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[PP-NK-F1] A Newbie in Floor Uno (Emblem)

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Kasier sighed. Her eyes rolled up as a bead of sweat rolled down her face. She had yet to exit the safe zone of the first town in fear of her low stats and her low health. If she did indeed head out there, she would probably face immediate death. She had made it her goal to head out there and meet some boars but she knew that she would never be able to deliver the final blow to a boar. If she did engage one in combat, she will probably be the one to die. This is exactly why she had decided to become a healer instead of a damage dealer. She had been walking around the outskirts of the first town, wondering exactly how to get out of the town in a safe fashion. She clutched her starter curved sword tightly. As soon as she walked out of the first town, she would immediately jump right back in after she sees any sort of movement near by be it a bird or just the sound of wind conflicting with the grass. She was a sad sight, unable to do anything as a solo player. She would always have to rely on someone else to kill for her while she healed them... This is the life of a healer and this is the life that she will walk as a healer who keeps people alive and helps anyone in need of help. That is her goal... quite a long-term goal and she was well aware of the fact that it was a very long-term goal. For the moment, she could do absolutely nothing by herself yet she was unable to find anyone who is willing to help her experience the heat of combat. She didn't need to fight, but she wanted to try out her healing powers. As she looked around inside the safe zone, she scanned the area to check for anyone that she can introduce herself to and talk to to maybe make a friend who is able to bring her to the outside of the safe zone.

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Emblem yawned with his hands behind his head as he walked back to the gate from the safezone. Even though he was supposed to be grinding today he had fallen asleep near a stream. Falling asleep was a very dangerous thing to do when you were outside the safezone. Even if you were high level you could still be killed easily by a wandering player killer. Emblem luckily had woken up before anything bad happened. His dragon flew next to him loving the feeling of the cloudy day in Aincrad. He looked up at the sky. and felt a drop of rain fall onto him. He had a feeling that it would rain today so he opened his inventory and tapped on the cloak he kept in his inventory just for these moments. He pressed on the materialize button then felt it appear in front of him. He threw it over his armor then pulled the hood up. He hoped that if he ran into anyone it could disguise his age a bit. Most people didn't take a 13 year old seriously even if he was a higher level than them. Emblem walked up to the safezone gates then noticed a low level player walking out of the gate. Emblem curious walked up to her. Hey, umm do you need any help? Emblem had a thing about not wanting people to die much like a handful of other people in Aincrad. For awhile he has wanted to join the high level guild the Knights of the Blood Oath and they did exactly what he had just done on a daily basis. 

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Kasier, after a while of time wasting and walking around, finally decided to take a foot outside of the starting city and exit the safe zone to see what it was like out there... Out there where many players have died due to underestimation of boars. Two of her friends had died on this floor... and she is determined not to meet the same fate. As she pulled out her curved sword, she felt a drizzle on her nose and immediately after that, she realized that it had started to rain. Now, this was the first time that Kasier had felt any sort of liquid on her body except for her own sweat since her entrance into the game and of course, she didn't know that rain was actually a thing programmed into the game. With a surprised yelp, the rain suddenly turned into a massive downfall, completely drenching her as huge drops of liquid fell from the sky where clouds have crowded together to hide the sun from the world of Aincrad. Kasier, dropping all her plans of going out to the fields and looking at a few mobs immediately turned back and tried to look for shelter. She couldn't go to her usual park bench because there was no covering there. Luckily, as she passed a player who had a hood up. "Erm... Well, it's kind of pouring right now and I really don't have anything to cover myself with." Kasier said, jogging in place in preparation to charge away and search for a place in which she can hide from the rain up above. "Do you know of anywhere that I can hide from the rain? I'm getting drenched right now and would like to hide from the rain."

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Emblem opened his inventory as the player complained about the rain. He loved the feeling of the rain especially when he was fighting in it. He materialized a spare cloak then held it out for the woman. Here you go. It's not that much but it'll help. Emblem looked up to see that it had began to rain even more he sighed. Usually it wouldn't rain this hard on floor 1. Somebody must have thought they would mix it up here at the town of beginnings. Emblem decided he would take of his hood to try and be polite. He would have kept it up if it were a man he was talking to but his father always taught him to be polite to girls. He pulled of the hood relieving his blonde hair which now began to dampen as the rain poured over them. He smiled. I'm Emblem by the way!

