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{PP-F1} Drinks and Deep Thoughts -Arc and myself

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A lot had happened in the recent days.  Domarus' journal was filling up faster than he had expected.  A girl named Alisa proved to be a very potential general along with Arc.  If he was successful he would have two out of four generals within no time.  With their influence he could quickly gain followers and hopefully proceed through dungeons and gather col at an alarming rate.  As an artisan he planned on forging something that would have three prosperity enhancements, for when he fought against typical monsters.  With his dragon bone armor he had begun soloing monsters to gain experience and col but it was very slow process.  Hopefully it wouldn't take this long to gather col.  He needed to save up for those rumors and fast.  And then of course there was the matter of Esther's beatdown.  Domarus had brought her to his place where he cheered her up and, at her request, brought in whisky and allowed her to get semi drunk before putting her in the bed.  Domarus had added his first name to the enemy list that day.  Lycan would one day know what it meant to be on that list.  In the real world his first enemies outside of video games were the bullies at school but he quickly beat them down with himself and several of his most trusted followers.  Ever since he had ruled that school until the day came where he left.  Now Domarus made his way over to an npc bar in order to gather his thoughts and make a daily planning session.  It was something he did to make sure he was on top of things and that everything was in order.  As he sat down the bartender nodded to him and passed over a glass of whisky.

OOC- It's getting late on my end so I'll hit the hay.  See you later @Arc

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"Well, wouldja lookit who it is," Arc smiled over his shoulder as the massive man took a seat down the bar from him. "Ain't seen you in a while, Dom. Been busy?"

Several days, maybe even a week had passed since their last meeting, and the fledgling player had yet to call on him again. It made sense that he wanted to get stronger on his own, especially when he had made it clear that he intended to consider Arc a rival in terms of damage dealing. The bemused look on his face was only accentuated by the reddened color that alcohol had afforded his cheeks. The mercenary dangled his glass in front of him between two fingers and it swayed to and fro.

"So much crazy stuff happens in this world," he said as he pulled the drink to his lips and took another sip. "People start doing things they would never do in the real world, saying things they don't mean- or even worse- that they do. I never would have done any of this in the real world. I'd never have gone out of my way and met these people, fought alongside them, shared in their struggles..."

He slammed the glass on the table. "What's the bloody point of all this?" he asked. "Was it to make the most hollowed out people in the bloody world recognize their worth, or lack thereof?" Arc leaned back in his seat and the bartender swiftly caught his drink before it could fall over, a mean spirited look in his eyes. Arc deigned not to notice. "Small wonder so many people offed themselves. This game is like playing mental chess with a supercomputer, and when you lose you jump off the tallest building you can find."

It was unlike him to talk so much. He disliked it. "And on top of that, you've got those sick bastards going around pulling unsavory acts, convincing people to do things for them or using their influence to ruin someone's day..." Arc snorted. "Man, people like that deserve to get their asses kicked." His chair shifted abruptly, and the mercenary leaned his face on his arms, folded neatly on the table.

"Man, and would you believe it? Me. Talkin' to a girl. And her smilin'. That just don't make no sense at all," he muttered. "Not no damn sense 't all." There was a fondness on his face when he spoke about that, half open eyes alight with some undisclosed sentiment. He kept it all carefully guarded, but part of him didn't mind talking to Domarus about it. The guy wanted something, but then, Mercs were supposed to give people what they wanted. For a price.

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Domarus heard a voice and turned to his left, completely shocked to see Arc sitting there next to him.  He made his face light up with glee while his mind worked the body into a more relaxed, gentleman like pose.

"Arc!  Nice to see you!  It has been busy!  And while I wish I could say I've been doing quests I'm afraid I haven't done that many.  I've been, ah, occupied with other business."  By other business he meant of course Esther and meeting potential followers.  That sort of thing didn't just happen after all.  After the meeting came the befriending, the trust, and once all that was set in foundation, then came the manipulation.  In fact this was the perfect chance to do just that.  Especially after Arc started talking and made it clear he wouldn't stop.  Domarus didn't know Arc well but he could tell when a player just wanted someone to listen to and not reply until they'd finished completely.  The player talked about the world and how it didn't make any sense.  Domarus could probably come up with several reasons for Kayaba to do all of this but he had a different response set aside for Arc.  Which as it turns out the best thing to say was the truth, ironically.  Then Arc talked about people manipulating others and thought how funny it was since he was doing just that with Arc.  Finally he talked about a girl.  When the man finished Domarus gave out his replies in a different order.  First he chuckled.

