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[F1-PP] A Dark Path «Earn A Living» - Past

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It was still a vague memory in the distant past that still lingered in the hopeful refuge of her mind, Anne had long been forgotten by the world and her little restaurant that she had begun on that fateful day. A small stretch of clouds loomed over head that gloomy day, but unlike the storm clouds over head this was far different. Aiko had always been a dear friend to her, but that bitter infatuation prevented her from moving on with her life causing this grim start to a devoted gamer's life. It all started with quest and a surprised engagement.

The Past «Earn A Living»

Annerose groaned as the morning arrived, it hadn't been long since the life changing words were spoken by the creator of the game informing them all that the way out of this world was only through completion of the game. One Hundred Floors. One Hundred Bosses. Indeterminate time of restoration to our normal lives, it seems like that our new homes have to be created here I just wish that I hadn't left my mother on that noteIt wasn't uncommon in her household for a storm to blow over, leaving a few unkind words lingering in the aftermath, today was worse though as she had mentioned the awkward story of Aiko asking her out. It wasn't a problem, in all honesty she never thought of women in the same way as her. She had always dreamed of asking out one of the other male students in her class when she heard this alarming news. They were still friends, despite her mothers best wishes, but their was an odd air between the two of them now she always felt like they were on the razor's edge keeping balance to not be sliced in half.

As the first day passed leaving them here she decided that it was best that she focused upon the noncombatant portion of this game first as everyone was going to desperately need food in order to to move on and keep up their strength. Anne rose out from her bed and dawned her starting gear, a dark leather one piece that reached down toward the long denim-like material pants that she wore beneath. They weren't quite on the same level as armor, but she imagined they would work against the elements of certain terrain. The first level obviously would be the simplest to clear would it not? As she found herself mid thought a loud knocking interrupted, "Who is it?"


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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

"Wake up you dummy it's me," Aiko stood outside and then smacked her head remembering a fundamental flaw with this game as far as she could recall it was impossible for the other player to hear them talking. The rooms were sound proof for the soundest of sleeps. Her read-headed valentine wasn't going to escape her clutches this time. The other seven times she tried to pop the rather uncomfortable question were always avoided or interrupted by her mother in study sessions or cut short from a potty break. I don't want to be left out to dry again this is the final time I already have the rest of the group waiting at the usual restaurant in hopes to woo her into a more pliable state. I just have to sit out here I guess till she realizes that we can't communicate with one another. Aiko released a deep sigh of exasperation it wasn't ever day that you confessed your undying love to the girl of your dreams after all. A few minutes passed as she merely stood on the welcome carpet of her inn room. The brunette temper rising as she was almost positive that this was the correct room expecting that this was all some sort of stalling tactics to force her to leave. "Anne I'm not leaving you till you accept my stupid offer." As she stood in front she punched the wall angrily, the first day she had taken the steps leading her to a Martial Artist training though her preferred weapon of choice was a Great Battle Ax slung across her back. Aiko had always been a tomboy of sorts, even to the point that the short brown hair caused her rather feminine physique to fade in the eyes of the viewer.

"Just accept me already," she grit her teeth, the grinding audible to those who had just witnessed the temper tantrum that had been taken out on the poor wall. At long last the door creaked open, immediately shooting Aiko back it her suave pick up lines. As Anne emerged she noticed that the morning was apparently the time she took to freshen up. "You didn't have to do this all for me you do realize that?" Every word slung from her lips having a slimy glaze as she greeted her friend. At that scummy pick up line the door immediately slammed shut in her face before reopening to get Anne's point across. "I'm sorry that was bad," she admitted head now drooping down.

