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[SP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>>

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"Well, I'm off," she said as she opened the menu and produced a teleportation crystal. "I'm heading for the Town of Beginnings. Feel free to come find me any time if you feel like talking, or if I can help you." The woman bowed graciously, and Arc returned the gesture.

"I'll keep that in mind," he replied. "See you later, Miss Liebra. And don't hesitate to contact me if you need something."

"I won't!" She waved one last time before she called out, "The Town of Beginnings!" and disappeared in a flash of light.

Arc took a moment to look down and admire his new equipment. "Looks like I pulled it off," he pumped his fist victoriously.

This would be the first of many trials.

Edited by Arc
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