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[OP-F1] On a search

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I just know they have to be around here somewhere! Brock from the pub said they were heading for the North gate.... Zanne thought to herself as she scampered down the pathway leading from the Town of Beginnings, making sure she steered clear of all the boar roaming around. She had saw the poster in the square about people looking for a party and by the time she had gotten to the pub everyone that was left there were all to scared to go out! "Oh is that them?! she said to herself under her breath. Wow they look so impressive! OK Zanne you can do this! Go up and introduce yourself!  Even with all the confidence she was working up within herself she paused as she realized that she was hiding behind a tree... 

She counted 4 of them, and it looked like they were already fighting some boars. She had never killed any of the boars before, the last time she come out here on her own and tried it almost cost her life. Zanne shuddered as a feeling of dread washed over her, she knew what the wrong move in this world could lead to, she knew how many players had already been killed in Aincrad. Steeling herself with straight back and chin held high she stepped from behind the tree, raising her hand out in greeting. "Heeey! Do you guys need some help?"

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