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(PP-F1) Out on a Limb <Secret Medicine of the Forest>

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Pixel had been staying at Sey's shop for a while now and was starting to get used to it. She woke up and for the first time ever, she remembered to put on her undergarments before leaving the bedroom. Sey was asleep on the couch as usual, which she felt a little bad about. It was his place and she shouldn't have to be the one who gets the bed. She opened her menu checked what time it was currently. "11:30? We slept in..." Pixel said to herself as she looked over at Sey again. He didn't want to be woken up, but she had to. She thought of pouring of water on his face, but he would be mad at that most likely. She just walked up right next to him and shook him several times. "Come on Sey, wake up! We slept in late!" Pixel said softly, trying not to startle him too much, that would be disastrous.


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Sey would be woken up with a simple shaking, making him slowly blinking his eyes as his vision was blurry. His eyes would see nothing but apricot and purple at first, only or them to focus later on and see who it was that was waking him up. Pixel seemed to the the one there, and she was dressed the way he was trying to teach her to dress. "Hm?" He'd ask as he would rub his eyes a little, trying to wake up as well before opening his menu, seeing the stats. So it was nearly noon, but there was nothing for him to do. "Do... We have something to do or something?" He'd ask as he would mumble a few sleepy verses, wanting to go back to sleep, but he was willing to hear her out and see what she had to tell him. She was definitely a character of interest, so maybe she could make his morning with something she found. Or perhaps she just wanted him to be awake, which was not as exciting.

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Pixel nodded yes to his question. "Indeed we do. I found a quest the two of us could take on successfully. It's called Secret Medicine of the Forest. It's on this floor so we can get there. A village needs some medicine from a monster drop. Do you want to get ready first?" Pixel explained as she stood back up. She was a little bit more energetic and was already fully awake now. She would let him wake up on his own, since doing something like pulling off the blankets from him is rude. She sat on the couch beside him and reviewed her inventory while waiting for him to fully wake up. He was her friend, so she didn't want to upset him in any way. She had gotten a katana recently, but decided to stick with her one-handed curved sword until she invested more points in her katana.


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He's stretch his arms to the side as he would then placed his hand on his head, blinking himself awake a little bit more the best he could. There was still a feeling of dizziness left within him, but he was able to stand up for the most part. "I have taken that quest already, so it should be no problem. It gives the Anneal blade, are you sure that you want to have that as your weapon?" Sey would place his hands in his pockets as he would look at the blanket on the couch, which was not in the best condition considering he never bothered to make the couch like he made his bed. "It gives you one point of damage, which might be more than your blade. If you still want it, I'll gladly go with ya. But you'll have to take me there first. I'll gladly follow you. Call it a test in navigation if you will. That, and I'm tired." He'd let out yet another yawn from his lips as he would cover it with his left palm.

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Pixel felt a little bad that she had to wake up Sey, but they had lost a little bit of time already by sleeping in, but hopefully the quest won't take too long. "I know where we're supposed to go. It's nearby the forest we went to in fact. I'll show you the way there when you're ready." Pixel said as she opened her menu and put on her yukata. She smiled at Sey and closed her menu. "I'm ready when you are ready, just so you know. You already know how the quest works, so I don't have to explain to you probably.  Take your time waking up if you have to." Pixel said. She would wait as long as she needed to. The quest seemed easy enough, but she knew she couldn't do it alone. She didn't want to tell Sey this, since she still wanted to appear as strong.

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He would end up waking up a little bit more as she would explain what was going on before finally giving in. There was not real reason to not go, it was something for him to do in the future for sure, helping players out with this same quest over and over until he eventually got sick of it. Hopefully he proposed that purpose to be the right one, because once his mind was set, it was usually stuck on it. "All right, I think I'm ready. The enemies aren't too hard to handle. One area attack should do the trick. Then comes the Nepent that controls them all, which takes a little more damage to handle. However, none of them are really too big of a threat. The quest is meant for those that are just starting off so no need to worry about it." With this, he would walk over to the door before holding it open for her to go through. It would be from that point on that he would begin to follow.

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Pixel was glad that Sey could go on the quest with her. His reassurance that the enemies aren't too strong also made her feel a bit better. She walked out the door that Sey had held open and began to skip along the street. She led Sey to the border of the safe zone and headed to the forest. The boars didn't bother her as much since it was still bright out. She pointed a section of the forest out to Sey and looked up at him. "That's where the Nepents are supposed to spawn from what I've heard." Pixel said as she turned back around and walked over into the forest she was pointing at, hoping she wasn't leading him to the wrong area. She was confident that she was heading the right way, but getting lost was that 10% of what she was thinking in the back of her head.

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"Then you have heard well. It took a little while for me to find at first ya know." The snow-haired player would explain with a smile, placing his hand on her head before ruffling it up a small amount. Once he had his fun, he would then proceed to advance towards the direction of the forest. With the sword arts he had, he would probably wipe them all out within one strike. But what exactly would be the point of doing that? It would be a lot more productive to handle them one by one, so the could spread out their time. That, and why was it worth all of the effort? Sword arts required energy energy that he'd rather not waste. And if not for any of those said reasons right there, he could at least let her have some of the kills. It was not going to be too hard to hold himself back from killing them, but he did get pretty far in the game. If he got to a point in which his damage is far too high... Then there might not be room for even that.

