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[PP-F3] Opposition? (Hakai)

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Deliliah Village. Kindle was strolling over the prairies now scouting out the area as it didn't seem to be like floor one or two which she had been on now. Glancing down to her fists as she still hadn't fully mastered the martial arts skill that she had been working on getting. She hung her head and gave a rather deep sigh as she now wandered through the village. The towns people all begging and pleading for the travelers to either buy from the shop or complete a quest. Kindle had no reason to worry about that though as she slowly kept up her snail's pace her eyes fixed upon her hands which she now wore bandages upon to simply look the part of a fighter. Stopping only when she heard some children in front of her sprint past her. A deep exasperated sigh but a solitary expression still of indifference upon her features as she now sat down in the middle of a field within the borders of the town. Closing her eyes now as Kindle contemplated what to do next mission wise as she wasn't strong enough to do any of them without possibly dying. She hated the steep curve in this game, she thought that simply fighting a few monsters would have gotten her a few levels up.

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Hakai glanced around on floor three, wondering what exactly she was doing here. Trying to make new acquaintances really, but she wasnt entirely sure why she had chosen the third floor to do this on. She wandeered around for a bit, looking for interesting people. However, pretty much everyone she saw was boring or stereotypical. She finally caught site of someone who looked slightly interesting, mainly due to the wraps on their hands. A martial artist? Hakai was almost immediately intrigued and quickly walked over to the woman. "Hey, im Hakai." She stated. "Master of the claws." She continued with a smirk. "Fancy a fist fight? You look like a martial artist to me."

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Kindle was still lying there against the grass as her eyes closed as the girl walked up to her ans shook her head, "Not right now sadly I'm  not well trained yet as a martial artist as I have been having issues with hitting a rock." Recalling her attempts to help and finish her own quest to get the martial artist skill as she merely laid against the ground unflinching as Hakai apparently approached her seeking a fight. "Although, if we are on equal footing then I will gladly face you but since you already view yourself as the master of claw I would suspect that you have trained and I'm still searching for a way in this world."

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She smirked at the young lady who had declined her request to fight. She had taken the breaking the unbreakable quest quite a long time ago, but she had had no trouble with it at all, mainly because she had a martial artist pretty much break the rock for her. She supposed that most people didnt get that lucky. Still, she only had one rank in that skill, and she needed two for her claws to be used to their utmost potential. "Interesting. Thats probably the stupidest quest ive ever ubder gone. Its long and boring as hell." She stated. "Still, it shouldnt be that hard. Whats the problem?" Hakai asked curiously.

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"Hmm, yes that quest was rather stupid. The only thing I think that was stupider is the hitting system of this game as it seems I can't do much other than trip over my own feet now a days. In the real world I actually took up kick boxing, but those abilities don't seem to transfer fully as I can't seem to make it work out for me." Kindle calmly sighed her voice almost sounding bored as she now sprawled out against the floor like a grounded sloth stuck without a tree to sling itself in. "I'm afraid I can't seem to fight either through lack of gear accuracy modifier or damage output. It's actually quite disappointing." As her golden eyes opened back up she then looked toward Hakai, "What about you luck in this world in any particular category. Fighting, romance, friendships?" Kindle wasn't to interested in the latter topics but she was contemplating whether or not she would be upon an opposing front one day against the multi-color girl.

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Hakai raised an eyebrow as the girl conplained about not being able to hit a rock. "That really sounds like a personal problem. I dont really think that accuracy modifiers have anything to do with your ability to hit an inanimate object." She stated calmly before moving onto the other question. "I was gifted with some very influential allies and a beautiful, if unfaithful wife. I also hold the unique skill known as Wild Dance." She stated, smirking. It wasn't really a unique skill, but as far as she had heard only two people in the entire game used it, including her.

