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[SP-F1] Humble Beginnings

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"Enough." Eli thought to himself as he sat in an inn, hidden away somewhere within the town of beginnings. Ever since the start of this death game, he had immediately run in fear, tucking himself away in the smallest corner he could find. He was afraid. Afraid of death. Eli didn't want to venture out of the starting town, because he was constantly under the threat of being attacked by random monsters, and he was not ready to die just yet. Worse yet, Eli was afraid of being attacked by other players. In a situation like this, online, people are hidden behind an anonymous persona, a display name. In such situations people aren't afraid of turning into animals, because the consequences seem non-existent. 


While hiding away, he read all the news of the progress group, and all the floors they had cleared. To Eli, that's where he wanted to be, but he was restricted by the fear of death. However, today, something clicked, he was no longer afraid, he was just frustrated with himself, for skulking away, while others risked their lives to save everyone from this hell. Eli opened his inventory and equipped his rapier, a weapon he had come to love from past RPGs that he had played, a weapon that he felt embodied speed and grace, however he understood the drawbacks. Eli also donned his iron armour, tools that were supplied to all players when they began the game. The gear was very basic and Eli made a note to upgrade it as soon as he could, perhaps he could find a blacksmith who would make gear for cheap.


He closed the door softly, and left the inn, wanting never to return to the town of beginnings for anything other than to purchase the essentials for travelling. The place became a personal hell while he wasted away in there, so leaving was the best remedy. The rolling green plains of grass surrounding the ginormous walls seemed infinite, only separated by the forests that were scattered around the circular floor. His destination was the nearby town of Horunka, hopefully a welcome change from the metropolis environment. He also knew of a few quests he could complete and make a start. However, getting there would not be an easy task. Only having spent his time hidden away, he was still level one, and very weak, so any monsters he encountered would be dangerous, and basically what he feared most.

His luck had run dry as after about ten minutes, he saw a flash of light in the shape of a boar, appear in front of him, then form into a lifelike representation of a boar. To Eli, he knew that it was fake, but even if it was just a combination of ones and zeros, it's ability to kill him was all too real.

Enemy Encountered!

Name: Boar

HP: 3

Atk: 5

Edited by Cr0wn
Lowered Boar's atk so I wouldn't die within two attacks :P
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"Finally" Eli muttered to himself, this boar would be a piece of cake, compared to some of the. Eli drew his sword and prepared an attack, the boar, while only being spawned quite near to him, had yet to notice him. He drew his sword back into it's preparation position. The blade turned a glowing cobalt blue, before the system assist kicked in, thrusting toward the creature. However, the element of surprise was too much pressure for Eli, and mid charge, his foot caught on a rock and he fell face first into a bush, his sword's glow dissipating faster than his front line dreams. As he got up, he noticed the boar staring back at him, it's glowing red eyes looking angry, and ready to attack. 

The Boar reared it's hind legs, scraping its hooves along the ground, causing small indentations in the ground where it stood. Eli, still trapped in the bush, was unable to dodge the attack, but the system must have looked down upon the boar today, because while charging at him, the boar also caught on a rock and sent him tumbling past Eli. Eli got up, dusting off the last of the thorns that were still stuck into his clothes from the bush. He gave the boar a blank look, in Eli's mind, the game wasn't programmed to handle such idiotic situations.

Eli turned to face the boar that was doing the same as him, getting up and dusting off. They looked at each other and their gaze said, "Let's pretend that didn't happen"

He readied his sword, raising his left hand, the hand he carried his sword in, up behind his head, the tip pointing directly toward the centre of the boar's skull, readied for the next attack.


ID# 69105 results:

 Battle: 2

 Craft: 6

 Loot: 3

 MOB: 5


Eli HP - 20/20

Boar HP - 3/3

Edited by Cr0wn
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Eli and the boar both charged at each other simultaneously, Eli reaching the boar with his sword just a slight bit ahead of the boar, striking directly in the centre of the boar's skull, however, the boar was also successful in it's attack, managing to strike Eli with it's tusks before exploding in a blinding light. The boar's pixels separating before cracking apart and falling to the ground likes leaves in autumn.

He sighed and fell flat on his ass, "If that's what combat is like, I don't know how long I'm going to last here." For the first time he caught himself laughing, even if it was only a slight chuckle. While he sat there, waiting for his loot to pop up, he started to become irritable. 

Eli stood up, swiping with his left hand down to open the menu. No notifications, nothing, just the regular menu. Then he remembered. His attempts to open the menu and log out, and the log out button was truly gone, and he was trapped in here. So he just sat down again, thinking about the battle that had just happened.

That was just a simple boar, not even strong enough to warrant loot, and he lost a little less than a third of his health, he sighed. Eli had a long way to go before he gained any kind of strength.


 ID# 69140 results:

 Battle: 10

 Craft: 6

 Loot: 1

 MOB: 10


Eli HP - 13/20

Boar HP - -1/3 DEAD

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