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[SP-F9] <<Bandit Camp>> A dice with death

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Hydra's face screwed up as he entered the vicinity of floor 9. "I nearly forgot what sulfur smells like." The spearman mumbled tieing a spare piece of cloth around his face. The young player had ventured up to the ninth floor in order to help with a quest. Apparently some of the local grinding spots were experiencing a slight 'bandit problem' and bounties had been issued on the heads of 4 notorious figures. It was his job to eliminate them... or die trying. Truth be told the brunette was in need of col. Since turning orange he had abandoned his shop and had been living out in the wilds for some time, trying to regain his sanity. Now low on supplies he was forced to come out, fortunately the location was rural meaning he could keep quiet and keep to himself. 

The sound of a volcanic eruption roared somewhere off in the distance, sending shockwaves through the ground. Out of all the floors Hydra had travelled to before this was certainly one of the most intimidating. "Hmm, now which way was it." The spearman glanced around and a few seconds later his eyes eventually fixed on an NPC not too far from his current position. "That must be the quest giver. Alright I should go see what they have to say." Hydra noted that in order to reach the NPC he would need to carefully traverse a ridge. Yet again this island was made up of many ridges and if one were to slip, well they would probably burn to death in Lava. 


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After spending a few minutes carefully traversing the environment, Hydra managed to reach the quest giver. An NPC clad in armor fixed his gaze on him, and for a moment there was an awkward tension. "So you have come to help clear the bandits I see." The man finally boomed, his voice deep and judging. "Yes... erm, I was just wondering where to find them." Hydra said slowly. The pause resumed for a few moments before the man continued. "A little north of here, a popular monster killing location has been overtaken by a group of thugs. Our mission is to remove them by any means necessary. Or rather that is my mission. Your mission young adventurer, is to find and assassinate 4 key figures amongst the bandits. So are you up for the challenge!"

Hydra sighed a little, most NPCs could easily be mistaken for players these days but there was something about this one which reminded him of a robot. Getting past his doubt he looked up at the warrior, "Alright, quest accepted." The warrior roared in laughter before returning back to the same posture he previously had. "Go and report to Commander Hearth. She has a plan ready to execute upon nightfall. She currently resides North a little before the spawning spot!" A few moments later the quest accepted icon appeared in Hydra's log. The spearman did doubt whether he could do this quest, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to check with the commander what the strategy is." Hydra thought as he turned around and headed further north into floor 9.

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The true beauty of floor 9 unraveled as Hydra hiked his way towards the outpost. The ridges grew steeper and more treacherous, less people had obviously come this route, however  it offered breathtaking views of the landscape. Fields of lava spread out across the ground, surrounded by beaches of a deep black obsidian. On the far horizon smoke billowed out of various craters. "I wonder how many have accidently died here..." The spearman thought to himself pausing to take a break, practically hugging the side of the cliff he was on.

After carefully edging his way upwards the ridge began to level out. Up ahead in the distance the outpost could be made out. It was relatively small with pure metal barricades shimmering brightly in the sunlight. A small gate blocked the path, guarded by two warriors. As the spearman approached they seemed to recognize him and drew open the gates. The inside wasn't much to behold. A cook, a blacksmith, a few more guards here and there as well as various crates of weapons and armor lay strewn across the place. As Hydra glanced around some more he noticed to the far side of the encampment what he would guess to be the commander looking through her plans. "That's the one." He mumbled casually walking over to greet her.

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Hydra spent the remainder of the day talking to the commander and going through the plan, his role was to eliminate key figures amongst the bandits group whilst trying to remain silent in the cover of the night. Once that was done the soldiers would do the rest, clearing any of the remaining bandits forces from the monster grinding zone. Hydra was now sat cross legged trying to recall the details of each individual bandit, apparently all were attending a camp meeting or so the spies claimed. The spearman was meant to pick each one off as they attended. 

Aside from that the information was lacking in any real detail. There were no names, descriptions of appearances. The only thing the spearman had to go off was a hunch on who he thought they could possibly be. Sighing to himself lightly Hydra then picks himself up and moves towards the gate at a steady pace, within the hour it would be dark and Hydra's assassination mission would begin. The sound of volcanic eruptions can still be heard off in the distance, although most of it had just become background noise by now.

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"Alright time for an equipment check." Hydra mumbled now on his ascent to the bandits camping site. For this mission he would be using his usual set of equipment: his spear, his armor and his amulet. By the time Hydra had checked he had everything on him, he had just about reached the summit of the volcano. Thankfully this particular volcano wasn't active, hence the monster grinding location which was within the slumbering mountain itself.

Dropping into a stance position the spearman slowly edged forward and peered down into its crater. The lava that once filled the space had mostly solidified, a few rivers of the stuff broke apart the inside East and West. Surely enough there was the bandit camp to the East, although the only visible details suggesting this were the amount of tents set up across the place. And to the other side across the river of lava lay the monster spawning spot. "Probably hell hounds, or fire elementals..." The spearman pondered. He didn't really care to find out as it was not his mission to look into that.