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Anne glanced toward the door and shrugged, "Strange I thought they would have said something I suppose whoever it is I can leave waiting till I'm good and ready to face them. Besides if it's just Aiko she will wait forever for me. I still can't believe that she set out camp in front of the girl's restroom." She sighed still a bit flustered from that predicament luckily there was a window she could escape out of otherwise she would have directly confronted her which was not in her busy schedule. Perhaps it was cruel to string her along for such a tedious journey, but there was never an opportune time to bring up the simple issue of Aiko's advances. "I'm not a lesbian," she whispered feeling miserable as she had to put an end to this once and for all even at the expense of altering their relationship. Time would only tell, and time could only make it worse the only concern was how much. As she dressed up she then wandered over toward the mirror fixing her hair. The crimson stain locks inherited from her father rand red like blood streaks. It was a gorgeous head of hair that many of her Comicon friends adored due to the pigment, the rest of them had to bleach and then dye their hair for such color.

After what felt like a few minutes she wandered over taking a deep breath of air expecting to face her dear friend about the entire situation that they had discussed. As she opened up though she rolled her eyes slamming the door shut after a cheesy pick up line. Less than a minute later she opened the door or and leered out, "That was pretty awful. Anyway if you are completely finished now I'm going to be heading out to gather some materials after I talk the man about a job." Referring to the quest giver for «Earn A Living».

She then wandered past Aiko patting her on the head, "Walk with me, there is something I really need to tell you." Her mood changing as she stared at her feet as she exited the Inn. 

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

While resting against the door, trying to imagine what Rose would wear... she felt the solid texture of the wood moving, making her almost collapse. She would look up to see that the girl had prepared herself for a walk. She would frown at the mention of a man but would sigh as she'd knew the woman most likely talked about the profession NPC "Sorry." she said in a sweet voice while raising up and walking by her side. "So you're finally gonna take it.. you've been telling me for a while now how you wanted to get this cook profession." she said with a smile while trying to grab her arm into her own. 

After hearing the rest of her words Aiko would show a bright smile while saying: "I also want to tell you something." The arm sneaked through her beloveds now pulling her close as she only imagined the most pleasant of conversations and happily of ever afters. This conversation was long over due, she had even took the time to ask for one of her crew who was an Artisan to craft a ring for the special occasion. It will be so perfect that she couldn't  possibly refuse it. An entertainer, a ring and her favorite restaurant although soon I suppose her own will be her favorite but I can assist her in that as well. As she smiled over only to notice a rather disheartened smile across Rose's face. It wouldn't be clear to her till she stopped and turned Rose to meet her face to face. The soft touch of cheeks that were slowly lifted in attempts to form a smile.

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Anne squirmed away at the initial touch before then realizing she was attempting to hold arms with her, she supposed it couldn't hurt their friendship if she still allowed her to be cozy. It would just end this tension that was growing between them, she was uncertain if Aiko felt it but she was quite uncomfortable. The two girls continued to walk down the streets as she finally mustered the courage to ask Aiko what she wanted to say. Her own mind still working through the possible outcomes, the worse case scenario that she could think of was that she ended playing the game alone as a cook. That was already her life long plan married to the family business in a fashion. The Hanami Inn. I guess I'm finally going to get that dream of mine one way or the other. As she was stopped her eyes still downcast like the gloom that was stirring in her stomach it was difficult to talk to a friend least of all one that had feelings, which you didn't reciprocate. "How about you start this," this could have just been an honest night between friends, which would have made breaking the news less awkward. As she felt her face turned up her eyes filled with worry as she imagined that ache in her stomach she always got. She quickly pulled her friends hands down away from her face as she now crossed her arms and asked.

"Look, why don't you tell me what you were wanting now and then I will tell you afterwards," Attempting to flush this out. Anne said now glancing over as she realized the NPC's shop wasn't to far off. "Unless you want to me to get that talk out of the way first." She added now pointing over toward the Quest pick up zone.

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Aiko sighed at Rose's initial reaction to her approach, but as she was planning to pull away she felt the girl's arm now resting against her own. A small victory no matter how minuscule was still a victory in her eyes. "Wait right now? You want me to just come out and tell you I guess, I frankly didn't expect you to be quite this straightforward about it but since we don't know when we might live or die in this game. I sorta had a proposal for you." The manner which she was addressing it was quite different, as if she wasn't even attempting to flirt with her. As if she was attempting to ask her to join the guild that she was building instead of a date. Sadly her failings didn't remain in like that as she now popped the question, "Will you marry me. I know it's rather sudden but with the Quest Saying your Vows I was hoping that we could share both our love for one another as well as our own possessions. And imagine that your mother can't butt her ugly face into it as well. I know it isn't technically real until we do it in person but it's a start right?"

