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<Running Errands> (The Second lesson, is also free)

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She opened the door of the blacksmith. She literally had just finished the last of her errands that Zachariah had for her. She had earned quite a bit of experience form it, and he had let her go with a good amount of potions. Now she was to bring this package to the blacksmith. She stepped inside of the forge and searched around. She seen an anvil with a man working hard on a sword a it. As his eyes met her figure that was masked by a cloak he smiled. He seen the package that rest in her hands. With a booming voice Lyle Tealeaf spoke. "Ah my package! Thank you!" She handed him the package with a slight smile surprised of how jolly this gruff man was. He moved over to his anvil again and looked at it with a frown. He began to search around, a bit frantic for something. Curious, the woman pulled down her hood as she knew this was an NPC that was unaffected by her appearance. "What is the matter?" The man looked to her with a smile and calmly said, "It appears that I have misplaced my boar pup tusks. Could you perhaps go out and fetch some for me?" The woman nodded and turned to head out the door. 

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She stepped outside the door and into the plains. She was looking for boar pups that traveled here, and she needed to kill a few of them and reap them of their tusks. Luckily, they were not strong, and had a low amount of health. At her damage, she could one shot them without using a sword art. She kept moving forward, scanning her surrounding area. She smiled as she finally seen one of them. This was her first chance in combat. This was where you could see if you were any good or not. The Boar Pup seemed to notice her as well, but she shot forward right at it. Her dagger came into her hand, and she slashed forward from a reverse grip. She was much too slow, allowing the Boar pup to dodge her attack and ram her forward. She fell to the ground, but rolled back up, giving her an chance to go at the ready next time. She had gotten to far ahead of herself for that attack. She needed to come in better. 


Hidden 35/40 6/8

Boar Pup 5/5

75497 BD:1 
Sword Art Used: (Miss~ -2 Energy)

Base Damage: 5


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Hidden watched the boar tort as if it were proud of itself for a job well done. Now she was prepared, she knew what she had to do. She switched her dagger from a reverse to normal grip and held it tightly. It was not as long as a sword or another weapon, so he would have to use a speed advantage. She sped in, her weapon glowing a faint blue. She seemed to have caught the boar by surprise, and she ducked to the side of it to prevent herself from getting hit again. Using this newfound strength and confidence, she thrust her dagger into the side of the boar pup, shattering it upon contact. She smiled and sheathed her weapon back inside her cloak. That was one gone. Two was left to deal with. She already had taken out one and got a boar pup, meaning this quest was going much smoother than the previous. She could not get to excted. She was still out in the plains, and that was still where people died at. 


Hidden 75/80 7/8

Boar Pup 0/5

75498 BD:9 
Sword Art Used: <Armor Pierce(1x1)
1x1x(5+1)=6 Damage Dealt

MD:3 Miss

LD:19+1=20 Boar Tush Found



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Hidden smiled to the fact she was already almost done with her work. It had gone great so far, she just now needed to go ahead and finish off a few more before she was done with this quest. The reward item was useless to her now, but she could see or gift the item to another player. Or for now, she could keep the armor until she got herself a cloak, that way she could have a bit of mitigation. Smiling at her ideas she searched around, finding yet another boar pup. Stealthily sneaking forward, she held her weapon in a reverse grip. One hit wonders were on her side in the quest, all she had to do was get close enough. She sprinted forward, her cloak flowing beside her. The boar pup barely got the chance to look her way before her dagger slashed right through its body. She smiled and resheathed her weapon, but was saddened to find out that she had not received anything for it. 


75593 BD:8 MD:3 LD:7

Hidden 75/80 7/8 

Boar Pup 0/5

Sword Art Used: <Armor Pierce(1x1) -1 Energy +1 Energy
1x1x5=5 Damage Dealt

MD:3 Miss

LD:7+1=8 No Tusk found

Tusks Found 1/3


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Hidden had not used much of her energy yet, but she decided to give herself a break. She did not need to overwork herself with too much boar hunting. She searched around and found a grassy area to conceal herself in as she rested. She sat down, the grass folding in under her weight, only leaving the exterior wall of grass around her. Her skills were increasing incredibly fast, but she still was not prepared to fight alone. Not just yet at least. She was fine being slow about it now. She did not want to risk the chance of dying, and working on these quests were really helping her. They were easy, and had a goal for her to work to. Her main skill goals at the moment were her Dagger and Search and Detect. Then she would get a mod or two for both, then her next two would be Hiding and Light Armor. By then, she should have been extra strong, with some kind of unique or even possibly a demonic. A demonic weapon would be great, espically if she had fallen damage. She needed to get a damage familiar, that way she could deal quite a bit of damage. 

