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[PP-NK-F6] Not-So-Lazy Sunday <<Feeding the Enemy>>

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Soredell continued to follow the group as they walked through the forest, keeping an eye out for anything interesting, anything like say, a sloth or some nice materials for him to use later should he need it for buying or crafting weapons, armor or consumables. Nothing really seems to catch his eye. His focus returns back to the conversation at hand, about the realm of possibility when it came to the kinds of familiars one could tame. Beatbox gave his own input already, so he only felt as though it was fair that he puts in his own input. "Well, I'm not too sure as to the limits of what can or can't be tamed in Sword Art Online. The game seems to follow the fantasy genre, so things like wolves, dogs, tigers, birds, dragons, those kinds of things can be tamed easily. I wouldn't think that Kayaba would allow players to tame humanoid creatures or those with intelligence comparable to humans; say for example the elves on Floor 3 that I hear about." he says. "Just how much longer until we find this sloth? Its an immobile creature so we should really see it just lying on a tree somewhere assuming it is on this floor." he groans.


Edited by Soredell
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Teion listened thoughtfully to both men's words, resisting a chuckle at Soredell's last comment. True, she hadn't heard of an elusive sloth before. Despite trudging aimlessly through the jungle, Teion felt her mood improving slightly. The journey, though tiring, was a nice change of pace from the rolling hills of sand that she was so used to on her "home" floor.

The woman's head slowly swiveled side to side as they walked, keeping an eye out for the different types of creatures they could see. Plenty of typical jungle-dwelling monsters--insects, snakes, birds. Besides their own voices and the ambient noises of the trees, wind, and wildlife, another sound began to catch Teion's attention and cause her eyebrows to twitch downward. She tried to determine the source of what she could only describe as a very faint jingling noise, perhaps similar to keys or coins colliding against each other. The woman slowed her pace a bit, straining herself to make out the direction that the sound was coming from and also convince herself that she was hearing things. "Do you guys hear that...?" She finally spoke up to voice her concern.


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"Hm?" Beatbox had let out a hum as Thea had asked if they had heard something, and Beatbox looked around... and honestly, he couldn't find anything to be honest. Nor did he really hear anything "Nah, not really. I don't suppose you're hearin' things. Either way it shouldn't be a problem on this floor despite lack of knowing." he had said as he looked over with a smile. He looked back to Thea from Soredell and asked her "Are you looking to find out? Or we gonna try to stay with our typical routine we have at the current moment? Either way, I'm fine." he moved his hand to the hilt of The Silver Cresent MK. I just in case if he was to ever need to use it at a moments notice, god knows he learned to use weapons without hesitation through this game, at first he hated combat and hated the fact that he had to kill to progress in the game... but tides have changed and Beatbox as a person has grown differently in two years. Who would have thought. Kayaba, you wicked devil you... changing the minds of others in this hell of a game.


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Huh? Wait, what noise?" he asks, curious as to what this 'noise' that @Teion was referring to was. He tries to listen out for any further sounds, but all he can hear is the ambient jungle SFX as well as the BGM quietly playing in forests. In short, nothing really out of place, and certainly nothing that would warrant suspicion or question. Just in case, he keeps one hand firmly on the hilt of his katana, just in case some creature does pop up and try to attack the group. "I'm fine with either, but I think it'd be better that we continue looking for the sloth, which is our main objective, as opposed to searching out for the source of this noise that you heard. We can always make a note of it and come back later, but I think we should just be here for the sloth. I don't think some background noise would warrant much attention or investigation from us anyway. Either way, the choice is yours Teion." he says to her.

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"Mm..." Teion mumbled at their negative responses, about to dismiss the thoughts from her mind. They continued walking a bit, but before long the noise was back, more audible and definitely closer to them now. A light jingling sound came from behind them, in the air. When the violet-haired woman realized its presence again, she stopped in her tracks and spun around to find the source.

