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[SP-F1] Trials

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Focus was key when fighting the boars. They were all in the red zone, but that was also where they were the most dangerous, letting the guard down when the battle was nearly over was a bad move for many new players. Sey nearly ended up dying to a monster of health way lower than what the boars had right now, just because he was a little bit too confident in what he had going in the battle. It was a narrow escape, but an escape regardless. With this in mind, he would continue to take the hits, activating one of his newfound skills. A simple concentration skill that allowed him to see things better among the blur of all the boars that were attacking him. And this made a difference. Just barely, but it allowed him to barely graze one of the boars.

ID: 71937

BD: 5 + 1 = 6 (Success!)

Skill: Concentration (+1 Acc for this post)

MD: 7 (4 x [10 - 27] = 4 Dmg)

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 21/130
Boar 3: 28/130
Boar 4: 14/130


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They were not really changing their pattern. The only thing keeping him from dropping below his current heath was his battle healing, which must have served to be very annoying to them. It was the thing blocking them out from his demise. As a result, they kept on exposing themselves with their desperate attempts at killing him. Sure, he was low on energy. But he was more than capable of handing the monsters when he needed to. So he would just continue to stab them all of them with as much damage as he could inflict per strike. It was a little rough of a task, but something doable. It was also time-consuming, since Sword Arts tend to be the engines that ran the battle, and simple hits jut hit with tiny amounts of scratching. But he was about to get there soon. With this in mind, the boars would circling him once again like they had done before he triggered Tribal Fury, and they don't seem to have much different of an attack pattern.

ID: 71938

BD: 7

MD: 7 (4 x [10 - 27] = 4 Dmg)

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 21/130
Boar 3: 28/130
Boar 4: 7/130

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Finally, he struck hard at one of the heavily wounded boars to finish off the fight that he had with it, ending the battle with it quickly as he swung the tip of the blade with a decent amount of accuracy. To a surprise of his, it would actually shatter to nothing as it had finally been defeated. It was now data in the system to be restored. The HUD would not appear yet though to show his loot, since it was able to confirm that he was still in a fight for the moment. Sey was expecting a list to arrive after the fact, but he was grateful that the game would not force him to accept the term before continuing to fight, one blocking the other in the process. So he probably obtained a little bit more Col in the process of fighting as well. Soon, he would be able to buy that estate that Itzal had told him about. Or perhaps help with their guild hall, that would look very beautiful for the task they need to get done.

ID: 71939

BD: 7

MD: 1

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 21/130
Boar 3: 28/130
Boar 4: 0/130 [Dead]

LD: 14 [650 Col, +1 Mat]

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Three boars were left for the taking, and they were all lower on health as well. So he would take his pick and aim to use the last bit of his energy to critically damage the one that looked the healthiest. He'd have to stall for a bit of time to gain back an ounce of his power back, surely. But that meant that he could be able to put this battle to rest for the biggest of the three that wanted him down and out. Only once had he used this trick back in the past, Snake Bite. Two jabs at the throat, that was about it. The piggy that fell to the sword art would flail and roll on the ground in pain, seeing how it's air supply had been dropped for the moment. The red critical sign would appear above it's head once again, acknowledging that the hit was extremely damaging to the boar.

ID: 71942

BD: 10

Sword Art: Snake Bite (2 x 1)

MD: 8

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 0/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 21/130
Boar 3: 10/130

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The pigs were getting too slow for him now, despite him having no energy. And while he could land so very direct blows, any hits that he did would be deemed far too weak for the system. A critical would show up, surely. But that health bar did not move. It seemed to be his punishment for not being patient enough. Boars never did have grace in the first place though, so they were unable to touch him in this sense as well as he kept on narrowly stepping away from them. Three of them could not possibly trap him, considering their speed anyways. So he'd wait for his chance to strike once again as his energy was slowly being brought back to life. Still though, he did not regret using Snake Bite, the one healthiest pig now seemed to be one of the weakest.

ID: 71943

BD: 10 (Can't attack this post, no energy... Sadly...)

MD: 3

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 1/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 21/130
Boar 3: 10/130

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He would dash in one again, seeing how sloppy the movements and the attacks of the boars were. Perhaps he could take them all out at once and get lucky enough to get the loot out of all of them. But two of them were surprisingly active compared to the crippled third. Sey knew he needed to change that before they could make something out of that. So no more would he target the weakest one, and he'd select one of the other two mores and slice through it from the side, resulting in a critical hit as a result of the exchange, and once again knocking it over to the side successfully. Looking to see the three, they were all in different sorts of red zones now. With his current energy, it will surely take some time to finish them all off. But waiting for an amount of time would take that same long time that he'd rather not have. It was a better idea to at least try to end them off now. Plan was set.

