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[PP-NK-F1] Meeting of the minds (Wolfie, Hydra, Nixon)

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Dominion was walking the streets of the first floor doing his usual laps, when he saw a familiar face seeming to hide in the shadows. Dominion called out to Wolfie, "Hey Wolfie, what you planing on doing today? I am full of energy and need to do something to calm down my life questions." Dominion was thinking about asking him about some sword arts in the game. Maybe Wolfie would know a bit more about the people who train others in those sword arts... Dominion realized he had seen some moves that did much more damage than his own previously, which interests him. However as he walked closer to Wolfie, he thought he saw another figure nearby and became oddly angered. Dominion looked into the shadows as well as he could, but the image of the person was still not quite visible in the shadows. Dominion began to run towards the two figures, one of which he knew was wolfie, but other one was unfamiliar.


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Wolfie thought for a moment about the pups question. “I don’t know pup, I mean, we could if you wanted too. Have you met Hydra yet?” He was thinking about the Spearman who he encountered that fateful night in the woods. “I wonder how he is doing, and what about that Nixon guy?” Wolfie thought calmly to himself as he sat and meditated. He was calm, his voice was calm and vacant when he talked “Maybe we could find a few monsters to fight, it would allow us to become better at out abilities and allow our power to rise… then again we could just relax today, spend some time talking and thinking. I’ll leave it up to you pup what do you want to do?” beside hydra who had dedicated his spear to wolfie, Dominion was the only person he trusted. The pup was like a son to him. “Hey, pup, do you remember when I mentioned adopting you, after we fought that lizard? You still want to do it? Because I can easily talk to someone about it. I just want to make sure, that you are sure about this as well.



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Hydra had been spending his day following Wolfie, although at a lagged pace. The spearman believed that he needed the time to reflect, to come to terms with himself and that it wasn't his fault for what had happened. In the same sense however he was close enough to help if it was needed. A little up ahead his friend seemed to be meditating alone, however there was someone approaching his position. Who that was Hydra couldn't make out, in any case it was making him anxious.  He tapped the handle of his spear nervously. He needed to try and get closer. Unfortunately closer would mean entering a town, which as an orange player was incredibly risky. 

"Hmm I will stick to the shadows." The young adventurer mumbled moving as swiftly as he could to his friends positon. By the time he had reached the pair this person already seemed to have been alerted to his presence. "I can't go out, but Wolfie will know that it is me." In any case whoever this player was they seemed to be a friend and not a foe. Hydra stopped feeling so anxious, allowing his hand slip off his weapon's handle and simply waited in silence whilst listening to the conversation. "I wonder where Nix went?" The spearman suddenly realized, he had assumed he had gone on further ahead with Wolfie, then again he wasn't to sure about the relationship the pair had.


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Nixon watched as hydra had tried to be stealthy, Nixon was ahead of Hydra but not by much. It also seemed that Hydra hadn’t been paying full attention to where he was hiding, seeing as The Abandon was standing right behind him, and hydra had landed itself right in front of him. Nixon tapped Hydra’s shoulder, “Come on man, you gotta know where you will be and what will be there before you try to sneak.” With that Nixon walked towards the group of men that were already sitting, he knew Wolfie, the broken kid that was older in soul than he was in reality. And the other man, confidently and proudly he looked at the younger man, seemingly the same age as Nixon and said in a booming and proud voice “I am Nixon the Abandon! You may call me Nix.” He was looking at Dominion, “Who might you be?” 



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Dominion realized that Wolfie was not reacting threatened by the presence of these people, and therefore his mood also changed. "Hey Nix, I'm Dominion, are you and that guy somehow related to Wolfie?" Dominion smiled wearing his rather lowly cloths, obiously a newcomer to the game. Dominion looked over at the other guy and asked, "who might you be? You must be some form of fighter, holding that spear." Dominion glanced at Nixon with a question forming. "How hold are you Nixon? You seem to be close to my age, but you appear to wear much better clothes, which means you must be much better than me and most of us here. Also why did you start playing electronic games? Do you prefer a certain kind of weapon? Do you understand the difference between men and women? Why is it that people seem to generate hate towards one another in this game? Also, what is your name?" Dominion focuses this question at Hydra.