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Kasier smiled gratefully as she was offered a cloak. Sure, it wasn't something that would prevent her from being completely dry but it would definitely help to prevent her clothes and body from becoming completely drenched. "Thank you so much!" She said, showing her extreme amount of gratitude and appreciation for the man's cloak. Without a second of hesitation, she equipped the cloak, protecting her head from the pouring rain up above after putting on her hood. "Usually it didn't rain this much? Yeah, I noticed that as well. This is actually the first time I have seen rain in this game... Considering the fact that I hid in my inn for the majority of the beginning of the game." She said, holding her hands up to catch some rain. When the man pulled down his hood, what appeared wasn't a face that she was expecting. The boy was far younger than her... Perhaps maybe five to six years younger? Her blonde hair was damp from the weather yet was still very well kept and his face of innocence that was quite similar to her very own innocence and kindness. His green-blue eyes stared straight at her as her ears perked up when the boy introduced himself. Since the boy had introduced himself, it was only right for Kasier to introduce herself as well. With a deep breath, she began to speak, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Emblem! My name is Kasier. I'm quite a new player and I was hoping to look at what's outside of the safe zone but after the rain started, I guess I won't be able to do so. Geez, the rain sure spoiled my plans, huh?" She finished.

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Emblem nodded. Well it's nice to meet you Kasier! I rememebr when I first decided to leave the safezone. I can't tell you how scared I was.  But now the mobs on floor 1 don't exactly pose any threat to me so it's nice to come out here and take walks. I'll tell you right now Kasier. Someday you won't have any problem with mobs on this floor or any others. Soon well clear this game and everything will go back to the way it was before. Emblem looked up at the sky to see that the rain had lightened up a little but still had a steady downpour of rain. He looked back at the woman. if you want Kasier we can still go out. I can promise you protection if you stay with me. Emblem opened his menu and checked the time. it wasn't that late only about 6 so he still had time before it got too dark to see.

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Kasier smiled as the boy offered her protection. Judging from his equipment, the boy was a lot more higher leveled than her. There was no doubt that the boy wasn't messing around with the time that he had in the game. Judging from what he said, it had been a while since he first exited the safe zones and now, he could talk about the fields as if it was a home to him. Now, Kasier hadn't been out there on the fields at all in a sunny day and now she was offered to go out there on a rainy day where the land might be quite slippery and the sky might be quite gloomy. If she was to go out there to the fields on a day like this, she would have been so scared to an unreasonable degree. Her eyes looked up as her face was hidden by the hood of the cloak. Time sure had passed fast... What seemed to be morning just a few moments ago now was six o'clock in the evening. Soon, it will be night and after a few mobs, they would have to return. If they wanted to get any hunting and productivity done, they would have to head out immediately. Kasier smiled and began to walk towards the exit of the town. "Alright then! Why don't you lead the way? Since you probably know where the best fighting places are... I'll stay behind you in case a boar hops out or something." She said, looking at the blonde boy and preparing to head out. Her curved sword was stored carefully in her inventory so she can pull it out at any time in case she needed to use it. However, she definitely did not appreciate using the weapon. She'd rather heal other people than actually engage in combat.

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Emblem nodded. Well alright then. Emblem began to walk back out of the gate glad that he could catch up on his grinding having slept most of his time to earlier. Emblem was a pretty lazy person and would choose to sleep than fight any day. Emblem kept his eyes out hoping that a higher level boar wouldn't spawn near them so that he could try and get The low level player into some of the action too. Suddenly he remembered that he hadn't sent a party request to the player. he stopped walking then turned around and opened up his menu and instinctively sent a party request to the player. he also had forgotten to ask what her build was. Emblem closed his menu and looked up at the player. So what type of build are you going for?

