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[SP-F1] Long in the tooth <<Easy RGQ>> COMPLETED

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Raze groaned as he readjusted himself on the cold floor. I really need to secure myself some better sleeping arrangements. He groaned as he stood up, a little sore from the rough rest. Aincrad's sun was just barely visible above the horizon, casting intricate shadows into the alley where Raze resides. Wasn't there a saying once? The bird gets the early worm.? Something like that.. Either way, it's time to get a good start to this day. Perhaps I'll travel to another town on floor 1, see what I can find. The starting city, despite it only being morning was already fairly busy and the streets were already crowded, but as Raze exited his 'residence' he noticed a young man looking desperate in the plaza calling out to any who might hear him.

"Please someone, our village needs help, the wolf attacks are only getting worse, they are killing off the last of our herd! And they are getting bolder, now that there is less docile prey, sometimes even attacking people in the streets!" The young man called out.


Raze approached him slowly and methodically, noting his appearance and demeanor. And discovered upon closer inspection that this man was an NPC. Raze was almost depressed by that, but shook the thought away, an NPC's life is still a life worth saving. 


"Sir, do you need some assistance?"


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"Yes! Thank you! Someone with a heart, finally! Everyone else has thus far ignored me and continued on like I don't even exist!" The young NPC wiped a single tear away from his cheek. 

Thats probably because you're an NPCRaze thought to himself, Everyone has something more important to do instead of waste their time on an effortless and profit-less quest. The thought of that made him subconsciously wince. 

"I'll help you in any way possible. Tell me more."

The young NPC with a look of hope in his eyes, smiled and said, "Our village, is to the southeast of the starting city and around the forest, just across the river! It started about a month ago, and it started small, a single wolf nosing around our fence. But ever since last week they have started escalating their assaults, everyday getting steadily worse until two days ago, when one of our village elders was killed." He became quieter and more somber as he recollected the memory. "The village decided to send me to try and get help from the main city. And I've been searching for some valiant hero to help us in out time of need!"

Raze reacted to this with what would become his signature slight-frown. And no one has done anything about this?

"That's sounds terrible, I'm so sorry you had to endure that." 

The line was delivered with a cold expression but the pity was very real. Raze wasn't sure why, but he was already feeling protective of a being made of 1's and 0's. 


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"So does that mean you'll help us?" The NPC asked. And a quest box arose in front of Raze. Without hesitation, he accepted and said,

"Lead the way." 

The young man was overwhelmed with relief and happiness, "Just follow me!"

Traveling out of the starting city itself was the longest portion of the trip, weaving their way through the crowds, the pair escaped the clutches of the city. Aincrad could be a beautiful place sometimes. But it is like a flower adorned with thorns.

The winding country path was relaxing but Raze remained on his guard, If these wolves are as wily as he says they are, then perhaps they will attack us here. In the distance the town was visible, a very small village on the horizon. The light that served as Aincrad's sun, glided gently to a noon position, as Raze walked into the limits of the NPC's town. 


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The silence and emptiness were the first things he noticed. Where is everyone? Are they hiding from the wolves? The NPC stopped in his tracks and turned to face Raze. "Well we are here but it looks like no one else is." He said as he made similar observations, "I hope everyone's alright." And then, as only a quest of SAO could do, a scream echoed forth as if on cue from the other side of the town.


"Let's go!" Raze called out and rushed off in the general direction of the cry. The structures he passed a blur, his vision tunneled and focused on making it to this person in time. He shot out from behind a farmhouse and was stricken with sorrow by what he saw. 

A young girl was screaming and shouting, a wolf dragging her into the neighboring forest by her leg. "Please someone!" 

Raze looked over his shoulder to the NPC quest-giver but he was no where to be found. Raze cursed under his breath. So I guess I'm all this poor girl has. 

The wolf had noticed Raze by now and let go of the girl in favor of the 'juicier' prey. The girl was in shock and simply lay there crying and screaming, unable to get her body to move on its own.

