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[OP-F1-NK] A search to discover a Leader's properties(Open combat/Mat Thread)

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Vigilon walked towards the edge of the safe zone, hoping to see if there was something missing towards being capable of leadership, and possibly some players. Right now, he was making sure he had what he needed. He had his armor and Sword, and he had his small white frost dragon, Veriost, who, as usual, was asleep on his shoulder. "If I'm planning to start a Guild, I'm gonna need to see if I have what it takes, as well as if there is anything missing, which I will work to fill..." Veriost opened her eyes sleepily, and stretched her wings. "Grraawwwnnn...." A half-smile appeared on Vigilon's face. "Nice to know you're awake. Say, do you think there is anything unlike the usual that might happen if I just spontaneously set off like I'm doing right now?" Veriost simply rolled her eyes, and smiled at Vigilon as if to signal that she had no problem and was ready.

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Wardege was walking alongside the wall of the settlement, on the outside of it's safe zone. He had been searching, and even now, there was nothing to be found. "There seems to be nothing here, so I guess I'm going to end up doing the same thing for a while, that is, if there is no one to assist..." He noticed someone leaving the safe zone up ahead, and drew closer to find that it was Vigilon. The young man had seemed ambitious as of late, and didn't exactly seem ordinary, at least, in the way Wardege had currently seen things. "Hello there Vigilon! It's been a rather small while, but I'm still quite pleased to see you again! I hate to be rude, but you seem a bit more ambitious then the other day. Is there anything on your mind that would lead to such a confident, firm expression?"

ID# 85881 LD: 10(Failed)


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Daniella had been walking about the boundary of the safe zone going in and out of its imaginary line to stray away from the mobs here, "Ugh. So boring killing monsters. It would be a lot more fun if there was someone I could challenge." Dani had complained out loud and thought she would find something to do this day. Her eyes shifted from the dull blades of grass to the sky above her and sighed heavily. She hated to be bored like this. When she had stepped outside the safe zone she had seen other players digging through the ground looking for items. Was that a thing? It had to be a thing since people were doing it. There was particularly two boys having a small conversation, she could shadow them for a bit and see what was going on there. 

Stretching her hands up into the air and getting her body ready for whatever process it was to bend over and search for materials, she would be limber in doing so. The dark haired pugilist moved closer to the two boys, smile on her face, body slightly bouncing with a small carefree hop. She stayed away from them for the moment and looked at the ground and squinted her eyes. 

"Items, items...grass? Yep. Just some grass. Hey!" she called out to the two players just a few feet away, "Is this really a thing? Searching for items in the grass...or...Are people just weird?" 

ID: 85938
LD: 8

@Vigilon @Wardege

Edited by Daniella
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Vigilon had to think of how he should respond to Wardege's question, since there was pretty much multiple answers to it. "The time is fast approaching, so I set off to see if I have what it takes. If I don't, I'll take advantage of this venture to fill those holes and develop any needed qualities." He stopped, hearing some rustling in the grass. He turned around, ready to draw his sword in case a monster was nearby, but instead a player called out a question to him and Wardege. He looked down to see if there was anything in the overgrowth of grass he was standing on, but there was nothing there. "Kinda complicated, really. Materials can be found almost all over this game, but it happens to be very hit or miss. Whether it is weird or not depends on how a player sees it, really." Veriost tilted her head to the side, looking at the player curiously.

ID# 85960 LD: 9+1=10(failed)

@Wardege @Daniella

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"Your answer seems pretty vague to me, but knowing you, it probably has something to do with that Guild you plan to start." Wardege chuckled. "Most leaders aren't so vague, however, if that's what you're trying to find yourself as..." Vigilon appeared to have heard something, and turned sharply. Wardege turned around to see a rather seemingly tough looking young woman asking if searching in the grass was unusual. While Vigilon explained how it was usually up to chance for materials, and that whether or not it was strange was up to those who saw, Wardege moved his hand around in the bottom of the overgrowth, but found nothing. "Certainly, you could say that again, Vigilon. It's practically a flip of the coin, or something of the like." He turned to the woman. "I do believe we haven't met yet. Wardege, at your humble service." He said, bowing as he always did when he introduced himself.

