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[PP-F1] Unlikely Vacation Destination <<Sey>>

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Nix snorted as he tried to relate to her love for nature, sensing that he wasn't being entirely honest with her about that. It's interesting though that he's trying to fake it...a desire to fit in, perhaps? She filed that way for future investigation, and watched Sey out of the corner of her eye as he kicked at the ground. Hack the nervegear? Does he really have that kind of skill that he thought he could?...Another interesting thought, filed away as well. "So, if you tried to hack the nervegear you must be some kind of big techie guy, yeah? If you don't mind me asking, what did you do for a living before we got stuck here?" She cocked her head at him, honestly curious about his answer. She had never been very good with technology herself, breaking things as often as she used them. She far preferred reading off paper. Computer screens usually would start to hurt her eyes if she read off of them for too long.

Nix paused to poke around the exposed roots of a tree.

ID: 74167

LD: 7 (No Mats)

But still found nothing. With a frustrated sigh she turned to look at her companion. "Hey, maybe we should try a different spot. Any ideas?"

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He caught the hint of disbelief with her snort, while nearly inaudible, it was still caught by him. It was not hard for him to pay attention to such details, and he learned at that moment how observant she could be, which might serve to be a problem with the answer he gave. There was no shame in not knowing, but it might have looked so weird if he admitted to not being able to relate to something such as that. Fortunately, she seemed more interesting in hacking. “Ehhhhh, it’s not a living yet. I’m not a malicious hacker or anything like that. I just liked learning about how technology works, and something like nervegear, come on. I specialize in Computer Science and plan to go into engineering.” He looked around as he would navigate the world. His father helped him a lot since he was a computer engineer, but no hacking will get him out of there. “Seems like that won’t be happening anytime soon. And what about you? You’re definitely observant. And... Hm, perhaps players have gathered here by the lake. We might have to depart. You okay with that?”

ID: 72214

LD: 2 + 3 = 5

Total Mats: 5


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Nix listened intently to the white-haired player's words, hands back in her pockets as she walked. She really was interested in what he had to say, she knew nothing about computers or how they worked so to her it was like a whole different world. "So you aren't a malicious hacker, but you could be, if you wanted to?" She smiled teasingly. "I'll have to keep that in mind, stay on your good side if we get out of here."  She winked, still grinning, then continued walking. She chuckled as he commented that she was observant. "Well of course! I have to be, doing what I want to do, " she sighs wistfully, a sad smile barely curving her lips, "I was a history/art history major in the real world, second year. If you aren't observant, detail oriented, you don't make it far in that field. You have to discern the relationship between monks based only on their monastery's inventory list. Derive the artist of a work based only on the brush-stroke style, write a 10-page analysis paper on a piece of art that is nothing but a blue square. I love it, I really do -- well, did. I guess I can't really use the present-tense here any more." She lets out a breath, realizing that she might have getting a bit too excited while talking. She glances over at Sey, giving him a sheepish look, and apologizes, "sorry about that, I can get a bit carried away sometimes." 

She looks ahead then, nodding in agreement with his assessment that they should head out. "I think I know another place where we can find a few things, just follow me!" Cheerful once more, she started skipping off.


Necryptonix came to a stop in an open, grassy field. A few trees and boulders dotted the landscape, but otherwise it was just a sea of waving grasses. "What do you think? I imagine there must be some materials hidden in all of this grass." She took a few steps forward, brushing aside grass roots with her boot.

ID: 74359

LD: 18 

+1 Mats

"Aha! See?" She held the grass root material out to Sey, face full of smug triumph, before she started walking more purposefully again.


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"Pfft, my stuff got fried, I don't think I'll be hacking for a long while. Besides..." His eyes would look downwards towards the ground as he then gave it a bit of thought. How long were they in the game...? By this point in time, he was losing all of the information he knew back in the real world. "I don't think I know how to even operate them anymore... We've been trapped here for a long time. I never have a chance to practice anymore, and I guess it just slipped." Slowly, this game was making him lose sight of what mattered to him back in the real world and instead replacing it with things he thought mattered to this world. When he got back to the real world, how was he going to survive without the knowledge he had? But the thing was, he was unable to review anything back in that world either, where some people might be able to. Sey was an unlucky one. She explained how she was a fanatic over art and loved to find the inner meaning of things. He gave a sheepish smile when she then began to start apologizing to him. "Oh shush, Picasso. Keep looking for more materials." But nothing came out in a demanding way, but more of a jokingly manner as he playfully threw a material he collected at her.

ID: 74362

LD: 3 + 3 = 6


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Necryptonix listened with some sympathy as Sey worried about his tech skills slipping. "I bet it's a lot more than your tech skills slipping....I don't even want to imagine what my body must look like now that it's been in a coma all this time. Probably a skeleton." She wrinkled her nose and grimaced. "A smelly skeleton. Hopefully they get female nurses to do all of my bathing." Her grimace slipped into a snort and a shrug. "What do you think, is hacking like riding a bike? Maybe you'll be able to pick it right back up again."

