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F1 PP) Hanging in the Town

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Stryder groaned as he stretched his arms, the warm sun hitting the first floor, more specifically in the town of beginnings in the center plaza where this whole mess started. He enjoyed coming back here every now and then, sometimes to just thank Kiaba in making this world. He was a gamer, and while this was traumatizing.... It was a game, it was the very thing he loved SO much. It just.... made him feel so..... Alive compared to every other game he played. None of them made him feel as alive and real as this game did. He had such a better time here then he did in the real world, he always felt like he belonged in a world like this.... Somewhere he could thrive. This spot reminded him off that, it reminded him off all he was fighting for. He wasn't here for him... He was here, getting stronger, learning to fight.... For all the others who didn't feel like they belonged here.... In this world... 

@Xander Rush

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Xander felt like he had been in the same spot for ages, yet he couldn't bring himself to actually leave. He heard other players speak of the other floors and of their great adventures, but here he was, watching the tavern girl walk back and forth..again. Slamming his fists down he quickly rose and shouted at the NPC, "I can't sit here forever!" before running out into the city, that short burst of energy made him feel a little better about the situation, but he still wasn't pleased, grumbling as he made his way over to some benches before plopping down, his eyes carefully watching the people that walked by, they all seemed so happy pasted the dread that most probably had from finding out this would be their home for quite possibly forever. Most had decent gear and looked like they could fend for themselves, usually in groups they seemed at ease. This was something that came natural to most players.

Xander gave a desperate sigh as he leaned back onto the bench, his eyes trailed from the seat next to him to the person occupying it. He stiffened and jumped a little. "H-hi! Sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Xander?" He questioned his own name as he watched the player who seemed fairly at ease. 

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Sky was laying on the seat in what looked to be a very awkward position, his head hanging off the front of the seat, his legs over the side, and his arms just resting on his head, though he did have a rolled up black long coat that he was using as a pillow. He watched as he saw someone who looked kind of.... Aimless, walking around, staring at other players. He didn't know what was up, but noticed him getting closer, and before long he sat next to Sky. He didn't know his name, or anyhting, but from what he could tell he had no gear other then the basic stuff, meaning he was another player just coming out from hiding. He watched as he jumped a slight amount, and tensed up. 

Sky looked at him, wondering what his deal was, and if he needed help with something.

"What are you saying sorry for? Theres nothing saying you  can't sit there" He answers to him, noticing him questioning his own name, though he decided to just not bring it up, not knowing why he had done it. "The name's Stryder, Crown Prince of the Emerald Harbingers, nice to meet you Xander. What you doing on this beautiful day" He asked, still upside down and looking up towards him.

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Xander examined the relaxed man before him who didn't really seem to mind his curiosity, "that's quite the title, Stryder. And just wasting time..again.. there's not much to do when you don't adventure." Xander stared idly at his hands as he spoke.

"How does one actually earn such a title? Surly it isn't from hiding in the beginning city like me." He grinned, always curious about how other players just went out and..did things, despite the danger of it all. This wasn't a world he was adapted to, let alone comfortable enough to throw himself headfirst into battle. He could only imagine how badly it could go for him. "I've never played a game like this, a serious mmo isn't really for me. I was sort of..drunkenly thrown in here by a few of my friends, little did any of us know I would actually get stuck in here, so I've just been hiding out here until I could..figure out what to do." Xander's eyes met the mans and could only hope he wouldn't be off put by Xander's.. openness? He had yet an opportunity to talk to many players so when he got the chance he knew he moment of meeting another breathing human being was fleeting. 

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While he was talking, Sky slid onto the ground before getting up, dusting off his clothes and putting on his black coat, before sitting down next to Xander and listening to the rest of his question/tale. Sky was a little suprised as he heard details from his real life, but he wasn't to put off by it, as it was the story of how he ended up in this world, one of the few things that people would really talk about here in this world. The question wrung in his head, how does one earn such a tittle.

"Its not something i really care about in all honesty, the title i mean. But as for how i got it, i helped save my guildmaster, and i consider him a brother. I don't know if he feels the same or not, but he made me crown prince of the Emerald Harbingers, which is a guild dedicated to helping others. If im remembering right, it was on the ninth floor, which is pretty much a giant volcano" He explained, remembering hitting Kyoto... He didn't regret it, it was something he had to do at the time...