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Pixel looked around the wooded area to look and see if she could find any Nepents. She saw one in the distance and looked up at Sey. "I'll go at it first, be ready to back me up if I miss okay?" Pixel said as she opened her menu and took off her yukata, while replacing it with her leopard clothes. "Just, try not to stare too much alright? It distracts me a little." Pixel said as she summoned her iron sword to her right hand and got a good enough grip on it.  She ran at the Nepent and got ready to slash her sword at it. The Nepent looked hideous to her, with the large red mouth on it. She slashed at the Nepent, but instead she barely missed and her sword went right along it's side. The Nepent turned towards her as it continued to let liquid dribble from it's mouth. It flung it's two vines at Pixel, but she ducked and avoided them. It had 7 HP, which wasn't too bad, as long as she didn't miss repeatedly.

ID: 73612

BD: 5

MD: 1


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"I'll try not to." Nor did he want to, he would have no problem with looking away as he would then bring out his spear to the four nepents that brought themselves to the two of them. On second thought, he liked the idea of taking them all out at once. So he would end up swinging his spear around with the tribal fury attack, allowing him to rip through all of the enemies with a smile on his face, nailing each of them before stopping, causing all of them to shatter to nothing but cute little pieces of data after that. It was a blissful scene to see, seeing how he was able to handle those monsters easily. "Well, that was easy, but now we have one more boss to face, an it is a lot more annoying than those things. I just got a lucky hit in for those four, but now..."

ID: 73613

BD: 3 + 3 = 6
Sword Art AoE: Tribal Fury (3 x 2)

Dmg: 8 x 3 x 2 = 48

Sey: 500/500 8 Dmg l 27 Mit l 3 ACC l 39 Energy
Shadowpixel: ???/???

Nepent: 0/7
Nepent: 0/7
Nepent: 0/7
Nepent: 0/7


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Pixel was amazed that Sey managed to take out four Nepents at once. She had never seen anything quite like it in the game just yet. There was just the boss they needed to kill now. Pixel looked around the forest to find a Variant Nepent, which she spotted one immediately. She ran at it with her sword in hand, ready to slash. The Variant Nepent was a bit taller than her and the red flower on it's head did not make it any prettier. The monster moved out of the way with it's roots and caused Pixel to miss, again. "Ewww, those roots look disgusting." Pixel said as she turned around to face the Variant Nepent. It raised up it's vine arms and hurled them at Pixel. She jumped up and avoided the vines as they went under her. "Sorry Sey! I just can't seem to hit things today." Pixel said as she stepped away from the Variant Nepent a few steps back.

ID: 73614

BD: 1

MD: 2

Sey: 500/500 7 Dmg l 27 Mit l 3 ACC l 11 Energy
Shadowpixel: 140/140 l 1 MIT l 12 Energy

Variant Nepent: 15/15 l 10 DMG l 5 MIT


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"That's fine Pixel, I'll make sure to put an end to this battle quickly. There is somehting I have been meaning to try out anyways." The snow-haired player would tell her before then making his way over to the nepent, and before it was given a chance to strike either him or Pixel, he would end up making it to the enemy before lashing at the enemy four times. Each strike inflicting nearly his originally amount of attack power per strike, pretty much ripping through any defense that the enemy may be having. With that, it would end up shattering to pieces of data far too quickly, and so the drop would end up being revealed and landing onto the ground for the purple-haired child to pick up for her drop. "Man, I LOVE the spear skill sword arts."

ID: 73614

BD: 10
Sword Art: Dragonfly Cutter (4 x 2)
Dmg: 10 x 4 x 2 - 5 = 75 Dmg

Sey: 500/500 8 Dmg l 27 Mit l 3 ACC l 29 Energy
Shadowpixel: 140/140 l 1 MIT l 12 Energy

Variant Nepent: 0/15 l 10 DMG l 5 MIT


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Pixel just stood in amazement as she watched Sey take out the Variant Nepent in one hit. She just clapped once she saw the monster shatter into pieces. "Wow, that was fast. You're really strong, but it probably doesn't mean much coming from me." Pixel said as she walked over to Sey. She was impressed and wanted to get strong like him. Pixel picked up the drop from the Variant Nepent's spot where it died. "Nepent's Ovule? This is the medicine the village needed. I forgot where the village was, but it's probably in this forest somewhere." Pixel said as she looked up at Sey. "You went on this quest before right? Do you remember where the village was?" Pixel asked as she tilted her head to one side. She felt a little silly, starting the quest but not knowing where the village was.

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"Hey, your opinion matters to me. I'm glad you enjoyed the show, and soon you will be up to that level you know." The snow-haired player would tell her. She did not seem to have too much faith in herself when it came  to that sort of thing. But that only meant that it was up to him to make her believe. Sure, a newer player was not too strong. But one can only be as strong as they think. She would eventually progress the way he eventually progressed, and a bliss time would be had by all when the task was finished and they can "I believe we would have to move a little bit more to the west. Let's go it will only take about a few minutes by walking. I don't think it is going to take too long." With this, he would proceed to move out from the center of the forest in which they were both located and bring themselves over to the village. It was a little bit of a journey, but they were undoubtably going to arrive.