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Kasier smiled happily when the boy decided that he would indeed lead the way out to the fields which was outside of the safe zone. This was one of the few times that she had exited the safety of the <<Town of Beginnings>> and she really didn't know what was the greatest way to approach the mobs outside of the safe zone. Still, she would never hurt a single mob even if she did know the ropes around here. She was simply too kind for murdering mobs and she was fully aware of her kindness being an interruption for her progression in this game. During the walk to look for a nearby boar, the boy sent her a party request, asking her to join his party and of course, in order to fight together, she would have to accept the party... Which she had no problem doing. Her smile grew wider when she was asked about her build. Indeed, most people had assumed that she was a DPS judging from the way she looked with her long black hair and her evil red eyes. However, she was far from evil and far from being a DPS. She was a pure healer and most people wouldn't know that about her if they didn't know her personally. "Build? Well, I want to be a pure healer and once I master the art of being a healer, I'll move on to improving my defense so that I don't die from area attacks once I get to the front lines. I know that it would take a while for me to do so but it'll be worth it since I can contribute to the escape of this game. What about you, Emblem? What build are you going for. I know that you are a lot higher leveled than me but surely you haven't maxed all your stats yet right?" Kasier asked, following closely behind the blonde player and soon enough, she saw a boar in the distance.

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Emblem nodded. We can always use new healers on the front lines. Emblem listened as the girl asked what his build was. Well it's a little bit complicated. I spent most of the time going for a DPS but now that there has been a shortage of tanks i'm moving towards that type of build. It's been pretty hard moving towards a new type of job but i've made a lot of progress. Emblem looked up then spotted a boar nearby. Alright are you ready Kasier. Emblem pulled out his sword then stared down the mob and began to move towards it.

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Kasier smiled. The rain was falling down from the sky with a lot less pace than before. Combat would probably be possible at this point. It was definitely better not to have rain and liquid on her face as she walked through the plains of the first floor. Kasier then found out that Emblem was transitioning from the DPS class into the tank class. Of course, Kasier knew one other tank in this game. She had met him under the night sky just a couple of days ago. The man was level 30 and belonged to the front liners and from what she could see, the man was filled with bravery and confidence. Although Emblem doesn't quite give off that feeling at this point, she was sure that he could eventually reach the front lines and help the players by taking all the hits. Heck, at that point, Kasier would probably be there to heal him as he takes damage from crazy damage dealing bosses. Kasier smiled as she saw a boar in the distance. Indeed, she was sure that Emblem had seen the boar as well considering the fact that he was already tensing up for combat. She, too, would prepare for combat. Although in a different way. Instead of using her sword, she freed both her hands and pulled down her cloak. "Here... I'm gonna send you a friend request so I can administer your health better." She said, preparing to heal if the situation rises. Still, the boar looked quite weak and it should prove to be no danger to Emblem considering that the blonde boy seemed like an experienced combatant. The battle should be quite easy. "So... As we fight... How about we talk about what we experienced so far into the game? I haven't really seen that much but surely you have had many adventures and combat right?" She said, opening her menu and sending out the friend request.

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Emblem shrugged. I don't see why not. Emblem watched as a window appeared on his HUD asking if he wanted to become friends with Kasier. he pressed the accept button then closed the window. He turned to Kasier as she prepared and asked if they could chat about what they'd experienced so far. Okay let's get going. Emblem walked towards the boar then watched as it's health bar and a yellow crystal formed above its head. He ran at the best then swung his sword. he missed the boar by what seemed like a mile. the boar however did land a hit luckily not taking much health as mobs on the upper floors would. Emblem remembered the girl wanted to talk and decided to begin there conversation. Well i'm not too sure where to start. I guess maybe when I got my familiar is a god place. Me and one of my first allies in this game Cho were up in floor 4. After a long long time searching we finally found an Ice Dragon hatchling. We handed the beast a piece of raw meat and the dragon instantly fell in love with us. Sense Cho already had a familiar I got to have it. It's not that good of a story but it's all I can think of right now. Maybe later in the fight I'll remember more.