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Wolfie sat and listened as Nixon Announced himself in his fashion. The proud voice put a small amount of disgust in his mouth. “How can this man be so happy all the time? It’s not like the pup, who’s happiness is naïve but instead he chooses to be happy. Does he not realize how pointless life is?” He thought to himself as the two conversed. “Hello Nixon,” Wolfie said standing up. “Pup, these two are an acquaintance” he says pointing to Nixon “And my bodyguard” pointing to Hydra with this last one. “I will allow you to introduce yourself.” Wolfie said to Hydra, Wolfie didn’t like introducing others, it required to much chance to get something wrong, plus how others saw someone wasn’t his problem. He did however observe the two people’s stances. Both had a certain repetitiveness. Hydra stood with a kind of hesitance, as if he was never fully sure of his actions. Nixon stood with pride, and a hint of regret though it was clear he would deny it if asked


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Hydra almost screamed when Nixon appeared behind him, the spearman had always zoned out but never to this sort of level. "Ahahah my bad." He said in the sort of voice you'd except to hear from someone who had nearly had a heart attack, accompanied by a giddy laugh and scratching his own light brown hair. After Nix had introduced himself Hydra waited in the shadows shrouded by darkness until called forth by Wolfie. As he took a step forward the light caught his blue eyes making them shimmer like an ocean. He glanced at Dominion with a sweet smile on his face, before bowing his head in gesture. "I am Hydra, it's a pleasure to meet you." 

After this he nervously glanced in each direction ensuring no one was around and quickly took a step back into the shade. The spearman ensured he was close enough however to partake in the conversation, he would just need to be careful how loud and how visible he was to any strangers. Especially in a settled area. 


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Nixon looked at the other three, before beginning to speak “Well, I am sure there is a reason we are all gathered here, why don’t we all go hunt? That would allow Hydra and myself to assist the two of you in leveling up. Plus, who knows what kind of drops we will find.” Nixon smiled, his eyes welcoming, his smile warm. It was the type of smile that you would expect from a Doctorate student about to finish his last term and enter the real world. It was a smile of excitement and adventure. He looked at Hydra, “I hope you don’t mind me volunteering you for this, I think it will be a good way for everyone to get to know each other. Break the ice a little bit. Seems it is much easier to do that with a weapon anyways.” Suddenly Nixon remembered that Dominion had asked him questions. “I am 18, I wield a whip, I started playing electronic games as a way to expand my mind and allow for myself to be a better poet, and people hate each other because those who are not worthy of the time of the strong, eventually overstep their bounds.”


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Dominion seemed to be alright with both Nixon and Hydra."I like the idea of going out and about looking for things to fight. I could use new weapons and armor, but I need more col." He then proceeded to say the following towards Nixon. "So you are 18, which means we are about the same age. You wield a whip? That's an amazing weapon, but I also remember how difficult it was to become proficient with it, so great job. Personally, I would choose something that doesn't have as much flexibility, and allow myself to instead become flexible with the item, but thats only my personal preference. OMG, YOU ARE A POET? DUDE, THATS SO AWESOME! CAN I READ ONE OF YOUR WORKS?" Dominion loses his composure as he becomes suddenly interested in poetry. Then, when he heard Nixon say something about overstepping bounds, he became even more confused with even more questions. "Wolfie, What on the earth does that mean? Overstepping bounds? What bounds are there to overstep? And what defines someone worthy in the eyes of the strong? I kinda understand but at the same time... Nope, I Dont understand, and I just don't get it! I don't know what it means to hate, but people say it in the other world all the time, but that just made me so much more confused. Dominion looked at the ground with a bit of frustration but then looked up at the sky with an insane amount of pride. "I will find my answers in due time... just like the one about the birds" 


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