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[SP-F01] Tutorial <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>>

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LvL: 11
Energy: 22
Ax Dmg: 2
Battle healing: 2 HP per Turn 
Backpack: 7

»Name: Deflective Gauntlets +3 mit (27Mit)
»Name: Silver Fang +2 ACC +1 Bleed (12 dmg 2 turns on roll 9+)
»Name: Embargo +2 Thorns (18dmg) +1 Paralyze (Stun on roll 9+)

"Come in. Thank you. Do you think you would have time to help an old man out?"  In the center of the room was an elderly man with hair as white as snow. He looked like an antique surrounded by relics which needed tender care of a house cleaning service. The first words that came to the girl's mind was old and muscular. Sure the man had a receding hairline and a beard that would put jolly old saint Nick to shame. If you put a box over his head though, you would see a body of a young adult. Could the elderly even get that big? Whether it comes from his genes, some unknown magic, a healthy diet, or just a love of weight lifting, this man had guns. What made his body show out more was his peaceful voice. If he were to stand behind a wall, one would confuse him for a weak yet peaceful old man.

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It was clear that this man peace was earned by his own labor. "Woah... Sensei, I don't know of anything I can do to help, but I would be glad to assist." The man chuckled at Row who could not help but stared at his body. He grabbed a towel to wipe off the soot from his arms and hands. "I get that all the time, but sadly I am not as young as I use to be." The idea of this man being any bigger or appearing any stronger was game breaking. "Sensei, I am sure you are still way stronger then me."  The man chuckled again. "Enough flattery. So, about the quest. See, I am trying to make some special armor and weapons and I need your help. The boars of this land have very strong tusk that make them the perfect material for adventure equipment. Do you think you can get me 3 tusk?"  

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Just 3 tusk? That was child's play for an Row. At level one, she was dispatching boar like raid on insects. That was before she even had a sword art. Now she could probably get him 20 boar tusk and still have enough time to take a nap before returning in a timely fashion. "You can count on me Sensei, I will have your three boar tusk in no time flat." She really was enjoying this man over the last quest giver. He spoke way less and was straight to the point. The quest also seemed to be way easier. This was probably because she had a lot of combat experience already compare to material gather. Still, she never needed a reason to kick some boar but. "That is great. One thing you should know. Just any boar will not do. You need to get the tusk off of the boar pups. Adult boar's tusks have hardened too much to be malleable but fresh boar tusk can easily be shaped."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Row left the shop with a new sense of determination. Her last quest was cool with the new mechanic that she never heard of before, but this quest involved killing and looting. That is what she lived for. It was the most interactive way to get loot at this level though he knew it would be less viable at the later levels unless she properly geared towards it. In addition, she needed more skills like a stronger sword art. She sighed as she walked pass more and more people. Finally, she was at the gate and ready to go out looking for those boar pups. The sun was out and there were not many players out slain the worlds bacon source. She smile and ran off into the fields. Now the only question is where she should look. She spawned her ax and shield. Then she summoned her super armor.

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Row walked through the fields inspecting every boar that she saw. They all were big, fully developed, and not little babies. The girl had half a mind to start slaying them to clear the fields but given her combat history, it would not be the best idea. She put away her ax and shield and just wandered around aimlessly. She had no clues, hints, or even general locations that could help her locate the boar. Another sigh escaped her mouth, as she continued walking up and down the grass hills. This was not going to be as easy as last time. However, right as she was about to give up just like in every cliché movie, she located a mama or papa boar guarding a litter of little baby boars. The most evil grin appeared on Rows face. At last, the great slaughter will begin and the boars will become the bacon for her breakfast base quest.

Mama Boar 100hp 30dmg

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The bacon was on the table. This boar was different from the other boars. It was not aggressive at all and did not once care about how close Row moved towards it. The girl pulled out her axe and shield but the creature did not respond. She walked next to the babies boars and she did not respond. This was the weirdest thing ever. If the boar would not attack first, then she will just attack it. She raised her ax and prepared her sword art for the first time. Immediately the boar turned to her and started acting like a normal boar. 

