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[PP-F1] More scouting, more friends <Itzal and DG>

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Itzal had decided that today he would take a break.  Do nothing for the day and just lie down and relax.  This wasn't the first day he'd done it either.  Many times he forced himself to pause and take a break.  It was necessary and he knew it, and if he happened to forget then his friends reminded him.  It was a good balance to all the work he did.  Yet sometimes he felt like his build was turning out to be a bit useless.  Right when he got to the frontlines he heard rumors of an update coming out in SAO that would remove the need for the LD when searching for the boss rooms.  The way to do so would be in numbers than anything else, therefore removing the need for a scout for scouting the boss room entirely.  All he was of use for now was finding dungeons, materials, and chests.  His friend had slain many mobs and got plenty of materials from them, proving you sure didn't need a scout for that.  And not only that but he recently found out that chest loot wasn't all that good.  He sighed and stared at the sky, wondering what would become of his build.  He always loved this sort of build, but now he was beginning to wonder if it was all worth it...

OOC- Itzal is wearing twilight cloak, seen in journal


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Max was out in the grasslands, cursing silently to himself as he picked up one foot after another and trudged his way along. He had intended on going looking for some animal to kill, but so far he had not seen nor heard anything on the windy plains of the gasslands. As he made his way along he swung his sword, cutting the stalks of grass in front of him the were just a little too high. He was a shorter man, a bit on the lean side, and the wind ripped through his long black hair, pushing it out of his face and exposing his blue eyes, which scanned the plains intently. So Max walked, and walked and walked, his mind struggling to focus on the task at hand, and constantly having to be put back to it, or else it would wander to dangerous corners of his memory. The grass hissed underneath his feet as he stomped it down, the whole experience was unnerving, being in a sea of grass where you couldn't see below the surface was, well disturbing for a man who had only ever grown up in the suburban down town of a city. It didn't help that everyone had made very clear to him that he was  a small fish in a big sea, and that one more dead guy would be just that. Another name to add to the long list of people who wont be waking up. Max's mind continuing down that road strayed into the dark place of what if, what if he never woke up, what if they pulled the plug on James, what if James woke up and he didn't... His mind beat a hasty retreat and returned to the here and now. Which was a good thing, because just as it had, his boot hit something, well not something, someone.

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Itzal shook his head.  He shouldn't be thinking about such things.  He enjoyed his build and whether it was useful or not would be up to him.  If he needed to he would be creative and come up with unique ways that would help him make his build better.  With his thoughts cleared again, he remembered Velnia.  Where was she?  Going to the moon or something?  That red eyed purple dragon could probably do it if she had caffeine.  How she could hold that much energy was beyond Itzal but she could.  She could also eat an entire mountain of food and still keep her shape...  And be hungry.  She indeed was a marvel to behold.  And yet she tended to wander as well.  ADHD he guessed.  Suddenly he felt pressure on his leg.  It didn't hurt of course, this being SAO, so he simply pushed his torso up with his arms as supports and saw a boot.  He looked up and saw the player's face and gear.  The gear wasn't that good so he was clearly a low leveled player.  He also noted that the player seemed agitated.  He smiled at the newcomer.

"Is there something I can help you with sir?"


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I glance down at the obviously higher level player and grunt, "Uh yea, I'm looking for stuff to kill, seen anything?" Hefting my sword and look at him warily. I took a deep yawn and forced my mind away, making my face a expressionless mask, not willing to show my agitation. I then added, "Nice gear you got there. No where a guy can get anything like that?" Then the fact that he was broke caught up with his mind. Max reached into his pocket, where he usually let change jingle around, but grasped at nothing. He ran the hand through his hair and sat down beside the higher level player, looking quite haggard and gaunt, his eyes sunken with dark circles which stated he hadn't slept in days and his hair was a mess. His finger nails were chewed and chipped, a nervous tick which had gotten Max through not being able to smoke until he got the money. Max slid the sword in and out of the dirt absent mindedly, watching the blade push in and out, smiling to himself and wondering if dirt smelled the same as it had in real life. If anything was exactly the same, and not just a bit different so only the most perceptive could pick it up. What if what if what if, that's all his mind did, spinning its wheels to invent anything to keep him from returning to his previous topic.