Aiko's voice now cheerful as she was so enthusiastic about all this, it wasn't exactly how she imagined but as she finished a tight hug she knelt down to one knee a hand slipping into her pocket. "Will you Hanami Annerose take me to be your wife?"

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

As she stood there hearing Aiko out an eyebrow began to raise, was this suppose to be an offer to join that guild of hers, at that thought she couldn't find a reason to not be friends and be in a guild. Though the yes to that proposal would wait till after own mind was spoken freely. As it progressed she began to think that Aiko had realized that the interest between them was only one way. Was it possible she still wanted to just be friends, however as her speech continued the climax was about to brink as she now gulped realizing this wasn't what she thought it was. Anne stared down in horror as she heard those words that most girl's would dream about hearing. My wife? The heck are you thinking Aiko I never once made my intentions any clearer. We weren't even dating? Unless all of those school lessons we worked on you counted as dates. Oh bugger it all.  Anne looked down toward her dear friend worried about how to break this news to her.

Was there an easy way to tell someone that you weren't in love with them, was any route to not break their heart. It wasn't till she noticed the ring being pulled out when she began to back away from Aiko realizing that she wasn't just saying this. She was doing it here on the streets. "I-I can't do this, not with you ... I'm sorry but I can't accept it. I love you as a friend, but I'm not dyke? I didn't mean to lead you on or anything ... I have to go." With haste she then took off in a sprint past Aiko leaving her there on her knees as she couldn't bare to see her response.

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Aiko's proposal was everything she had possibly wanted from her side, but the harsh cold truth of love was that it seemed one sided. The brunette didn't make a single move as the girl of her dreams quickly sprinted off toward the quest that she was planning to help in. Now, it all seemed rather pointless she had been denied by Anne and was left there humiliated for all the world to see, her friends still awaiting her arrival to the intended proposal location. What did I do wrong? It was all perfect there was nothing to hate about me she should be in love with me all girls are! Tears were streaking down her cheeks, the salty stains of rejection quickly concealed by her sleeve as she sat their for what felt like centuries attempting to cope with her broken heart. How could she deny me without even thinking about what I have to offer her? Aiko's fist crashed down into the ground as she knelt in silence. As the door of the NPC's shop was open, presumably Anne returning to her busy schedule as she would. A flare of anger raged in her chest as she now reached backwards and gripped the battle ax firmly swirling it about in the air till she let it crash into the stone streets of the city. The rock cracked in two as her heart had also felt shattered pulling herself to her feet as she now trudged forward to her group. Misery consumed her as she didn't even turn back to check on Rose. This was the rejection she hadn't planned for as two of the other girls in her small guild had always swooned over her and begged for her hand. "Why don't you love me ..." she softly repeated to herself all the way to the shop. Lilian<3 and Esmerelda69 were the two user names of the girls who had now wandered over worried as they ushered her to a seat.

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

"Darling what's the matter and where is that cute girl of yours that you were going to bring over?" Lil asked now waving to a water to bring out the food that was intended for the momentous occasion. The NPC slowly wandered back through the door to quickly return with an elegantly decorated quail.

Esmerelda quickly smacked Lil over the head, "Isn't it obvious the poor thing is heart broken. Here rest you head against you babe Miss Aiko." She spoke now pulling the broken Aiko into her chest. "Gerald strategies! How due we make her pay for this!"  She grumbled now waving her arms at the other four people including, Gerald and Lil who quickly huddled up like a rather strange assorted football team. "I'm sure that you were the most charming of Princess Aiko, but there are other ways to get what you want. Gerald tell him how you can win a girl over."