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When they arrived at the small village which was just at the border of between the fields and the forest, Pixel began to skip around ahead of Sey, looking for the correct NPC to give the item to. It was a bit difficult to tell at first which NPC to give it to, but then Pixel remembered that it was an old lady who gave out the quest in the first place. Pixel began to look for a NPC that looked like an old lady frantically. She felt a lot of energy in her for some reason today and wanted to use it. She eventually found the lady, with Sey a bit behind Pixel. "Do you have the medicine our poor village needs?" the NPC asked in an almost emotionless tone. Pixel nodded and opened her inventory. She grabbed the Nepent's Ovule and gave it to the old lady quickly. "Thank you for your kindness warrior, please accept this gift." the lady said, going through her normal text patterns. A pop-up appeared in front of Pixel with the reward for the quest, the Anneal Blade. The Quest Completed message appeared in front of her as she did a little hop. She looked over at Sey and ran over to him. "We did it! We got the Anneal Blade! Thank you so much Sey! If you weren't there, I would still be missing over and over again." Pixel thanked as she gave him a tight hug for a few seconds before stepping back away from him and smiling at him.


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"Not a problem, happy to help ya. The Anneal Blade looks good on ya, and you should be able to inflict a little bit more damage with it as well. Mix it with your sword arts, and you can start causing a real hurt on those enemies. Soon, you'll be hitting those enemies harder than I do." The snow-haired player would explain with a smile. She was able to get the quest done with his help, and he was proud to be a part of the solution that she needed in order to get that situated. When she tightly squeezed around him with a hug, he'd pat her on the head and chuckle a little bit before the both of them would separate from each other. "Seems like we had a great day. We should be going home now before the sun goes down. Come on now." He'd invite before placing his hands in his pockets and casually walking out from the village and into the open field once again towards the direction of the town of beginnings.

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Pixel nodded in agreement. They should be heading back now, there was no other reason to stay in the small village. Pixel opened her inventory and unequipped her leopard clothes. She then put on her yukata and began to walk down the fields. This was her first time clearing a quest and it felt so good to her. It wasn't much, but it still felt good to actually do something for once. The fields were still filled with boars and Pixel still held on to Sey's hand as they walked past them. She wouldn't ever get over them, so she found it best to not even think about them as they walked by. She let out a huge sigh of relief once they reached the safe zone and away from the fields of boars. "Sey, do you want me to do anything for you in return for your help? I'll gladly do whatever it is. I still feel in debt to you." Pixel asked as she looked up at him.

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She would ask him if he needed anything in return for what they were able to do. To expect something out of a child like that was a scummy move, and he would not like to be in debt. Not back then, not now, and not ever. The fact that this girl was able to insist that she owed him amazed him. But he could just easily deny her of paying him back for such a thing. Placing his available hand in his pocket, he would look to her with the same casual smile he gave to her. “Why do you have so much intent on paying me back? I don’t expect you to do that, it’s just simply what I feel I should do. And you’re growing as a player, so that already is a reward. Soon, you will be strong, so make sure to keep advancing in the game.” And that was something that he was truly enjoying, teaching on how to be successful.


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After hearing what Sey had said, Pixel's smile faded and she bowed quickly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you with a silly question like that. I always feel as though I have to repay someone for anything. I always feel like there is something on my shoulder or it will come back and haunt me when someone does something for me and I do nothing.  Thank you for telling me I owe nothing." Pixel thanked as she stood back up straight and a smile returned to her face. The sun had almost completely set now and the sky was a dark orange-ish color. Pixel opened her menu to check the time. "It's 7:54 right now, We can still talk a little bit if you want to." Pixel said as she looked up at the sky briefly. It looked too real. "I don't know how to word this, but I think it's time I should go on my own. I really enjoyed being with you for these past few days. I just wanted to see if there was anything you wanted talk about before I left." Pixel explained as a couple of tears came out of her eyes, but she didn't even try to hold them back.


OOC: Sorry I took so long, I was wrapped up in school stuff.

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It did take a little for him to embrace those words, but he was able to understand where she was coming from. Sey himself had to depart himself from Itzal's shop in order to continue his living, and if not for that, at least to no longer become a burden to the Paladin scout. "Then I'll give you a final word before you go. Never let yourself be in debt to anyone, whether you make it or they make it. That way, you will never be in any form of preventable trouble." Her tears have him the message. This time, he would be the one to hug her, this time with a tighter embrace. It must have been tough for her, the fear she had, and it was a choice that she chose to make for herself. "But, this is the most important thing. Get strong, kid. That way, no one can ever take away a thing." And after that embrace, he would let her go. "This isn't a goodbye. It's a see you later. If you ever need a place to stay, I'll be over here on this floor. You know where the shop is."

OOC - It's fine! :3

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