ID# 85970 LD: 13(failed)

@Daniella @Vigilon

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The chick smiled and nodded her head, it was strange to see someone bow before her. So in attempt to do away with formalities, the busty pugilist stepped forward and grabbed him by the hand and gave it a hard and hardy handshake, "Dani, nice to meet'chya!" Her voice enthusiastic about meeting someone for a change. Sometimes random strangers could be a little weird when you meet them, but these two seemed to be good sports and answering her weird question. 

The woman had stopped looking for what they called 'materials,' because it seemed rooting through the grass was something a patient person would probably do. But she had to wonder what exactly these materials were, "Well now that I have your attention, and I am sorry if I interrupted some bromance or something between you two. But," the woman let go of the man's hand, smiled out an apology and folded her arms over her chest. She locked eyes with them individually and continued where she left off, "What exactly are materials? I mean. I figure they are used to make something, but is there a different use in the game for them? I will be brutally honest, I am not what you call a gamer-chick." She said with her hands out, then she took up a boxing stance and punched the air a few times, "I like to Box and get physical!" she then leaned over to Wardege and used her elbow to nudge him a few times, "In more than a few ways if you get my drift, Boy." When she had said 'boy' it was almost pronounced with a bit of sexual tone. But she quickly started to 'swat' at the air with her fists, and moved her feet side to side, "So what are you Boys doing out here? Hunting for these items too?" 

@Wardege @Vigilon

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Vigilon saw Wardege introduce himself in the way he usually, practically always, did. He facepalmed and muttered under his breath, "Ugh, not again..." To Vigilon, Wardege needed to stop introducing himself that way, 'cause as far as Vigilon knew, it would have him accepted with open arms, but in the wrong way. Vigilon was usually slow to trust, and he easily got suspicious of things. It wasn't like you could blame him though, since this game was now a life or death situation, and the fact that whenever he played games that involved other players online, there were times when he had to be cautious or the villainous players would find him out and try to kill him constantly to keep him weak or intimidated, and finally include the fact that he had seen some things from the real world, including murder. "Well, unless you use the materials to craft things, or to pay for items, they're absolutely useless." Vigilon backed up a little when the player nudged Wardege, saying something that, even though it wasn't directed toward him, made him feel uncomfortable. Trying to avoid feeling uncomfortable even further, or worse, begin to turn reddish or something out of embarrassment, he decided to answer the next question the player asked. "Me? I set out today for various reasons."

@Wardege @Daniella

Edited by Vigilon
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While Wardege had introduced himself in a formal manner, Dani's introduction was...Well, the exact opposite, so to speak. Sure, Wardege didn't exactly mind, he just took notice of the difference. Dani asked what materials were exactly, and Wardege had to think of a simpler answer than just the countless possibilities. Perhaps an example would help. "Well, materials can be almost anything related to certain professions. Vigilon here plans to take up the Blacksmith profession, and thus has use for ingots and ores. I prefer the humble, simple profession known as Cook, so If there is anything edible, from meats, fruits, herbs and the like, I can make something from them. It all depends on the profession for if they are made into something, really. There are several more professions where that came from." The player came close and nudged him as she said a few words. Wardege was completely caught of guard, and had not a single clue on what to do or how to respond. Wherever this young woman had grown up or spent her time, Wardege certainly hadn't been there.

@Daniella @Vigilon

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"Sounds absolutely...boring. Yuck. I mean, the searching for materials part, not your professions. Back home!" The woman jumped into a Boxer's stance and smiled, and swiftly pummeled the air a few times shadow boxing, "I was a boxer. So there was always some kind of training to do. I spent a good part of my life getting into shape on the off season, and then when it came to Fight Nights, I can bet you Boys there was no material searching. A life of high adrenaline replaced by this..." A swift punch in the air and the woman sighed, "Not what I would call exciting. But it is what it is. So basically these materials help make things for the profession. Gotchya." The woman took a moment to stretch her arms upwards, her thin crop top riding upwards from her frame as she shifted one arm over the other to stretch it out.