<<Emblem>> 63/64 energy 14/16 

<<Kasier>> 12/12 energy 3/3

<<frenzied boar>> 32/32 

BD: 2

MD: 10

ID: 64411


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Kasier nodded as the blonde man accepted her friend request. With a flash, the word 'Emblem' appeared in her list of friends. He was the third name in her friend list and she was pleased that she had met so many players already. Although she had been helped by lots of other players so far into the game, she was yet to help anyone in becoming better at the game or feeding the weak. However, that mostly went down to the fact that she didn't know anyone that was lower than her in level at the moment. With a sigh, she continued walking, having closed her menu. With a smile, she watched as the blonde boy charged forward and attempted to strike the boar with his sword. It was then that she noticed that his fighting style was very similar to Jonathan's. The boy's attack was easily dodged by the boar just like how Jonathan's attacks were often avoided by opposition mobs. She knew that it was a hard task to fight boars but she remember that she had heard about an enhancement in equipment that allowed the player to have a better chance of making contact with a mob. She was sure that the name of the enhancement was called <<Accuracy>>. However, she was uncertain considering the fact that she would probably never ever have to use her curved sword... Or if she did, she wouldn't deal that much damage anyway. The most that she could do was probably stun an opponent, making it easier to hit. As the boy struck, he started telling his story. Although he didn't say that much yet, a few questions had already arisen in her mind. One of which was who this Cho player was. "Geez... I guess being active for so long does result in difficulty remembering what happened huh?" She asked, taking a seat and grabbing a piece of bread out of her inventory.

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Emblem dashed at the mob again this time determined to kill it quickly. He activated a sword skill as he ran and felt like this attack was going to hit. His blade began to glow a pale green as he dashed at the mob. He thrust it's blade at the monster stabbing it leaving only a small amount of the boars HP left. Emblem jumped back and looked back at his companion who now sat on the ground. She made a comment about him being active for so long. Emblem shrugged. Well I've seen my fare share of people come and go. The girl Cho I mentioned earlier. To be honest I'm not sure if she's even still alive. I haven't seen her in about.. well call it 6 months. There are tons of people who i haven't seen in what seems like forever. But then again I still am meeting new people. Emblem looked back at the boar. Do you want to try and finish it off. I'm sure you could.


<<Emblem>> 64/64 energy 9/16

<<Kasier>> 12/12 energy 3/3

<<frenzied boar>> 2/32 

BD: 9

MD: 2

ID: 64407

Sword Art: Vorpal Strike (1x5) -5 energy dealt 30 dmg


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Kasier was offered the opportunity to finish off the boar, ending the battle. However, she must refuse. Her ideal for peace and love was too much for her to simply take out her sword and deal damage to the boar. With her eyes, peeled in front of her, she held her hand up and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't like to use my sword. I really can't bring myself to kill a mob. I mean... Look at it, I know that its really just a pixelated animal in a virtual prison but it's still an animal and I would never do anything to hurt something like a boar. So I guess I have to refuse the chance to finish it off." She said, watching as the boar grunted with its fierce red eyes as it looked at the two players in hopelessness. It certainly knows of its fate and although computer programs don't have emotions, it appears as if this one was sad and perfectly aware of its situation. Soon, it would burst into millions and millions of blue and green crystals as soon as Emblem lands one more strike. Its family would probably mourn for it and cry for the death of a dear friend. But, in this world, even Kasier knew fully well, the concept is to kill... Or to be killed. Players would have to fight their way through many mobs in order to survive and grind out their levels. This is why cruel Kayaba set the world like this, forcing the players to try their hardest to grind and defeat this game. It was then that a breeze of wind blew, swaying her hair high in the sky. As she felt pity for the boar, she decided to carry on with the conversation to distract herself. "Geez... You sure sound old for someone who looks as young as you." She said with a grin on her face.

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Emblem shrugged. Okay suit yourself. Emblem watched as the mob ran up to him and tried to ram him. Emblem easily deflected it then with one quick slash the boar was nothing more than a blue polygons. Emblem sheathed his sword then walked back to his partner. She made a comment about him sounding old. Emblem laughed then nodded. Well when your in this type of environment you have to learn to grow up or get treated like a kid, without any respect. Emblem sat down next to her then looked down as a window opened on his HUD telling him he hadn't gained any loot he had gotten from killing the mob. He dismissed the window then looked at the player and smiled.


