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<Darkness Awaits> SP-F1

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It was twilight on floor one, most players at this time were in their houses, but she was still awake. The sky was awake with distant stars, and a slight breeze drifted through the area. Walking silently through the streets was a cloaked figure. She was shorter, and carried no visible weapon. Her deep purple eyes, unseen by an any, observed this around her constantly. "Where shall I go? What shall I do tonight?" the woman thought. Hidden paused in her step, as her eyes met with the darkened plains. It was lit, but just barely from the moon's light. She stepped forward after she glanced behind her. She stepped into the fields in front of her. She smiled and pulled away her cloak's hood, revealing her face and hair. She was a young and beautiful girl with pale skin and deep purple eyes with long black soft hair. With a flick of her wrist, she was holding her dagger. It was cold, but it was reassuring. She had trained herself in the real world with this weapon in an attempt to impress her father. The weapon was weak though, and at the moment she would not be able to kill any creatures with it. She looked around, not detecting any players, so she could be safe, she might not be. "There must be something for me to do out here.... At the moment, I am weak, but it does not matter, I will get even stronger." 

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Hidden stood in the plains. At her current state, combat was not in the book for options. Her highest sword art would allow her to deal four damage in total, and at this point in time, it would consume all of her energy. She needed equipment, and soon. Equipment that increased her damage and evasion. The build she was after, would give her the presence of an assassin. Her build was aimed after DPS, with a bit of scouting, allowing kill quickly, but also get a nice amount of loot. It would not be easy, but if she worked hard early, she would get there in no time. "Most shops allow you to purchase in materials. If I can find some today, then perhaps I can get a new weapon. She glanced down at the iron dagger that still lay in her hand. It was standard, and weak as well.  She searched around, but to her luck, she found nothing. Later in time, I will find more stuff, but for now I can not blame myself for my stats being so low. She sheathed her dagger inside her cloak and carried on. 

73967 LD:12 No Material Found!

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Hidden carried on, stepping further into the light of moonlight. She would not travel far due to her level at the moment, but it would be best to do some form of training. Scouting around, she ended up finding nothing. She let out a sharp breath and looked around. The slight breeze rolled through her black hair. 'It is so peaceful since there is not any players around here at the moment. It is just I and the moon.' She looked a the moon, which shone brightly back. She loved the graphics of this game, there was just so much work put into every single detail. She shook her head, her hair swinging back and forth. 'Why am I admiring the rather large death prison that I am being held captive in? I should be working to get out, not enjoying the pretty views.' She hated being here, but it really was not a bad looking place to be trapped in. "This is just such a beautiful place of misery" 

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Hidden trodded forward in the darkness. She really did not mind the darkness, or the cold. To her, it felt accepting. A problem in which she had with many other things. There was only a few kind people or things out there that would feel comforting. The rest would klll you in a heartbeat. She glanced around at everything, the moonlight keeping everything in just enough lighting to find things. In the area she was at, there must have been literally nothing as once again she did not manage to find anything. Cursing herself for her low level once again, she turned back to face the town. Should she just call it a night and turn back? Obviously she was not going to find but one or two materials, which would not help her get a new items. It would be best to get someone to help her, but that was unlikely. Most people would not do something without the intentions of helping themselves out.


73984 LD:7

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Hidden looked forward in the moonlight. It was a bit boring, not being able to do anything besides hunt for materials. Soon someday that would change for sure. It was going to be soon, after you got to about level five is when it is a bit safer to go fight, because that is when you have enough energy to keep a fight going, and good enough equipment to last. It should not be that to reach level five, so she should be all right. She returned her attention to material hunting, and laying in the grass, was a small glowing area. She moved forward, examining the area. She ound a small glowing silver ingot laying in the ground. She stared at the item, which faded from her hand, shifting into her inventory. She smiled. That made one material, whcih was not good enough, but it was better than nothing at all.She was finally starting to get somewhere, but it still was not enough to purchase a piece of equipment. 

74140 LD:20!

Total Materials: 1

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  • 3 weeks later...

