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(PP-F1) The medicine that's not a secret (Obiltus)

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Jonathan stood on the first floor. He returned here for a different reason then just helping lower levels. He actually came he for himself today. He had forgotten to do a few quests in the lower levels that he intended to come back and complete them. Today he was to complete the Secret Medicine of the Forest quest. He stood in town square and opened up his messenger, sending a message to all that was on the first floor. 


I am going to complete the Secret Medicine of the Forest Quest today. Accepting those who wish to tag along. The person that answers first shall recieve the reward Sword <<Anneal Blade>> Meet me by the fountain in the middle of the Starting City. 

And with that he pressed send. Now all that was needed left was to wait. He would not even need his armor for this job though. He would carry his shield only for that fact of its thorns. Deciding, he equipped his sword, which materialized on his back in a black sheath. Then his White and gold shield appeared at his side. He would just need to wait for whoever wanted to show up, to show up. Hopefully that would not mean he would sit here forever though. His Golden hair swayed in the wind as his green eyes surveyed the area for players wanting the assistance. 


Edited by Morgenstern
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On another day of waking up in his little inn room down on the first floor, of which was free to most players, given a fair bit of low levels didn't often have the means to support themselves. That being said, Obiltus more than had the mind to head forth and fix his situation, not only so that he had something to do, but so he felt better about himself as a person. His basic equipment and weapons would need an upgrade soon, a thought that also went through his mind every morning, but so far had nothing and no method to fix it, and therefore could, do nothing but kind of sulk to himself about his situation. ALl that being said, with his gear on and an idea in mind, Obiltus quickly headed out the door, through the streets of the Town of Beginnings, and up the teleport gate, as was the same for pretty much every morning. Though the majority of his time so far had been spent on the third floor getting carried through quests by other people, his mind would let him wander to the quest board, right here on this very floor, in search of something to do.

Almost immediately after accepting the quest he had in mind, a notice was sent out, one very similar to Hakai's, in that it was asking for people to tag along for a quest. Within moments, Obiltus began scanning the area, approaching a man with matching hair color who seemed to be the one to send out said notice. Upon their scanning eyes seeing each other, Obiltus put on the friendliest smile he could, walking forward to the man and calling out to him "You put out the notice, right? Mind if I come along?"

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Jonathan sat there. Is perhaps no one coming? It would be a shame to have no one reap the sword I have no need for. Then he watched as a blond slowly moved his way up for Jonathan. Jonathan stood as he was a few feet away. "You put out the notice, right? Mind if I come along?" Jonathan smiled. this was the man who would accept his offer. The man a few inches taller, and appeared to be out the same age. Yes. I was the one who put out the offer. You can refer to me as Jonathan. Nice to meet you. He put out his hand for the man to shake, before going to put in a few words. Our hunt is the Nepent Variant or something like that. There is only a few of them, so it won't be that easy to find. It might take a bit of searching. You obtain the sword from the beast. That is about it I believe.... It is indeed a pretty sweet deal for him. Jonathan smiled, one last time before turning and heading off in the direction of the Nepents.  This is a very easy quest, but I am not sure of this guy's level. I will put in my all to protect him. I don't want anyone to die while I am protecting them. 

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