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Her heath and Energy had returned to max, satisfying her for another battle. These boar pups were quite easy, but she wanted to ensure that she was in tip top shape for all of her battles. She searched around for the smaller boars. After a few minutes passed, she found one. She smiled and whipper out her dagger, her hand feeling much colder as she held onto it. The weapon was cold, but was no compare to the effect of a weapon with freeze enhancement on it. She zapped forward, holding her dagger in a reverse grip. Here it was. She brought the blade of her weapon straight into the shoulder blade of the pup. The pig squealed, and shattered, engulfing the girl with the blue shards. She smiled, but it quickly faded as she once again found no boar pup tusk. She had found one, but had not yet managed to get more than one tusk. Infuriating


75806 BD:7 MD:5 LD:7

Hidden 80/80 7/8

Boar Pup 0/5

Sword Art Used: <Armor Pierce(1x1) -1 Energy +1 Energy
1x1x5=5 Damage Dealt

MD:5 Miss

LD: 7+1 No Loot

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Hidden sighed as she moved forward. it was getting a bit lonely being out here all alone. She would rather be with someone like Sey. If she got done with this quest fast enough, perhaps she could go see him. Or she could hunt some mobs that might give her a good amount of Col. She needed some to be able to go see an artisan. The artisan was a scout so she could easily find a good amount materials so you could not pay her in materials. Only in Col. She was VERY close to being able to purchase stuff, but right now was not that time. She spotted another Boar pup and smiled. She raised her weapon and dashed forward slashing. The boar pup shattered faster this time, and also gave her a tusk. She smiled, knowing that she was almost done with the quest, meaning that she would have extra time do some hunting or other things. 


75807 BD:9 MD:5 LD:12

Hidden 80/80 7/8

Boar Pup 0/5

Sword Art Used: <Armor Pierce(1x1) -1 Energy +1 Energy
1x1x(5+1)=6 Damage Dealt

MD:5 Miss

LD: 12+1 Boar Tusk Found!

2/3 Quest Items obtained.


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Hidden stood quietly in the plains, searching for another boar pup. There seemed to be an abundance of them around here. She smiled and began to move forward, another one catching her eye. She smiled and readied her dagger yet once again. Her blade was held in a reverse grip and she dashed forward, heading straight at the boar. it was her's for sure. The boar turned at that second and seen her. It moved out of the way and the cloaked figure sailed right passed it. The pup charged her, homing in on her body. Her mind flashed to the time Hikoru fought and he dodged the treants. With Speed and agility. She kicked off the ground and somersaulted backwards landing on her feet, giving her a bit more reaction time. She dove to the side rolling and ended up crouched on the ground, dagger forward and unharmed. 


75846 BD:3 MD:2 LD:13 CD:1

Hidden 80/80 6/8

Boar Pup 5/5

BD:3 Miss (-2 Energy (+1) 

MD:2 Miss


2/3 Quest Items obtained.


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The boar sailed passed her missing her. It was good that she took pointers from Hikoru. The pup turned and stamped its hoof. With a quick snort, the pig charged forward. Smiling, Hidden stood with her weapon at the ready. Counting the seconds she spun as the boar got danger close. As he spun, she thrust her dagger in the side of the boar and it drug along its side and cut it open. With a satisfying shatter, the boar pup was dead. She smiled devilishly and sheathed her weapon. She had done great. She also knew Hikoru would have been proud. They had not done much yet, but he was like her fighting mentor. She looked at her notification and found that she had completed her quest as she had found the last boar pup. Now, all she had to do was bring it back to the blacksmith. She really did not need a weapon, or the kind of armor he could supply her, but he knew the man's intentions were at best. 


75847 BD:7 MD:4 LD:14 CD:2

Hidden 80/80 6/8

Boar Pup 0/5

BD:7 Sword Art Used: <Armor Pierce(1x1) -1 Energy +1 Energy
1x1x5=5 Damage Dealt

MD:4 Miss

LD: 14+1 Boar Tusk Found!

3/3 Quest Items obtained.