  • (Perfect) Armor of the Water Serpent - Heavy armor (2 Slots in MIT, 1 slot in Regen)
  • (Perfect) Daydreamer's light - Lucky Charm (3 slots in evasion)
  • (Unique) Lyrica's fang - One handed spear (3 slots in damage, 1 slot in accuracy)


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The spearman remained at the top of the summit until night had completely fallen then he began his descent into the crater. Part of the volcano had several rocky outcroppings creating a rugged path leading down. Hydra moved slowly and as quietly as possible, using both the terrain and the darkness to his advantage, eventually reaching the undetected. The camp itself was poorly lit, most of it was spilling out from various tents and only a small amount of torches lit the path way making them easily avoidable.

Still hidden behind a large boulder the young adventurer slowly edged outwards to try and get a better perception of things. Now he was down in the camp itself, any details were far easier to make out. Towards the Northern end there was a tent much larger than the others and dyed red. "That must be where the meeting is taking place." He whispered to himself. "Which means any bandits out at this time, must be the targets of assassination." He suddenly realized. The brunette began darting looks left and right,  to see if there was anyone out in the open. For a moment he thought he saw the shadow of something move rapidly not to far from his position, and hesitantly moved to follow it whilst trying to remain in the shadows to keep his whereabouts unknown.

Sneak and hide rating: 12 (10 base + 2 from low light)

ID# 71294 results:

Loot: 11 (Remains undetected)

Surprisingly it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him, as Hydra turned a corner there was a bandit surely enough stood only a few feet away. The spearman nearly gasped "censored" fortunately managing to clench his mouth at the last moment and duck into cover. He heard a grunt followed by the sound of a sigh. The spearman would need to kill this one before he reached the tent.

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The spearman waited and listened for the sound of foot steps, that would be his time to strike. There was a brief silence but as soon as he heard the enemies movement he prepared to strike. Darting around the corner he rushed the first bandit he had just narrowly escaped. Unfortunately he was still new to the whole assassination type deal and miscalculated his targets positioning by a few feet off. The spearman froze in his stance, slightly low to the ground with both hands on his spear, which was also frozen in midair, thrust in an outward motion away from Hydra.

Hearing the sound of a deep grunt above him, the spearman laughed giddily shifting his eyes upwards to the thug he just tried to kill. The ogre looking brute was staring directly at him, there own warhammer about to come crashing down. Hydra jumped backwards quickly avoiding the blow, then stumbling to his feet, he started to back away from the camps borders into the section of rocky outcroppings where the pair hopefully wouldn't attract any attention as they dueled.

Hydra: 460/460 HP | 44/46 Energy | 9 DMG (6 base + 3 weapon) | 18 MIT | 9 RGN | 3 EVA

Bandit target 1: 100/100 HP | 90 DMG



ID# 71296 results:

Battle: 1 (crit fail)

MOB: 6-3 (fail)



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As Hydra backed into the darkness the thug took another swing. Hydra sidestepped to the left as the warhammer sluggishly smashed into a rock. "I hope no one heard that." Hydra said to himself preparing his counter attack. For a brief moment his spear was going to miss the target but upon activating his <<concentration>> skill it redirected his attack sending it straight into the victims body. And that was all the spearman needed, 11 consecutive strikes followed hitting all the bandits vital organs. The brute didn't even have time to call out for help as parts of him dissipated into nothing more than fine crystals.

Upon looking down at the remains of his victim, a small black looking object was left. Most likely a chunk of obsidian, in any case he could craft it into something when he reopened his shop in the future. After the spearman was done collecting materials he stood back up and looked towards the camp. "I probably won't get as lucky trying to hide from the others in the shadows this time. I suppose I will have to move into the camp and use whatever I can find as cover there." He sounded uncertain with himself but there was no turning back now. Hesitantly he begins to make his way towards the red tent, once again entering the game of hide and seek.

Damage: SA (Merciless Flurry 12x1) = (9x12 = 108 DMG to Bandit 1)


Hydra: 460/460 HP | 32/46 Energy | 9 DMG (6 base + 3 weapon) | 18 MIT | 9 RGN | 3 EVA

Bandit target 1: 0/100 HP | 90 DMG (-108 HP)



ID# 71297 results:

Battle: 4+ 1 (accuracy) +1 (concentration) = hit

Loot: 20 (+1 mats)

MOB: 5-3 (miss)


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With the first target assassinated Hydra began the search for his next, hopefully unsuspecting victim. Like before the routes running through this place were mostly barren. The odd NPCs were going about their patrols although most were scattered so far away the spearman didn't really need to take any actual notice of them. Light and sound also spilled out some of the tents here and there. Towards the middle of the camp there seemed to be some sort of well. Possibly a water storage as well as various wooden carts, some filled with hay, some with firewood and a selection of fruits. Others were just left, rotten and damp to one side. "That looks like a spot a bandit might decide to stroll through." The spearman thought, even his own mind had become cold and sharp. It had seemingly developed an odd desire to kill, it was only a quest after all. It wasn't like he would do this to a real player. As the spearman drew closer he began to look for a good spot to hide.

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