Above them, a small group of tiny, bright lights hovered in place far out of reach. Teion glared at what she wasn't sure was a threat or some innocent function of them game, trying to determine what it was. "Wait, are those...monsters?" A group of five pixies fluttered above the players, seemingly interested in the trio. They were small, and it was difficult to make out any features from the distance they were at. A mixture of humanoid and insect, the tiny creatures seemed to be silently communicating between themselves as they looked down upon the players.


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"Hm?" he had hummed out when Teion had pointed out and asked if a group of something in the distance we're monsters, and while they did have the crystal to show that they are monsters, they we're pixies. Beatbox had chuckled "By technicality, yes. But they are harmless, they are pixies and typically they are programmed to be harmless unless being attacked. They can be mischievous, however they wont attack a player." he had stated as he patted Thea on the back and looked at her with a smile "I'm pretty sure they meet the quota's for being a familiar if you want one of those as a familiar instead of a sloth. That's if you really want to of course, we can always go out and find another group of small animals if you wish." however he did place a hand on the hilt of his sword just in case if those small animals we're a trap... you could never be too safe about things.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Teion stiffened up a bit when Beatbox's hand patted her on the back. Although gentle, she hadn't expected the contact, though her reaction had her wondering for a moment if she was too on edge. She was about to let out a small sigh when his next comment caught her attention again. "Wait, really?" She asked in slight disbelief, looking back up to the creatures flittering above them. For being classified as pixies, their models weren't as generically 'cute' as a typical video game or fantasy setting would normally go for. Although they were still at a generous distance, Teion thought for a moment that they looked a little more creepy than she would expect. Still, she was having second thoughts, causing her to hesitate from moving forward along the path they had been following. "Mmm..." She mumbled.

The woman blinked in surprise as the group of tiny creatures suddenly dispersed. Her cobalt eyes darted around for a moment, unable to keep track of all of them and where they were going. The faint jingling sound reached her ears, causing Teion to wonder if the creatures were simply programmed to give off that noise as they flew. Within moments, two of the pixies were fluttering around Beatbox while another two did the same to Soredell. The remaining one circled around Teion as well, and the woman occasionally felt a light tugging at loose pieces of her clothing, as if the creature was searching her or even just getting caught on her equipment. They didn't appear to be attacking the players, but their disregard for personal space had Teion give a start.

@Soredell @Beatbox

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beatbox had nodded his head "Yeah sure, they're mostly harmless. However they'll pull some pranks on ya from time to time, heck they can even pick on other people without ya even knowing. So, if you want a 12 year old as a familiar, keep an eye on it and you'll be fine for the most part I suppose." then with a blink of an eye he had turned around and couldnt find Soredell, he let out a hum and said out to Teion with a concerned expression "Yo Thea, you got any idea where Soredell went off to? I'm not opposed to move forward if he left us, however I would like to know if he is at least safe." he then tried to look around then he just shrugged "I suppose he'll be fine, as long as he's not like majority of the beginners he should be fine. If he makes it back to the main settlement or a town nearby he'll make it back safe. He could always pay for a horse to get back to the main settlement in a town. If anything, this is an opportunity to be alone I suppose." he chuckled for a bit looking at Thea with a smile.


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"Pfft!" Teion couldn't hold back a chuckle at Beatbox's comment on having an immature familiar. The small creatures were still circling around them, ignoring any sense of personal space. The blacksmith's head turned as she tried to spot the creature in motion, still unable to get a good look at the troublesome pixie. With the thought to try something, the woman held out her hand, palm facing up in front of her. She waited a few moments and surely enough the tiny monster fluttered over to her hand. It's wings moved rapidly like an insect's, leaving only a blur of motion as it hovered in front of her. With it mostly staying still, Teion actually had a chance to inspect the creature--milky white 'skin' with purple circular patterns decorating its body. Large, dark eyes and two long antennae sprouting from the top of its forehead. She couldn't tell if the spiked orange and red on the pixie's head more closely resembled hair, flames, or even curved autumn leaves. While the woman wasn't sure if the pixies actually had genders, the subtle shape of its body led Teion to believe it might be female. The creature tucked her legs underneath herself, lowering down and sitting on the player's palm. "Ah," Teion mumbled as she realized how the pixie's legs had led to pointed tips. "You can't really stand, huh?" She imagined the task was nearly impossible for the creature. It's arms appeared to be similar, with only three long claw-like "fingers". "I don't know... She is kind of cute." The woman was so wrapped up in the tiny monster sitting in her hand that she hadn't been paying attention to Soredell's supposed disappearance.