The rather young teenager blinked as he was dressed like his usual role, a dark and gloomy assassin who chirped up awkwardly. "Well we could always kill her if you like or perhaps get a bunch of paralyze potions and force her to stay with you that way." He said, his intentions relatively morbid as he still thought this a game which you could simply take what was yours including women.

"Not a bad plan except for that killing her will only make her body disappear idiot! Thought the paralyzing is nice, keep her stashed away outside, we have always wanted a secret head quarters." She smirked now prodding Aiko in the side to elicit a response.

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

As the door slammed shut behind her she now hung her head realizing that situation could have gone ten times, no twenty times better then the way it had. She quickly wandered over to the wall after entry of the NPC's home. "Brill you really botched that up Anne can you think of another nail to hammer into that coffin you just made her? Bollocks ..." Reprimanding herself for her own action was the only way to feel better on this matter, she was barely even focusing on a word that the NPC was saying.

"In order to take on the profession of chef you will have to gather many materials, herbs, meat, and vegetable that you will craft into a fine dish using this pot." The speech was programmed and continued on after a short pause that usually allowed the player to open one's inventory. Instead Anne took this time to quietly reflect back upon the way she handled that. After pounding her head against the wall for the majority of his commentary she looked up to see an exclamation mark in her notifications tell her to accept the quest. With a quick press of the giant 'Accept' she groaned, "Why on earth did she even propose we hardly know anything about one another other than the fact that we both like to shop and know one another's family? But that is because we were studying for the final." A whine now was expelled as she hit her head one last time on the door. "Stupid pain blocking." She muttered now exiting the shop and heading out toward the main gate. "I will just send her a message and fix everything explaining that I'm sorry I ran off on you when you proposed I just wasn't ready for it? That't not going to work is it." Sigh. She then turned to face the NPC asking him his thought on the matter.

"Think I should apologize and hope that we can still be friends?"

He simply smiled and said, "Make sure to collect everything on the list."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." She sighed disappointed by the response.


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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Aiko sat there at the table both her friends now clutching to her arms, the two males of the group both hopping up and sitting upon the table before him as she continued to cope. "This doesn't make any sense, I understand why she would reject you four. She hates idiots." She explained trying to work out the issue as she pointed toward Gerald and SniperXHeadshot. "And she doesn't like girls?" Now pointing toward Lil and Esmer as she sat there baffled that a girl could even reject her gorgeous brunette locks. As she thought, she then glanced side to side toward the chest she was now nestled into. "Let me go Lilian!" She yelled now pushing the two girls off her lap and kicking the table and the two boys over who had been precariously balanced upon it. It was then Gerald's idea took root in her head. "Paralyze her?" A devious grin now replacing her annoyed expression as she pulled the two girls back to her side and giving them a bit on their ears as she enjoyed sending their hearts int a flutter. "Headshot you still have that rope right and your blade of plus one paralysis?" Aiko's plans to win the women of her dreams had yet to be thwarted, "All I have to do is keep her around until I make her love me, Lil and Esmer go find us a secluded headquarter. Our guild's first target has announced itself."

She clapped her hands and rushed over now gripping Sniper and Gerald by their shoulder dragging them along for the journey. "You two are going to go find her and keep tabs on her I don't want her to get hurt not before I teach her lesson in dumping me. I always get my girl isn't that right boys? Oh yes and kittens, go get a collar for our new member." She smirked now returning back to her plan. As she wandered away from the table she slung her battle ax back onto her back. "Operation Rose commence."


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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Lilian and Esmer both shrieked as they found themselves throne to the ground in a fling of rage, it wasn't threatening or the like merely aggravated assault. The two slowly mewled as they listened to what their fearsome leader was proposing. "Oh you know how much we love it when you come up with a brilliant plan don't you know that boss." She giggled now clinging to her a she and Esmer both were brought back to there feet. "Don't worry we'll find someplace real shiny for you to lock up your precious girl, and maybe we will just help you out with convincing her a bit once it's all set up hmm?" Insinuating that they were more than welcome with assisting in punishing this girl who broke the heart of their sweet Aiko. 

