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{SP-F1} Col and materials. Need 'em both so go get 'em.

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Once again Itzal was on the first floor.  Wearing his black outfit, Niger Natio, and his Dragon's Soul, a blue bladed sword with an obsidian guard and pommel, and black hilt, hanging in it's sheath on his back.  Beauty Incarnated was being worn on his right hand as usual, enhancing his accuracy.  Velnia sat on his shoulder eating some bread.  She liked to eat before a fight.  And fighting was why they came.  The guild was close to achieving it's goal but still needed more col.  That plus the fact that Itzal had sold all his tier one materials to a friend of his, so he'd need to replenish them.  Best way to handle both issues?  Mob hunting.  And thus the reason he was here.  The last time he fought monsters, the lizard men had grown smarter.  He intended to accept their challenge and overcome them.  In fact he was standing in front of four right now.  Two were armored in leather, and two were armored in iron.  The iron armor wasn't very thick, but it covered most of their body and they wore a helmet as well.  The iron armored ones had large shields and longswords, while the leather armored ones had two short axes.  The two iron armored humanoids charged first, their shields becoming a wall.  Itzal rushed at them and leaped overhead, drawing his sword and swinging it to block the attack, and push himself upward, over the leathered mobs, swinging his sword at all four as he did so and landed behind the group.  He was just going to call them tanks and dps' for now.

ID#  76324  BD:  5+3  CD:  4  MD:  3

Itzal:  1,000/1,000  <>  82/100  <-18 energy Shadow Explosion>
Lizardx4:  542/650  <12x9=108 dmg>  mobs deal 10 dmg each

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Itzal was about to charge when he saw the two ax men took a defensive position.  When he struck at the two, they worked together to block or parry his blows.  Itzal was surprised at how smart they were becoming, and he saw the two shield bearers run up from the left and right of the axmen, each thrusting their blades towards Itzal, who backflipped to avoid the hit.  The moment he did, they placed their shields in front again, assuming the formation once again.  Itzal knew that his previous tactic would not likely work a second time.  He was going to need to come up with a different strategy and fast.  Velnia hovered beside him, electricity emanating from her.  Itzal thought for a moment.  "Velnia, let's test out whirlwind now."  Velnia grinned, getting excited for what might happen.  They were coming up with more and more combo tactics and this one had yet to be tested.

ID#  76326  BD:  2  CD:  1  MD:  4

Itzal:  1,000/1,000  <>  81/100  <-1 energy miss>
Lizardx4:  542/650

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Itzal dashed off, not towards the monsters but around.  The armored units moved accordingly, keeping their shields between Itzal and the axmen.  The axmen kept their eyes on Velnia, their axes ready to cleave her if she came close.  When Itzal and Velnea were opposites, she flew along the same path Itzal had while Itzal kept running, building up speed.  Faster and faster they went, slowly building up speed.  The lizard men stopped moving around and simply made a new formation in the form of a square, with the armored unites opposite of each other, and the axmen the same.  Itzal hit his top speed and started to alter his course as well as Velnia, slowly shrinking the circle until they were close enough to strike.  When they were Velnia struck first.  She became engulfed in lightning and shot into the formation, bouncing around and striking at them from inside.  This broke their formation, allowing Itzal to release Shadow Explosion, dealing damage to all of them.

ID#  76377  BD:  3+3  CD:  6  MD:  1

Itzal:  1,000/1,000  <>  63/100  <-18 energy Shadow Explosion>
Lizardx4:  434/650  <12x9=108 dmg>

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Now that he was within their formations his plan was to continue to strike them.  However when he swung his sword again he was surprised to see a huge shield block his blow.  They recovered from the attack that quickly??  The other shield bearer stabbed downward at Itzal but he dodged by twisting his body out of the way accordingly.  Then the axmen struck and missed.  Itzal ran up the sword that missed him and leaped over the armored foe.  Fighting them where he could hit them all was one thing, but they were ready for him...  Seconds after he had caught them by surprise.  This time when they reformed their formation, they charged with haste, the shield bearers holding their swords above them, prepared to attack above and below.  Itzal knew this would be an interesting fight, as well as the next one.

ID#  76378  BD:  2+3  CD:  1  MD:  1

Itzal:  1,000/1,000  <>  62/100  <-1 miss>
Lizardx4:  434/650 

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Itzal turned to Velnia.  "C strike."  Velnia nodded and took flight once again, charging the armored foes from above.  They tried to hit her but she avoided their attacks expertly and scratched their cheeks.  The very moment she did the two were knocked over, not by the dragon, but by the player who had just slid under their shields while they were distracted.  Before the axmen could hit him he lashed his blade out, releasing shadow explosion a third time.  Once he did the axmen charged him, both taking turns slashing at him while Itzal parried and evaded their attacks.  When the armored foes got to their feet the tried to arrange themselves on either side of Itzal and charged forward.  Itzal leaped back at the last second, allowing the two shield bearers to collide.  Itzal nodded to Velnia as the plan had worked.

ID#  76379  BD:  3+3  CD:  10  MD:  3

Itzal:  1,000/1,000  <>  45/100  <-18 shadow explosion +1 Meditation>
Lizardx4:  326/650  <12x9=108 dmg>

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