"That girl sounds an awful lot like Esther if you ask me.  The sweet girl could get any man to smile, whether good or evil.  She's good company I guess.  As for your comment on this world?  Here's how I see it.  It's been made.  We're now trapped.  No use whining about it eh?  We just do what we can while we can.  No sense if we just scream at Kayaba for all of this.  And I'm going to make a guess that once the game is beat he'll probably just kill himself.  He himself said this world was his one and only dream right?  So if that dream is completed, I doubt he'll want to go happily into the waiting arms of police."  Domarus began to drink his glass, slowly letting the whisky fall down his throat.  Since he couldn't really get drunk...  Well, since it might take him thousands of glasses to do so, he usually did this, in order to lessen the burning sensation and taste the flavor a bit more, though it wasn't all that great.  The things people do sometimes.  His mind returned to Esther again but he pushed the thought aside.  He needed time to think about that.  That was all.

"If your opening up I'm all ears my friend.  I notice a rare opportunity when I see it."

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"Esther?" Arc wrinkled up his face slightly at the name, and he shook his head vehemently. "Nah, I know Esther and all that, but she's not my type in the least. There's some folk in the world who are like oil 'n water. Jus' don't mix, see? I mean, she's nice, don't get me wrong- and I'd definitely be her friend, but I jus' don't see her that way." His lips flattened into a line. "And what the hell was up with that message she sent me, anyway? Boyfriend from outside the game? Bull. That girl doesn't know head from ass when it comes to relationships and love. (Oh, that's rich coming from Arc. Hahahaaahah. Feel free to get super mad at me, Esther :P ) If anything, that makes me even more suspicious."

He glanced over at the man after he'd considered the remark about good and evil, and quietly considered the words. This poor fellow must have fallen prey to her charms. That was a sad circumstance. Though Tobias wasn't about to tell him not to waste his time- emotions and things like that weren't something you just shut off on a whim. He knew that. "No, I don't think it's even like that, really. See, she was smiling, but it wasn't that kinda smile. She even said it-"

Tobias sat back in his chair and recited the words on command. "You're an awesome guy, Arc." His face was almost sad after the words were out, and his shoulders sagged. "Classic bloody 'it's not you, it's me' rejection. And I hadn't even tried to actually ask her out." He lifted his drink and slammed it back. "But that's alright." His smile was genuine. "I'm glad she still wants to be my friend. I'll protect her-"

The moment Arc realized he was talking too much, it was already too late. His eyes closed and he sighed in frustration. "You're probably right about Kayaba," he said in a duller voice. "The man is playing god in a world that'll eventually end. Man kills his gods. That's straight out of Nietzsche. Think that guy's warped enough to use that kind of metaphor?"

He chuckled at the question. It didn't seem quite so far off as he'd first imagined. "But hey, at least unlike real life, there's a chance we'll all get out of Aincrad alive."

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Domarus frowned upon Arc's comment on Esther's message.  He barely paid any attention to his other comments.  A boyfriend from outside the game?  Domarus knew, without the shadow of a doubt, that this was a red flag.  His discussion with Esther in his shop the following morning had involved discussing love and she told him she didn't know what it felt like.  She made it clear she had no boyfriend and he knew she wasn't one to deceive anyone else.  Therefore this message was a bad sign.  Something wasn't right.  However he was with Arc right now and he didn't want to reveal much about him and Esther, especially since that morning.

"Esther doesn't have a boyfriend."  he replied simply before taking another drink, letting the liquid slip down slowly.  Now he listened to Arc.  He waved a dismissive hand at the mention of Kayabe doing all this for a metaphor.

"Nah.  I bet he just wanted a taste of power is all.  And in a way he really does hold the power.  He is in control of everything going on in this world.  He could chose to be invincible or feeble and weak.  He could choose to view everything and control the major bosses or act as a player, hidden among us and play hero.  He can do whatever he wants here.  Imagine, if one had that kind of power, if one could obtain it.  Some people just do things for the power and nothing more.  It's as simple as that."  He had the bartender fill his glass again and as the man did Domarus turned to Arc.