<<Emblem>> 64/64 energy 9/16

<<Kasier>> 12/12 energy 3/3

<<frenzied boar>> 0/32 *dead* 

BD: 10

LD: 6 + 1 + 7 No loot

ID: 64408



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The sky was clear now. It seemed that the rain had stopped and the sun was already coming up. Kasier was not someone who easily tracked time. In fact, she doesn't have any sense of time. If it was noon, she might think its morning without even thinking. It seemed like no time has passed since they fought the boar but judging from the sun's position in the sky, it was noon time already. She had finished her piece of bread but her belly was still not satisfied with that small amount of food which she had inserted into her stomach. For now, she would just deal with it but as soon as the blonde boy finished with the killing, she'll suggest that they go ahead and go back to the city so they can have lunch and fill their stomachs up. Surely, Emblem would be quite hungry after fighting a boar as tough as this one. With a smile, she watched as the boar made a final struggle for survival, only to end up in a few crystals flying towards the sky. She had heard a rumor that every star in the sky was someone that had died in this game. Perhaps the boar would be sent to the sky as well. Maybe everyone lived peacefully up there without any conflict... Heaven... Heaven for Swords Art Online. The boy was able to expertly finish off the boar... And she thought that the man had dealt with the mob very expertly. "Wow, that was a quick finishing off of the boar." Kasier said, astonished by the style that the blonde boy had finished off the boar with. "Quite a fancy finish that was. Say... I'm pretty hungry. How about we head back to the Town of Beginnings so we can have some lunch? My stomach really is yelling at me." She said, not sure if the hunger was just her imagination or something that is actually implanted in the game.

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Emblem laughed. Well thanks! Emblem stuck his hands into his pocket then smiled. Sounds like a plan! Emblem began waling with Kasier towards the town. So have you ever been to the starlight cafe? Emblem looked over at his new friend and smiled. You probably have. It's one of the most popular cafe chains in Aincrad. Theres even one up on floor 17. Emblem looked ahead as the two made it into the town. He looked up at the sun. Judging by it's position it was about noon. He could just open up his menu to check the time but he like the idea of being able to tell the time without the convenience of a watch or clock.

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"Starlight Cafe?" She questioned. Indeed, she had never ever been on that floor and perhaps she should've been there before if it was one of the most popular restaurant chains in Aincrad at the moment. "Uhm... Actually no. I haven't been there yet. I have been to a few taverns and a really good ice cream." She said, looking at her menu at the time. "But I guess I can try this place out... Lead the way, Emblem!" She said, retreating behind Emblem so she can follow the blonde boy and reach this so-called cafe. For having such a big appitite, she honestly had no idea why she had yet to go to this new restaurant that seemed quite popular according to the boy's words. Well, soon enough, she'll get to taste the food and judge it herself. The day was still early.... Well, not exactly. The sun was high in the sky, dead center at this point and if Kasier predicted, the time was probably around noon time. However, her predictions were probably incorrect so it could be three o' clock at this point. As she walked, she opened her HUD, showing her the exact time and to her surprise, it was a pretty good prediction. Instead of being 12 o' clock, it was actually 40 minutes past that... Surprisingly good for someone like herself. The starting town was just as crowded as ever with players trying to get armor from different shops and shop owners, be it NPC or players, were busy scrambling around managing their customers. Soon enough... She'll have her own shop... She had already decided that it would be a coffee shop... A coffee shop that serves fast food and serves as a place for people to gather as well.

(OOC: I'll post the summary after your next post)

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(OOC: You got it!)

Emblem walked with Kasier as he approached the cafe. He walked in then sat at a table near the entrance and waited as the NPC waitress walked over to there table and asked to take there orders. Emblem ordered a sandwich then closed the ordering menu and relaxed in his seat. He remembered seeing several shops outside and it reminded him of his blacksmith profession which he had never actually put to good use. It just sat with his other skills in his menu gathering dust. He really should try and open his blacksmith shop soon but he just couldn't find the time between grinding and leveling up to start a store.

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