"Thats... One way to end up here. Games like this are rare. This world.... its become my reality, not many other games manage to do that, and this one literally has. I learnt a few months back that its to beautiful and fun to just sit back hiding here.... After a few lessions in the world, i started adventuring. I haven't really looked back on it since" He replied, smiling as he remembered his very first quest, which had been when he had met Mist and Eatos. She had become his best friend here, someone he truly cared for. He smiled, looking towards Xander in a friendly way, hoping to show he didn't mind how open he was.

@Xander Rush


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Xander watched curiously as Stryder slid the the ground only to recover and sit beside him, adjusting the face him the man gave a little shudder, more from the thought of this game having others like it, he wouldn't know. Was this really the point of this game? Everyone seemed shocked to be trapped at the time it happened so he assumed no, this wasn't a normal game.

"well with a feat like that I'd say the title is well earned, and although I've just met you I feel like you live up to your guild's cause." He grinned but shook his head in disbelief. "A valcano? That sounds..really hot." Xander chuckled. "Well now that's reassuring, I just have to..adjust some more and maybe I'll be an adventurer soon enough. No rush though, from the looks of it I'll be here a while..so, how does someone that knows nothing about MMOs become an adventurer?" 

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It may be earned, but he wasn't proud of it.... It wasn't a title he felt like he could walk around and say without weight being on his shoulders. Its just... Not something he wanted to say outloud much, but every now and then he did it. By the way he sounded, it felt like he was impressed and surprised about what he had done, and the questions he was asking was just something he wasn't used to be asking. Most went out of there way themselves and learnt, but rarely did he have someone ask him how to adventure.

"Hmm, how to become an adventuer? Well.... The first step would be to gain a level or two, that will let you feel safer and allow you more freedom to actually learn the game. Other then that.... Maybe go on a quest?" He answers, pondering his own answer. He was wondering how he had done it himself. He remembered going out with Mist and Eatos.... And somehow running into someone he vaguely remembered as Damien.... But he didn't remember what had actually given him the strength and will to go out on his own and learn the world. He really wanted to be able to answer better then he had, and was ashamed with it...

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Xander leaned back into the bench and rested his arms behind his head, as he looked to the sky, his eyes scanning it for the answers he seeked before closing them as Styder spoke, listening to his words as if they were law. Everyone else just went out and proved themselves, they were either successful or never returned. But no one ever humored Xander and his near silly question. But Stryder was right. Starting slowly and working his way to becoming more adapted to this death game was the way to go, not blindly throwing yourself into the wilderness and hoping for the best like he assumed. 

"Do you think I'd be strong enough to take care of myself one day? To find my friends..? I'm sure they are here..somewhere.." His eyes snapped open as he searched the sky once more, as if he expected Stryders words to fall from the sky. His desperation was obvious once he realized his friends could be here too, before he just hoped he could sit in the starting city long enough for the game to be over. Making enough friends to entertain him without having to do battle of any sort. But no, the thought of his idiots, though adept at MMOs, being stuck here was a nightmare. He had to find them before trouble did. He turned his head to Styder and gave him a sheepish smile as he gulped the bile that gathered at the back of his throat. This was no longer a place he could hide. He had to do what he feared for the good of his friends. "You're right. I should go on quests. I'll gain a few levels and work from there, then maybe I'll be able to hone my skills and be battle worthy." He removed his arms from behind his head and flexed jokingly, trying to lighten the heavily clouded thoughts he bared, knowing he was as lean as they came it usually got a chuckle out of people. "If not for me.. for my friends.." 

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He remembered something he had forgotten to mention, but it seemed like this guy had figured it out himself. He listened to him as he started asking questions, and agreeing with what he had said. He thought about it, wondering if he had seen anyone who were looking for a Xander, but he hadn't. After he finished talking he simply smiled, looking at him calmly. 

"Seems like you realized the most important one yourself, you need to find something worth fighting for. If you have that, i reckon you will have no trouble taking care of yourself in here" He responded to his first part. He decided to disregard him agreeing with him for now, having something a ltitle more.... real and important to talk to him about before they continued.