"Power.  It can't be used properly without wisdom.  And wisdom is useless without knowledge.  And yet at the same time knowledge is power.  It's a cycle and if you start in the wrong area then you end up screwing your thinking.  Warped, insane, idiotic, call him what you will.  The concept itself of creating a world and ruling it isn't a bad thought if you think about it.  My guess is that somewhere along the line he got knowledge and wisdom mixed up in that incredible mind of his.  Probably something about his childhood.  Who knows?  But I see no harm in creating a world and ruling it.  Just make sure the death part doesn't exist," he finished with a chuckle.  However he disagreed.  No matter where people went death would always follow.  Even in the MMORPG's, if you died you could respawn but all your equipment would be lost.  There was too much risk in dying so when a character dies it was almost as if they died for real.

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Arc seemed somewhat amused when all the man took from his words was "Esther doesn't have a boyfriend." He neglected to comment. It seemed like his suspicions were validated; whatever the feelings were that Domarus had for Esther, they instilled in him something of a partial myopia, which Arc was thankful for. The massive man didn't even think to pursue the conversation about Arc's lady friend any further. That was good.

"Power is a means to an end," Arc replied quietly. "Not the end itself." There were many people in the world who bore an obsession with power. Arc himself sought it, but only so that he could achieve his true goal. Whatever came after that, he hadn't even begun to thought about any of it. He'd worry about the real world when he actually got back to it. "I don't know what the guy's problem is, but it's obvious he either lacks empathy or basic human emotion. Textbook sociopath."

The mercenary drained a bit more of his drink as he considered the man's words. There was something about them that didn't add up, almost like he wasn't buying into his own dialogue. It intrigued Arc. Someone could do that so easily? "Playing god seems childish to me, honestly," Arc said quietly. "You don't have to struggle or work for anything. You can have anything you want on a whim, and it ultimately cheapens the human experience. I would wager that it's boring and unfulfilling to be a god."

He made a quick gesture with his hand. "Only unrealistic people want a life like that, easy and predictable, where they call all the shots and everything goes according to plan."

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Domarus listened to Arc's comment on how power was a means to an end and he agreed wholeheartedly to that.  He nodded to the mercenary and hopefully future general of his.

"I agree.  However without power one cannot get anywhere.  It's essential to have some range in power that is higher than others if you intend to reach your goal.  As for Kayaba as I said before I could care less.  We're in this world so we might as well do what we can and wish before it's too late.  One of my goals is preventing an overflowing of crime by my own means."  Of course this was all to help him further his own personal goals.  If players found that they were protected if they followed Domarus then they would come to him more frequently.  As he gained more followers and warriors underneath his own generals, they would continue to offer protection to the followers and in exchange would receive their services and, hopefully, a donation or two.  Then Domarus listened to Arc talk about playing god and how the entire matter was childish.  Inwardly he told himself that clearly this player had never been in true control at all.  When Domarus manipulated someone into doing something, when his enemies were squashed and fell to his feet before him, when his plans worked out and he was in total control.  The feeling was exhilarating.  It started with MMORPGs.  He would slowly gain followers on the games until finally he had a legitimate empire that no player would dare face.  The main reason's was that not only was his empire a powerful force to reckon with, but morally there was no reason to oppose them.  He had done the same thing when he entered pubic school.  Once he swayed over several of the students he taught them how to defend theirselves and when the bullies came after Domarus his three generals helped him put them in their place.  They were expelled the following week with countless bruises.  After that the school praised him and he was pretty much in control of everything.  After that he left and worked for a random job, seeking to gain a company and start the process again on a much larger scale.  That's when SAO happened.  Outwardly however all he did was shrug and drink another glass.

"I guess some people like it and some people don't.  Either way it doesn't effect us mercs right?"

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Arc gave a dispassionate grunt and shrugged. "Nope, don't effect us one bit," he replied. "Mercs are free. We do what we want, where we want, when we want, for who we want. And we can leave any time we want."

He took the last sip from his current drink and hailed for another one. "Liberty and individualism are about the most damn important things in this world or any other. The moment you give your free will up and enslave yourself to someone else's ideals, you lose your sense of self. There's a fine line between doing something you want for someone else, and doing what someone else wants you to do. That's the hair's breadth between soldier and merc. See, I could ascribe to the notions of guildhood right here and now and join up with some knightly order or gods know what else, and I'd be selling out. I'd be part of their little scheme, fighting their battle for the rest of my days in this world."

