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[SP-F1] Gathering mats [Complete]

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Dominion continued his walk back to the main city. He passed by familiar faces, waving a greeting. He got back to the gates by a bit after lunch time, when he would request tea from main tavern, that is if they had any in stock. As Dominion unequipped his Monkey King Armor, he noticed a shop which he had not seen before. Maybe that shop is owned by someone I know. Dominion stopped short of entering that shop and first traveled to his place, a spot that he stayed at night. He did not live there, but basically knew the alleyway like it was his own neighborhood. As Dominion was now back in the city with a inventory full of mats, nine more to be specific, he could rest assured. However, he first needed to check and make sure his journal was still in the place he hand left it, untouched by other players. Then he thought about how he could surely use the mats to buy items from shops and an occasional vendor.


Dominion: 9 mats, 400 Col, 1 SP

Edited by Dominion
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