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[PP-F3] The Meeting <<Worn out Welcome>>

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Max had been exploring the upper levels, having just gotten his feet under him and found himself standing in a newly opened blacksmith's shop. He slowly began to make his way about the shop, inspecting the wares as if he knew what he was looking at, rubbing his jaw absent mindedly as he did. The truth was, Max was completely new here, and had no idea what he was doing, he had just stumbled into the higher levels out of pure accident. He made his way to the counter and taping his fingers on it said, his southern accent deep and gruff, "So-How much do one of them jackets cost?" gesturing to a fine leather coat on display which had a fur lined inside and many pockets about it, it looked pretty sturdy to Max, better then nothing. The smith replied, "Oi! Well Its not a matter of money now," To which Max smiled, because he in fact had no money what so ever, and was broke completely broke.  "No lad, just get me the materials and Ill give ya the coat!" Max's smile widened until it almost hurt, god these NPCs were nothing like real people, who would never "Give" Anyone anything. He held his hand out to the NPC, "Alright smith, you got yourself a deal." And with that he made his way to the door, then turned, and all the time keeping up his gruff demeanor asked, "Where can I get the materials?" The smith let out a laugh and replied, "In the forest of wavering mists!" And with that, Max gave him a nod and pushed open the door, shouldering his sword and cracking his neck. Time to get moving, he had stuff to kill, money to make. @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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It was a normal day apparently, the rest of the world had no idea of what she did recently and that didn't bother her one bit. She did fell her remorse over what she did and neither was she that outgoing to make everybody aware of it. She certainly didn't had any serious intention in hiding it as she wore the blood colored spartan cape around her waist with no shame. Her familiar on the other hand was emanating a ominous aura as people in the crowds instinctively made way for them to pass, in fear of the lioness. "Idiots... this is a safe haven; she can't attack you." thought the blonde as she fixed her gaze onto the 3 black stripes on the familiar's back. "and most likely she wants to atack me of all things." she continued her train of thoughts with a twisted grin.

The pair, a tall blonde wearing a summer-like blue attire and a white furred lion cub, were having a walk around the market area of the 3rd floor in search for materials for her shop. "Man what a bore......" muttered the blonde as she'd seen nothing she could use for her shop. "Maybe we can go out and kill something..." she added, this time addressing her familiar, which replied only with a displeased growl. The two of them would be easily remarked on the street, as the crown would split ways for them. They were heading towards the exit gate, windowshopping left and right for something or someone they could use.

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Max shoved and grunted his way through the crowd as he approached the exit gate, but as the crowd thinned, a blonde woman came into view, a lion cub at her side. He slowly took her in, noting her crimson cape and her pets rather dark aura, if living on the streets had taught him anything it was to trust his gut. So naturally he approached her, running a hand through his hair and said, "Howdy miss. Know where the ah, forests of wavering mists are?" My eyes taking in your posture, and body language, the devious smirk that constantly played at my lips present as ever, and my icy blue eyes glinting in the sunlight as I awaited a response.

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As it was a rather boring walk, a hail immediately got her attention. The blonde stooped on her track and turned to see who it was. She put a hand on her hip while trying to figure out the accent, eyeing the guy from bottom to the top... her keen master tailor eye instantly noticing the quality of his clothing: 'Starting gear huh?' she thought while she focused on his eyes, her silver mirror-like ones piercing like daggers through his blue ones. A small smirk appeared on her expression as she turned her body around to reply to him. "Through there, keep on going straight 'til you spot the mists." she answered, pointing her slender finger towards the exit gate, where she was heading. "But I wouldn't go there if I were you... If you get lost, you might end up in the Minotaur Labyrinth and you can kiss you sweet HP bar goodbye if you encounter its guardians."

While her master was giving instructions, the pet had also noticed this individual that approached them and curiosity took over. The evil intention she'd been projecting towards Ariel faded as she walk in a circle around the guy... in the end getting closer to try and brush her face around his knees. A very cat-like gesture of the little cub. Ariel let out a short snort as she noticed that her familiar didn't chance one bit. She made a mental note to try and feed her the drug later to see how it affects familiars.