Raze tensed up, a murderous gleam in his violet eyes, and unsheathed his broadsword. 

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The wolf snarled and began circling Raze. Raze put himself into an aggressive stance and gripped his blade in both hands. The wolf initiated the attack and charged forward, fangs bared, intending to graze his chest. Raze put his right foot behind him and swung into the animal with the most force available, the sword gliding in a horizontal arc caught the light of the sun and seemed to shine.

 ID# 68027 results:

 Battle: 10(3 base + 2 crit)5 total

 MOB: 6(5 base-3 mitigation)2 total

The blade connected, a solid hit, but this fight was far from over. The force of the swing sending the wolf tumbling away, rolling across the plains. Sensing pain Raze looked down at his chest noticing the digital blood flowing from the injury there. He got me? But a quick look at his green HP bar assured him that he would be fine. Raze prepared himself for the next attack. As determined as he ever was.

Raze: 38/40 HP

Wolf: 5/10 HP


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The wolf's red eyes burned with anger and it growled menacingly as it re-positioned itself, looking for a better attack strategy. Raze flicked the blood off his sword and settled into his aggressive stance, bringing the broadsword between him and his foe. The wolf lunged forward, aiming for Raze's legs. The sword came down in a chop like action, intending to stab into the wolf as it snaps at Raze's heels. This is your end, it was a good fight, small one.

 ID# 68036 results:

 Battle: 9(3 base + 1 crit)4 total

 MOB: 5(miss)

Raze's blade pierced directly through the beasts chest perfectly. He lifted the sword, the animal impaled upon it, and flung it away. It landed on the dirt with a solid thud and seemed to stop moving. Raze sighed, finally that's over with. But what he didn't see was the wolf rising painfully to its feet and limping in his direction, it's health bar firmly in the red, its objective never more clear.

Raze: 38/40

Wolf: 1/10

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Something was wrong, Raze could feel it, maybe it was his combat expertise, but the hairs on his neck stood on end and a chill ran down his spine. Is that...? Instinctively he swung his sword behind him, a subconscious move made by an experienced soldier. The wolf had leaped at him, its legs sending it careening towards him in an arc, its final attempt to maim its attacker. The blood pouring out of it in a stream, from the piercing wound.

 ID# 68038 results:

 Battle: 5(miss!)

 MOB: 1(critical fail)

He had misjudged, his strike was too high, his sword sailed cleanly over the wolf's head, but it was good enough to send the beast off target. You're alive..? Ah well, you won't be for much longer. It dove right past him, it's serious wounds leaving a trail of bloody pixels falling through the air. It landed, heavily, and swiftly turned to face Raze once more, fighting with what little it had left to fight with.

Raze: 38/40

Wolf: 1/10

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How are you still going, I admire your determination, but your time has come. The wolf started limping backwards its eyes still locked onto Raze, it moves in the direction of the neighboring woods. So that's where you guys are coming from. I'll be sure to pay my respects to them when you're gone. Raze took the initiative this time and charged after the crippled animal. His feet thundering across the earth, the grass pulverized under his heavy boots.

 ID# 68040 results:

 Battle: 1(what! Haha! Critical fail)

 MOB: 8(base 5 - 3 mitigation)2 total

It was all a ruse, the wolf seemed to have a maniacal gleam to its eyes, as it stops its reverse movement and takes the opportunity to strike as Raze charges towards it. With renewed energy, this wolf dove at Raze, chomping into his leg and interrupting his attack. It seems the wolf wasn't finished with him yet, it moved around him, trying to get on an unprotected side that Raze didn't have.

Raze: 36/40

Wolf: 1/10

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I'm getting tired of dealing with this guy. His resilience is amazing and he has earned my respect, but this fight's outcome was determined much longer ago. Raze steeled himself, determined to not miss this time, he turned in place using the energy from swinging his sword to aim to chop the wolf in half. The blade seemed to sing as it carved its own savage path through the air. The beast snarled once more and waited for another opportunity, this young man could become a problem to the rest of the pack if he didn't stop him here.

