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[Private - Floor 6] Good Kitty. <<Deforestation>> (Ariel - The Crowned Lion)

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Beatbox had waited by the area where the boss lies for the quest <<Deforestation>>, he had asked @Ariel - The Crowned Lion to help him out with this quest while he was picking up his order. Speaking of which he was wearing his Append Set and his Append Necklace, he truly looked like a star. People we're walking past Beatbox, some with awe... some laughed... some neutral... and some just nodded their heads. Beatbox didn't mind that people found Beatbox's look to be "flashy" or "over the top", this was the way that Beatbox wanted to dress like this for the longst time and he will do so with pride. He looked around for Ariel and was rather patient for Ariel to appear, he had sent her a message around ten minutes ago, so she still might be on her way here... His familiar was on top of his head sleeping, as normal. 

Edited by Beatbox
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After receiving the details of the meeting, the blonde decided to go casual. Despite being out of the game for quite a while, such that even her cute little kouhai Calrex and Teayre surpassed her be in level or in strength; the blonde wanted to get back to leveling up, and what better method that to do some quest she's ben missing out on. After a certain occurrence she decided to go with someone else but was reluctant to ask any of her old friends to do it. So when a client of hers, that she barely interacted with, asked for her help she gladly accepted in hopes to find a trace of that old spark that motivated her once. 

Donning a casual schoolgirl attire she made recently, the blonde made her way to the meeting point accompanied by her white furred familiar who's reached a bit above the blonde's knee. The two immediately noticed the person they were supposed to meet, or rather they couldn't have missed him. Ariel recognized the item she'd crafted not so long ago while Kimba was more interested in the animal on top of the blonde's head. Beside her maroon themed attire she'd have a slender silver colored rapier at her waist, a mere vanity item at this point as her main weapon was safely stored into her inventory. Carrying it with her would be... troublesome at most, out of battle that is.

"Hey there stranger!" said the blonde as she stopped in front of Beatbox and gave him a friendly wave; her mirror-like silver eyes staring into his own, with a warm smile on her lips. "You ready to get down and dirty with this quest?" she asked with a slight giggle already stamping this quest, as done on her book.

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Beatbox had looked over... this wasn't the tailor that he had remembered... she looked like a school girl! "Well... I can't judge one's look... hell, I look like a fricking Popstar... why can't one look like a school girl?" he thought to himself with a giggle. "Hey there Shopkeep! And whoa, thats some familiar you have there... its an actual Lion...huh. I didn't think you could get a familiar like that..." he said while looking at her familiar. His fox familiar woke up and tried sniffing the female player that was in front of him but quickly went to hide behind his head on the sight of Ariel's familiar, he moved his hand to pat his familiar and said to him "Don't worry... it's friendly..." and the familiar slowly crawled back to the top of Beatbox's head and tried to fall asleep again. "I'm about as ready as I will ever be shopkeep, by the way... since we never fully had an introduction... I am Beatbox and this is my familiar Ocarina. Its nice to meet you." he said as he extended his arm out for a handshake.

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Her eye slightly twitched then Beatbox referred to her familiar as an 'it', maybe a bit saddened at the thought of the 'master and it' relation between him and his familiar. She still shook his hand. "Pleased to meet you. My name is Kayla Ariel D'Sole. but most people cal me by my nickname: Ariel, so you can call me as you like." Stated the blonde without any intention of hiding her true identity. She then gestured towards the lioness who seem pretty interested in the familiar on top of his head. Ariel let out a sigh towards her companion's behavior and gestured towards the lioness cub saying: "This is Kimba... she's well.... one of a kind. And yes, she's friendly.. most of the time, when she feels like it." continued the blonde, unsuccessfully trying not to sound vague... as to not imply that she had little to no control over the white furred lioness.

The blonde let out a fake cough and tried to focus from a familiar to the other. "That's a cute kitsune* you got there. Nice to meet you Ocarina!" sh said with a smile while making a small waving gesture at the fox. "I already got the gist of this quest, search for a forest burning tiger.. kill it, collect rewards. Sound simple enough." she summoned her HUD inventory and checked that all her equipment was in place "not that I need anything else beside it." she muttered to herself before looking at flashy star next to her. "You ready to go?"

