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[PP-F3] Here There Be Monsters

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Daeron swung his weapon in a clockwise motion through the air acting like a fan with a deadly blade making the attack. The attack didn't activate a sword skill, but took a chance as his acrobatics isn't nearly leveled up. In fact, none of this actually happened as Daeron was daydreaming again at what it would be like to fight like a completely epic ninja fighter. In all actuality Daeron ran in at the Sea Lion and swung his sword at the monster's back.

Battle Dice: 1

Continuing his thoughts through the daydream, the attack missed and Daeron snapped out of it, realizing the attack was a complete waste of time.

Daeron: 23/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13

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The Sea Lion stared at the player that missed utterly. In fact, the attack was so far off, the seal didn't bother moving. Instead, the seal rushed in at Daeron as the player was open for attacking now.

Battle Dice: 2

The seal rushed in, but Daeron was too quick for the seal's attack, therefore dodging it and taking no damage from the attack.

Daeron: 23/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13

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Daeron focused his mind finally, and charged up an attack with his weapon. He allowed his weapon to glow orange and used a sword skill. <>, Daeron's newly invented move.

Battle Dice: 4

Once Again, the attack missed, however it wasn't as upsetting because it was a sword skill that has missed. However, the attack was still able to drain energy from Daeron and has set a 3-Turn cooldown for any other sword skills as Daeron must recover his energy. (Regular Attacks Still Count)

Daeron: 23/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13


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Miaki charged his blade while Daeron attacked, hoping that he would successfully perform the sword skill <>. It was a higher skilled attack but it's skill equaled it's strength.

(OOC: Must roll above 8 for the skill to be successful; damage will be 6 not factoring in Silverwing's attack. Sword skill cooldown will be 2 turns.)

Daeron: 23/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 0/13 - Defeated

(<> adds x2 dealt. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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In a blinding confusion both Miaki and the <> attempted to attack each other and missed. Miaki's attack was blocked by the Sea Lion's use of it's tusks to defend. "Clever girl."

<> Battle Dice Roll

1-5, miss.

6-8, hit, 1 HP of Damage.

9-10, Critical. 2 HP of Damage

((OOC: Reposting this every so often to help keep track of turns.

[My attack]

[Your attack]

[i control beastie]

[My attack]

[Your attack]

[You control beastie]))

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(OOC: Lets see if I get lucky again.)

Miaki charged his blade while Daeron attacked, hoping that he would successfully perform the sword skill <>. It was a higher skilled attack but it's skill equaled it's strength. A brief distraction however caused him to miss his attack. "CURSE EVERYTHING!"

(OOC: Must roll above 8 for the skill to be successful; damage will be 6 not factoring in Silverwing's attack. Sword skill cooldown will be 2 turns.)

Daeron: 23/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13

(<> adds x2 dealt. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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Daeron ran in at the seal again, hoping to stop it until he was filled with a dark thought. Slaughter it! Cut its throat! NO MERCY! The voice in his head had been coming in more frequent than before. It used to be just once every so often. In fact, the thought had started when the fight with Kaleb had began. Instead, Daeron pushed through with the attack and swung at the seal lion.

Again, another dark thought ran through his head and Daeron lost focus entirely. He dropped his weapon and fell to the ground screaming like he was being pierced in his body. His fists were clenched and he was losing control over the voice in his head. Kill Miaki! Do it! You don't need friends!

Daeron: 23/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13

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The Sea Lion dodged the attack and saw the player drop in front of it. Not caring about human emotions the seal charged forward at Daeron ready to hit him.

The Sea Lion rushed forward and rammed Daeron's body knocking him back. Before anyone could react, the Sea Lion withdrew and readied itself for any attack incoming from the players or the pet.

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13

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Miaki saw Daeron clutch his head suddenly dropping his weapon in the process. The <> bashed Daeron without hesitation. "Daeron!" Miaki yelled and started running to his teammate glancing at the HP bar in his peripheral vision. There wasn't a negative status on him but the pain he was in said otherwise.

Miaki slide between Daeron and the <>. Looking Daeron in the eye Miaki saw only conflict in him. "Dude, whats wrong? Get up!"

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown = 2 turns.)

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 7/13

(<> adds x2 dealt. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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Daeron felt the voice controlling his body. Suddenly, he gained a grim smile and picked up his weapon. His eyes had a sharp, deathly look to them. What the? the new voice spoke in his mind. This voice was different... It was the actual Daeron. "Shut up fool! I'm taking over!" Daeron said to himself as he ran in at the Sea Lion swinging his weapon diagonally.

Battle Dice: 6 (2 Dmg)

His weapon ripped open a huge red gash in the monster. Even for an AI controlled creature, it was a brutal hit.

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 5/13

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Miaki watched Daeron lash out at the <> with more ferocity than before. The one now fighting wasn't the same person as he was only a minute ago. A sudden feeling of fear slowly creeped up in the Silver Swordsman. He recognized this aura Daeron was giving off. It was very similar to the blood lust rage Miaki experienced while on the 6th floor recently when defeating a field boss with Kane. He recalled a feeling in that fight that filled him with strength and energy. It felt good to him then and left him empty when it was over. Hearing Daeron yell at the <> snapped Miaki back into reality. Looking down he noticed that he wasn't hold his curved sword anymore. The old weapon was in fact on the ground right behind him where he slid when checking Daeron.

He didn't have much time but so acting quickly, Miaki swiped hit two forefingers downward and opened up his weapons menu. There was something he needed here. He didn't know quite why he wasn't using it before but that hardly mattered. He saw the item he needed listed as <>. Having selected the option and pressing the equip icon, the sword that was on the ground vanished and a brand new scabbard materialized on Miaki's waist. With confidence Miaki reached down and drew the katana which upon being first drawn emitted a bright silvery light which slowly faded to a feint dimmer.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown = 1 turn(s))

(OOC: Missed so instead I went with something less boring to happen)

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 5/13

(<> adds x2 attack.)

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Daeron regained his focus for several moments, hearing the voice strongly in his head still, but he was able to ignore it. The voice wouldn't accept such ignorance and kept yelling in his head to kill Miaki. Ignoring it, he kept swinging rashly at the sea lion hoping to hit the monster.

Combat Dice: 7 (2 Damage)

+ 1 Combat Dice

New Combat Dice: 8 (2 Damage)

Although Daeron missed the most of the swings, one swing in particular had left a rip open on it's back, that made the sea lion squeal in agony. The noise to Daeron was music to his ears. It made Daeron grin, in fact, laugh with the madness in his head growing. See! I know you like slaughtering, just do it already!

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 3/13

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The sea lion let out an agonizing painful cry that most players would think of it to be sad and heart-wrenching. The sea lion began to whimper and charged at the player who put it into it's misery of pain and suffering. It then rushed forward lunging it's body at Daeron.

Battle Dice: 2

The player had dodged it's attack and it ran past the player, making it miss giving Miaki an opportunity to finish it off.

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 3/13

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Miaki felt the energy in his blade fill him with power. 'Yes. Yes.' The blade glowed a blinding light as he finished his charge. "HERE GOES NOTHING!!!!" Miaki yelled as he lunged at the <>. With incredible speed, Miaki charged forward and slashed straight down the middle of the Sea Lion. The power of cutting through the monster filled Miaki with power and delight.

(OOC: Roll 8. Sword skill cooldown = 2 turn(s))

(Battle result: CRIT 7 DMG)

Daeron: 22/23

Miaki : 29/31

Silverwing : 26/26

<>: 0/13 - Defeated

(<> adds x2 attack.)

(Crit +2, Silverwing +2, Katana +1, Sword skill +2)

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