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[PP-F2] New friends <Itzal and Abalasster

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Itzal looked at the house that was both his and Kasier's.  When he purchased the house he had received the key for it but also a second key.  After all, he specified that it was both he and Kasier who would own the house.  All Itzal had done was purchased it.  A nice cabin in the woods, the singing of birds, rustling of trees and grass being the only sounds to be heard.  Itzal would need to decorate the house pretty soon and soon enough he'd move his shop into the house.  Itzal sighed and turned back around, scaling up a tree before making his way over to the town.  What was he doing?  He was planning on doing some shopping.  After all he did want to get the furniture in place before Kasier moved in.  Or learned about it's existence.  As he leaped from branch to branch, his familiar, the purple dragon Velnia whose scales matched the color of his trench coat, flew between the trees nearby.  Itzal was scanning for any usable materials while she was searching for lunch, or more accurately rabbits.  As usual, Itzal's obsidian sword Dragon's Soul hung on his hip and he also wore Beauty Incarnated on his right hand:  A ruby ring with golden designs on it.  Unfortunately he didn't spot any materials, even after activating reveal.  That didn't stop him from searching of course.  He and Velnia would spot something (or someone) before long.

ID#  84160  LD:  4+8


Edited by Itzal
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Abalasster was trekking through the forest of the 2nd floor. It wasn't something that he usually did, but this time he had a purpose to fulfil. Abalasster had reached out to a member of the Celestial Ascendants, a guild which he had recently discovered and found that it would suit him. He felt as if it was the best way to shake off the shackles that bound him down. Ever since his past experience in the cave that saw many of his best slaughtered right in front of him, Abalasster made his best effort to distance himself from others, for the reason that he felt that he was the direct cause for the death of his closet friends. However, in the past few months, he had began to open himself up more to the world. And he felt that the best way to reopen himself up was to partake in a guild. He recalled his old days, back when he was a part of the former Crimson Blades,  where he held the position of Treasurer. It was during times like that he felt like he was a part of something. And he had been longing that feeling for the longest time.

Which is why he decided to come out to the forest, where the member of the Celestial Ascendants, Paladin Itzal, had called him forth. He trekked through the forest, searching for wherever the Paladin had called him to. He continuously looked at the directions that the Paladin had given him. Eventually, he reached the coordinates that the Paladin had given him, and surely enough, he saw the dusty haired warrior, searching for something.

"Hello" Abalasster said, trying to get the attention of the Paladin. " Ow's ya getting on?"

Edited by Abalasster
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Itzal's reveal didn't show any materials but it did help him spot the player coming up.  He stopped his movement around the same time the player called out to him.  He spotted the player:  white hair was all he could really tell other than a brown jacket.  Itzal made another leap, this time downwards, hooked his hand around the next branch and swung forward, letting go and rolling across the ground before shooting to his feet and turned around to look at the player better.  Velnia came down behind the player.  "Pretty good.  I don't believe we've met before (OOC- I'm assuming they've never met face to face yet, only talked over pms).  My name's Itzal...  Oh, and the dragon behind you is named Velnia."  Itzal watched as Velnia waited for the player to turn around.  When he did she performed her proper greeting:  She hovered in front of him and stared into his eyes for the longest time.  When she blinked she grinned and landed on him, shooting across his body before stopping on his shoulder and licking his cheek.  Itzal chuckled.  "That's uh, that's how she greets newcomers.  She's one hyperactive one that.  I came to the conclusion that she's a kitten, puppy, squirrel all molded into one then given scales and the ability to breath lightning."


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(OOC: Very true. That's how it will go. The thought escaped my mind whilst writing my last post)

Abalasster looked up as the player descended from the tree that he was perched in. He moved elegantly from one branch to another and finally landing elegantly on the ground near Abalasster. He spoke first.

"We haven't met before" Abalasster spoke out. "I was the one that messaged you about the recruitment. The name's Abalasster" He extended a hand for the player to shake. Abalasster was somewhat surprised that the player could understand him. He heard it all too much to "repeat what yo said" or "slower and clearer please". It was one of the disadvantages of coming from The Rock that is Newfoundland. 

The player identified himself as Itzal, confirming that he was the paladin Abalasster had contacted. Then, out of nowhere, a strange animal like creature appeared from what seemed like nowhere and just stared into Abalasster's eyes. It did this for a short moment, before zipping around him all crazy-like. He tried tracing the speed demon wit his eyes, but it zipped 'round him too quickly. All of a sudden, it landed on his shoulder and licked his cheek, which Abalasster was quick taken aback with.