 ID# 68042 results:

 Battle: 2(really! XD! Miss)

 MOB: 4(miss)

The wolf jumped back and the blade cut nothing by the air in front of him. Raze took a step back, put himself into a better stance and readied his blade, like he had so many times previously, and rolled his shoulders. I'm going to be sore after all this aren't I? The beast glaring at him with furious eyes.

Raze: 36/40

Wolf: 1/10

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Frustration began rising up, Raze shouted out, incoherent words of anger, breaking his usual calm and quiet demeanor. JUST DIE, he screamed mentally, desperate for the drawn out conflict to come to a violent close. He stared this impossibly durable animal down and waited for its move. I can't keep doing this, If I can't hit him even once, his allies will surely come for him.  Sensing weakness, the wolf attacks, leaping high into the air, directed towards Raze's neck. It saw this trajectory and felt that it was satisfactory, its coding anticipating Raze's counter.

 ID# 68044 results:

 Battle: 3(miss)

 MOB: 3(miss)

Despite expansive calculations made by the cardinal system, it missed. Raze deciding to take his time, ducks under the wolf and rolls the side. It was much too fast and Raze reactions much too slow. He briefly considered running away, before gritting his teeth and getting to his feet. I'm not going to be made a coward by just one mutt.

Raze: 36/40

Wolf: 1/10

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I have to protect these poor people, even if they don't exist outside this world. He glanced over his shoulder to try and spot the girl, but she wasn't anywhere in view. Where do these NPC's wander off to? Neither of them are particularly useful in offering any help to their 'hero' either. The wounded animal attacked as soon as Raze was distracted, taking advantage of the boy's seemingly unfocused mind. It knew that It wouldn't last long, so it resolved itself to howl for some backup if this continued any longer

 ID# 68047 results:

 Battle: 9(base 3 + 1 crit) 4 total

 MOB: 3(miss)

But it never go the chance. He knew that the wolf would lunge for him the moment he turned his back, so he did this to provoke an attack. He swung the broadsword in an angular slash, catching in its midriff, ripping apart the beast into technicolor shards sinking slowly to the ground. Raze dropped to his knees, embedding the sword into the soft dirt, taking a deep breath and stretching. Finally. It's over. 

Raze: 36/40

Wolf: 0/10

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But in reality, 

it was far from over. 

Raze steadied himself and tore his sword out of the earth, wiped the dirt off and put it back in its sheath. He looked around more throughly but the girl was gone. Where did she run off to? He briefly tossed around the idea of exploring the town more intently but he shook his head. If she isn't here, then chances are she's safe He consoled himself with that information, but now to deal with the rest of the canine problem. He set his sights on the nearby woods and began his travel through it. 

The forest here was eerily quiet, the sun casting startling shadows and reflections on the scenery. If his earlier judgement was correct, then the wolves' base of operations would be located here. His eyes peeled for any sign of shelter. 


He was definitely lost. Was it hours, days, or weeks since he last saw direct sunlight? He felt lightheaded, the world was spinning around him, so he sought out refuge in a small cave. The opening was a little tight but opened up quickly, the nice cool air relieving Raze of his stress. He sighed, Maybe I should go back and wait for them, set up an ambush or something. He gave a slight smile. That sounds like something Nathan would have said. He grew sad, the smile fading away, as he thought about his squad mates on the other side. 


"Will I ever see them again?" 

Some part of him said yes, some part of him said no. But there were two thoughts that stood out. 

They never really liked you, when they laughed they were laughing at you, not with you. 


And besides, unless you plan on visiting Hell anytime soon, you won't see them anyways. 


He fought back the water that began to form in his eyes. Cursing himself for his weakness. It really isn't fair, everyone I thought I had gotten close to, I lose.. Through death or abandonment. 

