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{SP-F1} Perseverance <<The Third Lesson, is Just as Free>> ~ COMPLETE!

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Pinball quickly downed another health potion. He tossed the glass aside, where it shattered into nothingness when it hit the ground. When the tongue jab came his way, he was ready. Pinball leapt aside, barely dodging the attack. Despite the tears rushing down his face, Pinball laughed. He started to talk to the frog. "You know, I always wondered why people want to live so bad." He shook his head, hysterical now. "But now, so close to death, I realize." Pinball placed his hands on his knees to steady himself. Laughter and tears; a rather odd combination. "I realize I still don't know why. Know-," he was laughing too hard, he couldn't finish, but he soon regained some modicum of composure, "know why people even care!" Pinball stood, shaking his head. "I'm going to try to live. Live by running away. Kill me if you can; one way or the other, I don't give a damn." He stood, and wiped his eyes. 




ID# 93220

BD: <<Drinking a Potion>>  MD: 5 (Miss!)

King Croaksworth misses!

Pinball consumes {1} Tier-One Health Potion of Uncommon Quality (+40 HP

Pinball recovers 40 HP!


  - Enemies -

 King Croaksworth : HP 220 / 220 / 66 DMG / 11 MIT 

  - Players -

Pinball: HP 104/220 / EN 22/22 / 3 DMG / 9 MIT 


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Pinball turned around, and ran off. He ran for as long as he felt safe, and then hit the deck. The frog's tongue jabbed the air above him, and Pinball scrambled back to his feet so he could keep running. But King Croaksworth wasn't having it. The giant frog went airborne, and launched itself into the air with a single powerful jump. The frog hit the ground with a loud thud in front of him. It kept on staring. "You're really intent on killing me, huh?" Pinball's voice was as deadpan as his expression. The boy had processed his emotions, leaving a calm, if not a bit empty, person. "Well, I'm learning your tricks. And if I get out of here, I'm going to love coming back and shoving a knife in your stupid little face." Pinball shrugged, letting out a sigh. His adrenaline was pumping, and he found it difficult to think straight. His words were stammered, and he couldn't stop shaking. Every instinct inside of him told him to fight, but he knew he had to run if he wanted to live. Adrenaline did nothing more than make you dumber in the virtual world. "You're actually going to kill me, aren't you?




ID# 93225

BD: <<Running Away>>  MD: <<Running Away - Partial>>


  - Enemies -

 King Croaksworth : HP 220 / 220 / 66 DMG / 11 MIT 

  - Players -

Pinball: HP 104/220 / EN 22/22 / 3 DMG / 9 MIT 

Running Away: 


ID# 93255 

LD: 10+2 = 12 

Running Away Partial Success.


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Pinball ran off in a different direction. This time, he was ready for every possible contingency. Pinball jumped to the side just as the King's tongue lashed out at him, and when the frog jumped, Pinball did a 180 and ran off in a different direction. He ran for as long as he could, stealing quick looks behind him. Strangely enough, King Croaksworth didn't chase him any further. He was free.

Several different emotions surfaced all at once. Of course he didn't want to die. He had done in the face of death what he does so often; put up a mask. It was the only way he knew how to deal with things. He couldn't process emotions normally, so he usually just bottled everything up and tried to play the clown. But this was different. He had nearly died, and Pinball couldn't keep it up anymore. He fell to the ground, and cried. 

Running Away:


ID# 93226

LD: 16 + 3 = 19 

Running Away Successful.


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The next hour was a blur. Crying, walking back to the grove to finish the quest, and levelling up all blended together. He remembered turning in the ring, the NPC thanking him, and receiving some kind of item. It was like he wasn't fully awake. Pinball awoke the next day in an inn. The time was 14:27. He had slept for a bit longer than an entire day. He opened his inventory, his first thoughts being what he had earned for doing that quest. He had gathered a total of 4 T1 Materials, and he had received a trinket that offered +1 Evasion. That would have come in handyhe thought bitterly. From completing the quest, he had also leveled up, earning enough points to unlock Rank 2 in any weapon tree he so chose. Pinball decided that a rapier wasn't going to be able to fight things well enough. He needed higher damage to fight creatures of that calibur. Pinball would later put his SP towards the 2H Assault Spear. He had also obtained a healthy portion of col, putting him closer to his goal of getting rid of the Dagger Skill once and for all. Pinball sighed. "Maybe I should take a break."

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Thread Rewards: 

Pinball receives: 

  • 1 SP 
  • 400 Col

Quest Rewards: 

Pinball receives: 

  • 2 SP 
  • {1} Tier-One Amulet that gives +1 EVA 

Items Lost: 

Pinball used {2} of {5} Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP), leaving him with {3} Health Potions of Uncommon Quality.

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