"Though heart won't get you anywhere, you need to learn the game. You mentioned not knowing MMO's, well in a normal game you would simply do the tutorial freely, probably fail and die like twenty times, but with no consequence. This isn't a game like that, you need to learn out of necessity.... Learn the game, find its tricks, and keep yourself safe from them" He adds after that, his tone and face going serious. He had been in many fights in this game, and although he had never even NEARLY been killed, he had been scared when he first got started.... He didn't want this guy to walk out there not realizing the danger, like he had once.

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"Seeing as if never done this before, learning the game would be the best thing I can do. So, what's there to learn other than everything can kill me and I can't come back from death?" Xander's brow furrowed as the weight of his half hearted words slowly processed for him. "There's no restarting..just death.." Stryders words weren't sugar coated, not that he expected them to be. He needed this blunt honesty before he hurled himself into his own funeral. 

"I don't know a damn thing about MMOs.." shaking his head in disbelief. "But from what I do know this game doesn't really rely on any of my actual real world talents and skills. Thank goodness.." he sighed, pointing at the large two handed sword that rested on his back that was nearly the same size as him. "So wielding this shouldn't be too bad." 

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Sky didn't do much in the way of sugercoating this, deciding that for once, he was going to be straight with the person he was with. He knew that he was safe, they both were. Its a safe zone, however he also knew that in order to become stronger and have the drive, he needed to know what t odo.

"You shouldn't have too much trouble, but if you have real world knowledge it might help you kind of get used to it easier. Something you will need to learn is teamwork, and also what your role in a party will be" He said, not expecting him to understand, he did say he didn't know anything about MMO's.

"In a party you often will have damage, tank, healers and possibly scouts. Each plays an important role in the group" Sky said. He wanted to help teach him, but he didn't know how. He was a high level, and if he went out with most low levels it puts them at risk.... Sure he always took all the agro and they never got hit, but it was still a risk that he had to watch out for, so unless he found a safe way to help this guy level there really wasn't much he could do.

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Xander listened carefully to Styder, nodding at his words and giving a little gasp. "So, I'm supposed to have a role in a group..? I'm used to teamwork, I have no problem with that" he grinned, trying his best to learn on the fly. Tilting his head slightly at the words Styder says, in slight confusion. "I'm assuming those are the classes..? What am I.." he whispered more to himself. He remembered selecting a large two handed sword as his weapon, but didn't really think passed that in that moment, he didn't honestly think he could even swing the dang thing. Thank goodness for video game strength. 

"If I don't know my role in a group..is that..bad?" He was hoping Stryder wouldn't judge his naivety too badly, at least he was asking questions rather than running out into an open field and going for the best. The image of Xander running out and charging towards whatever lies in the grass didn't seem to pleasant and probably doesn't end well either. 

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He kindly shook his head, making sure it didn't seem disapproving or anything and just trying to help him out with it. He wanted to help, and for now this was the best way of him doing that. He watched as Xander tried to grasp his words, noticing him managing it but at the same time seeming a little confused.

"Its not bad until you reach the frontlines, im not even there yet. And the weapon on your back doesn't lock you in, nothing locks you in, so you don't need to worry. Your role in a group might change, theres always the chance that the tank will need to back off and the damage will need to step up to keep the group safe. Sometimes the healer might need to risk taking a hit or two, your role doesn't define it, its just what job your comfortable doing" He answers, speaking from experience. He might be wrong, he didn't know if he was giving the right answers but he did do his best to answer his questions. He didn't know if hewas doing a good job or not.... It kinda worried him that he wasn't doing as well as he would have liked to...

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Xander sighed, starting to grasp the general idea of what Stryder was saying, it seemed easy enough, from where they were at least. Put into motion was probably a different story. 

"So then looks like I just do what feels right, without being wreckless and I should be okay for the most part. I think I can do this. I'm glad I met you, I was sort of going insane hiding away here, I sneak out occasionally but come running back before anything serious can happen to me. When you have no one this place sure is lonely. But meeting people like you..it's a godsend. If I'm going to find my friends, I have to know what I'm doing. And now I'm a few steps close to that thanks to you." He beemed a warm smile to Stryder who seemed to hold some troubling thoughts that Xander couldn't quite put his finger on, maybe it wasn't his place to. 