ID# 78270 results: Battle: 10  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy) (2*1*(2+2crit) = 8dmg Bleed (2/2) and stun (1/1))

Just like every other normal boar, it could not handle the shear power of Row's sword art. Given this was the first time she used the skill, it was given that it would be her strongest attack yet.

Mama Boar 92/100 bleed 2/2 stun 0/1
Row 200/200hp 18/20en

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The boar started to bleed out and its hit points slowly dropped. This damage was much higher then that of her original attack. While it could be thought of as depressing, this was her main big damage source before she had the sword art. As such, it would not bother her at all. Damage is damage, just like money is money. One does not dispute the minor things as long as the effect and value is the same. She grinned and raised her axe for another barrage of attacks. The boar was freed from its paralysis so it could potential counter so it was now or never.

ID# 78271 results: Battle: 5+2 Mob:2  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)  (2*1*2 = 4 dmg +12 bleed = 16 total)

She charged forward with her ax digging into the ground. Once the boar was within range, she raised the blade and then quickly dropped it, slicing the boar twice in rapid succession.

Mama Boar 76/100 bleed 1/2 
Row 200/200hp 17/20 en

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The Mama boar squealed though she did not fall. Hot sticky air blew out from her overly large snout and she started to kick up dust. Seeing as the boar did not start its attack yet, Row though this would be a good chance to get in another hit. She held her axe high into the air, since she was still within range of the boar, and prepared to drop it. Little did she know, the mama boar was about ready to strike.

ID# 78272 results: Battle: 5 +2  mob:7 Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)  (2*1*2 = 4 dmg +12 bleed + 14 thorn = 30 total) (mob 30 damage) 

She dropped her axe and right before it hit the ground, she rotated it and raised it up in a crescent arc motion. This action finished with her back turned to the boar. The boar saw its opening and jumped forward while squealing. Row, realizing the mistake she made tired to jump forward while turning around but she was too slow.

Mama Boar 46/100 bleed 0/2 
Row 170/200hp 16/20 en

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While she was able to get her shield between her and the mama boar, the weight of the creature still managed to topple her to the ground. As if this was not enough, there was enough momentum to keep her rolling. For the first time in her short career, she saw her hp dropped a huge chunk. She stared at her health bar confused. Why did she take so much damage. It did not make sense at all. She squeezed her axe and turned back to the Giant walking bacon beast. Dozens of thoughts ran through her head, though each one was more ridiculous then the last.

ID# 78273 results: Battle: 4+2 MOB:9  (1*2*2 = 4 dmg) (mob 30+1crit = 31 damage)  (Heal + 5)

She turned back to the creature and charged forward. Once again, her ax carved into the ground but this time she just clipped the mob. Since she landed her first strike, it was easy to follow up with the second one, because of the systems auto correct.

Mama Boar 42/100
Row 144/200hp 15/20 en

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Despite being hit by such a attack, the boar did not falter and instead pressed forward. Baring the weak pain of the double cut, it rammed its tusk into Row's stomach. She had no time to pull up her shield and block the attack so every ouch of power was uncontested. Row flew up into the air before falling onto her back. Once again her hp dropped. She groaned though it was not from pain. looking at hands, she noticed her lack of armor. Of course, the reason she was getting hit so hard was because of her lack of defense. She was virtually armorless.

ID# 78274 results: Battle: 8+2 MOB:1   Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)   (1*2*2 = 4 dmg) (Heal + 5)

The boar snorted and started walking back to its babies. The player was no match for it and she should have died after that. Most of the newer players would. This was an error on the boars part however as Row had more then enough HP to survive. And she had more then enough Energy to strike back.

Mama Boar 38/100
Row 149/200hp 14/20 en

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And Strike back she did. A loud cry echoed through the field. The boar did not turn around for some reason. Row jumped into the air and held out her ax. Within the next few seconds two red gashes ran over the boars butt. The boar squealed and fell over onto its stomach. Then it grew silent, unable to process what happened. Why did the girl live, better question, how did the girl not die. Every other player that suffered that attack fell and turned into pixels. A grunt sneaked out of its snout as it lowered its head onto the ground.

 ID# 78275 results: Battle: 1 MOB: 5  (Heal + 5)

Row started panting. The boar was very strong but her natural recover was slowly started to rack up. Her health bar just bubbled over the three fourths mark and slowly rose. The since the boar was being so passive, she was given a chance to take a breather. For now, the boar will live.