Raze: 39/40 (+3 for non combat post)

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Raze decided he had taken a long enough break, and squeezed his way out of the entrance. He wiped himself off and stretched. 

"I should have expected this." He said,

"This is your home isn't it?"

Raze turned on his heel, and made visual confirmation of the wolves staring down at him from on top of the cave. 3 total. Can I even take that many at once? He wondered. He glared as two of them made their way down the rocks. The one that stayed up top appeared to be the alpha, with a scar across one eye and wickedly long teeth. I'll be right with you, let me just finish off your friends here.

The wolves split up and charged him, attacking from two directions. This could be trouble. He drew his sword as they approached. 

 ID# 68053 results:

 Battle: 4(miss)

 MOB(wolf #1): 4(miss)


 ID# 68054 results:

 MOB(wolf #2): 2(miss)


They had missed, narrowly, but it didn't help Raze any. Dealing with two opponents at once wasn't something he could say he was skilled at. The wolves, were silent for now, focusing on the combat.

Raze: 39/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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Nevertheless, Raze maneuvered around them, trying to put both in eyesight at the same time, finding it considerable difficult to do. He thought about how nice it must be to have AOE attacks, like so many who invested their points into sword skills did. It must be really easy for those sword art users. With their flashy multi-hit combos. The cardinal system does most of the work, but I can see how some skill is involved.  Because it was quite evident that he had been fighting without any support from sword arts. 

 ID# 68056 results:

 Battle: 3(Miss)

 MOB(Wolf #1): 7(base 5 - 3 mitigation) 2 total

 ID# 68057 results:

 MOB(Wolf #2): 4(miss)

These canines had a strategy and they stuck to it, one distracted Raze while the other snuck in a bite or two. He just couldn't keep up, he knew that his health would hold out for quite a while, but it would have to if he were to have any chance of success. The wolves mercilessly kept up their flanking efforts, Raze turning and looking to keep tabs on both.

Raze: 37/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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Shifting his stance to accommodate for the both of them, Raze tried to focus on both but accurately hit one. The wolves saw through his plan, and circled him again. That circling thing of theirs is becoming annoying.

 ID# 68060 results:

 Battle: 5(miss)

 MOB(Wolf #1): 10(5 base + 2 crit - 3 mitigation) 4 total

 ID# 68061 results:

 Battle: 4

 MOB(Wolf #2): 2(miss)

Every second, more HP was chipped off, every second, Raze missed again, the wolves nimbly dodging out of the way. He began to becomes sluggish in his movements and eventually stopped and stood still, head lowered hair covering his face. Raze raised his head, but he wasn't where he expected to be. His eyes had darkened, to a more sinister color and his breathing became almost imperceptible. He locked eyes with the beast who had harmed him, gazing into its very essence, not seeing it as a wolf but as a collage of code and digital rendering. The wolf, visibly trembled under his commanding gaze but shook itself and resolved to keep attacking him. Raze smiled a terrifying smile.

Raze: 33/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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Raze stood there, his broadsword in his hands, and gave a crippling gaze into the very culmination of the beast's being. And as he smiled, he lifted the sword almost mechanically, his joints locked in place, with a look of death in his opaque black eyes. This being that was Raze, radiated death, like a plague.


 ID# 68063 results:

 Battle: 4(Miss)

 MOB(Wolf #1): 6(base 5 - 3 mitigation) 2 total

 ID# 68065 results:

 MOB(Wolf #2): 2(miss)

Now wasn't the time, and Raze knew that, he stood unflinchingly as the animals tore into him, and took his time getting into a beneficial stance, readying his sword for the perfect moment. His expression remaining the same, despite the numerous painful hits being received. The same wolf kept ripping into him, carving gashes into his flesh. But it must wait, a time will come and it will be perfect. He knew it to be true, it had to be true, his body frozen while his mind analyzed the movements of these creatures.