The mercenary took his next drink quickly when it came. "Or, I could sell my sword to them once or twice and be done with them after both sides got what they wanted. I come out a few Col ahead, they get the job done. What's to dislike about that outcome?" He took a gulp from his rum and let out a raspy yawn. "Nothing, says me. The outcome where I don't get paid and end up doing their grunt work until I get sick of it and leave anyway is the one I dislike."

He glanced toward the other man. "I don't think preventing crime is all that important," he added. "I think punishing crime is. People wouldn't do it if there was no positive outcome for doing so. They get what they want, but then a thousand times worse in response? Sounds like a raw deal." Arc closed his eyes and put the drink down again. "If common sense prevailed in any world, we'd be better off."

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Domarus listened carefully to the man's responses and was pleased at his first.  Domarus chuckled and raised a glass to his statement on the merc way and drank it.  Then he listened to the player as he talked about the fine line between a mercenary and a soldier.  How he talked about fighting for someone else without a price just to see their goals completed.  He took these words into account and continued to listen to him.  Domarus wanted Arc to become his general but that wasn't really a war rank, just a name he put on there.  Overall all Arc would need to do would be completing specific tasks for him, which Domarus could always end up paying him for, train with Domarus and the other generals, which would benefit them all, and come to any meeting he has.  Domarus figured he might be reluctant with the third but Domarus wouldn't call a meeting unless something big was happening in Aincrad.  Then he listened to Arc talk about crime and he struggled to hold back a malicious smile and instead gave a normal one and nodded his head.  Punishing was exactly what Domarus had intended to do.  He had recently retrieved a potion from Mari that would nullify the effect of the pain dampeners which would allow him to torture his targets.  They would only be members of dark societies and organizations of course.  Anything or anyone who could be a threat he would ensure they left his followers alone, thus keeping them safe and drawing more followers to his ranks.

"Oh I agree.  No one can constantly seek out and defeat all the murderers and such and never will.  And yes to some degree everyone should have the right to get what they want.  However sometimes how they go about it will cross a line don't you agree?  It's only when that happens where I'd like to go in and teach them a lesson they will never EVER forget."

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"Mmm." Arc considered the words of his tall, fiery haired malefactor and took another sip from his drink. "I think that people cross lines every day," he replied. "Whether or not they're clearly defined. I've never been a fan of the idea of enforcement when it came to things like that. Laws are imposed and taken for granted every day," he shrugged. "I despise the idea of making a rule only for it to be broken, but at the same time, I despise the idea of conceiving a law that can be so easily broken." He glanced over and looked the man up and down. "What it sounds like is a society built on Draconian principle. The idea that the rules exist for a reason, and that breaking them is viciously punished. You're talking about assuming command of a large group of people and imposing your will on them. Don't you think that's a bit different?" he asked. "More like Augustus than anything, if I'm making the proper connection."

Tobias was a man obsessed with History, and so it was his immediate response to relate things in that way. "Caesar was a man well liked by his contemporaries," the historian explained, "people happily accepted when their hero took on the burden of Emperor. But no one likes someone who's made their role useless. No one likes it when someone dominates them, rather, no one should." He tapped the table. "Those who were willingly subjugated stood by and did nothing, but there are those who did not and would not in every age."

The merc smiled slowly. "Do you get that?" he said. "Rule of Law can't protect you from the people who make the law. The moment someone dislikes what you have to say, you get 33 stabs for your trouble."

One drink later, he finally spoke again. "I don't rightly care what society does or doesn't do," he said flatly. "If it burns, it burns. I'm content on the outside. If I can make my way through life, that's one thing. If someone starts telling me how to live, it's another. That's why I'm a merc," he said.

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Domarus listened to Arc's reply and this time he took caution.  It was not yet time to reveal his true intentions, but the way this conversation was heading would require Domarus to share how he believed one should rule, which would show that he thought long and hard about this.  Thus it would make Arc suspicious and of course, this wasn't the right time.  It was not yet time for Arc to know his true intentions yet.  Domarus still needed to learn more about Arc.  However, this part about him not caring if the world around him burned...  It intrigued Domarus.  He decided that this option would be the best course to go.  Perhaps Arc would share his history with Domarus if he played his cards right.  It was only fair for Domarus to share his history as well of course, but that would be when he shared his goals with Arc, when he could trust the man as his general.  From what the man said, it would be a bit difficult to convince him to be Domarus' general, but he was certain that he could come up with a scenario or discussion that would sway the man one way or another.  For now however, he had to slip out of this dangerous ground.  He also noticed how Arc wasn't getting anywhere near drunk.  Domarus wondered if he was naturally immune or if he built up his immunity to it like Domarus had.  He drank another glass.