"Shockin' that is, Shockin'" Abalasster said still in disbelief.  "I am mighty glad to meet you Itzal." Abalasster said with a smile. He pondered what would be the first steps of recruitment... 

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Itzal listened to the player and heard that he was the one who messaged him about recruitment.  When he heard that the player started to introduce himself and Itzal said his name the same time he said it himself.  "Abalasster, yes now I know you."  He smiled as he took his hand and shook it.  "Nice to finally meet you face to face, although.  It's not exactly recruitment.  We're a family not a military organization," he finished with a chuckle.  "Though recently we've begin to start thinking about other ways the guild can operate.  Nice accent by the way, may I ask where it originated?  You don't have to of course."  Itzal laughed lightly at his reaction to Velnia's greeting and nodded.  "She's the most hyperactive familiar I've ever known my friend."  With the official introductions out of the way it was time to get to know each other.  "You hungry?  We could discuss this in a restaurant or elsewhere if you'd like, I just want us to be comfortable.  We'll start by getting to know each other and after a bit I'll ask a few questions.  I've also messaged the other paladins and sentinels so this should be all it takes my friend."


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Abalasster was glad that Itzal had reconsidered him from the conversation about recruitment. Abalasster also enjoyed how the paladin had returned the motion of shaking Abalasster's hand. He did this motion with every new player that he met. It was a way to tell the caliber of the player's friendliness. And having Itzal returned the gesture, Abalasster was put at ease. 

Itzal then went on to inform him that there really wasn't a recruitment process, which also set Abalasster at ease. The fact to know that he wouldn't having to prove any meddle appeased him. However, it also slightly offset him. However, he accept the blessing, but was willing to show his merit if need be.

The subject then suddenly changed to that of Abalasster's accent

"Well, I could say you're the one with the accent" The Newfoundlander said with a smile. "I was born and raised on The Rock for most of my life". After stating this, Abalasster realized that the Paladin may not be familiar with the slang for his hometown.

"Pardon me" Abalasster began again. "Those not from it, call it Newfoundland, Canada. Where he people are nicer but the weather isn't". Abalasster smirked at this, remembering his homeland, before this incident.

Itzal then made some remarks on the subject of his companion and then invited him out to a restaurant. 

"Oh absolutely" Abalasster replied. He hadn't eaten all day so he was ready to eat. The Paladin then mentioned that he would be asking some questions. Abalasster didn't mind this. It was certainly better than going out and killing mobs to prove his worth. 

"Sounds like a plan" Abalasster responded. "Lead the way my friend..."

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The player countered Itzal's words by saying he could ask about his accent and to that Itzal laughed lightly while nodding.  "Yeah you certainly could."  Itzal's history was rather...  Interesting.  Born in America, raised in Japan by an adopted mother, father, and sister.  Or rather, he was the adopted one but the point remained.  He was an American boy living with Japanese family.  To be honest however, Itzal felt there was nothing different with them other than their appearance.  The player mentioned a place that was completely unfamiliar to Itzal and his confusion showed.  When the player clarified the name Itzal recognized Canada but not the specific area.  He nodded.  "I didn't really pay much attention to other countries but I do know where Canada is.  So you're Canadian eh?  Well I've never met one before, nice to meet you.  And since you've agreed let's get going.  Oh and quick question, have you tried Japanese?"  As they started to walk Velnia landed on Abalaster's head, her neck stretching to look at his face upside down, grinned, then made herself comfortable there.  Itzal sighed.  "If it's an annoyance I'll get her off.  And Velnia I'm going to teach you manner's one of these days."  She gave him a look that Itzal translated into:  'yeah, when the moon sprouts wings'.  Itzal looked to the heavens and made a silent prayer that Kayaba had some imagination.


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"I truly haven't even had the delicacy" Abalasster returned with a smile. Growing up on the island that is Newfoundland, being an entire continent and ocean away from the island that is Japan, he had never had the chance to experience Japanese food.

"Those kind of islanders never did come to the rock" Abalasster said smirking. "Too remote I reckon." Itzal then commented how he had never met a Canadian before, which surprised Abalasster.

"Really now?" he questioned. "Now that surprises me. I'm going to throw modesty out and say we're a pretty kind people. However, the one's who live in Quebec are a feisty bunch. All of this talk about of becoming independent from the rest of us Canadian's. Those silly French speakers just come off as loud and annoying if I do so. It is quite beautiful over in Ol' Canada don't cha' know? You should visit there...well If we ever get out of this nightmare that is. But enough about me and my country, where are you from lad?" Abalasster enjoyed the presence of Itzal. He was laid back and rather a friendly person. His personality was vibrant to Abalasster.

It wasn't long before Itzal's companion was once again climbing Abalasster. It had hopped on his head and found a position suitable to it's comfort...and then just remained there!