Mama Boar 38/100
Row 154/200hp 13/20 en

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Like the calm before the storm, the girl lowered her shield and axe and caught her breath. The boar did grunt but it did not move. She wonder what was the motivation of this action, she could easily just attack it but should she. Row's mind began to race. She wondered if the boar was playing a mind game. Maybe she should attack before something bad happens like the boar magically heals up because of inactivity. She has known monsters to do just that in other games. What makes this one different, besides the whole element of real life death.

ID# 78276 results: Battle: 2+2 MOB: 10  (mob 30+2crit = 32 damage)  (Heal + 5)

It was settled, she was going to attack the boar. She walked up to the creature, trying to conserve her mental strength. She raised her axe and was about to activate her sword art. However the boar had other plans. It would not allow such an obvious and effortless attack break through.

Mama Boar 38/100
Row 127/200 hp 12/20 en



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No, instead it would counter attack. Immediately the boar jumped to its feet and raised its hind legs. Before Row could adjust her action, she found two hooves slamming into her chest. With such force, she found it hard to not drift into the air like paper before the wind. Had this even hit her head, she might not have survived. Worst, she allowed such a obvious trap get her. The boar squealed in joy and satisfaction now that the girl had to be dead. That was the boars strongest attack after, and nobody has ever survived that. The boar wanted to go back and tend to its babies but it remembered the last time it turned its back on the adventure. So now it just planed to wait and watch carefully.

ID# 78277 results:   Battle: 1 MOB: 9 (mob 30+1crit = 31 damage)  (Heal + 5)

Row hit the ground and grabbed her chest. Of course, there was no way she could accepted that. Her hp not only dropped below three fourths but it was also now halfway to one half.

Mama Boar 38/100
Row 101/200 hp 11/20 en

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Now mama boar was not going to make the same mistake again. Her butt still held the wounds left behind by the betrayal of her judgement. Now she will ensure that the newbie player turns to pixel.no ifs ands or buts. However, the boar did not want to give away her plan. She slowly creep closer to the down player until she was within pouncing range. Row did not respond, unaware of the dangers. Well, she did now, but she was still mentally recovering from it all. Ultimately, this would be the main cause of the next set of events. The boar leaped into the air and started dancing on her gut. It continued to stop until Row managed to roll out of the way.

 ID# 78278 results: Battle: 8+2 MOB: 4    Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)   (1*2*2 = 4 dmg) (Heal + 5)

A now upset Row stood up quickly. This was a death match, so she did not have time to rest. She had to stay focus and fight. She had to pressure the boar. She had to kill it.

Mama Boar 34/100
Row 106/200 hp 10/20 en

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Row lunged at the boar and launched a horizontal strike which was followed by diagonal up ward strike in the opposite direction. The boar tried to sneak in an attack like before but that diagonal cut threw the boar off its balance and onto it's back. Row's eyes were on fire now that she felt the true pain of messing up. Her hp was close to half but her natural regen was keeping her healthy. The boar had no regen so the longer the fight went on, the more worn down the boar would feel. Ultimately the danger of death went from a cold touch on the shoulder to a pesky fly.

ID# 78280 results: Battle: 7+2 MOB: 1  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)   (1*2*2 = 4 dmg) (Heal + 5)

The boar tried to return to its feet but Row continued the pressure. She Moved around the boar in attempt to stay out of its sight and readied her ax. While she could not do this forever, it would buy her enough time to make a good clean hit. That or maybe the boar will just get confused.


Mama Boar 30/100
Row 111/200 hp 9/20 en

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The boar stopped trying to turn around and see Row which then cued Row to laugh another assault. Once again she launched a horizontal cut which was followed by a diagonal cut. This diagonal cut went downward so as to force the boar back into the ground from wench it came. Both hits were a success and the boar was squealing and confused. Row jumped back, remembering the last time she stayed too close to the creature and it knew where she was. It was better to play safe then sorry given how many more hits the boar would potentially need to kill her.