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She rearrived back at the blacksmith floor and the burly man seemed happy as she entered the building. He smiled and spoke in his deep, booming voice. "Welcome Back! I hope you have brought the boar tusks as I have asked?" The woman nodded and held out the bag of tusks from her inventory. He smiled and took them ungreedily."Now I can get back to making you that thank you for bringing me my parcel!" He laughed and took the tusks into his working area. He hammered away at the item, though things were in her way to be able to see. He made a few back glimpses at her, and eventually laughed. "Finished!" He seemed rather excited and he held out a pure black armor, with metal attacked to the tusks he had given her. She took it from his hands and was immediately pressurized by its weight. "I am sorry, but I can only make Heavy Armor! So just think of it as a way to uh... Build character!" The man laughed and grabbed a parcel from off his table.  

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He turned looking at her. After a moment of what seemed to be deciding he handed her the parcel. "When you can, I want you to hand this to a woman named Hannah. She is currently in a grove of trees on the north side of town. She requires this item to further her making of rings as she is an artisan." Hidden nodded. This was just a whole slew of story quests wasn't it. She took the parcel and then the man gave a reassuring smile and helped her through the door She wiped her forehead. She now had another quest up her sleeve, and another one that needed done. 'Great, Now I will not have time to swing by Sey's. I'll just go hunt a bit, then bring it straight to Hannah. She will have it by the end of the day and I can be done.' She smiled at her plan. Off back to the fields then. This time she would hunt the stronger ones so she could possibly get some col from it. Her energy was now refilled so she could start fighting immediately. 

Energy 8/8


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Hidden stopped and thought for a second. Unless she wore her armor, she would definently be in trouble for sure. A few hits, and she was definitely a goner. She could not use her armor though, until it stopped causing her to smash right into the ground. She sighed and just decided to search for some more materials. It was good for her to gather materials, especially with her about to go and get the Merchant profession. She would hopefully find her a unique item, if she found one she did not want, she would ask Sey if he wanted it. Then, if not, it would go to his guild. She wanted to help Sey out as much as possible as he did so much for her. Anyway, his guilds purpose was to help players like her, what if she joined that cause too? She would not join join, but help in some little way. The first people she would get to was the Paladin's. They were on the frontlines, and they needed something as well to help them out. 

75849 LD:17+1

1 Material Found

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Hidden kept up her search. She had just found one, making her count total one so far. She smiled as she kept moving forward. Today had been rather successful and she had done it completely by herself. No help from outside sources, but just herself. She searched around, finding another gleaming area on the ground. She smiled and crouched down. Sure enough, another material lie in the ground. She retrieved the item examining it in her hands. It would be good for her to use for items or even for her merchant. She needed six more items, and most would require an artisan or tailor. Too bad she could not get either one at the moment. There happened to be very little of that profession. Neverless, she would get those items eventually. She moved forward. She might jsut head over to that lady in the grove now. It was getting a little bit boring. 

75851 LD:16+1=17 Mat found

2 Materials found

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Hidden stood, searching for some more materials. She knew there had to be a bit more around here. Then, all of a sudden, a howl ripped through the peaceful silence and a wolf stood in front of her, prepared to strike perhaps. It would not be the easiest, but perhaps she could fight it. There was no hiding this one. She pulled out her dagger, just in time for the wolf to caw her, slicing open her right leg. Hidden felt a surge of energy course through her body. Negative that was. It was anger, and she would use it. Growling, hidden slashed upward with her blade in a reverse grip. The wolf stepped to the side as if it knew where she was going. 'Alright, it got me there, but I will get it back next attack."


76137 BD:2 CD:5 LD:5 MD:7

Hidden 70/80 7/8

Boar 40/40

BD:2 Miss

MD:7 10 DMG


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Hidden advanced upon the boar. She needed to kill this thing while she had energy. She was slowly running out as she missed. Se used just as much energy hitting as she did the missing part. She focused on her target and she took a breath. She had to hit. As the boar charged, she rolled to the side. Like a freight train, the boar charged past her. She thrust her weapon froward as it passed, but no luck was coming to her. Sighing, she stood back up. She could waste no more time or energy to pursue the creature. 'Why did I not get an accuracy item already? I am so underprepared for combat. She became a bit irritable, but she knew that she was going to be fine, just a little ticked if anything. She needed to look for an opening this time, see where she should attack from. 


76267 BD:5 MD:2

Hidden 70/80 6/8

Boar 40/40

BD:5 Miss

MD:2 Miss


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Hidden began to watch closely. She stood completely still, confusing the boar a bit. Eventually, the boar became tired of waiting and it began its charge, bound straight for her. Finally seeing her opening, she rolled to the side and quickly turned. Her dagger began to gleam with a purple aura as she slashed in a circular motion, causing the air to become like a tempest. The boar squealed upon her hits but it sailed on through. she held her weapon tightly in her grip as she looked in amazement about what she had just done. 'I need to do that again, that took a large chunk out of its health!' She smiled and switched her hold to a reverse grip on her dagger. The boar turned back to her and grunted, seeming a little bit displeased at the fact that she had struck it. She made another stabbing motion and it and it began to flare up with anger. 


