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[PP-F4] Ice of Beauty, Ice of Hate <Itzal and Beatbox>

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The woman chuckled at Beat's obvious discomfort.  "Aw don't worry Beatie, I'm not going to do anything dirty with you.  I just want to have a little fun!"  The woman giggled a little more.  "And not confidence!  It's just a name after all!"  She giggled once again and even laughed a bit as Beatbox pulled himself out and walked away.  When Itzal heard what he said he didn't hear the conversation due to his being too focused on the actual dungeon.  He looked at his friend.  "The only difficulty I see is that I think it's colder in here than it is up there!  Brr."  He rubbed his chest again and continued descending into the depths of the cave.  "What do you think could be in here?  I've never done anything on this floor before because, well.  I hate it, and I hate going in unprepared like this.  I need some information so I can make a guess as to what we'll be facing."  That's when he heard a roar.  He turned the corner and spotted several monsters that looked similar to trolls from the game Skyrim.  There were about ten of them...  Suddenly the woman pushed passed them with a smirk and her katana in her hand.  "Well not the fun I was imagining with you cute boys, but It will suffice for now.  I expect a kiss afterwards Beatie.  On the cheek so you don't feel like your cheating your girlfriend."  She laughed before charging at over half of the group, leading three for them.  Itzal glanced at Beatbox and shrugged before drawing Ascendant's Rosario.

Mob info:  3 Frost Trolls.  400 hp  <>  40 dmg


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"Oh sure you didn't want to do anything dirty, suuure. Then if its for fun, why in the world would you mention that its a god of something then?" he said before he said his line to Itzal. He giggled as he listened to Itzal complain about the fact that it is very very cold in here "I mean, she did offer you to stay warm. Don't say you weren't given anything!" he said before breaking down laughing. Beatbox noticed that trolls had shown their faces and were coming closer and closer to the players, Beatbox knew this was a time to get a free attack in...

ID: 69074

BD: 1

Beatbox lunged himself to try to attack the trolls that had revealed itself, however Beatbox derped out and almost tripped as he tried to swing his sword, he look at the orcs as he said "Shoot!" and jumped back away from the trolls. He looked at the female with an aggravated look and got angered towards her "I TOLD YOU ONCE, AND THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME I TELL YOU. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW BUZZ OFF ABOUT IT."

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The woman laughed/giggled as she hacked at two of the trolls with a powerful hit, knocking them across the cavern like room they had entered.  "Oh come on cutie!  Don't get all heated over me!"  That bit comes later."  She laughed again at her own joke before striking at another three trolls.  Estia, who knew she wasn't needed, appeared beside Beatbox.  "P-please don't get angry at her.  She likes messing with people."  She screeched when a troll attempted to strike her and Itzal kicked it out of the way and looked at her.  "Estia, please get to cover.  We've got these brainless bulks."  Estia nodded and rushed back.  Itzal turned to Beatbox.  "Four frost trolls.  I never actually thought Skyrim would come back to haunt me.  If fire magic existed this would be the best freaking time to use it."  He growled before charging the monsters.  His attention was not on the conversation.  He didn't even get the woman's hidden message.  He was totally and utterly focused on the battle at hand.  He rushed up and charged his sword art, leaping into the air and thrusting the blade towards the monsters.  The room lit up as blue energy shot down like lightning, hitting all three trolls at once.  He grinned as he landed a crit and all three received the bleeding effect.  Plus their health went down a good rate.  The woman's eyes flashed with a pleased grin on her face.  This kid could fight.  Purrrrfect she thought.  The trolls recoiled however and struck at Itzal, all three of them.  He winced not from phantom pain which wasn't there, but at the sight of how far down his health went.  "Beat!  A little help?"


ID#  69075  BD:  9  CD:  7  MD:  9

Itzal:  506/620  <>  32/62

Troll1:  351/400 - Bleeding added

Troll2:  351/400 - Bleeding added

Troll3:  351/400 - Bleeding added

Bleeding will be done on Itzal's round

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Beatbox looked at her with an annoyed look, "I'll give you one last f***ing warning, let. off. Before you really tick me off." he said to her before turning back to the trolls in which he over heard the other one speak to him explaining how she is, "Then she needs to learn to shut the f*** up then." and continued to look towards the trolls. He prepared his sword and his sword glowed a bright white...

