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{SP-F1} Monotonous Gathering n' Stuff ~ COMPLETE!

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Pinball would have to cross the plains to get to the Town of Beginnings. He walked through them, ignoring the increase in wind as he walked through the grass. He thought he saw something, so he paused... Looked around... Nothing. Weird, he thought. He could have sworn he had saw something, something shining. Maybe a material? Whatever it was, it was gone now, and seeing no point in hanging around, Pinball kept walking...

Pinball made it to the Town of the Beginnings within a half hour. He stopped at the front gates, thinking back on his journey thus far. It certainly had been interesting, to say the least. What seemed like a fair fight ended up in him fleeing, and what had seemed like endless gathering ended up with him only collecting 16 T1 Mats. It was a start, but next time, Pinball would come even more prepared then just the cloak. He would probably order from a cook, some type of item to increase his odds... Or maybe, I should become a cook. That would be interesting to see. But that was for another time. Now, he was off to order his items from Hei and Eatos. 


ID# 89484 

LD: 1 (Fail!) 

No treasure chest found. 

Total T1 Mats: 16/16




Edited by Pinball
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