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[PP-F4] Attack, Heal, Heal, Heal... Heal...

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He smiled as she asked who the healer was. She probably had more strength in that field, that was to be expected. But to completely doubt what he had was a pretty bold move, but he held his peace until she finished speaking to him. "Perhaps love is subjective. In your free time, feel free to look up the definition of love. I'm sure you'll find that it means romance. Search up the word romance, and I'm sure you'll find that it means love. There is not clear definition of love, since it can be expressed in different ways. It all depends on the personality, not a strict definition that one must follow in order to qualify." It was a lazy explanation, but that was the only conclusion that he was able to come up with. Honestly, he did not think that it was something to give too much thought to. It's not like he planned for that to ever occur in his life anytime soon. Though when the paladin nearly made her way out from there, she would tell him to brace for it, as if she were almost certain that it would happen. Perhaps even absolutely certain. Before given the chance to detest her words, she would make her exit, and he would not pursue. "And what is the point of that? As if I could fall in love with pixels that are formed from the game. The goal is to stay alive and make it out..." Yet despite these doubts, there was a trace of uncertainty that trailed off like an echo at the back of his mind. His head hung down in thought as he would keep trying to think about how he should approach the game next. But it seems that he was unable to do that, for the last words she told him put him in a trance, haunting him for the moment as he was left there was some fries and a pizza. What more, he didn't even have the appetite to eat either. The end of that encounter, something words most certainly could not describe.

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