"Well, I guess I could use a few of these materials. I need a pair of boxing gloves or something, I plan on challenging people all over Aincrad to fights and check out the unique styles everyone has. Perhaps earn a little name for myself on the side, but really, I just don't wanna sit around all day doing nothing." Placing her hands on her hips, the woman looked at the ground; ores, fruits, vegetables and...grass. More and more grass. 

She sighed when shen didn't see any of the mentioned items, "Great." Her brown eyes moved towards the other players. They seemed a little off put from her demeanor. She was a little more rough around the edges but she was a nice chick, "Is it the boobs?" she asked with a blunt question pointing at herself, "Trust me. I didn't think they were this big until the game had this jiggle physics thing. Man, these anime guys really like to endorse this fan service stuff. I'll try to keep the bouncing to a minimum if I can." She smiled and went back to searching, absent mindedly bending over forgetting she had a somewhat short skirt on. 

ID: 86033
LD: 2

@Vigilon @Wardege

Edited by Daniella
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"So from what I'm hearing, you're a thrill seeker and a challenge chaser, in a way. I hate to bring up the problem, but in a game like this, challenging is usually more trouble than it's worth. Sure, there is organized PvP around this game, but I honestly haven't heard of any duels in a place where the HP cannot go below 1, so I can't help you there. However, should I find that a player I could take on has killed, in a duel or typical murder, I will look into the matter. If there were no good intentions," He drew his weapon, White Blade, to make a point. "Let's just say they would regret it. How else would I treat the matter? In various games, I always worked like a vigilante, so to speak." He sheathed his blade. "Need something for unarmed damage, eh?" He began looking through the overgrowth again, this time searching thoroughly. Absolutely nothing. "Nothing. Well, anyways, a tailor can make something that can increase unarmed damage, which in turn, can also increase the damage done with the martial arts skill. You can get that skill by smashing a boulder to dust with only your fists, and the boulder is on floor 2. There are two ways to pay for it, though. One way is Col, the general currency of the game. The other way is...materials. In this case, we would be giving them things they could use, which in a tailor's case, would be things like leather, cotton, things like that." The player asked a blunt question, and the color on Vigilon's face lost it and turned red as he dragged his eyes straight to the ground. In conversations, he would look them in the eyes, right now, he was too uncomfortable to even keep doing that. He shook off the feeling. "Weeeelllll, I'm just gonna pretend you never asked that..."

ID# 86039 LD: 4+1=5(Failed)

@Wardege @Daniella

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From what Wardege could get from those words, this player seemed to be a thrill seeker who easily got bored. "A game like this takes survival as well as combat. Thus, the mechanics of this game pretty much make materials essential. Some people take up a profession to help out other players, others do so for the Col they can use towards better gear, or even a living space. There are even those who consider it a win-win situation, and take advantage of both purposes." Wardege heard what Vigilon had said, and was a bit confused, thinking he heard him wrong. "Excuse me, what? Do you certainly mean to do away with them? Doesn't this game have some sort of prison for criminals? If you kill them, wouldn't you be no better than them? As someone who plans to be a tank and a healer, I'd rather just keep them at bay while the authorities take care of the matter, as long as I was protecting someone I had to repay a debt to, or had grown in friendship and the like." When the player asked her next question, Wardege had no possible answer. "Oh, dear. How will I respond to something like that? and in a way much more polite than Vigilon's response? What should I do? What should I say?"

@Daniella @Vigilon

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"Ahh! I see! So you must be Batman!" she had pointed to @Vigilon when he said he was some kind of vigilante. But where she got Batman from was really anyone's guess, it was the first super hero that she thought of when the word was spoken. But then there was some talk about prisons and murder and a whole of serious stuff. "Woa, Boys. Listen, I am not looking to hurt anyone. Just some friendly sparring matches here and there." she said once more in her fighter's stance and started to punch the air with her fists. "It's really the only life I know. And I suppose I do have someone here I would love to protect, he is not much a fighter himself. More like a nerd, I guess. But he's my bestfriend and I won't let anything happen to him."