*TL Note: kitsune - jap. 'fox' 

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Beatbox had noticed that her eye twitched for a moment, he had a pause thinking to himself "Oh god... did I do something wrong?" but he quickly took a deep breath and continued as normal, "Kayla huh? What a nice name. Certainly better than my real name, i'll tell you that much!" he said with a giggle. He had listened to her talk about her familiar and its name... "Kimba". "Well... I certainly would love to have a familiar like yours, its not everyday you see someone with a literal lion as a familiar!" he said with some excitement. "Hey there Kimba... how are you today buddy?" he said as he extended his palm outwards to the lion as a friendly movement. His familiar looked up as she had called him cute and greeted him, he looked towards her a gave her a tiny bark that felt like he said "Hello!". He heard her speak and put emphasis on the word "it" and he suddenly felt guilty. "Sorry Kimba that I called you and it... sorry Ariel..." he said with a worried giggle. He looked at her with a guilty look and said with a saddened expression "...yeah ready to go..."

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Seeing the fox attempt to reply to her made her giggle while muttering: "Look how cute it is.. why can't you be like that, at least once in a while?" she gazed at the white fluff on the ground who understood her perfectly and let out a low growl while sniffing his palm a couple of times and then licked it. " Yeah girl... that's not cute.. " continued the blonde with a sigh, then she centered her sight on the flashy blonde: "Don't worry about it... I get that most players treat familiars as mere code, a pseudo existence that's here to help us. But I can't think that way here." she rested her right index finger on the right side of her ample chest, near the heart region. "... despite how logic it sounds up here." she then lifted the same finger and tapped it a couple of times at the left side of her head.

"But let's leave philosophical matters for another time.What quest do you wanna do? I can think of a couple at this floor." she continued with a reassuring smile, poking around her inventory to find something she'll most likely need to use.

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Beatbox had giggled as her familiar had licked his palm, it was nice to see that the familiar was not holding any grudges against him by accidentally called Kimba "it." He looked up to the blonde and listened to her speak, he smiled after a bit and spoke up and said "I understand where some people are going with their familiars though, heck, my familiar is about is real as a dog would be in real life. We want to believe their real animals with real emotions. So calling a familiar "it" is about the same as calling a dog "dog". Or at least that's how I see it at least." he said with a grin as he thought in his head as he probably could have said that a tad bit better. He looked over to Ariel and gave her a smile after her last comment and turned his body to her to tell her about the quest that he wanted to go on, "the quest I wish to do is <<Deforestation>> it offers good EXP from what I have heard... but I don't think I could be able to fight against the boss that is in that quest..." he said with a grin. "The best I can do is stun him if anything..." he mumbled with a grin.

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"Hmm I don't think I've completed that one." Said the blonde while checking a mental list in her head. "Before, I used to do all quest that were available... or at least know about them but this one doesn't ring a bell." She continued with half a smile thinking to herself that she'd spend too much time idly.

Seeing his grin, the blonde couldn't help but to think that this pop star idol could have a bloodthirst for fighting, similar to hers. "I think the two of us can handle it" she replied in kind. "Alright. Let's go huntin'!" Claimed the blonde as she started heading toward the nearby town's forest. Luckily before leaving the setlement, she also managed to get the quest details from the NPC. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise as she read the info. "Oh, a flaming tiger, now that's going to be interesting."

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"Really...? I thought you have had complete all the quests at this point!" he said with a giggle, at least he's walking into this with someone who knows as much as he does with this quest. He was rather surprised that she hadn't completed this quest before hand, it honestly really did surprise him. He listened to her words and smiled with a tad bit more confidence "Alright, I believe the boss is all the way over here... its a bit of a walk, but its not far from here..." he said as he turned to follow the blonde as she was showing him where it is "I guess we are going this way then." he thought to himself with a giggle. He had over heard what she had said about the boss that we where to fight "A flaming... tiger?" he thought to himself, he had never heard of a boss like that before, well then again he did fight a gigantic wasp, so anything is really possible. "Yeah... it should be rather interesting since I have never really fought a boss like that before..." he said with a tad bit of concern, but mostly with confidence that we we're going to take down this boss.


