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A Journal Scribbled In Altimeda's Handwriting

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Username: Altimeda
Real name: Alphonse Gabriel-Doud Quinn
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5" (200cm)

About: History/personality
Alphonse was born to a distinctly middle-class family that became distinctly lower-middle class when Alphonse's father died of a sudden illness before he really had a chance to remember him. The stepfather that took his father's place was kind and caring and it was not until he was nearly done with middle school that Alphonse even found out the man was not his biological father. Even then, the news did not hit him very hard, as he had the same relationship with the man as he would have his first father. Curiosity stuck to him for a while, but even that faded away with quick acceptance.

An early aptitude for electronics and the privilege of being born into the modern age saw Alhponse take a fast fondness for all things touchscreens and computers, shooting into the gaming world as soon as he could hold a controller. His primary pastime, he spent a great many hours in front of game consoles and personal computers alike, learning his trade with almost frightening efficiency as he began to grow competitive as the years rolled on and that became more appealing to him.

It was during his childhood that he met the girl he originally had no idea would be his lover for the foreseeable future. Maybelle Clearwaters, his girlfriend-, fiancé-, and likely wife-to-be, was among the many friends he made during his childhood years, but the sole survivor of time's cruel, endless advancement. Where others came and went, she stayed, spending her formative years by his side at every chance they could find and pressing into their high school years as fast friends. Puberty being the eye-opening experience that it is, it was not long into that schooling that they decided they should have a more formal relationship, and that status has not changed since.

Coming out of high school, college was appealing enough as a rule but he did not really have any solid direction. His grades were only so-so in high school, so scholarships and grants did not come very easily to him. Fortunately, his stepfather worked a reasonably successful government job and managed to pull some strings and land Alphonse a position as a nighttime security guard at a power plant near the edge of the city. Luck and chance lined up well and he moved around a fair bit before settling on what he assumed would be his career: full-time security at the capital building in Sacramento, the city where he had lived since the day he was born and now would likely live for the rest of his adult years.

The job came with a number of perks: Solid pay, good benefits, and a very stable schedule that allowed him to plan a good deal of his free time around his then-fiancé and his hobbies. Alphonse and Maybelle moved in together as soon as they could afford to, his security job and her writing (not to mention her trust fund) supporting a comfortable-but-not-quite-ritzy lifestyle.

Gaming was always an interest of May's, but she did not adhere to it with the same passion and competitiveness that Alphonse did. With the advent of TI gaming, though, her interest was piqued, and it was with only a small amount of reluctance that she allowed Alphonse to drag her into the SAO project. Present during the launch hour and excited as could be, they shared one last real-world kiss before the words "LINK START!" changed their lives forever.


Dark hair complimented by uncannily sparking green eyes—a trait shared by both of his sisters and his mother—set into fresh, just-barely-adult features paint an attractive face atop a surprisingly well-toned frame for your average darkness-dwelling gamer. Physical training is an everyday part of the security force, and as such he is forced to keep his body in good shape whether he wants to or not—all six-and-a-half feet of it. Alphonse has a tendency to stand and sit upright, as well, further lending to his impressive height. His skin is just barely colored, a mark of his heritage more than his habits, and he has no scars, tattoos, or birthmarks to speak of.


Above all else, Altimeda strives to keep those around him alive. From the moment Kayaba's announcement was made, his entire world view shifted from one of power-gaming and optimization to one of protection and preservation. Gone were the ideas of gaming the system and exploiting mechanics for his own benefit, and in were the ideas of gaming the system and exploiting mechanics for others' benefit. The optimization and theory-crafting he had done before entering the game would pay off, he knew—but he had never thought they would benefit anyone but himself or Maybelle. Now, there was a whole world out there for him to share his knowledge with.

Whether it be on a single task at hand or a larger overall achievement, Altimeda very rarely finds himself wandering from a goal he has set for himself. Everything he does is a step towards that goal, every action he takes is a piece of the puzzle. His master plan can change, over time, but he is constantly vigilant in maintaining consistent progress towards any individual item he intends to complete. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, the sensors never turn off in Altimeda's mind. This manifests most when he is in combat and manages to keep absolute knowledge of both his teammates' and his opponents' exact position on the battlefield while maintaining focus on his own individual tasks. Whether it's a result of being hyper-observant or simply of spending unholy amounts of hours in other MMOs, it is very difficult for anything to escape his notice. Out of combat, this is seen in his uncanny capability to read social situations and people as easily as he does text


It is sometimes true that Altimeda's focus and candor come across too strongly, especially where Maybelle is concerned. He is not particularly quick to anger, but it is a simple fact of his character that his passion can sometimes lead to him snapping or being otherwise terse when frustrated. The only person immune to this is May; it is almost as if all his patience and understanding is reserved solely for her, while the rest of the world gets the raw, unedited version of whatever mindset he is in, be that positive or negative.

Altimeda is knowledgeable, focused, and accurate—and he knows it. When he is right, he is quick to make that very clear, and expects people to fall in line with the simple, objective logic he provides. While that logic is not always simple or objective, he makes an attempt for it to, at the very least, be sound, in an effort to not undermine his own knowledge and skills. When disagreed with, he is slow to budge until a very concise case is made against his course of action, though he is not begrudging or resentful when it happens.

While Altimeda is certainly faithful, he is not without his wanderings, particularly in the case of those who share his own traits. Putting an intelligent, independent, self-assured girl who can also give him a run for his money in combat in front of him is a surefire way to get him flirting and giving Maybelle the puppy dog eyes requesting they have a guest over that night. While he is not prone to sleeping around, he does not always portray that with the same clarity he lives it.

Profession: Altimeda hasn't gotten around to Earning a Living quite yet.




» Heavy Armor I

Weapon skills:

» Starter Iron Straight Sword
» Starter Iron Breatsplate

» Previously On SAO

Aurora: Fiancé
Life before Aurora is fuzzy and, in Altimeda's mind, not worth overmuch. Trust, passion, and a myriad other Shakespearean adjectives are barely adequate to describe the depth of their relationship and the sum of the moments they have had together. Their life is not one without flaws, especially considering his tendency to be distracted by pretty girls with swords and her nature to be distracted by pretty girls with a pulse; but even through their mutual wanderings, their lives are irrevocably intertwined, and neither would have it any other way.

Story Thus Far 
Coming soon!

Edited by Ryees
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