ID: 69077

BD: 1 (Herpaderpaderp.)

He lunged at the trolls in hopes that he would land a hit so that he could fulfill a combo to do an AoE... however he tripped on his foot again and swung very terribly and fell to the floor. Beatbox peeled his face off from the floor and looked towards Itzal and said to him "I blame them for making me this mad." and he stood back up and leaped backwards a bit and yelled out to Itzal "Sorry man! It's your turn to strike again!" and as he leaped back he felt his head hit the females chest. "Great..." he thought to himself. 

Beatbox: 397/420 EN: 21/42

Itzal: 500/620 EN: 32/62

Troll1: 327/400

Troll2: 327/400

Troll3: 327/400


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The woman had heard Beatbox call out to Itzal and turned to see the action.  Much to her surprise, as well as her joy, the kid jumped back, right into her chest.  She grinned and pressed the boy against her.  "My my you naughty boy you!  And what was that bit you said about not cheating on your girl?  And all I wanted from you was a kiss.  Tsk tsk tsk."  She let go of him when he inevitably struggled to break free and laughed at the event.  Itzal heard nothing but the laughing but with Beat's heated anger he dared not try messing him up any further.  He decided to knock out a specific monster's health rather than the group.  He rushed up at one and charged Howling Octave, releasing the attack in one hard blow.  The monster was flung back hard and struck the cave wall.  He noted that it was a critical hit.  Too bad the effects wouldn't stack.  He hoped he could get another critical hit soon.  Then again if he hit them well enough he could give them the effect without a crit.  The other two monsters made swings at him but he leaped up and jumped off of the monster's arm, leaping over the other troll's head and on the other side.  "Beat your up!"


ID#  69078

BD:  10  CD:  9  MD:  2

Itzal:  506/620  <>  24/62

Beatbox:  397/420

Troll1:  255  1 bleed left

Troll2:  327  1 bleed left

Troll3:  327  1 bleed left

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Beatbox felt her wrap herself around him which only made Beatbox more angered, he listened to what she had to say and began to struggle out of her grip. He growled at her and had an angered look and said "YOU WANT ONE? FINE!" he said as he grabbed her face and forced kissed her cheek. "There. Now don't ask for more. I wont give you any." he yelled as he heard it was his turn to strike.

ID: 69082

BD: 8

Beatbox ran over to the trolls and hit the center one and performed a series of combos to where an AoE was unleashed out to all of them. All of the trolls suffered the assault from Beatbox's attack and the bleed effect from Itzal's sword. Beatbox lunged himself back away from the trolls and nodded towards Itzal as it was his turn. He shook his head violently in anger as the female was seriously angering him. He looked over to see what she was doing then to the other female to see what she was doing.

Beatbox: 397/420 13/42

Itzal: 506/620 24/62

Troll1: 199/400

Troll2: 271/400

Troll3: 271/400

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The woman felt him kiss her hard on the cheek and she grinned at him.  "Aw, see Beatie?  Your warming up to me already!  If you keep this up I can share a little more with you!"  She bent over laughing after this and when Beatbox turned to see what she was doing she had leaped into the air, her Katana swinging too fast for him to see, striking four trolls at the same time.  When she caught his eye she blew him a kiss with a wink as well.  When he looked at Estia she was...  Prepping a drink?  Estia had legitimately pulled out a set of tools and was at work preparing three beverages.  She seemed to be humming as she did so with a bright smile on her face.  Meanwhile Itzal was fighting off the Trolls attacks.  Then it happened.  Itzal smelled something.  Something divine.  Something that he didn't dare hope for in this God forsaken cold cave.  He smelled hot chocolate.  He turned and saw Estia's brewing and was now filled energy, purpose, and a reason to end this.  The trolls began charging Beatbox.  "Hey icebrain!  Take this!"  He rushed up and leaped into the air and once again released Lightning fall.  He now had enough energy for one last sword art but Itzal figured he would just save up his energy now.  When he landed he turned to Estia.  "Please keep mine warm and safe!!"  Estia looked up and nodded gleefully at him.