"When you say 'if it burns it burns, I could care less', do you speak of society's structure?  The government, control, laws and all that boring stuff.  Or do you speak of tyranny?  A man or organization terrorizing the countryside and destroying all in their path by use of fear and power.  I agree that there is no perfect system, but there can be systems planned out and set up to endure for the longest time."  As Domarus drank another glass he couldn't help but think more about the concept of allowing the world to burn.  This could be either a good thing for Domarus or a bad thing.  He needed to convince Arc over time that Domarus would change Aincrad for the better.  If he didn't then this player could be hired and used against him, which he couldn't have.


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"Mmmm, I wonder," Arc pondered as he glanced into his liquor. The liquid shivered as he swirled it slowly. "All systems are fragile, and so, they are all equally flammable. I find that it's best not to invest too much faith or consideration into them to begin with." The mercenary promptly overturned his drink on the counter, and it spilled over the wood. "People with expectations are most often disappointed, or at best, surprised. I prefer to have neither reaction if it can be helped." Arc placed the glass face down in the puddle of rum, like a castle in the center of a great moat.

"The world is going to fall apart regardless of any effort to the contrary. It was designed that way, with the prime directive given to its slaves to escape. Any attempt to exist outside the parameters given to us at the very beginning, any attempt to persist beyond the utmost necessary- I would call that futile, wouldn't you?" He glanced to Domarus, smirked, and held out a fist. It wavered over the glass for an instant.

He slammed his hand down, and the container shattered. There was a gasp from the collected crowd nearby as they glanced in his direction, but Arc paid them no mind. "Chaos is the nature of our world. Aincrad was created from that chaos. Any attempt to build or establish order breaks down because we as a species innately long for the freedom that is chaos. I would assert quite happily that a man who lives his life shackled by a belief in order is a man who will never truly be satisfied."

Tobias wouldn't call himself Epicurean in any sense of the word, but he was a firm believer that people who longed for inherent meaning and justification in all things would be denied that. Life, the world, et al- it existed. That was enough for the merc. "You say that things can endure," Arc replied, "I answer you with impermanence."

The tattered ruins of a glass on the table echoed his sentiments ominously.

Edited by Arc
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Impermanence.  That was what Arc believed in.  Not honor, not bravery, not strength or any sort of warrior views that were cliche or common to hear.  He believed in a world where nothing, not one thing, lasted.  With that mindset, one could do anything they wished without caring about what happened around them.  Once could have a flaming hand, destroying all around them, while their heart remained cold as ice, uncaring of others.  Not that Arc was this person but he could easily become this given the right circumstances.  This thinking made people dangerous, especially if they were powerful.  Domarus?  He believed that if you wanted to live in this world or the real one, you lived to rule.  Never allow yourself to sit with the scum, never let yourself become a slave to goodness, helping others out of the 'kindness of your heart'.  Do whatever it takes to seize what it is you want.  If you desire power go out of your way to take it.  If you desire wealth you cheat others out of it.  Whatever it was, do it.  You only live once.  Domarus wished to wield power both literal power and political power.  His silver tongue was his most powerful weapon and he used it to the fullest.  He didn't care about generations to come.  All he sought was to rule this generation at the top of the food chain.  He nodded to Arc before taking another drink.

"A very good point.  I agree with you on that one.  Find yourself a goal, accomplish it no matter what happens, no matter what others think of you.  After all we only live once eh?  I guess the next generation is their problem.  It doesn't matter if this world is burned to the ground, let alone the real world.  Nothing will change it.  Nothing can last forever.  However Rome is a perfect statement that if designed right, a kingdom can last a long time.  Like I said of course, the next generation can deal with hell for all I care, but we must do what we want before we approach death's door."  He held his glass out for the bartender to fill it up before drinking this one too.

"The world is separated into sections.  The strong who work towards becoming stronger.  The weak who leech off of the strong.  The do gooders who go out of their way to help every lost cause.  The selfish who do their all to further their own goals.  The 'heroes' who put up a show to get glory.  The 'cruel' who kill and harm for fun.  Everyone fits into one category or the other.  However there is one middle ground:  Those who just don't care.  I guess we fit into this category eh?"  No.  Arc fit into that category.  Domarus had plans, goals, and means to accomplish them.  He would rule this land before long and nothing would stop him.