Nix's face flushed at his Picasso comment, and she tried to dodge the material Sey threw, but it still hit her arm. She giggled, then put on a fake-insulted expression and picked up the material. "Honestly, all you higher-leveled players think you can do whatever you want!" She took aim and chucked the material back at Sey, aiming for his chest. He can call me Picasso all day long, as long as he doesn't ever expect me to actually draw anything...She grinned at the other player, a glint of mischief shining in her eyes as a new idea occurred to her. "You better watch your back, Sey. You've just entered into a war with the master of pettiness!" 

ID: 74408

LD: 3


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"Pfft, we'll be living tubes by the time we are out of there. And I wasn't even fat..." It was not fair! Anyone who was fat out in the real world would all of a sudden be able to become normal by the end of the game. Meanwhile, he would look like a child out in the desert, as dark as that was to imagine. Was it fair? Perhaps not. But it was a perfect analogy. "Hacking takes a long time to learn I'm afraid. All of the codes you need to learn, the basics of software and hardware, external hardwhere, the RAM, the... Okay, I think you get what I mean. Point is, it's not so easy." But then he would just shrug it off as if it were no big concern of his, even though it was probably one of the most crucial aspects of his life. A sudden material to the chest would be taken as he would then fall onto the ground, sitting uncomfortably from the sudden shot. "That's right we do! Bow down mortal!" He'd tease as he would grab the material and throw it directly as her stomach as if it were a snowball fight.

ID: 74410

LD: 5 + 3 = 8


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Nix tried to put on her war face, but she couldn't help laughing as the white-haired player threw another material her way. She tried to catch the material before it hit her, but it slipped through her hands. Once again pasting on the most insulted grimace she can manage, she picked up the material and glowered at Sey. "Honestly, how old are you?! Three?!" She tossed the material up and down in her hand before winding up like a pitcher and chucking it at the other player. Without looking to see if he caught it or not she turned and bolted the other way, for fear of retribution. She couldn't run very fast however, as she was laughing and was finding it hard to catch her breath.

Necryptonix stumbled over something, having to throw her arms out for balance, before falling to her knees. 

ID: 74613

LD: 3

Nix snorted at her own clumsiness before breaking into giggles and laying down in the tall grass, arms and legs thrown out like a starfish. "Hey Sey, if something tries to kill me you'll warn me, right?"


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He tried to get back up onto his feet by pushing his hands against the ground, all while responding to her question. "You can bet I'm three! Three seconds from putting pelting you with anothe- Oh shoo-" The other material that the brunette threw at him would strike him while he got up, forcing him to fall forward face-first onto the ground. A small groan would emit from his lips from the impact. "Owww..." He would slowly get back up onto his feet as he would hold his head, feeling it ache for a little bit while his sight was a bit blurry for the moment. His legs were stumbling as well, but when he was back to normal, he heard her ask if he would warn her if there was any danger coming her way. So of course, he decided to tease. "Pfft, no." And with that, he would sit back down onto the ground next to the material she hurled his way. "Nix! Behind you!" He exclaimed, hoping she would be fooled and turn around. If she did, he would pick up the material and throw it at her when she was not looking.

ID: 74614

LD: 9 + 3 = 12


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She snorted again as Sey claimed he wouldn't warn her. But at the other player's exclamation, Nix jerked upright and shoved herself to her feet, whirling to face whatever enemy Sey had spotted with her hand flying to the pole of her spear. Her eyes jumped around for a few moments, breath coming fast from adrenaline. And then she realized what he had done. Nix whirled around once again, quickly spotting the other player's white-hair in the sea of waving grass. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh you must think you're just soooo funny! Well let's see how funny you are after I turn you into a human shish kabob!" Nix grinned wickedly and shook her two-handed spear at him, then leaped forward into a run heading straight for the other player. Of course, she didn't actually plan on hurting him, just getting his clothes a little dirty. I wonder if he's ticklish?....

ID: 74632

LD: 14



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He laughed as he would score the instant she turned around, and it seems like he was able to fool her nicely. The salt that she emitted from the blow was clearly evident when she took out her weapon in an attempt to take him down with her weapon. The instant she did, he would instantly... Make a run for it. Nope! He was not going to face that! Sey refused to be on the opposing end of that spear. So he would try to bail out as quickly as he could, which was not too much since he did not have any points invested in his evasion skill or any athletics equipped on him. Therefore, he was running at a moderate speed, and if Nix had any items that would allow her to unfortunately catch up with even the smallest bit of a boost, she was most likely going to catch him. Oh well, at least he got to pick up at least a group of herbs on the way, and now he was having some fun with Nix as well, even if it meant being chased with a weapon.

