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[F2-PP] Meek and Mild (Esther)

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"I think that sounds fine, I really don't get out all that often as I mostly stay at my own place. It would be fun to have a sleep over again since I haven't really been a part of one thanks to our untimely arrival here."

Rin hesitantly spoke as she now listened once more to her companion to here more information or stories about this Mari woman that she had met back in her shop. She really hadn't been paying much attention to the crystal floating above her head. Had she then Rin probably would have been far more frantic at the time of purchase as she was a bit scared now. It wasn't polite though to react like that, stereotyping a player all due to one actions that might have very well been justified as many people had to kill another person before. She remembered Alex had done it once to save someone else. Rin merely nodded as she continued to think about the details of Mari's killing wondering if it was to protect someone she had cared about.

"I trust your word Esther, and I do remember meeting her once. I don't remember her being all that rude particularly to me to be honest."

Rin smiled attempting to reassure Esther that she wasn't scared, deep down though something churned in her bowels causing a discomfort in the game, or perhaps that was just her mind playing tricks on her. She then glanced down to her legs where she felt Esther's legs begin to shake ever so gently as if she might have been going numb. As She began to slowly shift Rin off she blushed and would stand perfectly erect before sweeping her bangs back over her face.

"I'm sorry."

She responded apologizing for practically sitting like a frightened child upon Esther's lap. As she stood though she felt her torso slowly held in place against Esther. The touch now causing her face to emit a deep rosy pink in her cheek as she also squeaked like a mouse.  The hand upon her thighs now causing her to tremble embarrassingly.

"Y-yeahh that's f-fine lead the way."



OOC: if you want to end it your post just add the complete with rewards. ^^


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Esther felt relieved when Rin said that she trusted her, she breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm happy to hear that, Rin." She said, turning to look at the other girl. in truth, even though Esther didn't see much of Mari, Esther held a lot of respect for the other woman - and she had a soft spot for Mari in her heart. If she was able to slowly introduce people to Mari, people who weren't going to treat her badly, then maybe, just maybe she could bring a smile to her face.

"Awesome!" Esther exclaimed. "I promise I won't hog the blankets or kick you out of the bed!" She said with a laugh, shifting her hand so it slipped around Rin's. Now holding hands Esther carefully lead Rin out of the small cafe'. "The inn isn't too far from here." She said over her shoulder. "I got some sweets in my inventory too. This is kind of exciting don't you think? Like a sleep over. Gosh I haven't had one of those since high school."

And with that, the pink haired extrovert dragged a brown haired introvert away from the hustle and bustle of the world outside, and into the quiet sanctuary of a private room at the inn, there - the two were sure to indulge in relaxing activities, such as enjoying a sweet pastry, creating flower crowns, and idle chatter till they  both fell asleep.

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