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[OP-F1] Shark and Lillian share an Adventure!

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"Ah, that's good, really good!" The man smiled before he paused, hearing the questions directed at him. The pause stretched on for a moment before the man hit his forehead with his palm. "I thought I was forgetting something! Sorry, about that." He chuckled, softly laughing at his mistake. "My username is Raiu, pleasure to meet both of you.

"And the reason why I asked you if you were a beta tester, is this. You know some of the secrets on the first few floors, right?"

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Looking the man from behind Shark's leg - is what Lillian's doing. Does he notice me.. I wonder.. She peers a bit further out. Her blonde pigtails would brush up against Shark's thighs, and from her mouth down was still covered by his leg. Only really her eyes and nose were showing. She frowns - not really knowing how to react - he seems friendly enough.

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Raiu frowned when he noticed Lillian. "Am... Am I really that scary?" He slumped a little, playing up the emotion. "That honestly hurts a bit." He straightened himself, shaking his head. "No matter though. Really, I was only wondering if I could party up with the two of you for a time. Hunting is a bit easier in a pack, as they say."

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She blushes and quickly stutters to make an introduction, "Lil-Lillian. I'm Lillian." Lillian pauses a moment as the man suggests partying up. She looks up at Shark - with her big blue eyes and waits a moment. "I'd.. be okay with it..." She places the bunny on her head - and it sits there, looking at Raiu.

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"Well if your ok with it then I guess I will be as well. It looks like we are gonna have an easier time in te cave than I thought. Welcome to the group." Shark is now thinking of a plan for the cave exploration. "The more the merrier. Let's get goin we don't want to be stuck here in pitch- black darkness."

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"Thanks for having me, you two. And beta tester, I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Could you give me your name?" Raiu's eyes met with the rabbit and he stared back, a small battle of wills taking place. "Interesting rabbit you have."

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"Well, the disadvantage of names, if you'll accept a strange phrase. That disadvantage is now done with, however." He broke eye contact with the rabbit. Next time I will win, rabbit. "Anyway," Raiu started, opening the menu for a moment, "We still have a few hours until dark, if the time system is similar to..." He swallowed before saying the last word, composing himself. "To the outside...Well! There is certainly no time to waste then. Lead the way Great White Shark." He played up the moment with a dramatic flourish of his spear, forcing himself back into his own delusion.

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"Will do. Let's get a move on everyone." Shark starts walking into the cave with the others slightly behind him. Now I can finally get the mapping data of this cave. (A few minutes later) "Hey, since it's a bit quiet here let's talk about how we chose the names we did. That is if you both are willing. I like to hear peoples reasons on why they picked their name. They are really interesting to hear about."

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Raiu stopped in his tracks when Shark asked his question and he looked at the two. He sounded sad, or that he was attempting to seem sad. "That question can be a bit dangerous, Shark. Some of the users may have abandoned their usernames..." He sighed, forcing a smile on this face. "You know what, I have a different question. What is your favorite thing to do? For me, the category is split between programing, no where near the programing in this game, and writing. I don't have any samples on me right now, but I'm sure I'll come up with more later on."

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"Sorry to bring it up. That did seem a bit rude of me." while thinking about what just happened he heard an interesting question. "I am a Lab Assistant at my school for our engineering department. I love to do software programming or programming in general. I also like to deal with computer parts. It makes me feel very great inside knowing that I can use these skills to help people with all sorts of problems." He answered that question with a great big smile. "Just curious, what do you plan to get a job in?"

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