ID: 71945

BD: 9

MD: 5

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 1/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 13/130
Boar 3: 10/130


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Despite being weak, they were machine controlled monsters at the end of the day. One of them caught him off guard and got him from behind weakly, pushing him forward towards the next pair of tusks waiting for him. The boar would lift itself upwards, forcing his body up off of the ground and over it. The third boar was waiting as it would slam it's head against him from the side, forcing him to fall onto the ground while rolling. The impact was nasty,  but the results were not too bad. At least there was still somewhat of a challenge being placed for him to solve. With a confident grin, he'd bring himself back up onto his feet, placing the spear on the ground to help him up before looking over to them. They would charge at him now, probably with some sort of tactic in their mind while doing so. They were smarter, and they adapted quickly. Sey can't just strike them it seemed. He must be ready.

ID: 71947

BD: 1

MD: 6 (3 [10-27]=4 Dmg)

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 13/130
Boar 3: 10/130


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So despite being prepared for what came next, they had a lot more force than he expected. One of them just straight up went to ram it's head into his stomach. It was blocked, but that was not enough as he would be forced to fall back since the force went to his legs. So he was grounded, and he'd take two more hits while on the ground in the process. For this to happen, he'd just roll away as quickly as he could. Healing was something he knew that he would need to continue on in this little dance, but the passive already took care of that. There was no worry about his chances of survival, it was more of an annoyance that he was unable to just finish off the battle like he would like. It would make things a lot easier for him. Besides, at this point, he would rather just start searching for a treasure chest than dealing with the boars out on this floor. Maybe then would he like to continue. But escaping at such a time would be nothing but a waste.

ID: 71948

BD: 4

MD: 8 (3 [10-27]=4 Dmg)

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 3/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 13/130
Boar 3: 10/130

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The boars grow more aggressive as time passes by, and they were taking out quite the amount of aggression in this fight as they were battering their bodies into him with more and more force each time. The virtual pain was slowing beginning to rack up, and his body was beginning to ache, despite what the lying health bar at the top left part of his screen was telling him. Clenching his teeth, he felt no more of a choice now than to just back up and get away from the lot of them, preventing further damage to be done to him. Pain was something he did not want to endure, despite telling himself that he needed to in order to grow. Unfortunate, he was not so willing to progress than he thought he was. However, he was taking a smart move and playing evasive until he can go for a strike.

ID: 71948

BD: 4

MD: 10 (3 [12-27]=4 Dmg)

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 4/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 13/130
Boar 3: 10/130

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Go all in and take the risk, and it should be worth it. If he did not want to abide by those words, then it was just a better idea for him to escape. He wouldn't deserve the rewards he would get for cowardice. So he'd end up taking the plunge with this thought, violet eyes scanning to see which one of the three tormentors were in best condition. While the difference is not painfully obvious, he saw one of their health bars and saw the smudge of a difference from the other two... But then he would hold back from doing so. There was an alternative that he could take that would serve him more use. It was risky, and he'd have to take the hits and more he had coming to him. Eh, he'll go for it. And so one of the boars took a bite out of the Snake Bite ability.

ID: 71950

BD: 8

Sword Art: Snake Bite (2 x 1)

MD: 8 (3 [10-27]=4 Dmg)

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 21/130
Boar 2: 0/130 [Dead]
Boar 3: 10/130

LD: 18 (650 Col, +1 Mat)

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Two boars left, their partner went to bite the dust. More loot for him! It was beautiful for him, he was able to put this to a stop as a result. With this, he would then place the spear up in the air as he would launch his body forward at the two boars. It seemed like an easy free hit now considering their conditions. The stronger of the two should be the primary target, in which he would then finally even out the balance by putting one against one. He was very close to finishing the battle off, the nest was about to be disbanded and he was about to claim their loot. Energy was something he needed to check up on, and Snake bite was most certainly tempting. But he would resist that little devil on the shoulder and continue going with the basic attacks until he could pull something else off.

ID: 71952

BD: 9

MD: 4

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 13/130
Boar 3: 10/130

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It was still the strong of the two boars, he needed to continue to lash out at it and make sure it doesn't recover. The red zone was taking far too long at this point for him. So he'd continue to slash at the boar without any remorse, seeing as it was unable to resist. Sey did not know where the other one was, but that was not too important as long as he can keep this one on the ropes. Another stab to the back of the boar, but somehow it was still up and standing against him. The NPC monsters strength is most certainly interesting to say the very least. Still though, he can't quite end it, the other boar could be ready to avenge the fallen partners and the heavily wounded partner that it had as of right now. So instead of continuing the assault, he would back away and prepare to search.

ID: 71953

BD: 9

MD: 4

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 4/130
Boar 3: 10/130

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Death to the boar that was in front of him! However, the one from behind would aim to strike him from behind, hitting with a mighty amount of pressure against his back. The downed boar would nudge him while it was on the ground to push him away even further. A red critical would appear above his head once again, but no damage shown on his health bar. He had to return the favor, starting with finishing off the piggy that he was taking on. So he'd move back up onto his feet before charging towards the enemy on the ground with the spear at hand. Upon connection to the flesh of the NPC, it would shatter to pieces of light as it would leave no loot for him in return. That was fine, he was just about done with the fight anyways. One more boar, and he knew he could use his energy to finish it off.