76267 BD:9 MD:2 CD:4 LD:10

Hidden 70/80 5/8

Boar 28/40

BD:9 Sword Art Used: <Round Accel>(2x1) -2 Energy +1 Energy
2x1x(5+1)=12 Damage Dealt

MD:2 Miss


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Hidden stood still as she waited for the boar to react again. From the motion of her dagger, it appeared to be a little angry. She twirled the dagger which aroused the boar's anger even further. It pounded its hoof into the ground and charged her. She rolled to the other side this time, but ended up having to jump over the oncoming boar as apparently it had learned its lesson on rolling. The boar sailed underneath her, and she landed onto the ground. She spun on her heels. There was no way she could make an attack from this distance without getting herself hurt in the process. She might as well give it up for that move and wait til the next opening. She had kept dodging the boar at least. she stepped forward silently as the boar turned. She analyzed its position and began to plan of how to get another good hit without getting hit herself. 


76268 BD:4 MD:5 CD:5 LD:16

Hidden 70/80 4/8

Boar 28/40

BD:4 Miss -2 Energy +1

MD:5 Miss


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Hidden stood, breathing a little faster than normal. the boar really was getting angry at her. Probably for her interrupting its meal. She began to step forward, perhaps a bit worried what the enraged boar would do. It began to charge. 'I can do the same thing as last time!' She waited until the last moment and rolled sideways. The boar had seemed to learn its lesson from before. It veered sharply to the right, smashing straight into her. She flew backward, crashing into the ground. She rolled to a stop and pushed herself back up to her feet weakly. The impact from the blow was rather strong. The boar seemed a little surprised that it had hit that hard as well. It sniffed the ground squealing wildly. Taking her chance she charged forward, slashing once, and then stabbing. The pig squealed and ran a distance away. She smiled. a few more hits, and the boar was finished. Hopefully she could get some col from it. She needed Col quite badly. 


76581 BD:8 CD:12 LD:5 MD:10

Hidden 58/80 3/8

Boar 18/40

BD:8 Sword Art Used: <Round Accel>(2x1) -2 Energy +1 Energy
2x1x5=10 Damage Dealt

MD:10 Hyper Crit 12 DMG


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Hidden kept fighting. Her fight was going on much longer than expected, and she was running out of energy quite quickly. The boar, even though its health was low, showed zero signs of giving in. It charged her again, obviously ticked about getting struck after it sent her flying. This time, Hidden would have to try something new. It knew her tricks to well. If it already veered to the side, then if she stood still, then she should be fine. The boar kept getting closer, and finally it was a few feet away. She thrust her dagger forward, but the boar kept going, driving her dagger further into its body, but slammed into Hidden. Hidden went tumbling again, and when she came to a stop, she noticed that the boar was a bit worried now, but it still grunted, holding its ground. She was almost into the yellow zone so she was perfectly fine on health. 


76600 BD:9 CD:8 LD:11 MD:10

Hidden 46/80 2/8

Boar 6/40

BD:9 Sword Art Used: <Round Accel>(2x1) -2 Energy +1 Energy
2x1x(5+1)=12 Damage Dealt

MD:10 Hyper Crit 12 DMG


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Hidden stood observing the boar.The rest of the fight should have been a piece of cake. It was weak as it was low on health, and it was all out of smart options. There was no way it could survive now. She advanced slowly as it began to stamp its hoof in the ground. One wrong move and the pig would be dead. It charged, kicking up dust behind it and leaving Hidden to make a quick battle decision. She jumped up straight into the air. From there she twirled and used her momentum to drive the dagger into the boar as she landed. The creature squealed and shattered upon contact. She began to breath heavily, feeling exhausted from the work she had just completed. She had a sliver of energy left, and she as going to use it to get herself back in a place to sleep. She would go and see the woman early tomorrow, and finish the set of quests as soon as possible. 


76628 BD:6 CD:12 LD:11 MD:3

Hidden 46/80 1/8

Boar 6/40

BD:6 Sword Art Used: <Round Accel>(2x1) -2 Energy +1 Energy
2x1x5=10 DMG Dealt

MD:3 Miss

No Loot Found

+1 Material


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