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[PP-F2] Gonna Wreck it! <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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What he needed to do next was find something to give him a bit of entertainment. So what could be any more fun than breaking a rock in a path? Yes, that was genuinely his intentions. According to the quest provided, it would help improve his physical abilities in the process provided he followed every detail of it correctly. This included the fact that he must break the stone… With his hands alone. Well, not just hands, but nothing that included a weapon. If he did that, he apparently ruined his chances of doing the task, so he could not let that risk be let loose. Besides, if the incentive of having a little bit more of a skill added to his slots for his character statistics was not enough, he also got a skill. However, he did not want to spend all day punching a rock. So the search was real as he paced all around the safe zone, hands placed behind his back as he looked to see who was around to help him. It said that any level was required, so any player would do. Hopefully this was as easy of a task as it had sounded.

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