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[SP-F1] A Personal Quest

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ID: 62602 LD: 1

On arriving at the clearing Aya decided to sit on the rotting fallen log of a huge tree. Enjoying the warm sunshine filtering through the trees, it looked like at some point the trees had been cleared to make way for a cottage. Some of the stonework remained but that, that had been a cottage were long gone but the garden was still there and the flowers made the area smell delicious. The aroma of fresh flowers in the sun. Aya searcher around for materials but had no luck, apart from one lot she had found it was beginning to seem like her day had been a waste.

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ID:62603 LD: 15

”Time to move homewards” she warned herself as she could see the last of the late afternoon light streaming through the trees.

She looked around her, where she had entered the clearing there was another path to the side “Do I chance it” she thought and with growing confidence she decided to take the unknown path.

her confidence was short lived, the trees again grew thicker and thicker every noise in the darkening forest made her nervous again. Again just a little way off the path she saw more materials, running this time she gathered them and sent them to the menu with the other materials she had gathered.

+1 Material

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ID:62606 lD:11

This path seemed to be taking Aya a completely different way, she started to panic. "You arelost and it’s nearly dark!" She scolded herself. The path was beautifully edged with purple flowers, not that she noticed much as she started to walk quicker and quicker she thought she spotted materials off in between the trees but on second glance she thought better than to stray from the path now.

It seemed to be winding left then right Aya was convinced she was now completely and totally, hopelessly lost. Finally the trees started to thin and Aya could with relief see the edge on the treeline.

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ID:62619 LD:12

She was out of the forest, skirting the tree line she didn’t find any more materials. She turned towards starting city, walking back the light faded continuously, on reaching the starting city she could see lights from the windows of the buildings. Making her way back to the Dragon’s head inn, she pulled open the door and stepped inside the warmth hit her, she didn’t realise how cold she had become in the night’s air. Making her way to the back room she paused at the bar. Ordering her evening meal choosing the Cheese and onion pie with chips, she as in the mood for some goods comfort food this evening after her long day. She sat reflecting on a in part successful day knowing now what she would be doing in the morning.

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