ID#  69086  BD:  9  CD:  3  MD:  4

Beatbox: 397/420 13/42

Itzal: 506/620 10/62

Troll1: 122/400  Bleeding added

Troll2: 199/400  Bleeding added

Troll3: 199/400  Bleeding added

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Beatbox looked over to see that she blew him a kiss and a wink which made him shake his head in anger, and he looked to the other female and she looked like she was serving... drinks? What ever it may be he doesn't like where this was going, Beatbox was running out of energy and he was breathing heavily and he began to sweat. He shook off the sweat and stood up to fight once more.

ID: 69087

BD: 1

Beatbox lunged forward and tried to strike again at the Troll that was in the center of the group and unfortunately tripped over his foot again, he got frustrated at this and took another leap backwards. Beatbox fell to the ground out of almost out of energy... he was breathing heavily and looked upwards to his menu to see his energy bar was in the red zone... this was bad, they entered a dungeon without filling back up their Energy... this was bad, so bad... worst of all he was stuck with that female over there... he did not like where she was heading to with her actions.

Beatbox: 397/420 13/42

Itzal: 506/620 10/62

Troll1: 98/400  

Troll2: 175/400  

Troll3: 175/400  

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Foregoing action

The woman at this point was in her own little dance.  The two boys were focused on the fight, the black haired one more so than the blonde it seemed.  Meanwhile she moved like lightning as she bent around, under and over the troll's swinging arms, appearing as if, she were literally in a dance, her robe flowing evenly with her movements, and the katana striking each one.  Upon observation Beatbox can notice that she hasn't used sword arts yet.  And now Beatbox can smell the hot chocolate being brewed.  Not done yet but it was clear it would be the moment the battle ended.  Meanwhile Itzal was striking over and over again at the trolls, doing his all to end them quickly.  However he recalled again how he was almost out of energy and decided to let the bleeding do it's work for a bit.  They could rest shortly afterwards.  Especially with the hot chocolate he thought.  The monsters swung at him desperately but he dodged or parried all of their blows.  "Man if this were Skyrim the three of you would be roasted right now."

Itzal:  506/620 11/62

ID#  69091  CD:  2  MD:  8-3

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Beatbox had smelled hot chocolate... why in the world was that female over there making hot chocolate in a time like this? Why in the world would she do that while in the middle of combat? He shook his head and let the anger get to him. He attempted to stand back up to fight one more time... he looked at the trolls and he pointed his sword at the center troll, he was wanting to deal enough damage to take them down. He grew tired of this and he wanted to end this as soon as possible.

ID: 69089

BD: 7

He lunged himself to the trolls and hit the center troll, and performed a good and slightly cool combo that lead to an AoE that dealt damage to all of the trolls. Beatbox barely had enough energy to jump back to where the other female is and he fell to the ground. He dropped his sword and was breathing heavily. "I-I'm out... o-of energy..." he barely said as he was breathing. This combat was wearing him down, and he knew that he was out of energy.

Beatbox: 397/420 5/42

Itzal: 506/620 11/62

Troll1: 42/400  

Troll2: 119/400  

Troll3: 119/400  

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Foregoing action

Itzal watched as his friend fell down, now void of energy.  He frowned.  This battle was going south fast.  However Itzal just needed to give his friend some time to catch up.  He rushed over and blocked one of the trolls attacks, and pushing him back.  The other two trolls came at him now, swinging their hands and bashing the ground at his feet, but all he did was evade.  He even let his sword drop to the ground as he weaved his way through the individual monsters, keeping out of their arms reach, avoiding their hits any way he could.  The woman turned her head and observed the scene.  "Hmm?  It appears the kids are all tuckered out.  I can't have that now, no no no.  I need them all filled with energy for later."  She giggled to herself before striking another troll.  These things were so beneath her.  Meanwhile Estia saw Beat jump over and when he talked about how tired he was she pulled out a water bottle.  "Here Beatie.  Take this.  Don't worry, just rest up for a bit!  Your safe while Aphy is here.  And it looks like your friend is covering for you too!"  She gave him a gleeful smile before returning to preparing the beverages.


Itzal:  506/620 12/62

ID#  69092  CD:  7  MD:  6-3

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"I... am not no kid over there... if i'm a kid does that make you grandma over there...?" he said angrily as he laid on the ground trying to regain his energy, he was fully void of energy. He noticed the other female with the bottle water come up to Beatbox and offer it to him, Beatbox denied the water and told her "No no... keep it, i'll be fine.." he said, but no his eagerness and his anger made him stand up one more time to fight again... he did not want to back down, he would not back down now and he was going to continue through with his plans to get rid of these trolls. He stood up once more with a battle cry and ran toward the trolls once more.

