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[SP-F1] Soloing <<Earning a Living>> (Part 2)

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Kasier would once more seek for more materials here on the first floor. This was a task that lots of people would rather not go do because of how repetitive the task was for anyone. Not only do low leveled players hate this task but even higher leveled players who need materials for their shop hate this job as well. Indeed, it was a hard task to gather materials... And an annoying one. However, Kasier cared not whether the task was a challenging one because she was someone that was filled with courage and determination. Some people call it stubbornness... But it was a good type of stubborn. Some day... Her stubbornness will pay off and she'll use all the materials she can get to craft as much as she possibly can.

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ID: 65196
LD: 19

Once more, Kasier went ahead to accept the quest. Sure, she wouldn't get much SP from this quest but the amount of materials that she'll obtain from repeating this quest is astonishing and amazing. With a sigh, she walked on, hoping that she can get more materials. As she walked out of the safe zone, immediately something caught her eyes. There was a mushroom on the ground... Completely untouched and without doubt, Kasier claimed it as her own before anyone else could steal it.

Materials: 1

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ID: 65197
LD: 19

As Kasier stood up having been able to get the material, she realized that there was something else on the ground. After carefully inspecting the item, she realized that the item right next to the one she had just picked up was another mushroom. She couldn't believe her luck but the item was right there and hence, she had one more material she could add to her list of materials.

Materials: 2

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ID: 65199
LD: 8

Kasier's hair swayed in the air as she looked around. If there were two mushrooms that were right next to each other, surely there would be more right next to her. It would only make sense this way according to logic. With a sigh, she realized that there were no more mushrooms for her to pick up and claim as her own. Without another word, she walked further from the starting zone.

Materials: 2

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ID: 65200
LD: 19

Yesterday, she had quite a bit of luck finding apples near areas where there were a lot of trees so today, judging from the pattern, she should be able to find lots and lots of apples in the nearby area and her predictions proved to be correct when there was a apple hanging by itself on a lonesome tree. With a pleased smile, she charged forwards, jumped and obtained the item as a material for herself. Got it! She thought, not believing her luck so far into the material gathering session.

Material: 3

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(The posts done before this one was before the Word Count rule was released)

ID: 65360
LD: 9

Kasier’s black hair swayed in the air as she walked further away from the safe zone. Recently, she had been scared of what was out there away from the safe zone so she stayed relatively close to the safe zone. Kasier smiled, rushing forwards excitedly for what materials might be waiting for her in the outside of the safe zone. She’d heard that there was a forest called the Black Forest out there in the midst of the mobs that she heard was actually quite dangerous if you head deep into the forest. However, Kasier was going to make sure that she stayed on the outskirts of the forest in order to avoid too much damage. Kasier sighed as she began to walk, it’s going to take a while in order to reach that destination so she might as well look around for materials while she’s on her way there.

WC - 150
Materials: 3

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ID: 65361
LD: 19

Kasier carried on walking, seeking for some materials in which she may put to use in her shop. As a cook who doesn’t deal any damage, in order to get materials, she will have to make a lot of these material gathering expeditions out there, outside of the safe zone. Kasier smirked as she saw a rabbit running through the middle of the road and then saw where it was running. It turned out that there were two carrots lying by the road and it was currently nibbling on one.  I’ll take the other one! She decided, walking over and grabbing the carrot without alerting the rabbit and scaring it off. She was actually a lot stealthier than she expected to be and soon, she was on her way for more material gathering once more. Great stuff. She thought, inserting the carrot into her inventory, which counts as her material.

WC - 150
Materials: 4

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ID: 65362
LD: 17

Soon Kasier reached this so called Black Forest. Indeed, the name was a suitable one for a setting such as this. Darkness surrounded a landscape of blackness and of course, what might be waiting deep into the forest was even scarier than the outward appearance of the forest. As Kasier walked closer to the forest, there appeared to be moans coming from the forest that seemed like they were calling out for help but soon she simply shook off the feeling and blamed it on her imagination. My imagination is too fruitful. She thought, trying to convince herself as she walked into the Black Forest. This forest isn’t the most popular material gathering place so most materials would still be waiting for her and not been taken by other players. Hence, with her bravery inside her, she found a material and she expected this material gathering session to be a fruitful and productive one.