Deciding to stop going for materials, the woman moved forward. It would take her forever to be able to acquire enough to get her a weapon or such. She would just have to wait until she was stronger, better stats. There was no chance now that she would be able to do it. So far, the only way was... getting help from another player. She could try, but the chances were slim, especially on this floor. Her thoughts were interrupted by a medium pitched male voice and footsteps approaching. Pulling up her hood, she hid, concealed in the darkness. She caught sight of a player speaking to another. The moonlight made their figure's visible, but not too much on facial features. The man was tall and skinny, with a large straight sword on his back. Must have been two handed. The girl carried a long this weapon. A one handed spear. She was short and skinny. Her hair was up in a bun, and they spoke rather softly. It was not until they got extra close that she could really here them. "... know what will happen Sky. Do you remember what happened to Steel after he disobeyed him?" the man said. He sounded worried, warning the woman. Her mind was going a million miles an hour as she thought of what could possibly be going on. 

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Straining to hear more, Hidden got a bit closer. It was now the woman, Sky, who spoke. "I'll be fine. If anyone has to worry it should be you Yen. You have already gotten yourself as a probation member, one more strike and you are done for. I will be in and out of..." The woman's voice drowned out as she got out of distance of hearing. Thirsty for more information, Hidden began to move forward, going after the two. Her foot steps were silent as she found the location of the two. They appeared to be heading toward a small cave, hidden by the trees. The man's voice was barely audible, so she missed a few words. "I need... get out of... dungeon." His words drowned out once more. What did he need? Get out of what? Curiosity killed the cat, but it had not gotten her yet. She stalked forward, and got a good look inside the small concealed cave. It was lit by torches and bed rolls were spread across the floor as if this was a small hideout for the two. On the walls were draped insignia's for an arrow dripping a purple liquid. 'Who are they?'

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Sky took a drink of a golden liquid, seeming refreshed after doing so. She then looked over to the man, grabbed the hilt of his sword on his back and shook it. "I know you are worried but I have to go. It is the only way I can get the item." An item? This just seemed to be making less and less sense. The man looked gravely at her and said, I may be on probation, but you are breaking a rule that will end up with you dead. How do you think Gray will feel about this." The woman squinted her face and it became contorted with anger. "I ALREADY TOLD YOU. I DON'T CARE WHAT HE THINKS" The man seemed a bit startled, but then his surprise turned into a sneer. He unsheathed his weapon, and held it with both hands. "You really should watch who you tell that to, especially when you say it when you tell it to his right hand scout." The man laughed and a silver haired man with a hammer stepped out of the darkness, right across from her. He joined in on the laughter and the woman backed into the wall. The silver haired man must have been Gray. "Yen, how could you? After all we have been through? I have saved your like tons of times!" Yen, the man with the claymore, cackled and advanced. 

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Hidden listened in further and heard Gray speak to Sky. "Are you really going to do this Sky? I had higher hopes for you, but after Yen told me that you planned to destroy one of our camps, I had to intervene, see for myself. I proclaimed that Yen did something awful, and he was on probation. Now, I have caught you in the act for your betrayal." Laughing, He snapped his fingers and Yen rose his weapon to attack Sky. Unknowing of what to do, Hidden grabbed a rock ad chucked it into the cave where it bounced off the man's foot. Gray turned with his nostrils flared, but his face shown a hint of worry. "Yen, get out there and find out what threw that rock. Once you do, eliminate it. There re too many people in this game after... us... that it is too dangerous to ignore!" Yen nodded and turned, coming out the entrance to the cave. He was a scout, so it would only be a matter of minutes before he spotted her. Tensing the woman remained silent. Hopefully he would not be able to find her but she doubted it. 