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Kindle glanced over the comment that this woman apparently had a wife, unfaithful no less, her own self interest now peaked. "Wife you say, and unfaithful none the less I'm awfully sorry for your unfortunate for your domestic problems. Perhaps you would like a shoulder rest that weary head of yours upon?" The woman cooed ever so gently like a morning dove gently perching against a solitary twig upon a steady oak branch. "As for the allies I must admit I don't find many people that intrigue me," the subtle voice now trailing off as she contemplated a means of  acquiring this one as a possible asset for later use in information gathering and quest taking. Kindle still hadn't even bought new gear yet as she was still quite cheap as she lived off the land. Once in a while a particularly gullible or charitable individual would stumble along her path that she exploited to the fullest but her luck in recent days had been running dry. The Nile in Egypt was supplied more water at the point then her own pockets even after taking up a new trade that she still hadn't mastered. "Wild dance," she mulled this over in her mind as she came to a rather abrupt conclusion. "Sounds like you are in the right profession although I will need you to strip down first before I even think about hiring you own to dance for me." Kindle stated calmly now eyeing the girl's body to see if she would even enjoy the fashion which she could sing her hips or rock her body. 

A grading criteria already being checked off subconsciously in her mind: Strong, Dependable (if her wife cheated and was still loyal to her), mediocre bust and rear. I suppose I could be willing to part with a few col if the price is right. Implying that a married woman is a stripper wasn't the brightest of things to say, but it would entertain her for now and possibly tell her if this girl would be a useful companion in the future. Kindle wasn't an easy woman to get along with she knew it, even her family and friends knew it as most just tried to get a slight recognition of approval. "As for that unfaithful and ungrateful wife, sounds like you have your own personal problems." As if to sling her own words into her face in an attempt of mockery.

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Hakai stared at the ignorant woman, who seemed to think that her weapon type was some sort of stripper dance. Hakai couldnt blame her, most people hadnt even seen the weapon type, let alone heard it or know what it was called. She pulled her. Claws out of their sheathd at her side and waved them in the air in front of the woman, the black and green tekko kagi seeming to suck in the light around them.  "Its a weapon type. Im not a stripper, im a fighter." She explained in a huff, although she didnt try to punch the woman like her instincts were telling her to. She was rude and arrogant and seemed to think that she had the right to talk about her wife and their problems in such a rude tone.

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Kindle smirked as she saw her defend her fighting form as she noted that the claws were in fact of the wild dance variety. "I suppose that you are not a stripper after all, shame I'm sure you would have made more money doing that." The flaxen eyed girl still running happily with that image in her mind till she realized her day dreams were taking over. "I'm afraid I don't filter my thoughts and my words to well so if you were insulted I merely was stating my honest opinion. My parents told me that I shouldn't run my mouth as freely as I do, but I believe speaking the honest truth from the beginning is the best way to keep oneself honest. I would probably have killed forced the girl who cheated on me through hell and back before showing her any sign of remorse or love. In case you need ideas to fix this relationship."

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Hakai frowned. "I doubt that that would help the relationship. Shes very sensitive and shy. I think she just got carried away. Im not going to be mean to her." She stated, not liking the subject this conversation was about at all. She could take care of her wife. And she certainky didnt like the way that this woman was talking either. It certainly meant something about her that she would kill the one who cheated on her. This woman was definately ruthless, and not very subtle about that at all. Hakai appreciated the bluntness, but now had the feeling that her and this woman werent going to get along very well. She sheathed her claws and turned around to leave. This conversation was akward, and the woman herself was quite predictable and boring. She would leave her to her nap.

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Kindle then yawned and waved toward Hakai, "I suppose a girl like her would have never cheated on you in the first place though I suppose if she was loved back. I'm certain that you treated her with the same respect if not more then that which you show to me?" She then glanced over as her rather odd companion had already began to turn tail and flee. She honestly didn't know why they were talking at all but she then stood up and pondered. "How about you take me to this wife of yours and we can all get to know one another of a meal some day as I am intrigued by a lesbian couple that met through this game I don't normally get this much entertainment. Unless you would rather hep me train a bit and have a little brawl?"

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Hakai turned back around as the woman started to speak again. "I treat her with plenty of respect and kindness. If anyone isnt showing respect its her. In my opinion the most disrespectful thing someone can do is to cheat on you. It shows that they dont care about your feelings or whether or not you care about them. Cheating is a completely selfish act." She said defensively. Just because shed never said that she loved Sierra outright didnt mean that she didnt and it certainly wasnt an excuse for her to cheat. "Ill introduce you sometime, when things are better between us. In the meantime we can have a brawl and train some. How we do that is up to you." She stated.

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