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Do what feels right.... That about summed it up. In all honesty, thats all he could say, sure if he had directly said it, it might have been easier then him flauting his way through whatever he had just flaunted his way through, but still, it got this guy thinking about what he was doing, and gave him a chance to try and get more used to this world his own way. Sky was a little flustered at the godsend complement, it wasn't really anything special to do this, someone had done it for him afterall.

"I know the feeling, it wasn't long ago that i was where you are, hiding out in the town and not wanting to adventure out.... But it got to the point for me where i didn't feel like i was living, sure, i was perfectly safe and alive, but i wasn't living. Thats what drew me out of hiding, and i ran into Eatos and Mist. I haven't seen mist since, but Eatos has become my best friend here, and i found something to fight for" He said, laughing a little. "Just so you know, while all of white i have said is important, one thing to keep in mind. Have fun, this may have become our world, but its still a game. We can still do stuff here we could never do in real life. Remember to enjoy yourself, and know that you won't always have the answers" He says in the most carefree way he could, poking his tongue out and laughing a little. He loved this world.... He hoped others do too.

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Xander listened to every word, glad to have someone knock a little sense into him, it wasn't stern wisdom but more of a guiding hand, laid on his shoulder, the warmth of it instilling confidence. Xander's mind danced around the idea of Stryder acting the same way Xander has, hiding out and staying as safe as possible? Watching other players come and go, sometimes never to return again. He liked to think they found a new place to stay, another floor, a home. Anything but death. But facing the reality was part of living, not just surviving. The names of Styders friends caused Xander to perk up, he seemed very fond of them, before he could ask more on Styder's handed down wisdom, the man poked his tongue out, making the weight of all his words melt into a mellow pool. Blushing and giving a little gasp in surprise Xander chuckled. "So I play this world by ear and I should be fine. I think I can make my own fun if I meet more people just like you" he beamed at Styder, he hadn't felt this at ease in a long time. It was wonderful. 

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Sky was glad that he seemed happy, made him feel like he had done the right thing, which was something he didn't know if he did often enough. He sure tried, but it wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially when every single person was different... Some needed to be punched down, some needed to be spoken lightly with, it was all a matter of who he was trying to help, and it wasn't easy to get right. 

"Well that is a nice complement, i'm glad you think i'm fun, i try to be" He says back, laughing a little, before getting an idea. With a HUGE grin, leaned back, 'pretending' to crack his back as he reached down and put his hand in the water, and flicked it up at the guy! Though as he did this, he realized he had leaned a bit to far back, and he flipped backwards over the chair, landing in the pond, sticking his head up out of the water quickly, laughing loudly. 

This world.... Just wow

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  • 3 weeks later...

Xander felt more at ease, relaxing into place beside Stryder, the more they talked the better he felt about meeting him, this chance encounter certainly grew on him and friends were hard to come by in a Place like this. Nodding Xander agreed wholeheartedly, sticking to the complement he gave. 

"Well someone had to try, everyone here is too rigid. Maybe we can all learn to live a lit-" before he could finish he felt the cool splash of water against his face and clothes, giving a gasp right before the man fell into the pond, drenching Xander in more cool water. Shaking his head and bursting into laughter Xander couldn't believe the sight, it happened so fast but he was expecting Stryder to topple into the pound itself. extending his hand for Stryder's, he kept the same warm smile on his face. "Well that backfired on you didn't it?" He winked playfully. 

Edited by Xander Rush
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Sky couldn't help but blush slightly as he was laughed at, though he didn't mind to much. It was funny, he was laughing at himself as well as this beautiful world. He loved it, he LOVED HOW REAL THIS PLACE WAS!

He played over what the guy had said, about people bing ridged. He had no idea, but he wasn't wrong. A lot of people he had met had been hard headed, especially if they had ever been near the frontlines. He himself hadn't, and he hadn't seen the horrors that might come from being up there. He really wished that this place would lighten up somehow.....

As the playful wink and the hand was extended, he rolled his eyes, letting out a light laugh as he grabbed the offered hand, pulling himself up.

"It did, but it was fun!" He said, before grinning and attempting to pull Xander in! He laughed while doing it too, being a friendly stranger.

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