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[F1] <<The First Few Lessons are Free>>

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The whole situation of the creator of Sword Art Online, Akihiko Kayaba had caused soo many players to fear death, fear the peril of this world and the time away from their loved ones, but for a young brunette male with eyes cold as steel but vivid as the sea and sky itself, he held a melancholy expression upon his demeanor, not much was visible of the somber figure, his spikey hair dancing in the breeze, how long had he been inside SAO? So much time had passed as he dwelled inside the Inn's, avoiding interaction with others whom he wished to not beacon to his own well being, but all that changed as he watched many of the NPC's about him chatter about, the constant voices they held began to wreck havoc on his ears and gave him a headache, constantly asked him if he wanted this, wanted that, but every time he declined their request and the next time they saw him they would disregard his requests as if they forgot his face. 

The irritation was more than he could take, and as he wondered about around the Town of Beginnings, he ventured to a section of the Town he neglected to explore, and upon reaching it he heard a male voice he had not recollected before today, a male with stark white hair, holding a few empty bottles. "You there, young man!" "Would you be willing to assist a old man in his time of need?" "I will give you the basics of this place and how to survive." The male was clearly talking towards the young player with a iron lance upon his back and the dinky looking iron breast plate, however the case this offer of information was intriguing and since it was a NPC it could be a quest and if <<d0ttmAniac>> knew anything about quests is that they held rewards and usually helpful items at that, so with a nod he looked towards the ivory locked gentleman. "Sure, I'll help you out." 


OCC: Word count: 339

Edited by d0ttmAniac
Minor typo's.
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As <<d0ttmAniac stood there in the streets of Aincrad, the cobblestone streets clattering with many people, whether human or NPC alike swooned to his ears, making them slightly ach while the older fellow gave the young azure eyed male a smile before turning about, placing the bottle into a nap sack on his waist and waved to him, the door of his shop opening up and revealing some mysteries towards the curious player. "Well, time isn't making me younger, come right on in young man." And with that statement rising from the males lips he slowly approached the door, upon stepping into the building did Dots eyes meet many elixirs, the sight of many glittering bottles filled to the brim with liquids of various colors, shades and tones, it was almost like he was in a fantasy novel, a elderly man requesting the aid of a commoner, just before declaring him to be the mentors assistant. However Dot knew better as he looked about, seeing the old man sit behind his desk which was just behind the counter of the store, but before he could even remark about anything the gruff looking individual spoke out towards him, his kind and gentle voice rang out, having a sort of British accent to them while being also somewhat French. 

Then names Zakariah." "What may your name be lad?" Dot was rather unsure of where to go with this now, should he used his own name, his real one or go with his handle, either way this Zakariah wouldn't know the difference between his real name or the handle, so he decided to just give him something. "It's... Dot, just call me Dot." He stated with a somewhat confident tone as his darling sapphire orbs danced about while focusing on each of the glimmering bottles of liquids, the potions, salves, poisons and the crystals were distracting his mind, anything that was shiny caught his attention and if it had physics to it, even better. "Marveling at my collection are we now?" "Well, funny that you are soo intrigued by them Dot, I need someone to go out into the field of this town and fetch me some ingredients." "If you succeed, I will even let you help me make some potions." Zakariah stated with a hearty tone as Dot's eyes shot back towards the old man, he knew this man had an ace up his sleeve and since he could clearly state by his posture he was too old to do the task at hand, even if he was in his fifties, with a subtle shake of his head he nods to the old man, before seeing him speak out once more to him. "Alright, I need you to fetch me five materials, anything that is leafy or herb like will do." That was all the elderly male stated to Dot whom nodded once more.


OCC: Word Count: 482

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All Dot could do was nod at the mans request, and from many of his questions that the young lad seemed to had, and with that he wandered out of Zakariah shop and began trotting towards the gate exit, stopping only momentarily to go into his inventory and equip any items he forgot. When he went to look he saw a tab of four items, each with a name of "Set" on them, and his index finger hovering over each description, the one that caught his eye was the <<Set C Tank Package>>. He took a liking to what it had, and with I'm picking it, his inventory changed, his weapon was a lance and his second item was a armor which was Rare, upon equipping it he was surprised by what he had, it was a full suit of silver like armor. "Cool." He stated as then he began looking at the other items, happy with what he got and no proceeding towards the location that he was described to go to, the fields outside of the beginning town. The luscious green grass was the first thing that caught his gaze through the "V" shaped slits in his helm and made him stand there for a few moments at the beauty of it all. But as soon as he entered the gorgeous plain was as quickly his mental state snapped back to the task at hand, with him gripping his lance with a firm grip, Dot quickly began trotting along the crisp blades of emerald beneath his greaves to search out his materials.

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