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[PP-F1] Frisky Ventures

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"The prices are really cheap anyway, it should not be a problem for you to find one after the defeat of that boar." He explained as he would end up receiving another HUD screen in front of his eyes. Placing his finger over the blue circle, he'd accept the friend request, adding another player to it. This time, one he was actually able to help out in the future. I they really followed along with the plan of arriving back tomorrow, they can loot for some boars that dropped loot. "All right man, that's enough of that for today. Time to go home, there is no real point of staying out here any longer. Peace out!" With the flick of his pointer and middle finger to the side, he would walk back towards the safe zone, probably to stay at an inn for the night. It was a needed element, sleep, despite him being awake for about an hour. Lazy. Perhaps. But why does that matter?

/Sey Exit

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"Yeah I've noticed they are pretty cheap. I'm glad they help out the new players in giving them a place to stay for a while until they have to get out and actually do stuff. And see you tomorrow, Peace!" He said back with a slight smile, knowing he made his first friend in the game. Astric nodded gleaming at the man as he made his way back to the safe zone. He got a quick alert on his screen telling him Sey accepted the friend request. He yawned and noticed he was still tired, but he shook it off. He really didn't want to be tired after just leaving his inn, even though Sey was looking exhausted beyond belief. He shrugged inwardly and thought that maybe an inn would be something good for him, even though he did just sleep, but he decided to go against his better judgement and infact go to another inn and sleep.


Edited by Astric
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