"It's quite alright Itzal" Abalasster said smiling. "I know what it's like to have a rowdy companion. I left mine in my shop today. He just wasn't wanting to come out" Abalasster and Itzal made their way towards the restaurant, with Velnia perched on Abalasster's head. Oh the sight it was...

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Itzal smiled and nodded.  "Alright then, I know the best place to try it out for the first time."  As they made their way to the city gates he heard Abalasster's shocked reaction that he had never met a Canadian.  "Yep.  Never got out much.  I only know a handful of countries and nothing about any but one of them.  That one being my homeland."  Itzal chuckled when he said they were a kind people, describing for a moment people who lived somewhere called Quebec.  "I have no doubt you guys are kind, and I will take that into consideration.  I plan to explore a little once we get out of here so maybe I can see you sometime."  Then the inevitable question emerged:  Where are you from?  "Well I was born in America, but was raised in Japan all my life  Sakura, Chiba.  Since the age of five actually."  As they neared the restaurant Abalasster mentioned how it was fine for Velnia to rest on his head and how he had a companion of his own.  To this Velnia's head perked up and Itzal turned to look at him with a curious smile.  "What kind of familiar do you have may I ask?"  They entered the restaurant and were lead to a table.  Itzal sat down and smiled as the waitress approached.  "I'll have a Ramen if you please."  She nodded with a smile and turned to @Abalasster

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"I understand what you mean by not knowing much about other places" Abalasster responded as the walked towards the restaurant that Itzal was leading him to. "I've only known Newfoundland and life on the rock for all but one year of my life. Before this event that we are living in now occurred, my family and I had moved to America, attempting to begin a new life away from everything. Our life events had taken a turn for the worst and now we figured getting away for now would be the best course of action. So I understand your view. When I get out of this hell I just want to travel the world, take in each and every sight that I've been missing whilst stuck in this game." The two conversed further. Itzal remarked on his comment about people from Quebec and then mentioned how he'd also like to get out and explore.

"Oh that'd be grand" Abalasster said on the subject of them possibly meeting. Abalasster, a this point, was still hanging on to a question he had asked. Ever since he asked the question of "where Itzal was from". Ever since he asked the question, his intrigue had snowballed. "Is he from America" Abalasster thought. He seemed to fit the bill, however, then there was part of America would he be from; if he was from America that is. However, his question would find it's answer quite shortly

"I was born in America" Itzal started.

"I knew it!" Abalasster said in his head. However, he was only partially right. The player then mentioned about how he had been raised in Japan all his.

"Interesting" Abalasster thought to himself. "I wasn't expecting that"

"That is quite wondrous " Abalasster said in response to Itzal's location of current residency. 

The two were getting close to the restaurant when Itzal popped the question about Abalasster's familiar, after Abalasster's reply on Velnia's behavior.

"I have a Scarab named Khepri" Abalasster responded. "The little lad has been through it all with me. He is quite feisty though. And very dramatic, but he does keep me company.

The two entered the restaurant and were escorted to a table. When asked to order, Itzal ordered a meal called Raman.

"I'll second that" Abalasster said, wanting what Itzal was having. The waitress, after taking the orders, left for the kitchen.

"So" Abalasster began. "What does one do as a Celestial Ascendant?"...


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Itzal chuckled when Abalasster mentioned how he wasn't expecting Itzal to grow up in Japan.  "Yeah well.  It's a rather long story."  He heard Abalasster mention how he had a scarab and this peeked his interest.  "A scarab eh?  Not many would choose such a monster as a familiar.  That's pretty cool actually.  I'd like to see him sometime."  Velnia also seemed rather interested, but then, she was always interested in familiars.  She loved making new friends after all.  "Well Velnia here is more hyperactive than anything.  I wouldn't say feisty but when she gets excited there's usually no stopping her.....  And thank God she hasn't tried caffine yet.  I dread the day she does and she probably will.  It's just a matter of time..."  The player ordered the same thing Itzal did and before the waitress could walk away Velnia flew up and held up her wing, showing that she wanted some too.  The waitress nodded with a smile and walked away to get their dishes.  Upon hearing Abalasster's words Itzal sighed.  "I'm going to be rather frank with you here.  Many of the members of the guild have been rather inactive lately.  Players I know who are keeping active are myself, Morgenstern to some extent, Shield, Sey, Beat, and Kasier is getting back into the swing of things, slowly but surely.  Overall we work to help other players get stronger but due to Emerald Harbingers and the inactivity among our players, Beatbox suggested that we find other things our guild can do, set us apart from the others.  If you have suggestions please let us know."


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