The woman stretched her arms over her head and yawned a bit. "So, Boy. You are planning to be a Tank and Healer. That's cool. I think I sorta know what those are. Tanks take a beating for other people, that's pretty admirable for someone who might be defending a stranger. But you seem like a guy with a good heart. I can tell you, when you are in the ring and you are pressed into the corner like that and you are taking other guy's punches to the face, your knees are weak, arms feel heavy and you're just waiting for the bell to ring. But at the same time, you enjoy it don't you? You get that second wind, people are chanting your name." Dani started to chant her name and started to throw punches in the air, "Then you make the most awesome comeback ever!! Jabbing and hooking, then you go in for the KO with an uppercut and then BAM!" she said slapping her hands together, "They are on the ground taking the count..." 

Dani had stopped and smiled, her big brown eyes were as wide as they could. She was reliving some fantastic memories of days long past but she wasn't depressed. She shook her head and laughed, "But I get to make some new rivals now. Challenging the whole of Aincrad to see what people got in here." she said pointing her gut, "Because that's what it takes to survive, right? Having guts to take the beating and keep moving forward." @Wardege

Edited by Daniella
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"Hmpf, I'm not surprised that you would say that, Wardege." The other player mentioned Vigilon as Batman. There was only one response for that. "Ah, um, not exactly. Only Batman can be Batman." Vigilon stopped and noticed he and Wardege unintentionally intimidated the other player. "Ah, sorry. We weren't talking about you during that moment... I think I see what you mean. You want to get as close as possible to your original life, right? If I find a way for there to be duels without any risk of death for either player participating, I'll be sure to let you know through a message. It's also nice to know that pretty much everyone that I have met so far seems to have someone important to them. Of course, I don't exactly have many friends yet, so I'm mostly with Veriost here." The small frost dragon grinned at the player. Vigilon looked around the general area again, and noticed some leather behind Wardege, at the bottom of the overgrowth. "Perhaps just four more, and I'm sure these can be exchanged for some good handwraps that increase unarmed damage." He handed the material to the player.

ID# 86076 LD: 16+1=17(+1 Mat)

1 T1 Mat handed to @Daniella


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"I guess you really do conceal yourself, Vigilon. There seems to be so much to know about you, and the people around you can only know so little because you seem to hide yourself and things about you under a rock!" Wardege confirmed to himself that there was much more to Vigilon than people would originally think. To be willing to take one's life, just unthinkable for someone like him! Wardege heard Daniella begin to defend herself from being unnerved by the conversation, and realized he and Vigilon had gotten carried away. "I'm dreadfully sorry, miss, I never meant any ill intent towards you. I kind of got carried away." He saw Vigilon pull up some leather from the overgrowth behind him, and began to search as well. He found some leather behind Vigilon, chuckled, and said, "Well, I guess you and I were so busy looking in front of us that we never bothered to look behind ourselves, Vigilon. Both in search and conversation." Following Vigilon's kind deed, Wardege gave Daniella the leather he found as well.


ID# 86084 LD: 17(+1 Mat)

1 T1 Mat Given to @Daniella


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"Don't worry about it." She said with her hand towards both of them, "I am not easily scared or turned off by the prospect of dying. When you Box, there is always the chance the other person can get too intense. Accidents have happened and sometimes those mistakes can haunt a person." For the first time in a while, the smile that was on her face had drifted away just for that solitary moment of time, a blank expression as it were before she perked up and smiled once again, "But you have to move forward, keep taking those punches. You guys are uber sweet for trying to 'protect' me from the truths of the world, but I think I have seen enough to know how to survive." 

Both @Wardege and @Vigilon had given Dani two items of materials, but she was not expecting this at all. She shook her head, holding each of them in her hands and handing them back out towards the others, "I can't accept these. You guys were out here searching for them, right? So it's only right for Finder's Keepers Rules. Besides if I have everyone doing things for me, I won't be able to do anything myself and that's a big no-no in my book. Here." It was nice of them to hand out there hard earned rewards for searching, but she could not accept it fully knowing they came out here for the very same goal. So she would have to search for her own materials, no matter how boring and tedious that task might be. 

"So, were you Boys students before coming into the game?" she asked while she sat on her haunches and looked around the field for some of those material things.