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Without much time or conversation, Thea had walked out to see something that was nearby, and without a doubt it was one of those Pixie's acting like it cannot stand, Beatbox had looked to its HP bar as it wasn't visible, which only means... well, it never got hurt. Beatbox had looked over to Thea with a concerned look, if she was going to be easily tricked like this then she really shouldn't have this familiar to be fair. "Cute? Sure. Hurt? No. Remember what I told you Thea." he said shaking his head with a little chuckle. He smiled at the thought that his girlfriend had a kind heart at her core despite her secluded nature. He's happy to see that she has some emotion other than dead. However, he wasn't going to fall for the pixie's trick because he could spot it from a mile away, however he only worries if this is one trick she'll fall for, then a lot of tricks will go past her head. However, he didn't want to make her upset, and he only wants her to feel joy and he only wants to give joy to her, and nothing more.


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"Hm?" Teion turned her attention to the blonde swordsman with a puzzled look. "Oh, I mean," She lifted her other hand to point at the pixie sitting in her palm, as if the motion would somehow help Beatbox to better see the creature. "It doesn't look like she has feet." She answered, hopefully clearing up the concern that she heard in his voice. Beatbox didn't seem to have taken any interest in the creatures fluttering around him, and as he had not provided them with any attention, they flew away back to the area in the sky above the players.

Teion had been staring at the tiny monster resting in her hand, studying it. Could a little trickster pixie really help her in combat? Then again, her original plan was to try to find a sloth that would somehow provide her combat stats. The woman glanced over to Beatbox again, this time with curiosity in her otherwise unenthusiastic voice. "But...how do I get her to like me?" A small frown tugged at her lips.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Beatbox had blinked a couple of times, it had seemed that he forgot the most basic knowledge about Fairies... that they don't have feet. However he new that she still wasn't hurt, he thought in his mind that they might have played that trick to those who don't know any better, they can fly... unless their wings are damaged they'res no reason why they cannot move. However after a moment, it seemed that the Fairy didn't want to be Thea's friend, Beatbox had chuckled a bit "I mean, I am not sure how you can be friends with a Fairy. Theres a lot of knowledge I know about this world... how to be friends with animals are not my forte. Maybe all ya got to do is be yourself." he leaned to plant a kiss on her cheek and gave her a rub on her back "You'll get a familiar today, I promise." he shot her a smile before extending his arm out with a polite motion "Well, shall we move to another location or just chill out where we are at?"


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When Beatbox leaned over to the violet-haired woman, the fiery pixie sitting in her palm flittered away, its wings beating rapidly to lift her into the air. Teion nearly pouted when the creature moved away, but the small pack of monsters continued to hang around the pair. Her expression softened a bit at the blonde's reassurance, letting her hand fall to her side. She considered his words, asking whether or not they should press on. "Mm... Should we stay here for a bit?" She offered. 'I really want to be able to tame one of them...' She thought, unwilling to admit her persistence out loud.

She waved a hand through the air, pulling up her menus and examining the details of the quest once more. As if she hadn't already memorized it, she reviewed that she simply needed to feed a monster using a food item in order to gain its trust. "Well, I haven't tried that yet..." She mumbled under her breath, shifting focus from her quest list to her inventory to find a suitable food item.

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