Gerald groaned beneath Sniper as they were left there with little to know help as they both slowly rolled out or off of one another so they could stand back up to their feet. "That was sorta my plan to keep her locked up shouldn't it be my job to grab her and break her back?" He frowned looking to the rest of the squad who all eyed him as they burst into laughter. They all knew he was practically incapable of fighting a woman off as the three member always lured him for their strikes.

Sniper then blinked and smirked nodding at the plan that Aiko had developed, "Stalk and nab then, although I would state we should let her finish the quest miss maybe you could luer her back out. After all free food is useful."

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Anne had decided that the long day would have to be spent mostly through the search of materials, although to be honest this quests completion had confused her from what it felt like people simply gathered materials and at a certain point the quest would reveal itself as complete. "I suppose the only way I can find out is through experience after all this is one of the first few weeks that we were out in this game. Who know's maybe I'll one day get to see a strong guild who is seeking out a chef's expertise in feeding all their troops before a big boss raid. That would be a marvelous business acting as the supplier for the strongest squads in all of Aincrad." The thought of Aiko's feelings momentarily fleeting from the conclave that was meeting in her mind. "No, first you finish the quest then we go back into town and look for Aiko. I don't want to leave our friendship like I just did." A shallow sigh now perspired against her lips as she had left the Starting City. The fields of the first floor was an entire domain filled with wonder and treachery, it had already been exposed as the death game with players who enjoyed the new thrill to player killing. A chill shot down her spine as she even thought of the idea, one thing I won't do no matter what happens to me in this life. Taking a life was still a crime in the real world, and that punishment outside this world or inside could be worse then any of them had expected.

As she journeyed fourth she saw the boars that were struck down strategically by groups of players who had got this down to a science. "I really should make my own group for these little outings. Maybe I should just ask her if she will help." A few flicks of her fingers would send her to the messenger system where she paused, "She probably wouldn't even care any more, you know her she probably moved on to marry some other silly girl." In an instance the menus had dropped and she now began to scavenge the sparse woodland areas for any herbs that grew, sage, rosemary, even garlic could be effective for some seasoning to meals.

Rolls for Material Search: 

ID: 77151/BD: 4/CD: 11/LD: 18/MD: 5

As she searched the forest floor she finally stumbled across a small patch of clover that she so keenly observed to be useful for various teas as well as some Indian food that helped bring out the spice. "Perhaps I can buy some curry as well for a meal that includes these." She quickly packed them away into her virtual bag of holding and wandered deeper into the woods hoping to come across some game to hunt down that wouldn't put up a fight.

Total Materials - 1

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Aiko's hand clapped loudly together as she glanced up and down the two males who she had brought for the party that was intended to nab her precious little rose, oh Anne a rose by any other name how you didn't realize my love for you would change. Lil and Esmer were right if you don't first succeed kidnap her and try again. She smirked now reaching one arm up about Sniper and Gerald's shoulders as she continued to scheme. "You boys know exactly what to do, but let's remeSmber that as soon as she returns to the city she may never come back out if she gets her shop. Theoretically she could remain in the safety of that zone through the purchase of materials from other groups that won't include us." As the heartbroken girl now patted them on the back she traded over the rope as she wanted to see the expression on her soon to be captive girlfriend who no doubt didn't imagine such ill intent to be shuffled her way. "As soon as we have the location to drop her off and Lil makes her way to help surround her we are going to attack. Anyone who tries to interfere, well I think you all know what to do." 

Aiko knew the bloodlust that rose in the hearts of both males who eagerly traded one another a fist bump of approval this was the first action they had in player vs. player combat. Sadly death was not the intended plan for this victim, but they knew how adorable she was when Aiko talked about her in other games they played.

Anne's View

As she wandered more she began to spot more and more materials that had been along her path in the forest. This time a small white rabbit that was hopping about through the brush. It was sad to think of such a delicious  meal while looking at the adorable creature but it was the first one she had seen. "I'm sorry little bunny, but people have to eat." A slow approach took her up to the rabbit as she also ripped out some fresh grass now offering it forward to the small rodentia. Her left hand hiding a small concealed knife that would prepare to expunge it's life.