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Yen searched around, holding his large two-handed sword. He appeared even more angry in the darkness, his smile turning into a sneer. He picked up a rock, and chucked it to the other side of the wood. His attention turned away from her and she sprinted for it, dashing away into the darkness. Yen gave chase. She heard the sound of a sword art powering up. Finally they had reached the edge of the forest and it came to a rather rocky area. She had not realized how close Yen was too her. She ducked, his blade sailing over her head into a tree. From there, the tree fell, slamming into the mountain. The man laughed and kicked her. She felt her health drop, almost to zero. She fell to the ground. A rumbling was heard in the distance and he smiled wildly, raising his blade ready to finish her off. 'This is my end, isn't it?' Then, a large boulder sailed over her and slammed straight into the man, knocking him back. The tree must have shook it down. There was no shatter, but the man was no where to be seen. What had happened to him? Where was Yen? There was no time, she had to see if she might be able to save Sky. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hidden raced back to the cave. 'Why do I care what is going to happen to her? I almost just died because of her. I don't even like people, I should just... Dang it!' She moved back into the path and seen the cave. Gray was watching Sky like a hawk, and was tapping his foot nervously. She smiled. He was frightened, scared for some reason. She stepped forward, allowing the torchlight to illuminate her body's image. As Gray caught sight of her he turned his back to Sky and pointed his hammer at her. "STAY BACK! I am not afraid to kill a player" Hidden smiled. It appeared they agreed on something. She spoke, sounding a lot more confident then she really was. "Are you so sure that you won't die in the process. You know I have disposed of your minion, and now its me, ad the girl against you" As she said you, she jabbed her thumb at Sky. The man's face became pale in the torchlight, he knew he was trapped. He lowered his hammer, seeming to think of his situation, and the best thing to do in it. 

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The man groaned, seeming to have come to a consensus. She smiled and paused her walking. He spoke, in a very strained voice. "I will leave for now..." He stepped forward facing her with an angry glare. "Just know, that wherever you go, you will have enemies, cloaked one." He gave her one last glare as if he was trying to find out who she was, before walking away. She watched as his figure faded into the trees. Sky began to slowly walk over to her, and look of gratitude on her face. Hidden turned, and then darted of into the darkness. She wondered what happened to Yen, and if she would ever see Gray again. She didn't plan to see anyone agian, but they would not know who she was, she had not shared a name or anything like that. She was done with the world for tonight, she did not want to see anyone else. Where would she sleep for the nigh. After what happened tonight, she did not feel safe with what just happened. It was a reminder of what was happening.  

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She breathed. This was about the first time she did not get a breath without fear arisen with it. She moved toward a tree with a big base, grabbed a branch and hoisted herself up to sit atop it. She had just dealt with the horrors of the game. It might look nice, but after you look closer it was hell. Groups of greedy people, killing other people just to get their hands on better items. She should not have to risk her life to save someone else's at any point in time. Why had she even saved that gi-. “Hello” A familiar voice said. Hidden nearly jumped out of her shoes at that point in time She yanked out her dagger and watched the figure below her back away, their face now being illuminated by the moonlight. It was the girl. Sky. Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you, I just wanted to thank you for saving my life” Hidden rolled her eyes. “Just get out of here, if you know what is best for you. You have already almost died once today, don’t make it twice."

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Sky stepped back, astonished to as what she just said. “For someone who risks their life to save someone else's, you are quite rude” Hidden laughed at the girl and replied, I am not a very nice person, and i did not save you, I was just curious of who you people were. Now I might’ve killed a player on accident I don’t know” Sky raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, you don’t know if you killed him or not” Hidden sighed, clearly showing the woman she was annoyed with her presence. “Well, he really would have killed himself He destroyed a couple of trees to get to me, one landed on a mountain and a large rock came crashing down and swept him away. I did not hear any shattered or see any data” Sky seemed a bit puzzled by this. “Now I ask once more” Hidden said, “Why are you here?”

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Sky rolled her eyes. “What is the matter with you? You don’t like people or something? Well, let me tell you this world is full of pole so you have to get over it.” A wave of anger rolled over Hidden and she moved down a branch to get closer to the girl. “As a matter of fact, I don’t like people. If you have a problem with that then leave. I am not going to waste my time on someone who can’t even fend for themselves” Sky squinted her eyes at Hidden, clearly ticked about the way she was being treated. “You know what, I am not grateful that you helped me. Next time, you should be the one dying” Hidden rolled her eyes and hopped off the tree. Sky was just taller than her, and her hand reached for her spear as she stared at Hidden. “I am NOT the idiot who hangs around with false people that you can’t really trust now am I?