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Max glanced down at the cub, then shaking it off he his lazy smile grows sharper, and the warmth fades from his eyes, as he says in a lower tone, "I can handle myself missy. Want your cub back?" He asks as he nudges it away from him, shifting his sword absent mindedly. He then adds, "You know if they have cigarettes in here?" As he runs a hand through his hair, the usual ache of smoking wasn't there, but the habit remained engrained in his mind. Her eyes where what made Max's stomach shift uneasily, set his gut off. They simply reflected his deadly stare, not returning feeling or at least hostility, she was pretty for sure, one of Max's worst downfalls, pretty girls. His lip curled at the thought of after everything he'd been through outside the game it was a pretty girl inside a game who would kill him. He then stepped closer, brushing his long black hair from his eyes and locking with hers, his icy gaze burning like a laser, meeting her pale silver eyes like a flood meeting a dam. His peripheral vision took in her clothing, obviously much better quality then he had, and quite better fitting. Maybe her coming along might not be a bad thing after all...Then again he didnt intend to be another name on a long list of kills, judging from her blood red cloak she meant business. Everyone else in the streets parted around them like the red, sea, leaving the two opponents staring at each other in their own small ring. Max was sure glad it was a safe haven.

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Seeing him not get intimidated by her overall attitude, made the blonde reveal a small grin as they two of them were apparently locked in a staring contest. This was a first, one of the few people that didn't advert his gaze. Usually people wouldn't stand to see the ugliness she'd reflect with her own. Seems he had been through more than your average gamer that stuck in this place. She was the first to blink, losing at her own accord as she let out a audible sigh. Next she would straighten her back and cross her arms bellow her ample bosom. "You can't get those from normal NPCs but its not like they're banned from the system. I think alchemists and player Merchants can get you those.... for the right price that is." she let out a chuckle, returning the conversation to track: "Sorry but I can't trust you on that lad, not when you go strolling around in noob attire. But if you have a death wish sure... go in the wild and get yourself killed. you'll be just another name crossed on the 'Monument of Life' back down at floor 1." the grin returned to her expression as she continued: "Or you can join me on some material search and we can get you a new outfit. Your choice, either way I'm going out there to find some mats." she said uninterested at the end. Kimba, who was pushed aside narrowed her eyes at the guy then turned her back and went behind Ariel.

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Max noticed when she crossed her arms under her bosom and had to fight to keep eyes up top. When she finally blinked he relaxed a bit, gotta take the small things. Her point was valid, he was a absolute noob to this game, and odds where he'd end up getting killed with his attitude and no help. He grunted finally after a long silent battle with himself, "Alright, you can come along if ya want miss." He then began to stride forwards and out the exit gate, his usual swagger remaining intact despite the extreme unnerving sense he got around the woman. But like it or not he had accepted her request. That little lion cub was interesting to say the least, judging from its body language it and its mistress were not exactly on the best of terms.... Max wondered why she kept a pet that didn't like her, what was the point in having a pet that would tuck tail and run the minute you were wounded. Or worse finish you off. Max's mind was full of questions and his eyes ached to turn back and look at her to see if she was following, but he focused them straight forwards. He wouldn't let her win that battle against him. He jammed his hands into the pocket of his poorly fitted breeches and his day brightened a bit at the thought of cigarettes, a reward to work for.

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"Why how nice of you." she replied with a seductive smile and went past the settlement's entrance gate. A nice message saying "You have left the save haven!" announced her of what she would already know. She let out a grin as he would leave his back wide open to her.... a low level, a couple of sword arts would be enough to end his misery. Her main weapon was nowhere to be seen, safely stored inside her inventory. At her right side, a ornated slim silver rapier.... a 'good item' keepsake of what she once stand for. 
Sensing her desires, Kimba started growling at the blonde as to warn her. The blonde let out a sigh and shrugged then muttered. "Relax, I won't do it... at least for now. He seems interesting." A light chuckle followed her conversation with her familiar as she quickened the pace, walking now beside him.

