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[SP-F1] Long in the tooth <<Easy RGQ>> COMPLETED

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Raze decided to make the tactical decision that he should retreat and return at a later time, he knew that they'd get at least one other hit on him before he could escape. He shook his head, If I can escape, I might not actually be able to get away from these things. Shaking his head once more, he became tired of running when things got bad, he wasn't going to run away. Shouting, he attacked mercilessly and without a care, his whole body used in performing this action.

 ID# 68079 results:

 Battle: 9(Base 3 + 1 crit)4 total

 MOB(Wolf #1): 3(miss)

 ID# 68081 results:

 MOB(Wolf #2): 8(5 base - 3 mitigation)2 total

Amazingly he achieved another hit, but he knew he wouldn't live if he kept this up. He cleaved into the same wolf, knocking him back to the tree, a place now becoming familiar to the damaged wolf. Raze's life flashing before his eyes. Memories surged across his vision as he cried out in an unquenchable thirst for death. The wolf, returning to aid his comrade in putting down the overwhelmingly murderous young man.

Raze: 14/40

Wolf #1: 3/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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The anger was clouding his judgement, his recent successes were goading him into fighting some more, but what intelligence he had left was telling him to run, and not look back. Raze was at a crossroads, involuntarily approaching the 'victory or death' side of the road. He tried to stop but couldn't, he watched as he swung once more, with a vertical slice, at the most damaging of the creatures so far.

 ID# 68083 results:

 Battle: 10(3 base + 2 crit) 5 total

 MOB: 1(miss)

 ID# 68084 results:

 MOB: 6(base 5 - 3 mitigation)2 total

But he couldn't help himself, his blood-lust was consuming him. These wolves, were happy over a seemingly easy kill, but as the first one falls, the other seems to lose heart. Its ally being obliterated by the oversized sword, and its fragments being swept away by the omnipotent, ever-present wind. It wants to run, but like Raze, was overcome with the same fever. It was in this fight until the bitter end, and bitter this end would be.

Raze: 14/40

Wolf #1: 0/10

Wolf #2: 10/10

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His vision was red, a similar color to his HP bar, his sword felt heavier in his hands, than it did mere moments ago. What is real? The fight was a rush, blindingly fast to any outside viewer. Nothing is real. This world is fake, this pain is fake, this raw unbridled fury I'm feeling in the pit of my stomach is fake. I need a way out. I need to run. But he couldn't, he was locked into this fight. I need to escape! His legs trembled at his indecisiveness. 

ID# 68085

Battle: 6(base 3)3 total

MOB(Wolf #2): 8(base 5 - 3 mitigation)2 total

The forest was encapsulated with the sounds of battle. As the sun begins to set upon Aincrad, this forest is stained with blood, the trees and rocks are coated with a thick red sludge. Raze stands there, bleeding out of over a dozen wounds, fire in his eyes and bits of wolf on his blade. His chest heaves, the blade cleaves, as the final wolf ducked and weaved. 

Raze: 12/40

Wolf #2: 7/10

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A flash of steel, a flair of blood, a stark chance of victory, but no backing down. Raze couldn't stop, his body was moving of its own accord. He struggles against himself, fighting a losing battle more difficult than any before. Similar in a way to how the cardinal system using sword arts, with the art pulling you through the motions, Raze too was pulled through the motions by himself, the unstoppable force. The alpha lays down and watches from above, its glowing eyes alighting upon the battlefield, examining the way this human fought, silently making observations.

 ID# 68086 results:

 Battle: 4(Miss)

 MOB: 6(base 5 - 3 mitigation) 2 total

Another bite, more blood. I have more scars now than I ever did in my service. I have never been this angry. I have got nowhere to run, no where to hide, and I swear..

"If I'm going to die here in these infernal woods then.."


The words freeing themselves from his lips of their own discretion.

Raze: 10/40

Wolf #2: 7/10

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At this point the battle could go to either side, a few lucky hits and it would all be over, with a nice snack for the pack or a few more experience points for the warrior. The wolf pants and paces around, looking for an opening in Raze's defense, this beast a creation of the Cardinal system, knows that it must kill this boy or be killed itself. It was its only directive. And it knew it could not fail.

 ID# 68091 results:

 Battle: 10(base 3 +2 crit)5 total

 MOB(Wolf #2): 10(base 5 +2 crit - 3 mitigation)4 total

Raze's HP bar was barely visible, only a sliver of red left in his already blood soaked vision. Raze briefly reflected on the fact that many player would be able to easily dispatch of several of this beasts in one fell swoop. The pain was intense, but I have felt worse.. Raze accepted his death, he knew he couldn't live, it was impossible. He couldn't kill the alpha as well. He was too weak. As he spoke of it, the alpha looked upon the scene with watchful eyes.

Raze: 6/40

Wolf #2: 3/10

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It all came to this, Raze had lost himself to the darker recesses of his mind. He could only watch himself helplessly, he had lost control, like he never hoped he would. If anyone were to view them now, he would be standing in tattered iron breastplate, hunched over limping and wheezing as his lungs struggled to keep up with his bodies demands. (In the real world, doctors rushed around him trying to keep him alive.) His white hair soaked and congealed with his blood and the blood of his enemies. His body torn with cuts and bites adorning most of his exposed flesh. His eyes, blacker than the night that surrounded him, his teeth bared in an eternal, devilish grin. His resolve firm, but his spirit crushed as he became the man he never wanted to be. 

 ID# 68092 results:

 Battle: 9(YES! 3 base + 1 crit)4 total

 MOB: 10(5 base + 2 crit - 3 mitigation)4 total. (Irrelevant: it died)

He sheathed his sword instinctively, his limbs trembling in exertion. The shards that once were a wolf falling around him like cherry blossoms, his breath erratic and sharp. Raze fell to his knees, and watched as the alpha slowly made its way down, nearing Raze slowly. His heartbeat exceeding normal human limits, he stared at this massive dog and saw in its eyes a most curious expression. The alpha walked directly up to him and laid in front of him, staring eye to eye. Breaking down, Raze cried, not in fear, but in the realization that he can't control himself. That he knows he is only a vessel for a darker version of himself. At this moment, he couldn't care less if he lived or died. 

Raze: 2/40

Wolf #2: 0/10

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The alpha gazed into Raze's tear filled eyes and understood. It got closer, nose to nose and said in a thick accent, "You have done well, and I am proud of you, my children are not easily defeated by one such as yourself. And I assure you, that your friends and family forgive you, now, you must forgive yourself. I hope to see you again one day, on equal grounds. Now rise, and return to me soon." The wolf began walking away, looking briefly behind it to state "Don't blame my children for the death of those villagers, they were simply hungry and had not enough food."

Raze was astonished by the talking beast and looked up at it with tear-stained eyes. 

"What.. Are.. You.." Raze choked out.

It looked back a final time, a soft look in its eyes, "They call me Lupa." And then Lupa was gone. 

Raze walked back to the starting city, skipping the village altogether. He was devastated emotionally and physically. He glared at the night sky and promised..

I'll defeat you one day Lupa. Just you wait. 



+2 SP

+400 Col

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