ID: 71954

BD: 5 + 1

Skill: Concentration

MD: 10

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 1: 0/130
Boar 3: 10/130

LD: 7 [No Loot]

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They only had one focus. Each other. The one to give out the best movements would be the one to live at the end of the fight. they would glare at each other for the moment, the player and the low healthed NPC monster. So they would begin almost instantly, one wanting to inflict pain, and the other who just wanted to end the fight and collect whatever loot was waiting for him in the future. The boar would hit a bit harder, knocking Sey on his back in the process unfortunately as he would roll over. The exchange had no grace, and the boar won this time. This was just stalling a victory for the snow-haired player, who at this point was getting a little bit annoyed with it now. What other approach was he supposed to take now? It was just up to luck in his opinion.

ID: 71956

BD: 2

MD: 8

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 3: 10/130

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The boar was getting worse and worse as it would continue it's stupid little barrage, leaving him no chance to even try to strike it. If there was hope in getting it, it would be a very small amount unfortunately. So what does one do now? Well, for him, he needed to get a strike in at the cost of his own health. But that was a lot easier said than done, considering the lack of arm space for him to use. So he was being pushed back and hoping for the best of things, the onslaught showing no results, but now giving him any space to show his own results either. So he was being pushed and not pushing back. This was a waste of time, but at least he did not have to feel any more virtual pain. It was a lame plus, but it was a plus regardless of the case.

ID: 71958

BD: 5

MD: 3

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 4/26 Energy

Boar 3: 10/130

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It was getting far too annoying now. Sey found his chance to strike when it missed a step, the same way he missed a step back in the past as well. As a result, it would end up on the ground now, ready to be picked out from the world. The snow-haired player would quickly raise the assault spear head up into the air above his head before slamming it down onto the neck of the boar, resulting in it finally going down and out from the world. It took long enough for sure, it felt like a waste of time to be dealing with it after so long. He did not even need to use all his energy to put it to rest either, which made things a lot easier for him. Finally, that took far too long. He would declare as he would moved away from the scene, only for the HUD screen to finally pop up and show him what loot he had just obtained from that exchange in blows. Not a single bit of damage to his health bar, and all of this was now added in his inventory.

ID: 71959

BD: 10

Sword Art: Snake Bite

MD: 4

Sey: 260/260 l 7 Dmg l 27 Mitigation l BH +5 HP l 2/26 Energy

Boar 3: 0/130

LD: 19 [650 Col, +2 Materials]


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Considering how he did that and was without any wounds, it was probably a good idea to get out of the floor and move on. It was definitely needed now, he would like to think at least. But there was one more thing he needed to handle before doing that. The loot on this floor provided three things. And one of them was a treasure chest for him to open. Why? Because those are where the riches are located. He might or might not be lucky enough to get one, but he would love to at least try and find out if they are a thing in the game that he could use. Searching would take a while, surely. But he had spent so much time outside of the safe zone that one is bound to show up soon, right? And if not, at least this made for a good excuse to just start gaining back his energy and move on. Would he revisit? Absolutely, to help out the newer players that want to help the cause of the game. It was time to get a move on.

1/3 Posts out of combat.

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With this out of the way, he would place his feet down and crouch as he would examine the fields a bit further. Maybe there was glass like last time that would bring him to somewhere else. It SEEMED like a good idea at the time, not that it really is in this case considering there was a three floor difference between floor on and floor four. And naturally, it went to no avail. Perhaps he should look for another monster to fight instead. Wait, no. Bad idea. Treasure Chest first. There HAD to be something new for him to take advantage of. Something that gave him a chance to advance to the next step. He would rather not miss his chance like he did back when he had met Cyn. Though now that he thought about it, it was probably a bad idea to think about that. He had yet to see her... If anything, she might have bitten the dust. And this thought ONLY came to mind right now, which could only add salt to the wound.

2/3 Posts out of combat.

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With that out of the way, he did feel something around him. It was a weird sense, and nothing like he did feel in the past. Something about instincts told him that he was able to find it... If he were to follow it. And it told him east. Was it his conscience? Or perhaps the game, like a navigator. There were plenty of scouts according to Jonathan, so he would refuse to take that path despite full-well being able to... So that left him with just this weird feeling. Upon arrival to a cave, he would look inside to see if there as anything that he could see out inside of it. It was odd to have a cave all of a sudden, but he felt the urge to go in. And as long as he had his spear equipped, he should be fine. Surprisingly enough, there was not too much darkness, light was illuminating every few moments from the holes above, allowing sunlight to enter the scene as he would go deeper and deeper inside of the cave.

3/3 Posts of out combat (Energy Restored)

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The enemies he could face however could be dangerous though, it might have not been such a good idea to come along on this trip inside of the cave. But it was far too late to turn back now. Not because he was lost or anything, but his pride was most certainly in the way, and he was not about to get out of the way. So he would move out further  into the cave with faith in his instinct, hoping that it lead him correctly. If not, then it was just a bit of wasted time and he should have never bothered. Oh well, it was time to get through. So he would advance further until he met up with a seemingly dead end to the cave. Well now what? Nothing seemed to be there, nor could he feel anything telling him to go further either. So it was him left in the cave for no reason? No, maybe there was a bit of hope. If he searched around for a little bit, perhaps maybe he would find what he was looking for.

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