Rolls for Material Search:

ID: 77166/BD: 9/CD: 11/LD: 18/MD: 10

A smooth overhand strike drove the blade deep down into the head of the small rabbit as is didn't even have time to squeal out in misery. A noticeable frown worn as she now watched as the materials for gathering were planted back into her inventory. "One hair, and a few cloves this is going to be quite the interesting meal if I must admit."

Total Materials - 2

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

All the while, the secret head out was just on the verge of discovering between the second warrior Lilian and her comrade in arms Esmer. The younger of the two, Esmer having taken up the scouting role as she now pinched her compatriot on the shoulder. "See that beautiful little cave over there?" A delightful grin meeting the rather dazed look of Lil who was still feeling at the rather devious woman's abs in great shock. 

"How much did you use to work out when you were in the real world Esmer?" With that simple comment she then let out a high pitch squeal as she wasn't apparently having any of her shenanigans today. The next body part to be grabbed was her ear as she re-actively whined as if pained by this. Before a smack of the head was finally delivered.

"You idiot remember that just because you feel it being pulled on doesn't mean it's painful remember?" She sighed stabbing her in the side with her knife causing her companions health bar to dip just a few points as she intended it to merely be a poke and not cause severe damage. "Now send Aiko the message that we are ready ok? Now!"  In a flash Lilian relayed that the plan was a go as soon as they got the location of Anne.

Rolling for Material Search:

ID: 77168/BD: 10/CD: 3/LD: 19/MD: 4

After the dispatching of her small long-ear friend she began to look about again, her keen eyes seeming to spot out the materials from a long distance. Stepping deeper into the sparsely lit forest was still difficult to discover more spices and herbs but as she went further she noticed a rather unique patch of extremely rare fungi that most people would steer clear form. "Truffles!" Anne sprinted over eagerly uncertain if she could believe her eyes as she now inspected the gorgeous subterranean fungus. "This will be perfect to keep when I finally have my big opening, although the gaming community might not agree completely with the rarity of this they will understand the brilliant taste."

Total Materials - 3


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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

As the devious trio wandered forward deeper into the woods they were growing restless, the pair asking one another if they had noticed which path she had been taking while Aiko on the other hand was leading the charge through the woods directing the two bumbling oafs along. As she stepped forward she heard a loud gleeful shout of Truffles. Recognizing both the rarity of such a find as well as the voice she realized who it was, her heart pounding and face growing red as she spied her would be girlfriend a few tears being shed from the disappointing refusal at first. "This time I'm not taking no as an answer and you can't stop it Rose." She muttered softly to herself so that she wouldn't notice them. Aiko drifted back allowing a larger birth between them and their target as she pointed the two out to start flanking from opposite sides as they had now broken off three possible escape routes, the rope being handed off finally to sniper w ho had tied it up as a lasso as he always enjoyed a good round up.

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll make sure she is wound up tight so she can't escape our advances on her." Sniper smirked enjoying this stealthy chase as he coiled the rope about his arm now dashing off to the side as she still was in vision of Aiko who would signal the ok. Gerald merely followed his direction without a second word spying upon the girl who seemed to be enjoying her venture thus far for her search for a quest.


            To: Aiko 

             Hey aiko just thought you should know that I'm sitting at the rendevous spot, er the headquarters and will be waiting for you catch. Esmer is right now heading toward the outer reaches of the woods to meet you. She said that if anyone came her way they would end up answering to her so I imagine the route will be clear of possible setbacks. I hope you don't keep her all to yourself like you do.

<3 Lilian                    

"Excellent everything going according to plan," with no hesitation he signaled for the attack to commence.