WC - 154
Materials: 5

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ID: 65363
LD: 13

She was making sure not to get too deep into the forest and well; it wasn’t really something that hard. The darkness of the deep forest was about as unpleasing as a spoiled piece of cake. Kasier could only imagine the horrid monsters that wait inside the forest for players who curiously wander in only to get them killed. Indeed, it seemed like absolutely terror but this sort of thing happens so many times in this game of Sword Art Online. There is no doubt that if she wandered in there, she would not make it out alive. However, she expelled these grim thoughts away from her mind and put on a courage face, wanting to search for more materials. With a smile, she saw a red apple hanging on a stem loosely. If she was going to find an easy material… This was the one, however, her first attempt trying to reach the apple was a failure.

WC - 158
Materials: 5

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ID: 65365
LD: 18

Kasier shall continue to reach for this apple. The apple was at perfect distance for her. If she simply jumped up just enough, she’ll be able to get the material and use it in her coffee making. With a sigh and a deep breath, she negated the scariness that was coming from within her mind. What one fears most is themselves and this is a common saying. Her eyes gleamed of confidence as she leaped high in the air, kind of like LeBron James doing a slam dunk, she lifted up her arm and BOOM, she was able to grab the material and dunk it into her inventory like a professional basket ball player that she sees all the time in TV. Hey, she got to have some fun sometimes right? Imagination is a man and woman’s best friend, and now, she’ll take it along with her as she continues to complete more material gathering.

WC - 155
Materials: 6

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ID: 65417
LD: 4

Kasier smiled. How hard could picking an apple be? Right? Kasier should be able to easily pluck the apple out of the tree and claim it as her own material. However, she was currently having a really bad momentum. Indeed believed that momentum existed in video games such as Sword Art Online as well as real life sports like basketball, volleyball and soccer. If you are on a bad run for form, than you will continue to have a bad run and be unable to search for materials until that one lucky break when you find a material. Sure, looting skill boosts does help with the results of material gathering attempts but luck really has a place in this game. Kasier sighed, reaching her arm up and preparing to grab the red apple. She was going to get this no matter what, even if it reaches night but currently, she was unable to do so.

WC - 155
Materials: 6

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ID: 65418
LD: 8 

In real life, picking an apple off the sky would be really easy but in this game, nothing is as easy as it seems. She had managed to attempt to hit a rock multiple times and she must say, it was rather frustrating to make contact with a rock with her fist. If you asked someone to punch a rock in real life, there was no way that they’d miss but in this game, it’s so easy to miss a giant boulder that is actually frustrating. Also, time passes by so fast in this game that it really doesn’t make too much sense. However, players learn to adapt to the physics of this game. People take advantage of the fact that you really don’t need to eat and you really don’t need to sleep since your health bar is the only thing that really determines whether you are alive or not. Kasier sighed, failing once more to grab the apple.

WC - 160
Materials: 6

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ID: 65420
LD: 1

Kasier tried to convince herself that she already had six materials. The day was already a fruitful one but it’s really annoying that she couldn’t get any materials that seemed a lot easier to get than the ones that she had already gotten. For example, look at this tree, the apple is literally hanging by a thread and she is still unable to reach the apple and grab it off. A gentle snap would cause the apple to fall and hence she would be able to put the apple into her inventory. However, she was unable to do so at the moment and it’s really frustrating for a player like her who tries so hard to fail miserably at such material gathering. Sure, it would be fun if there were people with her who were willing to material gather with her but it seems like everyone was having their own fun and grinding, not wanting to hang out with her.

WC - 160
Materials: 6

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ID: 65422
LD: 4

Kasier was still unable to get this apple. This was her fourth attempt but the apple was still not willing to go into her hand no matter how hard she tried to reach for it. She had tried jumping, hopping, skipping and even climbing the apple tree but she was unable to grab the apple. With a sigh of frustration, she sat down on the damp, green floor and looked up at the taunting apple. It was just hanging there, not doing anything, as if it was actually taunting Kasier. This only made Kasier more frustrated with how this game was programmed. The game shouldn’t have the right to make simple things such as picking materials off trees so hard. However, that was just how it is and she has no right to critique the game… It wasn’t as if she could do anything anyway. If she could… Everyone would be free already.