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The man's words seemed rather...  Aggressive.  Not towards Itzal but as if he was itching to kill.  It unsettled Itzal a little bit, but if he could handle Teayre then he could handle this guy.  He smiled.  "Not recently, but I know several areas where monsters always hang out.  I've nearly mapped out this entire floor actually.  As for the gear there's shops on different floors.  You can get equipment by paying with col or materials."  He was glad the player decided to join him and sit beside him, however the stabbing the ground over and over again was a little disturbing.  Maybe he was just bored?  He noted his terrible state and it was clear that he needed somewhere to stay.  However he didn't know if this man was the type to just up and accept an invitation to stay at his place, so he would wait until he got more information.  He stretched his arms.  "You planning on becoming a dps?  Or are you just bored and need a good fight?  If you're level one I wouldn't recommend fighting alone, or even levels one through ten.  If you don't mind I could go hunting with you from time to time."  He gave the player a friendly and inviting smile, hoping this would either strike up a conversation, or get the day rolling.  While he wanted to relax today, sometimes he met new people and just couldn't help himself.


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Max glanced up at the guy and nodded, "Yea, that'd be good. I'm planning on tank." Max notices the man's eyes which were pinned on his sword which sunk in and out of the mud, and abruptly stops. "Sorry," He says with a small smile, "Nervous tick. I have been looking for something to do ever since I got in here, have someone waiting for me on the outside." And with a sigh he raised his eyes to the setting sun, watching it, the wind gently gusting amongst the grass, "The sunsets in this game...Some times they almost convince me that they are real." And glances at the guy again, "Yea anyways," his eyes snapping back into focus, "Id welcome the company and advice. I tend to bite off more then I can chew anyways." He then stands, his boots crunching in the dirt, and offering a hand to help him up. Max stood, a silhouette against the setting sun his hand outstretched to the man, and a smile playing on his lips. He sheathed his sword, after wiping it off on his pants, to free up his other hand which found its self in his pocket. It had been a long time since Max had been out adventuring with anyone, maybe it was time to get back into the saddle and go meet some people, get his mind of James.

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A tank?  Itzal thought.  That was great news since the front lines needed tanks.  And while Jonathan had indeed received an apprentice recently, one extra tank wouldn't be enough.  They needed more in the front.  Itzal planned on playing supporter in the big fights since his damage wasn't the best, but for now he'd focus on his scouting skills, get those maxed out.  He nodded.  "That's great to hear!  The front lines have been needing tanks as of late.  A lot of people want to be a dps though."  Then the player stopped stabbing the ground and apologized, explaining why he did it.  Itzal shrugged.  "Not a problem man.  Everyone has something."  At his comment of the sunsets Itzal nodded.  "This world and the real world are almost exactly the same save for three big differences.  It can be hard to differentiate.  Well if you want to fight something let's head out.  I know a spot in the forest with lots of weak mobs."  With that he stood up and stretched, pointing towards the entrance into the woods.


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When the man mentions needing more tanks on the front lines Max smiles grimly, "Well people love hitting me!" And chuckles a bit to himself. The man then begin to lead the way towards the spot he had mentioned previously, Max was ready to get into the fight and learn how to actually kill things, instead of being all bravado and bluff. He had a sneaking suspicion he wouldn't be great at it in here, outside it was so much simpler, blow its head off with a gun. Anyways Max and the stranger made their way across the grass land, two dark figures once the sun had set deep into the earth. The wind whistled through the grass and carried the scent of freshly broken night on it. Max's  boots crunched against the ground as he walked, the soft familiar crunch which he had become accustom to ever since he entered the world, and once again his mind lapsed into deep thought as they moved along. Max absent mindedly chewed his lip as the two strolled through the night, and his sword ground against the chest plate on his back. It had been a long day and he let out a massive yawn which echoed across the completely silent field of whistling grass.

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Itzal wasn't sure what to make of the comment, but it was obvious enough that the man had seen combat in the real world.  Wondering what his past might have been he noted that the player slipped into deep thought.  After a while however, Itzal pointed to a small clearing in the trees.  "See there?  Boar always spawn there if players get close enough.  Oh, by the way."  He held his hand out to the player with a smile.  "My name's Itzal.  Nice to meet you!"  If the player accepted the handshake, and if he gave a firm one, he'd notice that Itzal was stronger than he first appeared.  After the handshake he looked back at the area and saw one boar spawn.  He nodded.  "Ok, so since I'm the higher level for now, I'll tank the monster and you kill him ok?  I have to hit him but I won't use my sword.  I won't bother switching to my armor either since it's damage is pathetic for me.  Is that alright with you?"