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He was about to speak again when Domarus began to talk. The idea of impermanence was vital for a reason other than what the man specified, but it had triggered a very interesting response indeed. It reminded him of Keynes and the General Theory of Economics that so many great nations subscribed to. "You only live once," "the next generation's problems aren't my problem"- it was terrifying that someone could openly admit they believed such a thing, yet so utterly common that it was hardly surprising. It was with those words that Arc fully comprehended what sort of game that the man was playing. He didn't need to reveal that fact, of course. Let the man speak, understand what he wants. See where he tries to push you.

To Tobias, Impermanence was what made life so utterly priceless. The idea that you only have one life was what made it precious and worthy of protecting. The world be damned, certainly, but the people in it were worth saving. Arc had no intention of doing what he wanted until he could assure that everyone else could do the same. Domarus seemed to be the type to exploit such freedoms to gain his own satisfaction.

In its own way, that was fine. The problem was doing so when it interfered with the freedom of other beings. Emerald eyes watched the man as he continued. Domarus settled on the opinion that Arc did not care, and that was fine; and in fact, it was exactly what Arc wanted this man to believe. "Mmmm," the mercenary replied tacitly. "Those who don't care indeed."

What an interesting man.

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Domarus noticed the facial change in his friend and mentally cursed.  He said too much.  If he continued to talk it could go too far and his true intentions could be revealed.  Thus Domarus began to take a drink once again as he thought about how to progress.  This deep discussion was getting out of hand and he decided they needed to redirect it to something else.  He couldn't do it so suddenly however, or it would make him even more suspicious.

"However that doesn't mean we can't be curious now does it?" he chuckled.

"I've been hopping from one place to another so either I just happened to chance upon you or you tend to visit this place frequently.  I come here to gather my thoughts is all but what about you?"  This time around Domarus was very careful about how he pulled off his actions so that he was completely certain he could fool the other player.  He was a smart man and could tell one thing from another, but Domarus was an absolute master of deception.  The other player would need to be a master of the same tactic if he were to see through the disguise.  That was what happened with Mari.  It was clear she had delved into the dark and thus that was the only reason she saw past his mask immediately, but this player.  Domarus doubted very much he would manage to see past the disguise.  As he spoke the bartender was filling up his glass again and Domarus once more began to slowly drink it, taking his time as he always did.  He couldn't get drunk really, so he mainly did this for the feeling and taste of the whiskey.  A stupid reason really but it gave him something to do.


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"A man grows weary, at times," Arc admitted. "I'm not the biggest fan of Urbus, but I'm still fairly low level and it was the closest town," he said. "And hell, anyplace I can get a drink is fine by me when it comes down to it."

He understood the reason the man slowed down and shifted topics. Subtle. I won't chase. This time. No reason to make him panic. "I have been here, on occasion," he said. "A drinking contest once, and then a meeting with another player. Nothing too special. It's not like this is some highlight of my time in Aincrad." Don't think there are too many of those, to be frank. Maybe one, at the most.

Arc bothered the man behind the counter for another drink. "Sounds like you're fond of Esther," he shifted suddenly. The man had taken time to notice nothing else beyond that woman's name the last time it had been mentioned. It would be good to see if it caused him to fumble a second time. "You into her, man? I didn't peg you for the type to go for damsels in distress."

The mercenary sipped at his drink when it came out to him, both eyes shut as he listened intently for the other man's response.

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Domarus listened as the player allowed the conversation to change direction.  When Arc mentioned drinking contest Domarus cocked an eyebrow, wondering just how much liquor his friend could hold.  He knew he could practically go on forever.  Perhaps Arc also worked hard to build up an immunity.  When Arc mentioned being fond of Esther and joked about the matter.  Domarus knew he was joking but he didn't know whether or not Arc actually believed it.  His thoughts went back to the morning after Esther asked him to give her alcohol.  She had given him the starry eyed potion upon his permission and...  It was a little to crazy what happened.  He knew he saw his mother and Esther.  The potion was powerful so he assumed that the girl was his only weakness in this world.  He didn't mind so long as he could keep his weakness from becoming his downfall, or get into trouble.  However for now he needed to handle the situation here with Arc.  He chuckled.