Raze: 31/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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The wolves were startled by Raze's lack of reaction but nonetheless kept at their attacks, never ceasing to take this opportunity, it was like this combatant was offering himself to the pack, and for that they were very grateful. They tried the circling tactic again, it had worked beautifully last time so they would perform it until it no longer functioned as they desired it to.

 ID# 68066 results:

 Battle: 3(Miss)

 MOB(Wolf #1): 10(base 5 + 2 crit - 3 mitigation) 4 total

 ID# 68067 results:

 MOB(Wolf #2): 1(miss)

The tactic worked, just as good as the last time, the second wolf snapping in Raze's face while the first shredded his legs. The wolves seemed excited at the thought of an easy kill. They would wonder, with their diminutive intelligence, why their prey wasn't fighting back. But right now they focused on killing this person, and pleasing their leader. Raze closed his eyes, standing more still than the rocks the cave was made of. The alpha looked down and cocked its head as it observed the one-sided battle.

Raze: 27/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

A wolf tore into his arm, whipping his head back and forth, rending flesh, sinew, and bone.

I know you were the kind of person, who would forgive, but..

His HP bar got closer to the yellow range, taking on a more appropriate color, a subtle reminder of his diminishing physical condition.

I don't think I can forgive myself..

The wolves began their charge once more, leaping at him from two directions.

Mom, Dad, I'll see you soon...


 ID# 68069 results:

 Battle: 2(Miss)

 MOB(Wolf #1): 4(miss)


 ID# 68070 results:

 MOB(Wolf #2): 10(base 5 + 2 crit - 3 mitigation)

The wolves were giddy with their success, both taking huge chunks of Raze's health with each hit, blood sluicing over the grass. He stood there, silent, brooding. His sword held loosely in his hands, as tears slowly fell, watering the plants growing below with his struggles, pains, and hatreds. The alpha seemed almost disappointed by Raze's lack of active resistance, and growled to itself thoughtfully.

Raze: 23/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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Raze is as if a tree, standing perfectly still, his hair swaying gently in the breeze. 

I hope that we will see each other on the other side.

I still need to apologize, face to face. 

I still have so much to say, something that can't be said through prayers.

Perhaps this was for the best.

I could tell my parents that it wasn't their fault, that I missed them. That I joined service in order to prevent anything similar to what happened to us from occurring once more.

 ID# 68073 results:

 Battle: (miss)

 MOB: 4(miss)

 ID# 68074 results:

 MOB: 6(base 5 - 3 mitigation)2 total

He cleared his mind and thusly cleared his vision, he was dying. That much was apparent, his HP bar made that quite clear to him. These animals were ripping Raze apart, chunk by visceral chunk. He decided to cut his losses and leave, perhaps return when he regained his strength. He prepared to run, but he knew that he might not make it, the beast would surely pursue him.

Raze: 21/40

Wolf #1: 10/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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Raze's eyes were furious, he screamed as loud as possible. He would not be put down by some dogs. 

"You want to kill me! Then kill me!"

"But I'm not just going to lay down and die!"

He swung his blade with more hatred then he had ever felt in his entire life. It was boiling over like his whole body was on fire, but he couldn't feel the pain. It was as if in every muscle, some untapped reserve of strength still existed, as if his own body wasn't going to let him cease to be. He was scared of this, it wasn't something he performed consciously, throwing his weight behind the swing. 

 ID# 68077 results:

 Battle: 7(Base 3) 3 total

 MOB(wolf #1): 9(base 5 + 1 crit - 3 mitigation) 3 total

 ID# 68078 results:

 MOB(wolf #2): 7(base 5 - 3 mitigation) 2 total


Raze gasped as he sustained more damage, his HP dipping farther into the yellow zone, the coloration of the world slowly de-saturating. But the swing, fueled by enough anger to power the fusion reaction in the sun, connected, sending the wolf flying into a tree, shaking leaves down. But given by how tough these things are, Raze knew that he should really retreat for now. And as he thought it, the animal arose shakily, and resumed the attack.

Raze: 16/20

Wolf #1: 7/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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