Rolling for Material Search:

ID: 77175/BD: 4/CD: 7 /LD: 11/MD: 7

As she stood back up with the truffle Anne began to realize that this section of the woods was growing quite bare. "I suppose I'll just have to search for more food stuff somewhere else. What else goes with Rabbit, perhaps a few carrots or broccoli? That sounds quite delicious actually." She giggled now wandering further away from civilization her search thus far was a complete success and she found no reason to ruin her stroke of luck that she had paved thus far in the endeavor.

Total Material - 3

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

The night had begun to loom over the forest, the full moon that represented the only source of light while adventuring in the dark was already cresting into the upper atmosphere of this strange world. The cycles of the moon and weather of Aincrad would be a study in and of itself that she would someday ponder when she wasn't busy with other matters. As she glanced around though she scratched her temple it was that odd sinking feeling that something awaited her in the darkness and was merely keeping it's distance. That ominous chill coursed down her spine as if it was lightning traversing her nervous system. "Everything is fine it's just a bit spooky out here is all you remember just like wandering your house at midnight in the darkness or when the power goes out." After she turned about she saw two beading eyes staring up at her from within the brush causing an initial jump scare. "Bugger it all you scared me little one." As she noticed another rabbit feeling partially guilty about gathering the previous one. "I suppose this could be the exact same one though," she peeked over reaching down to pet it on the head not really certain yet if she wanted to collect to portions worth of rabbit.

"It's awfully unfair that they force us to make you into such delicious meals but I'm to poor right now to just buy my own supplies so I guess this is the best I can do little guy." She reached back to her belt and grimaced remembering the silent slaying of the poor creature.

Rolling for Material Search:

ID: 77203/BD: 7/CD: 6/LD: 3/MD: 9

The small rabbit then bit on her the finger before sprinting away causing her finger to lose her grip upon her dagger. "Blast," she winced before looking down to the flaking pixels as she didn't feel any pain. "I'm still not ok with that, I want to know when I'm getting attacked game this is really disturbing."

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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Aiko stretched out her arms back behind her back as she quickly gripped her Battle Axe just in case they came across any heroes who wanted to thwart their plans. As the girl was bitten by the bunny she was once again distracted by the situation she was now in the two men now stepping out of the brush which they had hidden in. It was just like roping cattle. Sniper twirled the rope above his head before tossing it out and reeling in the unsuspecting Anne who now let out to startled shriek as she was pulled over so she was prone on the ground. A sadistic glee spreading over his lips as Gerald and Sniper both lunged forward pinning her to the ground as he now worked upon restraining her flailing limbs.

"Whoa little missy, I suggest that you just calm down before you get hurt." He whispered in her ear as the rope tightly wrapped about her wrists and elbows locking them back behind her as she wiggled and shrieked.

"The 'ell you doing! Get off me you tosser!" Anne's voice carried through the woods, the acoustics proving quite useful as her voice carried far enough to reach another individual who had been training. As she struggled about in the tight binding she finally realized that her position was growing more and more helpless, their was only one way to get out. She screamed louder and louder, as the darkness loomed over the chances of wanders or groups coming to the rescue diminished she wasn't an idiot, but their was that hope.

As the knots had finished tightening around her she began to squirm about and glare up, "I swear you better kill me now or I'm going to slit your throats in the night if I manage to get out of this!" She yelled high spirited, "I have people who will come for me so make your peace."

A lowly level one came racing out from the foliage though as his sword was drawn and slashed at Gerald, a strangely dressed adventurer who had taken the hide armor option and short hand axe as he swung forward toward the surprised Gerald. "W-what the heck who on earth are you!"

Rolling For NPC Combat:

ID: 77204 BD:  10/CD: 4/LD: 19/MD: 9

Hero: 0/20 - Sharpened Chop 3+1(crit) dmg 9 Dmg

Gerald: 16/20 - Maiming Blow  4+2(crit) dmg 10 Crit

Aiko: 20/20 - Lumberjack 14=6x2+2(crit) dmg 10 Crit

As Gerald felt himself struck with a hardy blow he cringed looking back as the force knocked him forward nearly tripping over the bound Anne who looked up in shock, "The heck you doing mate we aren't hurting her!" He shouted now rushing forward and landing a critical strike back onto the hero who had descended upon them from the darkness. His assault spear pierced deep through the body of the stranger who now cringed as he was knocked back still ready to fight, unfortunately his time wasn't long in this world as the Battle Axe of Aiko split through the player's avatar shattering him into tiny pixel pieces. 