For Future Reference: Player Stats -

HP: 460 - EN: 46 / DMG: 8 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 3 - MIT: 7


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"I had them all completed at a point, I think when I was around lvl 35. But since then I haven't kept in contact with the information brokers for, various reasons. But I'm trying to get back on the saddle, I can't have it that people that I used to recruit and level with, surpass me like that. Leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth." Commented the blonde without giving names. Rellying on other people's reputations wasn't her style, instead her life long belief even before being trapped in this place was that she had to make a name for herself through her forces and determination.

Then as they made their way towards the general area where the quest boss might lurk. It wouldn't be that hard to spot as, per the info provided to them, it would leave a trail of burnt trees behind it. Catching a whiff associated with burning wood, it wasn't too long until they found the trail. "I guess we're on its tail" muttered the blonde as she made a few swift hand gestures over her HUD window. In the next instant, her primary weapon, materialized with a loud thud beside her. It was a obsidian black 10 foot spear that was cleverly disguised as a banner with her personal logo, a white crowned lion head, embroided on the flag. 

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"I see, I don't really know that many information brokers, I only know maybe like 2 at most. And even though they just tell me things that may or may not be necessarily true. I have been trying to tackle as many quests that I can to get up there in levels. And I understand people surpassing you is rather frustrating, you help out some players get up there in levels but never expected them to ever surpass you... but at least you watched them grow levels I suppose, I guess theres a good thing and bad thing to look at when you think about this sort of thing..." he said as he looked down as he thought about it further, he went into his inventory and retrieved his sword he using the past few months "The Sword of Legion" and he took a deep breath as they we're about to fight against against the boss that was ahead of them. He looked over to see Ariel's weapon of choice and saw that it was a spear with a banner that showed her symbol. Beatbox smiled and looked forward and said to her "I am about as ready as I ever will be."


Player Stats - DMG: 8 / ACC: 3 / EVA: 3 / MIT: 7

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  • 3 weeks later...

 "I guess you're right and don't worry about about information brokers, you'll get to know more in time." said the blonde as she firmly grabbed her weapon, the checked the rest of her items and stats and ensured that she was at peak condition... well as far as she can go without any other boosters from potions and such. Looking at her base damage output she clicked her tongue. "We'll I guess that will have to do." she muttered under her breath and searched around as the burning marks around them started being more fresh. "Ah there it is!" exclaimed the blonde as she pointed towards a flaming oversized cat. Kimba reacted too by hissing towards its direction. She looked at @Beatbox and showed an excited smile as she readied her grand weapon. "How about you take point?" she asked as she looked at Kimba. As if reading her thoughts Kimba nodded and closed her eyes, the blonde did the same and after 1 second of frowning they both opened them. While nothing changed at the lioness cub, her human counterpart's eye color changed from mirror silver to the same black and gold pattern her familiar had. 

ID# 70638  BD: 1 (Miss) [LM activated]

Ariel: 1125/1125 HP | 118/110 EN | 66 MIT
Beatbox: Y/X HP | Y/X EN | 7 MIT

«Byakko»: 150/150 HP | 40 MIT | 60 DMG



<<Byakko>> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 150

MIT: 40

Damage per Attack: 60
On MD rolls of 9 or 10, half the damage dealt is instead dealt as burn damage, which ignores mitigation as a status. This has no DoT.




Battle Stats:
1,125 HP
110 Energy
+3 Accuracy
+3 Evasion
15/19 Base Damage
66 Mitigation

» «Omamori: Feline Eyes» (+2 Evasion +1 Accuracy) (lucky charm)
» «Apoyo del Leon» (+36 Damage Mitigation +1 Light Momentum) (light armor)
» «Darkened Blade» (+2 Fallen Damage, +1 Accuracy) (2h assault spear)
» *«Dimensional Backpack» (+1 Battle Ready Inventory extra slot)

Battle Ready Inventory:
» 4x Rare T2 Healing (+160 HP Recovery) [Crystal]
» 5x Perfect T2 Healing (+90 Team HP Recovery) [Crystal]
» 5x Uncommon T2 Healing (+80 HP Recovery) [Crystal]
» Basic Teleport [Crystal]
» 1x Safeguard [Potion]
» *Banner of Support (+80 HP heal for all (up to 6) party members, 3/4 charges remaining)





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