ID: 74634

LD: 12 + 3 = 15


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"Hey! You get back here and face your just deserts!" Nix yelled to him, trying to keep her angered facade on as the white-haired player bolted away. She had no speed buffs at all, so she knew she wouldn't be able to catch him, but she could at least try to preserve what was left of her dignity. She had to hide her embarrassment after he had fooled her, and this was the best way she could think of to do it. She vaguely considered throwing her spear, but she knew without a doubt she would miss, or worse yet, would actually somehow manage to hit him and do real damage. She would never forgive herself if she did that. With a frustrated sigh she came to a stop and tried to strike a regal and intimidating pose with her spear held upright in front of her, but the sun was starting to set and she squinted against its reflection on the metal of her spear tip. 

ID: 75449

LD: 15 (+1 Mat)

She noticed a root material that she had accidentally dug up with the butt of her spear, and stooped to pick it up, before waving it in the air. "I've got something for you, ya weenie!"


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The weenie would turn around when she called out to him to see what she found, and seeing how they were about a good distance apart... And totally not because he was running out of energy, he would turn himself around to see what was obtained. In her hand would be a material she found on the ground. He laughed a bit as he would simply reply with a snarky, but completely sarcastic. "Pfft, show-off!" He teased as he would walk back up to her again, though not without any preparations. This time, he was looking around for some materials to be used for the future, only to no avail as the gatherer skill would not find anything. "Anyways, seems like I'm not yielding too many results right now. So I'm just going to call luck on your behalf, rather than skill." his muscles were braced after that joke, as he expected retaliation... Though he didn't know how she was going to react, seeing as there were many options.

LD: 7 + 3 = 10

ID: 75450

Total Mats 15


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Luck?! Excuse you sir, I am, in fact, an individual of many talents and skills, and I am insulted that you would think any less of me!" Nix hoped Sey would understand that she was being sarcastic, judging from her suddenly lofty inflections, high pitched voice, and strange fake accent. She held the material out to Sey, lips pursed, eyes slightly narrowed as she noted some caution on his behalf. She briefly considered chucking it at his face as soon as he reached out for it, but decided that would be much too obvious. His clothes were pretty fancy, she imagined he wouldn't like it if they got dirty....but if she bent down now to grab any dirt he would surely notice. Although...if she tricked him like he had tricked her....Suppressing a grin again and carefully composing her face into one of unease and confusion, she leaned over to look behind Sey.

"Hey, do you know what that is? It's really bright..." She pointed in a vague direction.

ID: 76503

LD: 16 (+1 Mats)


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"Really bright? Eh, that's probably just my hair. I swear, I am not afraid to chuck another material!" Sey would then place a material in his hand before turning around. And much to his non-surprise, he would not see anything that was "bright". Now that he knew that it was a trap, he would give the material that he had a tight grip, though he braced himself for impact from a material before he could return it. Dodging it was definitely not on the list of options now by the time he was able to turn his back around. Nix had him for the moment if she did take advantage now, little did he know her true intentions. Well, at least he would have a chance to try to chuck another material at her if it were to happen, but his luck would still run out regardless, because he would definitely take off the coat in order to make sure that he was clean. Then... Retaliation, and it was going to literally get messy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As soon as Sey turned his back to look, Nix swooped down and dug her fingers into the earth, getting a healthy scoop of dirt and grimacing at the feeling of it getting under her nails. Knowing she only had a few moments before the chance was missed, she chucked the dirt at his back while lungth hing to the side to start running. She had a feeling he wouldn't be too happy with her if the dirt hit its target. She bolted away, not looking back, a manic grin on her face as she tried to suppress her laughter -- laughing would only slow her down. Once she was out of breath and had run a fair distance she stopped and turned to face him. "You may not be afraid to chuck mats, but I'm not afraid to throw dirt! Fear me!" She wiped her hand off on her pants, trying to ignore the grimy feeling the dirt had left. 

ID: 77728

LD: 3 (No Mats)

"And by the way, your hair isn't that shiny!"


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There it was! A material! Or so he thought. He would quickly turn back around to face her, only to find that it was a pile of dirt that had been launched, and the material could not deflect anything. As a result, he took a chest-shot to the coat as he would be forced to take it off and let it go back to his inventory, his white T-Shirt being left open. "Yo! Don't run away! I'm just going to get a little payback! Sey would declare as he would embark on the chase... Now that his coat was off of him, he was a lot better off with running than he was before, which was much relief to him since it was a burden to him before. With the material in hand, he was ready to throw it at her. But the distance she ran was rather far. By the time she ran out of breath, he was stumbling with a lack of air. His right arm would aim to softly hit her shoulder with the material that was in his balled up hand. "Ha.... Gotcha... Fool..."

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