Aiko then walked over to her prize with a smile as the orange cursor took root over her head. "By all means if you want more innocent blood on you head dear keep screaming out I can go at this all day."  

Edited by Anne
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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

"Aiko," she whimpered nervously seeing the gruesome sight of her battle ax cleaving through another player her eyes watering as the man who had come to her rescue attempted to apologize in his final words. It was that moment when she realized that even if she had a friend in Aiko before that would have saved her from a predicament such as this she was no longer. Terror stricken from the newly baptized pker and the realization that no one would ever come looking for flooded her mind. "I'ms sorry I didn't mean to run away from you I still wanted to be friends," she cried now incapable of looking at her former friend. After this though she couldn't find herself to even look up at the monster who had engulfed Aiko. "Stop killing others for what I did to you ok! If you really are that bonkers then do it already kill me," an angry shout greeting the woman that was now nearly in biting distance as she thought of every possible method of escape that could come to mind. Maybe she would be able to reach that dagger that she used on the bunnies. Her fingers patting down the ground behind her till she cut her hand on the blade desperately trying to grab it.

"Uh, uh, uh," Sniper chided her fro attempting to ruin the game they had snared her in. "See, we were told specifically by-"

Aiko swatted Sniper over the head as she now pulled up Anne form her prone position who now struggled again sinking her teeth deep into Aiko's neck who merely groaned happily as she had always dreamed of her Rose being a feisty one to sweep off her feet. Hearing the masochistic groan Anne released her teeth feeling betrayed even by her own counter attack as she felt herself being hauled up over the women who tried to propose to her just a few hours earlier. The horrid truth finally coming into view for her, I can't escape. She sniffled her head drooping as the three man squad now made their way first to Esmer and then to the clearing near the field. The large groups of players that had once hunted were now gone as they looked out.

"I'm going to show you to your new castle, my princess where you will stay locked up." Aiko giggled a gentle slap to the tush of her future wife. "If we see anything of use pick it up and we'll just use Anne as our bag of holding for now, she is quite the pretty one right?"

Rolling for Material Search:

ID: 77205/BD: 9/CD: 11/LD: 2/MD: 5

They walked for the better part of an hour carrying their prize back to the new head quarter they had designed and as Aiko laid her down gently in the corner of the dark cave only a torches for light as she stared at the group shivering. "I beg you, you don't have to do this I know that I hurt you but you can let me go and I won't tell anyone we're friends after all ..." She attempted to bargain, the lie quivering with her voice as she continued to pull at the rope around her arms as they now created a small leash to attach to a collar that was now being prepared. "Please stop this!"

Total Material - 3

Edited by Anne
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The Past «Earn A Living» Continued

Aiko's firm hand let out a loud satisfying SMACK!  As Anne's face recoiled with the blow her eyes watering not from the pain but the fear of what Aiko had become, she couldn't even recognize who she was. The sweet flirtatious girl that wanted to marry her was no longer left, not from her observation despite that rather demented lustful gaze that was offered back to her. As she sat frozen before the flicking flames of a torch she whimpered her chin being pulled over till she was now face to face with Aiko who looked down at her as if she had won her heart. "I'm sorry sweetie but you know the role of the good house wife they stay in the house and cook for the lovely friends of their sweet lover."  As she knelt down after slapping her across the face she sat down upon Anne's lap as she  looked away crying form the sudden collapse of her personal bubble. Aiko's face then moved in as she Anne was force against the cave wall as she had her first kiss stolen from a witch who couldn't live without her. Anne merely cried as the long drawn out kiss began to be laced with the tears.

After a minute Anne pulled away and forced herself toward the ground as she shouted, "Get the hell away from me!" 

To Be Continued ...

Edited by Anne
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