WC - 153
Materials: 6

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ID: 65423
LD: 14

No matter how much it hurts for Kasier to leave the Black Forest and the apple, it was apparent that the apple was not going to be in her inventory any time soon. She figured that the only reason that the apple wasn’t in anyone’s inventory and was simply hanging there was probably due to the fact that no one was able to grab it due to how the apple was programmed. This is completely horrid and shouldn’t ever be the case… But it is and complaining about it wouldn’t find materials for her to use in her shop. Hence, she would continue and move on to a different location… Back to the flower fields where she was sure that she could find lots of different herbs that she can place into her coffee, giving it a delicious taste. Along the way, she’ll look around to see if there were any materials that she can grab.

WC - 156
Materials: 6

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ID: 65424
LD: 12

Kasier continued on and looked around. It seemed that there were no materials on the way and hence, she would only look for materials in the flower fields that Itzal had shown her. As soon as she arrived, she admired the beautiful scenery that the fields provided her with. She would come here lots and lots whenever she felt stressed because of how great the game and location looked. However, she would be completely fine with not being able to find any materials here because the fact that she was here makes the day great already. It was evening at this point and she was feeling hungry but she really didn’t want to leave the flower fields that looked so good. Hence, without any hesitation, she charged into the flower fields, diving within the flowers and the butterflies and swimming around in the field of pink to look for more materials for her.

WC - 153
Materials: 6

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ID: 65426
LD: 18

Already, just seconds into searching for materials here, she was able to find a piece of herb that counted as a material. Here, her luck was obviously better than the forest. Indeed, she was able to find a material here in less than a few seconds but in the forest, she had spent about an hour reaching up for an apple that was literally above her head. This game makes absolutely no sense and she really is frustrated with how this game works. Everything seems based on pure luck and really, it doesn’t matter how easy a task seemed because everything is the same difficulty. With a sigh, she inserted the herb into her inventory before continuing the swim in the sea of flowers, soon, night would fall upon the world of Aincrad and when it happens, she’ll have to walk back to her shop and do her crafts. She had missed quite a few nights of crafting recently and she wants to catch up immediately.

WC - 166
Materials: 7

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ID: 65429
LD: 14

No matter what anyone says. This flower field, the sea of flowers was the most beautiful thing that she has seen so far in this game of SAO. Indeed, the pure beauty of this field is amazing, indescribable to some extend and she loved it. She loved walking around here; she loved using the flowers as a bed to lie down. If she had to one day die in this game… If she had to sacrifice herself one day, she’d love to be buried here, in this field of flowers where it suited her most. However, now was not the time to let her mind stray to thoughts in the future. She needed to be able to get more materials in good time and she knows that after her First Aid skill, she’d be able to master her Search and Detect skill soon after that. Sure, it would take a while but all would be worth it in the end.

WC - 160
Materials: 7

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ID: 65430
LD: 19

Already, her choice of leaving the Black Forest was paying off. She was finding a lot more materials here and she was having quite good success at the moment. Sure, it might take her a while to find her way back from this maze of flowers but it would be worth it. Who wouldn’t want to material gather here under the rays of the sunshine where she can bathe in the sun and its warmth as well as walk around, swimming in a sea of pink flowers at the same time. Birds sing in the air and trees along with flowers danced nonstop in beat to the wind. Everything was in perfect unison. There was no doubt that she loved this place and she’ll always be coming back to this floor because of this flower field even after she reaches the higher floors which she will surely do. Kasier sighed, picking up herb and placing it in her inventory.

WC - 159
Materials: 8

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ID: 65431
LD: 3

Now, night was upon the world of Aincrad and she would need to go home soon. However, before she headed back to her coffee shop, she would scan the surrounding area in case there were any materials that her innocent eyes had missed. Surely, there were a lot of materials out there in the sea of flower fields and she was unable to find anything that she could use in her coffee making. With a sigh, she realized the fact that she was unable to find any more materials and hence, she would make her way back to her shop early so she wouldn’t be able caught here napping outside of the safe zone because who knows what might happen to her? She might get Player Killed and she might be killed by mobs who see her sleeping in the flower fields as well. Who knows? Hence, she must continue to walk and make her way back to her warm home.

WC - 161
Materials: 8

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