 ID# 78281 results:Battle: 1 MOB: 3  (Heal + 5)

By playing it safe, Row did manage to avoid any big counter attack but she also lost any advantage, having the boar prone on the ground gave her. This was ok since she had her natural regen but ultimately it would force the fight to last much longer then needed.

Mama Boar 30/100 
Row 116/200 hp 8/20 en

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The boar charged her over and over. Dust started to pick up with the boar's angry turns and twist. It squealed and squealed but it would prove to be no match for the player. All it did was make the boar become more and more frantic. It saw how the girl was slowly growing stronger and stronger in terms of health. Well, maybe stronger was not the best word, but she definitely look to be in better shape than the boar.

ID# 78282 results: Battle: 8+2 MOB: 2 Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)   (1*2*2 = 4 dmg) (Heal + 5)

The boar kept charging over and over again. It squealed louder with each passing second. If it could  not hit her, then it could at least annoy the crap out of her until she just gave up on life. The boar saw it in a move once, so it was a good plan. Row could only smile, seeing she had complete control over the fight. She continued to lead the boar away from the baby boars.

Mama Boar 26/100 
Row 121/200 hp 7/20 en

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Row's mindset was that, the baby boars would become triggered when their mother died and assault her immediately. While she was not afraid of some baby bacon. She did worry about the mama boar taking her down to a dangerous level of hit points. Boars had a funny way of really making their point if you did not move fast enough. She raised her ax when the boar made its way back to her and then dropped it down on the boars face. This was followed by a horizontal slash. The boar squealed as it felt its body completely stop and dig into the ground. Then its body flew off to the side like a rag doll.

 ID# 78283 results: Battle: 8 MOB: 3  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)   (1*2*2 = 4 dmg) (Heal + 5)

The boar was growing weaker. For most players Row's level, this would be the final stretch but Row's damage output realized on edge cases that were not directly effected by her skill alone. As such she would have to still power through.

Mama Boar 22/100 
Row 126/200 hp 6/20 en


Mama Boar 22/100 
Row 126/200 hp 6/20 en

Mama Boar 22/100 
Row 131/200 hp 5/20 en

Mama Boar 22/100 
Row 131/200 hp 5/20 en

Mama Boar 22/100 
Row 131/200 hp 5/20 en

Mama Boar 22/100 
Row 131/200 hp 5/20 en

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If she had to guess, then she would say the boar would die it like 5 hits maybe. However if any of the edge cases came into play, the boar would surely die. Row quickly ran up on the boar to continue the assault. Two more crescent shape, upward then downward, slashes found their way into the boar's side. The mama boar was squeal in more pain. It could feel its health bar reach dangerously low. It could  see its life flashing before its eyes, the ones and zeros of its code, the error of its ways. All Row could see was bacon.

ID# 78284 results: Battle: 8 MOB: 6  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)  (2*1*2 = 4 dmg + 14 thorn =18 total) (mob 30 damage) 

Bacon that would be cut up yet again. This bacon was not going to go down without a fight though. The bacon, out of nowhere, found a new form of determination that resemble a last ditch rebuttal. The boar jumped up and tried to ram Row in the chest. This time, Row was prepared and held out her shield to keep her balance.

Mama Boar 4/100 
Row 101/200 hp 4/20 en

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Row gritted her teeth as the mama boar rammed into her shield. The shock wave shook her but her stance stood strong. The boar backed up a little, daze from slamming its head against the metal shield. Now that it was unable to respond, Row was able to launch her counter attack. Her axe came down, nearly crushing the boars head. Then she arced her swing as if she was using a golf club. The boar went flying into the air and landed next to its babies.

ID# 78285 results: Battle: 9 boar Died  Hack - 2x1 - (2 Energy)

However Row's assault was not through there. Her next attack would be the most cynical of them all. She jumped into the air and let out a blood curdling scream. Her ax came down fast and hard, slicing the boar's head in two. Then she spun around and completely cut the boar in half.

 ID# 78286 results: Craft: 9 Loot: 6+4 (1 mat + 300 col)

As the creature turned to pixels, a bag of col dropped. This would be great except Row had a new challenge ready to brawl. The mama boar's babies!

Mama Boar 0/100 Died! 
Row 101/200 hp 3/20 en

Mama Boar's babies x 4 5hp 3 dmg

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