ID: 86091
LD: 12

Edited by Daniella
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Under normal conditions, players were happy to be helped out. Apparently things were different here. When Vigilon was handed back the material after her explanation that she would be fine, and that she would have to do things on her own. "Well, it's usually the player's choice on whether they receive help or not, so I completely understand. Some need help especially with combat, some need help with starting off...I'll just leave it at the fact that we're all different. I had some help when starting off, just a few materials given, a quest taken, and some assistance in unexpected combat...Yeah, after that I was pretty much ready for what these first few floors could toss at me. Currently I'm level 8 and my base damage is five, but with my most powerful sword art, it's fifteen. Changing the subject, there are multiple differences in the possible enhancements for the two kinds of armor, such as the fact that light armor can have evasion, but heavy armor can't." He almost got carried away with his explanation. He heard Dani ask if he and Wardege were students before this game. "When it all began, it had been about 5 months since the end of my senior year, so, yeah, I think so."

@Wardege @Daniella

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Wardege had never been handed back something in this game, but it was one of the possible expected responses anyway, since every now and then, such a response would come from those whose debts he repaid. Plenty of people told him that his assistance wasn't necessary, yet he usually either insisted to help, or something of the like. "Heh, before this game, I got that a lot. I enjoyed spending my time returning favors, helping others, repaying debts, and the like." Wardege recalled one of the few people who persistently denied any repaying of debts. His cousin. Every time he tried to help her, she'd deny it with a smile, saying there was no need, and of course, commenting on how kindhearted he was. Wardege only hoped that she wasn't in this game. But back to reality, Dani had asked if Wardege and Vigilon were students before this. If she meant right before the time it happened, it would be true in Vigilon's case. Otherwise, it would be true in Wardege's as well, since everyone who got trapped in this game probably had an education before all this. "If you mean right before this game, I'd say it was true for Vigilon. Otherwise, the answer would be yes for both of us. Of course, I could be wrong, but I may have been a year behind, however. Having to move from the U.K. as an orphan to the U.S. in order to move in with relatives does take time."

@Daniella @Vigilon

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"I figured as much. I never did much in school, I was more of a tomboy I guess you could say and I was more into the physical classes and such. They did have a boxing team though that I joined, mostly males...well, all males but I was the only girl and I was the toughest one of the bunch. Ever since then it has been a hardcore regimen of diet and exercise and training. I have a pretty fit body, but that didn't come overnight. You know what I am saying? If you guys plan on doing something worthwhile in this game, you gotta give it your all and you gotta keep hitting that bag and train as much as you can. I am sure you both will be great. Hell, maybe in a month or two the three of us can meet up again and have a friendly challenge." 

The woman smiled, she was already attempting to make a few rivals, but she was not sure if these peeps would be more on the lazy side like her best friend, or if they were truly motivated to do some work here. She was not interested in being a Hero like she had heard from other players, she would enjoy some amount of fame and infamy if she could with challenging strong players, especially those who might be higher leveled than she was. But she needed to understand the game and its mechanics more before going through which means some amount of studying. 

Dani scratched the back of her head, and rolled her shoulder in the process, "Maybe I am just itching for a fight too much, ya know? It's exciting to be here." Taking a boxer's stance once again, the woman shadow boxed the air triggering small feet movements as she weaved, "Did you guys know there is no pain in this game? That's a huge advantage for us." @Vigilon @Wardege

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"Yeah, that's why games have the level system in the first place. For players to work towards their goals, as well as the differences between a newbie and a master. The more you practice, the stronger you become. The more challenges you face, the stronger you become. And if something fails to kill you, you only get stronger. It's one of the things that links games to reality. Take Skyrim, for an example. You can swing a sword, but it's generically weak until you keep using it, raising the one-handed skill, which, in turn, increases the potential damage done by the sword. Sure, in that game some swords are stronger than others, but the fact remains the same." For the most part, Vigilon was agreeing with Daniella. "If you like a challenge often, fighting lootable monsters would be a good start if there aren't many players willing to take up your challenges, assuming you have pretty decent gear, and perhaps a friend to back you up in case things don't go well. The pain dampener does help, but it doesn't stop all pain. There is the still existing emotional pain, so don't let the lack of physical pain cloud your judgement."

@Wardege @Daniella

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