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[PP - F1] Fruits of Labour

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Floor 1

"Stop, dude." Takao groaned, pushing his hand in front of his familiar which seemed hellbent on annoying him in whatever way it could. To the clueless onlooker it might've seemed like small gestures of affection, perhaps even attempts to garner his attention, but Takao had seen the underbelly of the beast. The little red mischievous reptile was in it for his own enjoyment, but the weather was much too hot for Takao to entertain him.

Even in the refuge of the park canopy shadows, the heat was still well beyond his liking; though that wasn't saying much. One could argue that Takao hadn't the broadest range of preferred temperatures. He was forecast to complain or simply be quietly miserable whenever the weather scales tipped too far in either direction. His head slowly rolled across his shoulders and flopped almost lifelessly over the back of the bench he sat upon, basking in his weather-inflicted suffering. Otoko, his familiar, took the opportunity to run across his lap again, enticing a sudden exhale from him.

"Otoko, c'mon. Ain't it bad enough I'm already dyin'?" Takao grunted, lifting his head up from the bench. "Why you always gotta kick me when I'm down, man." Slowly, Takao sat up from his reclined position and threw his arm over the back of the bench. Thankfully, having shed the jacket he usually wore alleviated some of the heat, although the form-fitting shirt that covered his torso underneath was still a poor choice of attire for the heat.

Otoko leapt from the bench and took to running in circles rapidly, his energy certainly on the climb. He was a desert monster after all, so his demeanor in the heat was significantly different than other climates. It was in this heat-enticed energetic frenzy that Otoko ran head first into the leg of a passerby, and promptly rolled backward in shock and confusion, stopping just short of Takao's feet.

"Dude, not cool." Takao said, forcing himself up from the comfort of the bench to look at the passerby whose leg his familiar had just headbutted. "Sorry 'bout that!"

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