ID: 69090

BD: 1 (AHAHAHAHA, kill me.)

Beatbox ran towards the three trolls that me and Itzal were trying to take down, however... he tripped on his foot yet again... however this time, he fell to the ground right then and there. He looked up to see the three trolls looking down upon him as he laid there. He knew he shouldn't have tried again to fight...

Beatbox: 397/420 EN: 3/42 (I am out of any sword arts except the basic sword swing.)

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Foregoing action

The woman heard his comment and laughed.  "Ha ha!  Think levels darling!  Do I look like a grandma to you sweetie?"  She led the monsters over to Beat, making it appear as if they were pushing her, and when she was close enough she leaped over them, landing beside Beatbox, gave him a seductive kiss on the cheek, smiled at him, and charged at the monsters again, striking them all at once and sending them flying to the other side where their comrades waited.  Once again she dealt no sword art.  Itzal didn't see the kiss.  He was way to focused on the monsters.  He was actually considering switching to Niger Natio but he knew that would reduce their chances for loot.  And he needed col bad.  Thus he stayed in Twilight Cloak.  He leaped over the trolls and kicked them in the faces.  It did nothing but irritate them which was the point.  They stayed focused on Itzal, pissed and wanting him dead.  They charged at him and he grinned as he led them on another chase.  As he did Estia rushed over with the water bottle.  This time she poured some water on a cloth and placed it on a bruise on his head.  "Please just rest up for a moment.  I don't want you getting hurt."


Itzal: 506/620 13/62

ID#  69094  CD:  5  MD:  6-3

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Beatbox got angry at the female that had been torturing Beatbox this entire time, he was not enjoying this at all. He looked at her after she gave him that kiss and said with anger "You... are literally ticking me off... so bad right now... you're lucky that I don't have energy... otherwise we would have had fun in the form of swords..." he said as he crawled away. He wanted to stand back up to fight once more, he noticed that Estia rushed over to Beatbox with water and a cloth, in which Beatbox said to her "Go... away, I'll be fine... just... leave me... to die." he said as he tried to stand back up to fight once more, but fell back down as a result. He gave up then and there, he needed to get his energy back up... he needed to finish off these trolls as soon as possible, this combat and today was really ticking him off to no end. 

Beatbox: 397/420 EN: 4/42

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Foregoing action

The woman snickered at his comment.  "Aw, look at us, arguing like we're a couple already!  And sure, a little game of knives sounds fun!  I'll make sure not to slaughter you of course, I want you to have a fair chance!"  She giggled before charging her sword art at last and released on four out of seven of the monsters, shattering them with a single blow.  The other three monsters hesitated, staring at the crystals before they too vanished.  They glanced at the woman again who grinned.  "Boo."  The girl watched him crawl for a bit before giving up.  She nodded as she brought the bottle to his lips, letting the water slip into his mouth and clear up his throat.  "Yeah, just rest.  You can't do anything if you can't move.  Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get into the fight in no time!  Look at her go too!  Isn't she amazing?"  Meanwhile Itzal was really getting into the fight.  In fact, it seemed like the trolls were too.  To of them were keeping Itzal from running away while the third tried brawling with him.  Itzal would dodge it's attacks before trying to return with a punch or kick.  The troll of course took no damage but this was a distraction as his energy returned.  Then the creature hit him three times in a row.  Itzal coughed.  This wouldn't end well if he didn't get the monster's hate off of him.

Itzal:  386/620 14/62

ID#  69095  CD:  4  MD:  9


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Beatbox looked over to the player that named her character after a god and said "It was... a joke... I am a man that would never hurt a lady physically..." he said as he tried to stand back up to fight once more. But he fell down again, at this point Estia went up to Beatbox and forced him to drink water, after drinking the water he looked at her with an angered look "I thought... I told you to let me die... this could have been a potion for all I know, this is typically why I deny drinks..." he said as he was forced to drink, he couldn't do anything about it. He might as well let himself drink the water. He shook his head in deep anger as he couldn't do anything at the current moment, he was out of energy and this sucked... he began to think that we were going to perish soon... and this was all our fault that we didn't fill our energy up like idiots... we feel so dumb for doing this.

Beatbox: 397/420 EN: 5/42

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