offish, but he still jumped in to save Kekoa when he was being targeted. Kekoa felt so special in that moment, and the warmth he had felt before started to grow in his chest again. "Hey, we should definitely do this again sometime... Just us three..." Kekoa suggested with a blush. "...Rainpai, Nuiko, and I... We make a good team!" He shot a thumbs up at the two. "Let's just head back for now, aha.." Kekoa laughed, a bit embarrassed by his sudden proposition. 





+1 Matriarch Stinger !!

+4 SP !!

+100 Col !!


+4 SP !!

+150 Col !!


+1 SP !!

+150 Col !!


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