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[PP-F2] «Breaking the Unbreakable» Punchy Punch (Rain, Cook)

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Jhed was walking around the city frantically and scanning every area for his lost weapon "Ugh!... this is so frustrating! How do you even lose a weapon in the game." As Jhed was taking a short break he found a bench he sat down, looked up, and stared into the calm clouded sky just trying to recollect his thoughts as to where else hes been. For now he thought it was best to move on and maybe by joining easy quest for easy money he can get a new weapon. As he dropped his head and and stared at the ground he noticed from the corner of his eye a bulletin board, "hmm, i can probably start there find a job to do and get my mind off things." Upon further inspection most of the quests required a weapon so he began slowly losing hope until a set of words caught his eye, "Martial Arts". Jhed smirked as he said "well then, this is interesting. I knew how to fight in real life i might as well learn how to do it here, anyways it beats trying to make money without a weapon." Jhed soon came to realize that where the quest starts is in the mountains, "and here i was hoping i can do this alone... i need an escort" he says while giving a small exhausted laugh.

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Wandering the streets of the Town of Beginnings, Cook's minds was lost in thought of what he could do right now to level up. He had no plans at all to join the frontlines to help end this god forsaken death game, but he did want to earn strength to find his supposed "mother" in this game. As he was strolling about, he spots a somewhat familiar face glancing at some quest board of sorts. He quickly sticks his hands in his pocket and walks towards the familiar face.

"Yo, watcha up to?" He says as he questions the guy while looking at the board. There were multiple quests he could take up right now, but he wasn't sure if he could handle them at the level he's at right now. "You checkin' out quests I see. Mind if I join you? I need the experience. Which one you takin'?"

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From behind Jhed he heard a familiar voice, it was Cook, "Hey man, nothing much just looking for something to do." He says casually while still scanning the board for any other quests. " Actually i lost my weapon and it seems impossible to do any of the missions here. I did just find this one though, and its the only one i can really do since i cant really fight." Jhed extends his hand to show the flier. "I think ill stick with this, it seems easy enough." He says as he shrugs and smirks "your welcome to join, im actually looking for someone to help me get to the mountains where this is at." Jhed looks around some more to see if he can spot if his weapon is laying around. He still tries to contemplate if he can remember when he dropped his weapon. Jhed looks back at Cook and says "so yeah bro im ready to go anytime i could use that experience too, it would be very nice."

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Cook gave it some thought. He wasn't entirely sure about the whole joining in on the quest cause he wasn't sure if he can handle it, but knowing that Smoke himself was also new to the game and is also low leveled kind of gave him some sense of relief and assurance that he can handle it. "Sure..." he says, somewhat unsure but mostly sure. "Says here it's on the 2nd floor. Let's head there right quick." Cook quickly began to walk at a random direction before realizing he has no clue where to go.. "Uh... how do we get on the 2nd floor? Got a clue?" Cook stood there dumbfounded. He didn't exactly know where to go and what to do. He had heard something about a portal that ran between floors but where it was on this maze like town, he didn't know. "Hmm... I wonder where it could be." He thought to himself as he kicked over some pebbles in the streets cause he weak af.

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"Ohayo..." The wanderer says as he casually walks to the group of two low leveled players who seems kind of lost and confused without any sense of where to go. Almost like the wanderer himself, back before he knew about the built in map in their HUDs. "Need help?" he says casually. That of course, didn't come out as casual to the two. The wanderer's cold-hearted word struck the two with precision at their spine. His crimson red eye glazed over the two as if looking down on them. His outer demeanor is far from what his true intentions were, but that's just a part of the wanderer that he could never really grow out off.

"You're doing the Breaking the Unbreakable Quest? I can help... If you want." He says as he began to tinker with his HUD. Weather the two accepts his help or not, he began finding a route to the nearest teleporter to reach the 2nd floor. "Here, I'll lead the way, you guys seems somewhat lost." Without a second thought, he began walking the group to the towards the direction of the teleporter and to the 2nd floor. He never looked behind him, cause for some reason, he was sure they would follow.

Edited by Rain
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Smoke started thinking about what Cook mentioned about the portal and how to get around "You know i never really thought about that part" Jhed said as he was contemplating this new problem. "Aside from the portals, I have no idea where we are right now. I swear these streets are like a maze" he said while giving a small chuckle. Jhed gave a heavy sigh as he just realized that he now has another new problem. The second one being how to get to the second floor and finding his way to the mountain, and third knowing how to get around the city. Smoke went back to bench to think and scanned around a bit just to end up staring at the sky once more. Jhed chuckles again and says "You know we really should get a map or some help" 

All most immediately after saying "help" a random stranger walks up to Smoke and Cook and begins talking about if we need help. Immediately he begins helping us without our consent, but i wont turn down a free offer. From the looks of it he already knows how to get around the place too, but its strange how he offered and even without our permission he began leading us. I cant judge there are a lot of strange folk in this place, and i guess im no exception either. Smoke then speaks up "We appreciate the help we we're actually lost back there if it wasn't obvious. My name is Smoke by the way and blondie here is Cook. Whats your name?" Smoke gave a nervous laugh when he mentioned getting lost because it made him feel like a kid even though its apparent that he isn't.

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As the two contemplated on how to get around, a unfamiliar voice came booming behind them. With barely any words, the stranger began to tinker with it's HUD and offered to help the two. "Uh... What's your reason for helping?" Cook questioned without even offering up his name. It was sketchy how the stranger randomly showed up seemingly out of nowhere and offered the two help. His glaring red eye and callous voice didn't help much to give him any comfort. But for some reason the two began to follow him. He just had this different presence about him, separate from his outer appearance and his demeanor. As Smoke began to introduce themselves to the stranger, smoke also introduces Cook. He quickly follows it up with his own little remark. "Yep, names Cook. How's about givin' us name, stranger?" Cook's eyes kept a close watch on the stranger. He didn't fully trust him, but he also had some trust in him. It was odd and convoluted, but there's was a sense of some form of trust.

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Within moments, the trio appears in a European like town surrounded by forest at the bottom of mountain. "Welcome to Urbus..." The wanderer says as he began to tinker with his HUD some more. Soon after, he eventually takes a little potion in which he quickly drinks from.

Greater Damage Potion II Used [+4 Damage]

He then began to lead the group towards the mountain summit where the quest is to be taking place. "Name's Rain... I'm part of a guild that helps those in need." The wanderer says as he began to scale the mountain with the other two. "Also, if you want to learn to get around town, I suggest you use and abuse the built in map in your HUD. It helps a lot." He says before adding in his thoughts, "Especially if you have problems with directions like me." The wanderer himself isn't the greatest with directions. The only reason he knows where he's going is all thanks to the built in map in his HUD and the map data he's collected over the months of exploring the game.

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"So how far along will we go to get there?" Smoke asked heavily. The hike, though exhausting, was nice climb. Smoke was a city boy and never had a chance to go to outing with whomever was around and so traveling interesting because when you live in a concrete jungle you dont get to see so much wildlife. Smoke was fairly happy with everything around him with the clear sky, fresh air, and trees scattered along he almost forgets that the world had this much life to it. Reality hit Smoke as he took in a deep breath. He remembered that as much as this is beautiful he will be stuck here for an unknown amount of time, and that if he dies thats it. "Is there any dangers along this mountain pass, because i don't have a weapon and thats kinda why im going to this mission it didnt require fighting as far as i know."

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