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[PP-F1] Set Sail!

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So the recent event had been in front of him, and it was only recently when he figured out what it actually meant. So what can he do with this new information? Honestly... He was not too sure, because he only had a few days left to make something. It was not that he thought it was difficult, but alone, it was going to take up much of his time. And that time, he could be using to progress further in the game. So he was having a tough time deciding whether he should try to make the boat or not. He was at the safe zone border, inside as he looked out in the fields. To find the enemies out in the fields of loot worthy levels and to live, he'd need to ask someone else. But if he were to do that, it would look like he was trying to join their group, and he had little to no use to those people yet. It was hard to even ask for help in this case, but helping out with whatever was at the sea was important to him. He'd like to prevent sinking into the ocean naturally, so he can't quite go in with the minimum requirements too... So unless the percentages were in his favor, he would not be able to take it. Still however, he wanted to do it anyways, which is why he was staring towards the outside world.

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"Hm...that player again. I wonder if he's in need of some help again."

Calrex had come to the first floor once again, and strangely enough he felt like he had taken a step back in time. Almost in the exact same place, on the same route he was taking with the same destination, he saw the player named Sey once again standing at the border of the safe zone. He had the same perplexed look on his face, as if getting ready to ask someone for help. The sight almost made the bluenette laugh as he made his way over, "Looking for some help again Sey?"

It had been some time back when he assisted the young player with his familiar quest, but not long enough that it had disappeared to the back of his mind. Roc soared overhead, possibly looking for something to eat again. Putting his hands into his jacket pockets Calrex gave a calming breath as he calmly observed the area for a moment. "The brightness of this floor is still a welcome sight to me. Hopefully with the new floors being unlocked we'll finally have some more places that aren't gloomy or have some post-apocalyptic event theme."

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"Am I that obvious to read, man?" The player would ask in a bit of shame as he'd turn around to meet the frontliner himself. Cal was there at the best of times. And he helped out Sey with getting a certain being on his side, now it was time to build a ship. All of a sudden, this same blue-haired player comes up from behind him and offers help once again. Or so he would assume, considering their last encounter and all. "Nice to see ya again. Sorry it had to be for something as trivial as that. Now this is not so different either." Sey would explain in turn as he would cross his arms, looking down and closing his eyes as he would explain the situation with as much seriousness as he could, as if it would give the words any more weight than they did. "The event, I'm sure you have heard, requires materials for the boat. I'm a bit late right now, and fighting the enemies on this floor is rather... Risky let's say. I've seen what loot-dropping enemies do to the new players here. I don't think I'm ready to become bits of data yet. That's where I'd need help... Collecting the materials for a ship."

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"Heh, the Rovian Wars I'm guessing. Funnily enough my guild is actually currently working to gather all the materials we need. I can lend a hand for now, at least if you're not aiming to create a massive battleship in such a small period of time."

Giving a stretch the bluenette limbered his arms up. He was fairly familiar with what materials were needed to create the ship, and that it was even recommended to have spares on hand in order to boost its durability. That meant having the exact amount needed to construct one may not be wise. However, getting higher quality materials meant that you could get less for the same benefits, that if they were lucky they could probably find noble wood and animal fat around.

"It may be a better idea to have Say focus on getting the wood while I focus on the animal fat. Course I can't exactly one-shot anything close to the loot level we'd need, but it's worth a shot as well."

"So what size ship were you aiming for?"

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"Bingo my man! Though I don't have a search party of my own. Not quite that important yet I'm afraid." He'd admit, scratching his arm in a little bit of shame. Perhaps it would have been better for him to just lay low for a bit, but he wanted to gain the things from the event as well. So with this, he'd sigh a bit before then waking back up to reality as he'd then be asked about the kind of ship he needed. Oh, this was an easy one. Since he was going to be alone for the mission... "I'm going to try to go solo on this, so I don't get in anyone's way. The smallest one is a two-seater, so I'll aim for that. But I'd rather have extra materials as well, since the quest promised a that it might be shot down in one shot..." He'd reply as he place his hands by his sides, shaking his head with his eyes closed as he thought about that flashy image, sinking into the virtual sea and watching as his health was being quickly drained, helpless as he could do nothing.

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"Yeesh, one shot is certainly going to be troublesome, especially if we're going to be fighting on a lake. Being in the water in SAO basically equals to out of combat to some level, as we can't execute our Sword Arts while in the water."

"A two-seater huh? Not a bad idea at all. I don't think Sey's formed or joined any guilds at the moment, so he wouldn't have anyone that would serve as a reliable teammate on the ship. Course that would also mean he would have to serve as the captain and combatant of that ship, and from what I remember that was something to note of from the quest-giver."

Putting his hands into his jacket pockets he gave a nod, "Alright then, well if a two-seater's what you're after, that shouldn't be something that should take up too much time. Shall we get heading out then?"

Roc materialized above, recognizing Calrex's words as he flew out into the field zones just a few steps away. After working with the bluenette to gather so many materials in the past, the blue peregrine falcon had developed a pattern that harmonizied with the Ultramarine Knight's own strategies to find and procure materials, and it did seem to work, as the two had been able to gain a decent haul of materials in the past.

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That image to him was not too flashy, but he felt like he would feel useless if not even a Sword Art could be used. Then again, he barely had any equipment in the first place, it was not like he was too useful to even start off in the first place. It was no big deal, as long as the water pressure itself did not start ripping open his virtual flesh, he should be fine. "Aye! Let's do it then!" He'd exclaim as he materialized his assault spear in his right hand before pacing his way out of the safe zone as fast as his low-leveled legs could travel. The enemies were going to have to be beyond tough, since they were expected to be loot-level and with some mitigation, but he felt a bit of security in this. What with the highest player of the game willing to offer him some assistance, he did not have too much to fear since the damage output of enemies on the first floor were rather low. Even he himself could get in a few hits.

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  • 1 month later...

OOC: @Sey No idea where to take this since the event closed @_@


Calrex gave a nod as he turned and directed the duo towards the gates, exiting out into the field zones. As per many the times he had been on this floor, the grassy fields just outside the Starting City didn't seem to change. It was always a welcome sight for the bluenette, as it brought a sense of nostalgia from back when he was still of extremely low level. Back then the boars on this floor posed the threat of death, but now he could easily walk through and enjoy the setting of many of the unlocked floors without fear of encountering an enemy far too out of his league to fight.

"Well best not waste any time. See anything that might be a good place to start. We'll probably need to find some materials out of battle against monsters, and the rest will be from having to battle the creatures in the area."

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