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Max nodded and readied his sword, after shaking the Itzal's hand and noting his unusually strong hand shake, but retaliating with his own firm and calloused handshake. When Itzal introduced himself, Max ducked his head and replied, "Max." And smiled a bit when he mentioned that the damage was pathetic, "Alright then, you go ahead and engage." He shifted his metal chest plate slightly as he prepared for combat, taking one or two deep breaths. He was just going to wave his sword and try and hit things as hard as he could, weather or not he'd have any actual skill, well who knows. All he knew was that he'd be damned If he didn't give it a good shot. The sword he held in his hands suddenly felt heavy and his throat dry as he prepared to fight a mere boar. Despite it being one of the lowest level creatures, he still felt worried about engaging in his first battle in sword art online. He didn't want to be the player who died his first fight, only one way to make sure though. And that was to win it. Max nodded to Itzal a confirmation to proceed.

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Itzal nodded to Max with a smile.  "Nice to meet you Max!"  With that he turned around and faced one of the boar's.  He walked up to it, irritating the monster.  Because it wasn't leveled to Itzal (no way would he risk something that strong with Max) it wouldn't drop the proper loot.  Just your average experience.  Itzal walked close enough into it's aggro range to irritate it enough towards an attack.  The boar charged at Itzal and he leaped over it once by jumping, placing his hand on it's back and pushing his weight over in order to make a half circle with the edge of his feet, and landed easily on the other side.  This made the boar even more angryWhen it charged Itzal punched it in the forehead, causing it to stop and back up dizzily.  Itzal had it's hate now and he smiled to Max with a nod.  "Alright do your worst!"  Itzal was going to pay attention to how the player fought:  Aggressively, focused, calm, hateful, this tended to show personality.  And Itzal was a very analyzing character.


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  • 3 months later...

Max attacked the boar, swinging his sword at its haunch, snarling furiously as he did so, he put some real force behind the blow and his sizable muscles worked well to put some force behind the weapon. He had fought a few mobs here and there, but nothing that would ever really threaten him, this would be his first actual fight, and he intended to win it. The dull, started weapon certainly wasn't flashy, but it should have done the trick, he let the blade whistle through the air and it landed with a "Shlink!" into the boar's thick hide, cutting fairly deep and leaving a respectable gouge, encouraged by the sight of blood, Max lets out a small, almost inaudible chuckle and murmurs, "Too easy." (Really unsure how combat etc works, and have read the guides, so I will do my best.) He is rewarded for his cocky remark, by the beast snapping around and ramming viciously into him, tusks cutting deeply into Max. @Itzal



ID: 83109
DMG: 2
ACC: 0
EVA: 0
MIT: 0


HP: 1
DMG: 2
ACC: 0

HP: 2
DMG: 3
ACC: 0
MIT: 0



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Itzal watched as Max swung with an excessive amount of force Itzal felt, and cleaved the monster in half.  He noted the snarl on his face but that didn't say much.  He was entering a fight and thus there were multiple reasons he might have snarled.  Before the mob shattered however, it managed one strike on the player, though it was only two points of damage.  How sad he thought.  The mob was that low a level?  Regardless the player wanted a fight.  Another boar spawned and Itzal turned to the mob, nodding to Max.  "Alright here's the next one.  Same process as last time, I'll draw it's hate and you strike it ok?"  He turned to the boar and picked up a rock, and was about to throw it when BOOMLightning came out of nowhere and the boar exploded into pixels with a squeal.  Itzal dropped the rock from the shock and looked up, seeing Velnia, his hyperactive lightning dragon, land where she struck it, sneezing the smoke out of her nose.  "Uh, Velnia?  Thanks but we kind of needed that one alive."  Velnia blinked and looked at the two figures, not knowing who the second was.  She flew over and hovered in front of his eyes, staring into them.  "Oh jeez.  Don't worry she won't hurt you.  Just let her do her thing."  After being satisfied with what she saw she landed on his torso and crawled all over him at lightning speed before stopping on his shoulder and licking his cheek with a cute face.  Itzal chuckled.  "Max, this is my familiar Velnia.  Velnia, this is Max.  By the way, where on earth have you been?"


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Grunting and standing up, Max twirled his sword with ease and then smiled, spitting a mouthful of blood and laughing, "Well this is pretty fun. Nice to meet you Velnia, name is Max." and running a hand through his hair he shook his head, laughing a bit and giving off a pretty cocky vibe, "So how did you two get put together?" He sheathed the broad sword on his back and awaited her response, a cocky smile on his face as he looked for the next mob, nodding and listening to her while he did so. The man brushed the dust off his pants and cracked his jaw a bit, yawning slightly as he roamed about, looking for the next target, he then scratched his jaw, slightly, looking over the relatively empty area and asking, "So, is this the hardest it gets?" looking over at Itzal, smiling a bit, knowing he was being over confident, but decidedly not caring, so he continued to pace about and watch over the group for possible targets. @Itzal

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