"Very funny man.  No, she's too dependent, too innocent, too trusting.  And besides, I may want to help others, but I certainly don't want to be the 'knight in shining armor chasing after a princess."  In truth he actually enjoyed her innocence.  She made him feel happy which he had never really felt when he didn't have control.  And yet she managed to make it happen.  He took another drink and let the bartender fill it up again, causing him to raise an eyebrow as if to question why he wasn't getting at least a little drunk at this point.

"How about you?  You have a girl waiting for you?  Is she cute?"  He chuckled to signifying that he was simply pulling Arc's leg.  It made sense to reply to a joke with another joke from time to time.  This was one of those moments.


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"Yeah, I'm not too fond of how pushy she is," the man replied. "It's almost like she has no grasp on boundaries or privacy." He took another sip from his rum and considered the other man's words. "She's very much like a princess in that way, getting what she wants. It's a bit annoying, if I'm being honest." Arc stared into the liquid and wondered just how many people he had met, and about how different they all were. It was a harrowing experience, and he could safely say he had never known that many people on the outside. Domarus was one of the few inside Aincrad he even took the time to talk to.

There had been that one moment, out on the fourth floor, where he met a girl that gave him pause. Inside of SAO, that was a first. He'd talked to girls before in real life, and he'd even flirted. Heck, he was famous among his friends as being perpetually rejected. It had been so bad that one day, he finally gave up on the idea altogether. But for the first time, he'd met someone who he didn't just want to make a fool of himself in front of. She had smiled at him.

When Domarus asked about it, he shook his head. "Not outside the game," he answered quietly. "Never had much luck with ladies." He laughed, then added, "but that don't mean I don't like nobody, I guess. There's probably someone."

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OOC- Apologies for the long wait

Domarus listened to Arc complain about her nosiness and found that they viewed the matter differently.  Domarus could easily use her nosiness, as well as her innocence and sweetness to interrogate certain players while keeping up the pretense of a friendly knight in shining armor.  Her nosiness was a useful tool to him.  Although he had to admit, nobody had received as much info on him like she did in the few times he met her.  Arc called her a princess and he chuckled at the comment.  Then he heard his comment about no girlfriends and nodded.

"There very well might be someone indeed.  With all of us shoved in here together I bet you'll have better chances finding love here than in the real world.  Heh heh."  Love.  There was that word again.  His thoughts had been a bit muddled during the effects of starry eyed illusion, but he knew that one of the topics he discussed was love.  Esther had no idea what love was and Domarus didn't really care at first.  However this entire incident with Esther forced him to consider all aspects of love.  He realized he had turned a blind eye to how it worked.  Having a blind spot was infuriating to Domarus, so he intended to learn all it's secrets.  Arc however seemed not to care on any level.  He wondered what sort of blind spots his fellow merc had.  Domarus took another drink before having the bartender refill it.

"Oh, by the way, I've ordered a set of armor, so I should be able to quest grind soon.  I intend to catch up to you my friend, but I also intend to work beside you as well.  I want to see what it's like to fight with someone else rather than soloing everything.  Should prove interesting."  The statement that he soloed everything was only true in SAO for now.  In the real world he had followers who fought with him, and in the many MMOs his empire had an entire army awaiting his command.  He knew how to fight with others as well as lead them.  However Arc didn't know that.  And he intended to keep it that way.


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"Hahaha, I don't know about all that," Arc laughed and shook his head. "Sword Art Online is hardly my idea of a love connection setting, and frankly, I think most ladies would be out of their mind to think about picking up guys when their life is in imminent danger." If there was a proper way that love worked, Tobias was certainly a stranger to it. In all the time he'd spent outside the world being a bum, he never once came close to anything like a real, emotional connection with someone else. The very idea made him want to laugh even louder, but he relented. There was no point in playing too far into the conversation topic. Domarus seemed unlikely to divulge anything further, and well, he'd proven himself resilient on the field of not giving anything up. Arc had conceded nothing of import, except that he might have vague interest in someone.

"Good armor, huh?" he asked with a mirthless smile. "That's good, Dom. It's important to have the ability to take hits." His eyes considered the man and his words about catching up, but he deigned not to seem too competitive about the notion. If this man was good enough to get that far, then they would see for themselves in due time just what lay ahead of them. "I don't mind working with anyone, provided they can keep up," he said. "I've been playing it close to the throat, lately, and I don't want anyone coming along if they're gonna be at risk."

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