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Sky turned away, clearly enraged. “You know what” Sky yelled, “I am done with you. You just think you are SO much better than everyone in this game, not don’t you?”Hidden glared at Sky. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think like that. At least I can live without anybody else's help. I don’t get backstabbed!” Sky appeared to be thinking nicely about her spear now. The woman was tightening her grip on it. She was about to reply, but Hidden had already turned away and had begun walking. She was steamed that Sky could be so ungrateful and not leave. She heard Sky behind her in a rather smug voice. “I see. You are a coward as well, running away with your tail in between her legs.” Hidden laughed coldly. She turned slowly, the moonlight on her cloaked figure gave her the presence of a killer. “No, I am just much more intelligent, as I don’t want any more bloodshed to be found in this night. Leave now, or I will be second thinking about saving you”

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Hidden stared coldly at the girl that stood in front of her. Had she just wanted to fight her? Hidden knew she would stand no chance, but she also played it cool. She could not afford to let the girl think she was weaker for a second. Sky growled at her and turned away, throwing her spear into his place on her back. Hidden smiled and turned away. Perhaps now she could get back to the town and have some peace. That is when everything burst. He heard quick footsteps behind her. Hidden whorled around to see Sky barreling at her with the spear. Hidden rolled to the side, barely escaping from being impaled. 'She attacked me!' Hidden flicked her wrist and instantly her dagger had come out of her sheath, still unnoticed by Sky. She burst forward, straight at the spear. Sky sneered and thrust forward. The cloaked figure slid under the spear and when in range, she slashed the woman's unarmored side and then emerged from the other side unharmed. 

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Hidden spun on her foot and looked back to Sky who now had also turned and clutched her side. Hidden twirled her dagger and pointed it at the woman. "Give it up now, or it will just get a hell of a lot worse!" Sky seemed enraged by that and quickly charged. This time, she had her spear pointed down to prevent her last move from happening again. Hidden smiled, seeing what to do and darted in to meet the woman head on. As they neared eachother, Hidden jumped and stepped down on the head of the spear, sending it straight into the ground. From there, Hidden slammed straight into Sky and sent her tumbling to the ground. Sky looked to her fist as if she was thinking something. 'Does she had martial arts as well? If so, this could be just a little bit interesting. I have never battled anything with the same range as I.' Hidden sternly glared at the woman, trying to anticipate her next move. 

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"I would just stay right there if I were you. I don't want to kill you, but if you keep pursuing, you and I are going to have problems" Sky looked like she might take that answer, but then her mind decided attack. She rolled back, landing on her feet, from there she sprang forward. She made multiple punch and kick attempts, barely giving Hidden the time to dodge. Hidden finally took the chance and thrust forward, slicing into the woman's chest. She backed away and then dove for her spear, as if unhappy with her hands. She made a couple thrusts, but now her moves were much sower, and Hidden could easily move out of the way. 'How do I get her to stop? I don't want to finish her off or anything, I am not a murderer' She felt a twinge inside her saying that she could be, but she ignored it. She needed to get out of this fight before either of the combatees suffered from death. 

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Sky made another thrust forward. She dodged and ducked in, slashing again. The woman's health was at red, but Hidden did not want to finish it off here. She backed away and Sky appeared to be scared. "Alright, you must stop now. I don't want to kill you, but if you keep it up, that is how it must be." Sky seemed to weigh her choices, but appearently was dumb enough to keep on coming. Hidden smiled and then acted surprised. "ITS YEN!" She pointed to behind Sky and then went for it. She sprinted away, hearing angry sounds from Sky behind her. She kept moving until she broke out of the forest and was literally about a quarter of a mile from town. "I think that is enough for one night . It really was quite the adventure, but I never want to do that again. I might question going out into the woods at night as well. Its a bit terrifying" She turned and began to end her journey as she walked forward straight to town. 

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