She leaned to the side to see his face and asked: "Tell me, why would you want to adventure above floor 1? Wouldn't it be safer to just sit there and wait until others clear the floors? Its quite dangerous out here, even more so on the upper floors where the front lines lay."  she asked with a curious expression.

ID: 73258  LD: 10 No Materials found

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Max turned to her as she interrogated him and they walked, he didn't want her to catch it, but he was fascinated with her eyes, the silver reflective quality added a danger, not being able to get a read off her eyes, only a reflection of his own, gave him shivers. He thought a moment, rubbing his jaw before replying to her question, "Well you see miss, I'm not one for lettin others do the fightin and killin for me. I'd end up getting myself killed anyways, figure why not go down in a blaze of glory. Or be able to actually scratch someone if they feel like messin around with me. If you take my meanin." He said and smiled a bit, getting the serious vibe that she did. He had heard of players who killed others, and well it didn't take a genius to get that a high level player down so low and dressed like that, and giving off the vibes she had might be one of them. But that endeared Max more, the sense of danger, and so far so good, he figured if she really wanted to kill him she would have by now. Probably would be as easy as squashing a bug under boot. He walked for a moment in silence then shot back with question, "Why are you down so low? Shouldn't you be up there on the front lines getting killed?" A sarcastic tone seeping into my voice and a curl appearing at the edge of my lip. It was a classic Max coping method, make jokes and be sarcastic when in danger our under fire, then again, he knew she wouldn't kill him, if she was gonna, she woulda, and she seemed to like him, and he was Max Green, nobody killed Max Green. He had a brother to get back to, but damn if he was gonna let her know that he had a "Squishy" Side, then she just might have a crack at killing him.  @Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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The blonde rested her chin in her right hand while lightly "Ah so you're a hands on kind of guy. I can appreciate that." She let out a exhale as she brushed some stray strands of hair behind her ear. 'So he's not a a stranger to violence either' she thought as they continued in their walk. She could use someone with that particular 'treat' for future plans. Then she pointed towards the green floating marker above her head and continued: " You should calm yourself cowboy. If I messed with people as much as I liked to, this thing would've been orange a long time ago." she let out a healthy laugh as she continued to listen to his inquiry. He was worth hangin' around for some more time and see what was going on in his mind.

After thinking for several second she delivered her answer: "You can say, I'm here on a errand for someone. As for the front lines, we're seriously overpowered for the current floor bosses as they pose little to no thread to anybody above level 25. Getting killed on the front lines, at least for the current generation, means us killing each other. " she began to laugh again, this time it was a more historical laugh. "So, that's the place you're aiming for. And I got a feeling you're going to fit in just fine." her laughter subdued to a mere giggle as she began to add a skip to her walk.

ID# 73266  LD: 15 +1 T1 Material

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Max shrugs and looks up at the massive trees which they now stood in front of, which were wrapped in mist, eerie noises could be heard emanating from inside the forest. He accesses his inventory and equips his starter sword, it materializes into his hands and Max glances at you, "Well lets get this show on the road." He then Steps forwards into the mist and taking in the musky, and wet smell of the forest, it was tinged with a sickly sweet rotting smell. The fog was what bothered him the most of the situation, not being able to see the enemy. Bright blue lights could be seen flashing above in the tree tops, but instead of following and going deeper, he waited, as much of a tough guy as he was, he had no qualms admitting the he would need the woman's help. And that comment about him fitting right in, well if he fit right in, maybe he didn't want to go to the front lines, a whole group of people like him, well, that was just no fun. He swung his sword a bit as he waited, testing the weight and all that great stuff, and shrugged, he would use whatever he could pick up. Be it hammer, sword, dagger or bow, he didn't really get attached to any one weapons, well besides his fists, his father had taught him to always trust your fists. The glowing blue lights were dim and hazy, just splotches in the seemingly in ending wall of fog, how the hell was he gonna find a dark elf in the middle of all this?

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